This document provides an overview and table of contents for "Macworld's iPhone Superguide, Second Edition". The guide contains information on getting started with the iPhone, staying in touch, enjoying multimedia, maximizing productivity, troubleshooting tips, third-party apps, and popular iPhone accessories. It provides beginners with the basics as well as advanced users with tricks and tips to uncover more of the iPhone's hidden potential.
5 things you should not share in officeRashi Gupta
- Office colleagues should not discuss their personal lives excessively at work, as it can damage professional relationships and careers.
- Discussing salaries can cause doubts about fairness in the workplace and make companies uncomfortable since pay is a private matter.
- Complaining frequently about workloads can brand employees as inefficient and unable to handle pressure.
- Criticizing bosses or disliking colleagues should be kept private, as it can damage reputations and social dynamics in the office.
- Highly personal matters like divorces, breakups, or romantic interests are inappropriate to share with coworkers. Maintaining professionalism is important in the workplace.
The document discusses how human pollution is damaging the Earth and jeopardizing living conditions. Pollution is disturbing the natural process of photosynthesis in plants, inhibiting crop growth and reducing the food supply. However, the Earth is not an opponent but a partner, and small individual actions like recycling, turning off lights, and planting trees can help save the planet. Working together, humans can make a difference and protect the environment.
The document is a magazine published by Gemaco Group N.V. called "The Works" that showcases some of their recent promotional product works. It introduces Gemaco as a company that has been in the promotional products business since 1973 and has a global network of suppliers. The magazine presents examples of customized premium items Gemaco has created for various clients, including pencil cases, laptop cases, mugs, and more. It also provides contact information for Gemaco should the reader have any questions.
This chapter discusses how organisms regulate metabolism to meet energy needs through homeostasis. It examines how the body maintains energy balance and responds to starvation and diabetes. Key topics covered include the roles of hormones like insulin and glucagon in regulating carbohydrate metabolism and maintaining metabolic homeostasis. The chapter also explores metabolic specialization in organs like the liver, muscle and kidney, as well as metabolic adaptation during prolonged fasting.
The document discusses strategies for measuring anti-drug antibodies (ADA), which can negatively impact drug activity and safety. ELISA techniques are commonly used to detect ADA in clinical samples. Validation of ADA assays is important and should consider matrix effects, drug interference, and use of appropriate controls from animal or human samples. Neutralization assays can then determine if ADA interfere with the drug's biological activity, which is critical for risk assessment. The company discussed can assist with developing validated screening and neutralization assays.
The document provides an evaluation of final images from a photography assignment at Salford Quays. It summarizes that some pictures turned out well while others did not. One favorite picture is highlighted that captures the sky, water, boats and buildings in the background. If doing the assignment again, the document suggests changing the day to avoid cold and windy conditions, and walking around more of the Quays for different perspectives.
Convince your CEO to go digital. The world has shifted, but the C-suite needs a way to sell it to the board and to middle management. This is your job. How does social media relate to delivering strategic goals?
The document describes a child's friendship with their shadow. The child plays with their shadow, named Shadow, every day. However, the child discovers that Shadow disappears in the dark and multiplies in bright light. Through observing Shadow's behavior in different lighting, the child determines that Shadow is not multiple beings but instead reflects the child's own movements. The child concludes they have formed a brotherly bond with Shadow and they care for each other as good friends.
The document discusses various algorithms for searching data structures, including serial search with average time complexity of Θ(n), binary search with average time complexity of Θ(log n), and hashing techniques that can provide constant time Θ(1) search by storing items in an array using a hash function. It provides pseudocode for binary search and discusses improvements like interpolation search that can achieve Θ(log log n) search time on average.
Presentació sobre el procés de desenvolupament de fàrmacs que acompanya l'experiment "Com es desenvolupen els fàrmacs?".
Podeu descarregar el protocol i altres recursos educatius relacionats amb el desenvolupament de fàrmacs a la web o a slideshare.
The document summarizes the autobiography of Olaudah Equiano, an enslaved African who was kidnapped at age 11 and sold into slavery. It details his experiences being transported across the Atlantic on a slave ship, his time spent as a slave in Virginia and Philadelphia, and how he eventually bought his freedom and became an abolitionist in England. The autobiography was published in the late 18th century and was influential in raising awareness about the cruelties of the slave trade.
This document provides information on the characters in the French film "The Class". It lists the main cast members and the characters they portray, including Gérard Jugnot as Clément Mathieu, the new supervisor of a troubled boys' boarding school in 1949 France. Francois Berléand plays the role of Rachin, the egotistical principal who runs the school with a strict "action-reaction" disciplinary approach. The summary then provides context on the school setting and introduces Mathieu as challenging the principal's policies upon his arrival, causing tensions.
The document discusses two meeting room solutions from Simo Technology Products: IMT (Interactive Meeting Technologies) and IMX (Interactive Meeting Xchange). IMT is a complete integrated meeting room solution in a single unit. IMX is designed for small collaborative groups and provides video conferencing, device docking, and network access in an easy-to-use integrated system. Both solutions aim to simplify connecting technology and allow effective collaboration.
IM Club: Is our website working? What to measureRather Inventive
The document summarizes an IM Club meeting about measuring website performance. The meeting covered why it's important to measure website metrics, common analytics tools like Google Analytics, key metrics to track like visits, pages per visit and bounce rate. Participants then discussed the top 3 things they would measure to test their website and actions they would take to improve their site in the next 30 days. The next meeting topics were also reviewed.
The document provides an evaluation of final images from a photography assignment at Salford Quays. It summarizes that some pictures turned out well while others did not. One favorite picture is highlighted that captures the sky, water, boats and buildings in the background. If doing the assignment again, the document suggests changing the day to avoid cold and windy conditions, and walking around more of the Quays for different perspectives.
Convince your CEO to go digital. The world has shifted, but the C-suite needs a way to sell it to the board and to middle management. This is your job. How does social media relate to delivering strategic goals?
The document describes a child's friendship with their shadow. The child plays with their shadow, named Shadow, every day. However, the child discovers that Shadow disappears in the dark and multiplies in bright light. Through observing Shadow's behavior in different lighting, the child determines that Shadow is not multiple beings but instead reflects the child's own movements. The child concludes they have formed a brotherly bond with Shadow and they care for each other as good friends.
The document discusses various algorithms for searching data structures, including serial search with average time complexity of Θ(n), binary search with average time complexity of Θ(log n), and hashing techniques that can provide constant time Θ(1) search by storing items in an array using a hash function. It provides pseudocode for binary search and discusses improvements like interpolation search that can achieve Θ(log log n) search time on average.
Presentació sobre el procés de desenvolupament de fàrmacs que acompanya l'experiment "Com es desenvolupen els fàrmacs?".
Podeu descarregar el protocol i altres recursos educatius relacionats amb el desenvolupament de fàrmacs a la web o a slideshare.
The document summarizes the autobiography of Olaudah Equiano, an enslaved African who was kidnapped at age 11 and sold into slavery. It details his experiences being transported across the Atlantic on a slave ship, his time spent as a slave in Virginia and Philadelphia, and how he eventually bought his freedom and became an abolitionist in England. The autobiography was published in the late 18th century and was influential in raising awareness about the cruelties of the slave trade.
This document provides information on the characters in the French film "The Class". It lists the main cast members and the characters they portray, including Gérard Jugnot as Clément Mathieu, the new supervisor of a troubled boys' boarding school in 1949 France. Francois Berléand plays the role of Rachin, the egotistical principal who runs the school with a strict "action-reaction" disciplinary approach. The summary then provides context on the school setting and introduces Mathieu as challenging the principal's policies upon his arrival, causing tensions.
The document discusses two meeting room solutions from Simo Technology Products: IMT (Interactive Meeting Technologies) and IMX (Interactive Meeting Xchange). IMT is a complete integrated meeting room solution in a single unit. IMX is designed for small collaborative groups and provides video conferencing, device docking, and network access in an easy-to-use integrated system. Both solutions aim to simplify connecting technology and allow effective collaboration.
IM Club: Is our website working? What to measureRather Inventive
The document summarizes an IM Club meeting about measuring website performance. The meeting covered why it's important to measure website metrics, common analytics tools like Google Analytics, key metrics to track like visits, pages per visit and bounce rate. Participants then discussed the top 3 things they would measure to test their website and actions they would take to improve their site in the next 30 days. The next meeting topics were also reviewed.
4. 现有的解决方法
? 传统解决方法
? 优点:简单,可靠;
? 局限:需要借劣物理媒介,麻烦;
? 其他软件解决方法
? 优点
① 利用网络技术;
② 不再需要物理媒介;
? 不足
① 用户体验差,需要知道FTP/HTTP、IP、端口等丏业概念;
② 被劢访问模式,不能主劢分享。
③ 豌豆荚定位为手机管理软件,无法解决多设备间的任意互联
④ 安豆苗目前只支持Android平台,并丐不支持多对多文件传输
⑤ PhotoSync目前不支持Android
5. 我们的解决方法:推推共享
? 特点:
① 以人为中心(软件自劢构建人机关系网络)
② 跨平台、兼容性好
a. 支持iPhone/Android/Windows/Linux/OSX 系统
b. 支持手机、平板、PC平台
c. 支持所有图片格式、所有音视频格式
③ 智能发现(用户无需配置)
④ 操作简单
⑤ 隐私安全控制
⑥ 多对多分享(多个文件推送多个设备)