Plan de mejoramiento haga del tiempo un aliadoAlexander DoradoEste documento presenta un plan de mejoramiento para organizar mejor el tiempo en 4 áreas claves: tiempo libre, personal, familiar y laboral. Propone romper esquemas y rutinas, y tener una agenda mensual para cultivar el tiempo devocional, aprender cosas nuevas, leer, hacer ejercicio, conectarse con el arte, revisar metas, y crecer con otros.
NTOKOZO'S PORTFOLIO low resOzzo NdlovuThis portfolio document belongs to Ntokozo Blessing Ndlovu and contains summaries of their work. It includes services offered in areas such as advertisement design, desktop publishing, entertainment, clothing, branding, and website design. It also lists qualifications and software skills, including Adobe Creative Suite and 3D modeling programs. The bulk of the document displays examples of Ntokozo's work through images to demonstrate their abilities in graphic design, animation, and other areas.
биоиндикацияЛариса РоссихинаБиоиндикация и ее использование в экологическом мониторинге
4 teorías de la comunicación y sus influencias en la sociedadMario Cano RodriguezEste documento resume cuatro teorías de la comunicación y su influencia. La teoría de los efectos limitados señala que los medios no tienen un poder absoluto sobre el público y que este puede seleccionar e interpretar los mensajes. La teoría funcionalista ve a la sociedad como un sistema complejo cuyas partes funcionan para generar estabilidad. La teoría de la aguja hipodérmica plantea que los medios pueden manipular a su antojo la opinión pública. Finalmente, la teoría de usos y gratificaciones estudia
Visualize Your Code Repos and More with GourceDawn FosterWhy settle for boring numbers and static graphs to describe your open source project when you can dynamically display the movements and activity within your project? Gource is an amazing and flexible tool that can be used to display activity from your repositories using a video visualization that people love!
With this flexibility comes a dizzying array of options and configurations. This talk will show some of the more useful options within Gource to help you select the ones that will work best for your project. Gource can also be used to display non-repository information (bug trackers or mailing lists) using the custom log format. Other topics include related tools, generating video files, and more.
The goal is for you to walk away from this talk with ideas and techniques for how to create awesome videos showing the activity within your open source projects and communities.
Аселыя і пералётныя птушкіvolha_SУ сённяшняй прэзентацыі мы бліжэй пазнаёмімся з птушкамі нашай Беларусі. Іх шмат і яны вельмі розныя, прыгожыя і непаўторныя. Рамзова пойдзе аб аселых птушках.
Instructional Practices of Teaching ArtistsRenee HobbsThe document discusses the instructional practices of teaching artists. It identifies seven key practices: using provocations to trigger meaning making; accepting porous boundaries between school and home; allowing silliness and play to disrupt typical school thinking; having open-ended challenges where outcomes are not predetermined; using oneself as a teaching resource through open discussion of personal life; emphasizing teamwork and ensemble work distinct from individual student identity; and highlighting rhythm and flow of class time over speed of transitions.
ITS Strategic Plan 2016-2020 BookletSamuel SudhakarThe ITS Strategic Plan 2016-2020 outlines goals and objectives to guide the ITS Division in supporting students, faculty and staff at CSUSB over the next four years. The plan was developed through a collaborative process involving presentations, forums, meetings and surveys with campus stakeholders. Feedback was organized into operational, tactical and strategic categories, with the strategic plan focusing on the latter. The five strategic goals address strengthening online support and instruction, improving customer service, enhancing analytics, ensuring stable infrastructure, and increasing community engagement. Objectives under each goal are aligned with the university's strategic plan and CSU trustee initiatives. Implementation of the plan will help ITS support the academic mission of CSUSB.
CorbaVishal Singh1. The Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA) enables software components written in different languages and running on different computers to communicate.
2. An Object Request Broker (ORB) is the core of any CORBA distributed system and is responsible for enabling communication between objects and clients while hiding issues related to distribution and heterogeneity.
3. CORBA uses an object-oriented model where object implementations reside on servers and are specified using the CORBA Interface Definition Language (IDL). The ORB handles object invocations between clients and servers.
Nginx وب سروری برای تمام فصولefazatiاِنجیناِکس (به انگلیسی: nginx) یک کارساز وب با حجم پایین و کارایی بالا است که تحت مجوز بیاسدی منتشر میشود. این کارساز وب در یونیکس، گنو/لینوکس، بیاسدی، مک او اس و ویندوز اجرا میشود. بر طبق گفتهٔ نتکرافت، در حال حاضر ۱۲.۰۷٪ از دامنههای اینترنت از این کارساز استفاده میکنند.
این پروژه در سال ۲۰۰۱ بنیان نهاده شد و توسط یک توسعهدهنده مستقل به نام ایگور سیسووف (به انگلیسی: Igor Sysoev) به مرحله اجرا درآمد تا در یکی از وبسایتهای پرترافیک به نام رامبرلر به خدمت گرفته شود که این وبسایت در تاریخ سپتامبر ۲۰۰۸، روزانه بیش از ۵۰۰ میلیون درخواست HTTP داشته است. در حال حاضر وبسایتهای سرشناسی همچون فیسبوک، نتفلیکس، وردپرس، سورسفورج و ... از انجیناکس استفاده میکنند.[۶] در نسخه ۵٫۲ اوپنبیاسده که در نوامبر ۲۰۱۲ عرضه شد هم نرمافزار انجیناکس به صورت پیشفرض در سیستم قرار داده شد تا جایگزینی باشد برای آپاچی ۱٫۳. در نهایت در سال ۲۰۱۴ آپاچی از درخت کد منبع اوپنبیاسدی حذف شد.
Аселыя і пералётныя птушкіvolha_SУ сённяшняй прэзентацыі мы бліжэй пазнаёмімся з птушкамі нашай Беларусі. Іх шмат і яны вельмі розныя, прыгожыя і непаўторныя. Рамзова пойдзе аб аселых птушках.
Instructional Practices of Teaching ArtistsRenee HobbsThe document discusses the instructional practices of teaching artists. It identifies seven key practices: using provocations to trigger meaning making; accepting porous boundaries between school and home; allowing silliness and play to disrupt typical school thinking; having open-ended challenges where outcomes are not predetermined; using oneself as a teaching resource through open discussion of personal life; emphasizing teamwork and ensemble work distinct from individual student identity; and highlighting rhythm and flow of class time over speed of transitions.
ITS Strategic Plan 2016-2020 BookletSamuel SudhakarThe ITS Strategic Plan 2016-2020 outlines goals and objectives to guide the ITS Division in supporting students, faculty and staff at CSUSB over the next four years. The plan was developed through a collaborative process involving presentations, forums, meetings and surveys with campus stakeholders. Feedback was organized into operational, tactical and strategic categories, with the strategic plan focusing on the latter. The five strategic goals address strengthening online support and instruction, improving customer service, enhancing analytics, ensuring stable infrastructure, and increasing community engagement. Objectives under each goal are aligned with the university's strategic plan and CSU trustee initiatives. Implementation of the plan will help ITS support the academic mission of CSUSB.
CorbaVishal Singh1. The Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA) enables software components written in different languages and running on different computers to communicate.
2. An Object Request Broker (ORB) is the core of any CORBA distributed system and is responsible for enabling communication between objects and clients while hiding issues related to distribution and heterogeneity.
3. CORBA uses an object-oriented model where object implementations reside on servers and are specified using the CORBA Interface Definition Language (IDL). The ORB handles object invocations between clients and servers.
Nginx وب سروری برای تمام فصولefazatiاِنجیناِکس (به انگلیسی: nginx) یک کارساز وب با حجم پایین و کارایی بالا است که تحت مجوز بیاسدی منتشر میشود. این کارساز وب در یونیکس، گنو/لینوکس، بیاسدی، مک او اس و ویندوز اجرا میشود. بر طبق گفتهٔ نتکرافت، در حال حاضر ۱۲.۰۷٪ از دامنههای اینترنت از این کارساز استفاده میکنند.
این پروژه در سال ۲۰۰۱ بنیان نهاده شد و توسط یک توسعهدهنده مستقل به نام ایگور سیسووف (به انگلیسی: Igor Sysoev) به مرحله اجرا درآمد تا در یکی از وبسایتهای پرترافیک به نام رامبرلر به خدمت گرفته شود که این وبسایت در تاریخ سپتامبر ۲۰۰۸، روزانه بیش از ۵۰۰ میلیون درخواست HTTP داشته است. در حال حاضر وبسایتهای سرشناسی همچون فیسبوک، نتفلیکس، وردپرس، سورسفورج و ... از انجیناکس استفاده میکنند.[۶] در نسخه ۵٫۲ اوپنبیاسده که در نوامبر ۲۰۱۲ عرضه شد هم نرمافزار انجیناکس به صورت پیشفرض در سیستم قرار داده شد تا جایگزینی باشد برای آپاچی ۱٫۳. در نهایت در سال ۲۰۱۴ آپاچی از درخت کد منبع اوپنبیاسدی حذف شد.
Учитель: Россихина Л.А.
МБОУ «Гимназия №14» г. Улан-Удэ
2. «Вместо ответа человек
показал на свой рот, с
усилием растянул вспухшие
губы, и Смок невольно
- Цинга, - негромко сказал он
Малышу, и больной
подтвердил диагноз.
- Еды хватает? – спросил
- Ага, - отозвался человек с
другой койки. – Можете
взять. Еды полно»...