This document provides a summary of the history and development of the diamond industry from 3 billion years ago to present day. It discusses how diamonds were formed deep within the earth under extreme heat and pressure, the early mining of diamonds in India 800 BC, the establishment of diamond cutting industries in Venice in 1330 and Belgium in 1550, and the major discoveries of diamonds in South Africa in 1866 and 1870 that led to large-scale mining. It also outlines important developments like the introduction of the round brilliant cut in 1919 and four C's grading system in the 1950s, as well as the founding of the Gemological Institute of America in 1931. The document then shifts to discussing the global diamond mining process and various stages of rough diamond processing
The document summarizes a seminar presentation about a summer internship at Hindustan Copper Limited in Khetri, Rajasthan, India. It describes the key units and operations of Hindustan Copper Limited, including the Khetri Copper Complex. The Khetri Copper Complex mines copper ore using a 15 km ropeway and belt conveyor system. It processes over 1 million tons of ore per year to produce 31,000 tons of refined copper using grinding, flotation, and other production processes. The presentation highlights the compressor house and mining machine repair shop operations that support the copper mining and processing.
A perspective on The South African diamond mining industryJames AH Campbell
The document provides an overview of the South African diamond mining industry from the perspective of James Campbell, CEO of Rockwell Diamonds. It discusses the history and fundamentals of the global diamond industry, sources of diamonds, assessing diamond potential, regulatory requirements, and major companies operating in the industry. It notes that demand for rough diamonds is expected to grow moderately while supply will increase in the short term but decline after 2019, leading to an overall positive supply-demand outlook in the medium to long term.
1) El documento introduce conceptos básicos sobre minería como minerales, menas, ganga, concentrados, cubicación y valor unitario. 2) Define términos como mineral, mena, escombros, caja y ganga. 3) Explica que el valor de un mineral depende de su ley y contenido de metal, y que sólo una parte del contenido total puede recuperarse dependiendo del método de tratamiento.
The document provides an overview of India's gem and jewellery industry. It states that India is the world's largest gold consumer and has over 18,000 tonnes of gold reserves worth $800 billion. India mines, cuts, and polishes over 55% of the world's diamonds by value and 80-90% by volume. The Gem and Jewellery Export Promotion Council has helped establish India as a prominent global player in the jewellery industry. Exports of cut and polished diamonds declined 17.3% from 2010-2011 to 2011-2012 while coloured gemstone exports rose 9.1% in the same period. Gold jewellery exports grew 33.27% from 2010-2011 to 2011
Coal bed methane (CBM) is a natural gas found in coal deposits. India has implemented a CBM policy since 1997 to develop this resource. 30 CBM blocks have been awarded through competitive bidding in 4 rounds. CBM production started in 2007 and has increased each year, with 3 operators currently producing CBM gas from blocks in West Bengal and Madhya Pradesh. CBM reserves of over 9 trillion cubic feet have been established in 6 blocks across multiple states.
This document provides information on diamond geology, including the classification and origins of diamond deposits. It discusses primary kimberlite and lamproite deposits as well as secondary alluvial and marine deposits. It also describes some of the major diamond mining areas in South Africa, including both primary kimberlite mines and secondary alluvial deposits. Worldwide, economically significant diamond deposits are primarily found in regions with Archean craton geology, which provides the appropriate pressure and temperature conditions for diamond formation and preservation.
Salient Features of India's Mineral (Auction) Rules, 2015Gouranga Sen
Following the successful initiation of auctioning coal blocks, the Central Government of India has framed the Mineral (Auction) Rules, 2015 for auctioning other minerals like iron ore, bauxite, limestone etc. The article shows the overview of the process and implications.
La Compa?ía Minera Kolpa S.A. opera la unidad minera Huachocolpa Uno ubicada a 4480 msnm en Huancavelica, Perú. La mina explota y beneficia minerales polimetálicos con plomo, plata, zinc y cobre. La geología local incluye rocas volcánicas andesíticas con la estructura mineralizada principal de la veta Bienaventurada. El método de minado utilizado es tajeo por subniveles con taladros largos debido a las condiciones geomecánic
The document introduces the United Nations Framework Classification for Fossil Energy and Mineral Reserves and Resources 2009 (UNFC-2009), which provides a standardized scheme for classifying and reporting fossil fuel and mineral reserves and resources. UNFC-2009 aims to ensure consistency and comparability in resource assessments on a global scale. It defines categories and sub-categories based on the criteria of economic and social viability, field project status and feasibility, and geological knowledge. Specifications are also provided to guide the practical application of UNFC-2009 and help align it with other widely-used industry classification systems. The classification system was developed through cooperation between UN member countries, organizations, and industry experts to facilitate worldwide resource reporting.
This document provides an overview of exploration work conducted at the Modi Taung gold project in central Myanmar. Extensive exploration including soil sampling, trenching, underground adits totaling over 11 km, and diamond drilling has been used to define high grade quartz-gold vein deposits in the Permian-Carboniferous slate belt. Detailed mapping and sampling of the vein systems in underground adits indicates the potential for narrow but high grade mining using resue stoping methods. Further exploration aims to expand resources within the current lease area and assess the potential for the slate belt to host additional gold deposits forming a regional gold province.
El método de Sub Level Stoping (SLS) es el más popular en minería de tama?o mediano debido a su alta productividad y versatilidad. Se aplica a cuerpos mineralizados verticales o semiverticales de gran tonelaje. El método involucra la perforación y explotación en subniveles horizontales separados verticalmente. El Sub Level Caving (SLC) se usa en cuerpos muy potentes donde la roca de caja es débil, permitiendo el hundimiento controlado y la extracción mecanizada del mineral fragmentado.
El documento describe el uso del sensor ASTER para identificar minerales en 4 áreas de estudio en los Andes peruanos a través del análisis de sus características espectrales. Se identificaron firmas espectrales asociadas a alteración hidrotermal en dos de los objetivos, indicando su potencial para depósitos de oro y cobre. El sensor ASTER puede detectar una variedad de minerales y es una herramienta útil para la exploración mineral.
Salient Features of India's Mineral (Auction) Rules, 2015Gouranga Sen
Following the successful initiation of auctioning coal blocks, the Central Government of India has framed the Mineral (Auction) Rules, 2015 for auctioning other minerals like iron ore, bauxite, limestone etc. The article shows the overview of the process and implications.
La Compa?ía Minera Kolpa S.A. opera la unidad minera Huachocolpa Uno ubicada a 4480 msnm en Huancavelica, Perú. La mina explota y beneficia minerales polimetálicos con plomo, plata, zinc y cobre. La geología local incluye rocas volcánicas andesíticas con la estructura mineralizada principal de la veta Bienaventurada. El método de minado utilizado es tajeo por subniveles con taladros largos debido a las condiciones geomecánic
The document introduces the United Nations Framework Classification for Fossil Energy and Mineral Reserves and Resources 2009 (UNFC-2009), which provides a standardized scheme for classifying and reporting fossil fuel and mineral reserves and resources. UNFC-2009 aims to ensure consistency and comparability in resource assessments on a global scale. It defines categories and sub-categories based on the criteria of economic and social viability, field project status and feasibility, and geological knowledge. Specifications are also provided to guide the practical application of UNFC-2009 and help align it with other widely-used industry classification systems. The classification system was developed through cooperation between UN member countries, organizations, and industry experts to facilitate worldwide resource reporting.
This document provides an overview of exploration work conducted at the Modi Taung gold project in central Myanmar. Extensive exploration including soil sampling, trenching, underground adits totaling over 11 km, and diamond drilling has been used to define high grade quartz-gold vein deposits in the Permian-Carboniferous slate belt. Detailed mapping and sampling of the vein systems in underground adits indicates the potential for narrow but high grade mining using resue stoping methods. Further exploration aims to expand resources within the current lease area and assess the potential for the slate belt to host additional gold deposits forming a regional gold province.
El método de Sub Level Stoping (SLS) es el más popular en minería de tama?o mediano debido a su alta productividad y versatilidad. Se aplica a cuerpos mineralizados verticales o semiverticales de gran tonelaje. El método involucra la perforación y explotación en subniveles horizontales separados verticalmente. El Sub Level Caving (SLC) se usa en cuerpos muy potentes donde la roca de caja es débil, permitiendo el hundimiento controlado y la extracción mecanizada del mineral fragmentado.
El documento describe el uso del sensor ASTER para identificar minerales en 4 áreas de estudio en los Andes peruanos a través del análisis de sus características espectrales. Se identificaron firmas espectrales asociadas a alteración hidrotermal en dos de los objetivos, indicando su potencial para depósitos de oro y cobre. El sensor ASTER puede detectar una variedad de minerales y es una herramienta útil para la exploración mineral.