Профилактика стоматологических заболеваний в период беременностиVITEBSK STATE ORDER OF PEOPLES’ FRIENDSHIP MEDICAL UNIVERSITYПрезентация подготовлена преподавателем кафедры стоматологии детского возраста и ЧЛХ Дубовец А.В. и зав. кафедрой, доцентом, к.м.н. Жарковой О.А. http://www.vsmu.by/
Myppt 100624015031-phpapp02Bhagabat BarikThe document discusses rural marketing in India. It outlines the evolution and opportunities of rural marketing, noting that 60% of India's population lives in rural areas. It discusses myths and challenges around rural marketing, including infrastructure, distribution, and promotion. Strategies discussed to overcome challenges include last-mile distribution using auto rickshaws or boats, introducing small pack sizes for affordability, and using opinion leaders and folk media for promotion. The case study of ITC e-Choupal is presented as an example of effective rural marketing.
Counting Total Atoms in Compounds jmori1Today's science lesson will involve counting total atoms in compounds. Students will need a pencil, colored pencils, and their periodic table. They will complete assignments in their binders and study for Test #4. The class will also have oral presentations and build molecular models using colored balls to represent different atoms.
Project mAlex WuThe document summarizes the process plan for Project M, which aimed to improve the navigation and search efficiency on an online shopping website. The plan involved 5 main steps: 1) Defining the project scope and problem; 2) Researching the current process through user observations and analysis; 3) Understanding users through research methods like empathy maps and user types; 4) Analyzing competitors; 5) Architecting the ideal process flow and site content/structure. Wireframes would then be designed based on this research and architecture. Due to timeline constraints, some research steps like user interviews were shortened and an iterative wireframing process was used instead.
There is no accidental DBAWally PonsThis is an excerpt from various comments and arguments between IT colleagues as they have been discussed over the years in terms of DBA's and Developers. Needles to say, both jobs are equally important for the industry.
Finding right puppy dog breedRaymond J. Ramirez DVM speaking The document provides information from a veterinarian on selecting the right breed of dog. It discusses various breed traits like reactivity, trainability, aggression, coat type, size and more. It also includes a puppy aptitude test to evaluate temperament. The veterinarian recommends certain breeds based on experience but notes no breed is perfect and temperament depends on socialization and training. Prospective owners are advised to consider their lifestyle and what traits they want or can handle in a dog.
affTA04 - BAB IVMuhammad AffandesBab ini membahas analisis dan perancangan modul otentikasi (modAuth) yang akan dibuat. Terdiri atas analisis modul lama dan kelemahannya, analisis kebutuhan modul baru, analisis fungsional menggunakan UML, serta perancangan komponen, database, dan antarmuka modul baru.
Capitulo 6anari02El documento describe el sistema de publicidad y elementos promocionales de una organización. Se menciona que incluye anuncios oficiales, publicidad general, carteles, folletos, libros, revistas, material audiovisual, pegatinas, adhesivos y material promocional como pancartas y distintivos.
Q4 11Les DavyThis document contains information about an English class, including:
1) An announcement about an upcoming Drama Night/Film Festival and a 500-word essay assignment.
2) A song called "Fireflies" by Owl City is played in class.
3) A review of last week's vocabulary words and their meanings.
4) Exercises practicing inferring meanings from contexts and identifying prefixes and suffixes are assigned from the textbook.
5) Students are reminded of the Drama Night/Film Festival registration and to bring a childhood family photo to the next class. Online homework is also assigned.
Nginx وب سروری برای تمام فصولefazatiاِنجیناِکس (به انگلیسی: nginx) یک کارساز وب با حجم پایین و کارایی بالا است که تحت مجوز بیاسدی منتشر میشود. این کارساز وب در یونیکس، گنو/لینوکس، بیاسدی، مک او اس و ویندوز اجرا میشود. بر طبق گفتهٔ نتکرافت، در حال حاضر ۱۲.۰۷٪ از دامنههای اینترنت از این کارساز استفاده میکنند.
این پروژه در سال ۲۰۰۱ بنیان نهاده شد و توسط یک توسعهدهنده مستقل به نام ایگور سیسووف (به انگلیسی: Igor Sysoev) به مرحله اجرا درآمد تا در یکی از وبسایتهای پرترافیک به نام رامبرلر به خدمت گرفته شود که این وبسایت در تاریخ سپتامبر ۲۰۰۸، روزانه بیش از ۵۰۰ میلیون درخواست HTTP داشته است. در حال حاضر وبسایتهای سرشناسی همچون فیسبوک، نتفلیکس، وردپرس، سورسفورج و ... از انجیناکس استفاده میکنند.[۶] در نسخه ۵٫۲ اوپنبیاسده که در نوامبر ۲۰۱۲ عرضه شد هم نرمافزار انجیناکس به صورت پیشفرض در سیستم قرار داده شد تا جایگزینی باشد برای آپاچی ۱٫۳. در نهایت در سال ۲۰۱۴ آپاچی از درخت کد منبع اوپنبیاسدی حذف شد.
Cayla tlesleymccardleThe document expresses wishes for people to achieve in their endeavors, remember the past without dwelling on wrongs, forget negativity and focus on positivity, stay safe and avoid harm, keep families together rather than separated, and live happily rather than sadly.
Real ch.2 a (1)Mildred Mendoza MaitaEl documento describe el horario escolar de Alicia, incluyendo las clases que tiene en cada hora y los materiales que necesita para diferentes clases. También describe una conversación entre Claudia y Teresa sobre sus horarios escolares el primer día de clases.
Parent survey Lake MinatareScottsbluff Public SchoolsThe survey report summarizes parent opinions from Lake Minatare Elementary School. Parents were generally satisfied with the quality of education, giving an average score of 3.57 out of 4. They also felt the school had a positive climate, with an average score of 3.61. Communication and opportunities for parent involvement received an average score of 3.54. Overall, the survey showed parent approval of the school's academics, safety, and engagement of families.
Bd9 a9667 67e9-4480-8a533891f87b3fcbCarlos CarvalhoThis document contains notices about runway distances, flight clearances for presidential candidate flights, slot coordination procedures, and preferred routes for departures from São Paulo/Congonhas Airport to various domestic destinations in Brazil. It provides updated information on runway declared distances, slot exemptions, slot coordination requirements and times, cancellation policies, and preferred routes to multiple destinations.
Pt 2Sammi WildeThe document summarizes the feedback received from a class of 23 students on a questionnaire about designing the front cover and contents page for a college magazine aimed at students. Key points included using branding, eye contact, and a tagline to engage readers, employing a color scheme and rule of thirds for layout, and positioning and sizing elements appropriately. Suggestions were made to improve features, columns, subheadings, and use of images versus text.
affTA04 - BAB IVMuhammad AffandesBab ini membahas analisis dan perancangan modul otentikasi (modAuth) yang akan dibuat. Terdiri atas analisis modul lama dan kelemahannya, analisis kebutuhan modul baru, analisis fungsional menggunakan UML, serta perancangan komponen, database, dan antarmuka modul baru.
Capitulo 6anari02El documento describe el sistema de publicidad y elementos promocionales de una organización. Se menciona que incluye anuncios oficiales, publicidad general, carteles, folletos, libros, revistas, material audiovisual, pegatinas, adhesivos y material promocional como pancartas y distintivos.
Q4 11Les DavyThis document contains information about an English class, including:
1) An announcement about an upcoming Drama Night/Film Festival and a 500-word essay assignment.
2) A song called "Fireflies" by Owl City is played in class.
3) A review of last week's vocabulary words and their meanings.
4) Exercises practicing inferring meanings from contexts and identifying prefixes and suffixes are assigned from the textbook.
5) Students are reminded of the Drama Night/Film Festival registration and to bring a childhood family photo to the next class. Online homework is also assigned.
Nginx وب سروری برای تمام فصولefazatiاِنجیناِکس (به انگلیسی: nginx) یک کارساز وب با حجم پایین و کارایی بالا است که تحت مجوز بیاسدی منتشر میشود. این کارساز وب در یونیکس، گنو/لینوکس، بیاسدی، مک او اس و ویندوز اجرا میشود. بر طبق گفتهٔ نتکرافت، در حال حاضر ۱۲.۰۷٪ از دامنههای اینترنت از این کارساز استفاده میکنند.
این پروژه در سال ۲۰۰۱ بنیان نهاده شد و توسط یک توسعهدهنده مستقل به نام ایگور سیسووف (به انگلیسی: Igor Sysoev) به مرحله اجرا درآمد تا در یکی از وبسایتهای پرترافیک به نام رامبرلر به خدمت گرفته شود که این وبسایت در تاریخ سپتامبر ۲۰۰۸، روزانه بیش از ۵۰۰ میلیون درخواست HTTP داشته است. در حال حاضر وبسایتهای سرشناسی همچون فیسبوک، نتفلیکس، وردپرس، سورسفورج و ... از انجیناکس استفاده میکنند.[۶] در نسخه ۵٫۲ اوپنبیاسده که در نوامبر ۲۰۱۲ عرضه شد هم نرمافزار انجیناکس به صورت پیشفرض در سیستم قرار داده شد تا جایگزینی باشد برای آپاچی ۱٫۳. در نهایت در سال ۲۰۱۴ آپاچی از درخت کد منبع اوپنبیاسدی حذف شد.
Cayla tlesleymccardleThe document expresses wishes for people to achieve in their endeavors, remember the past without dwelling on wrongs, forget negativity and focus on positivity, stay safe and avoid harm, keep families together rather than separated, and live happily rather than sadly.
Real ch.2 a (1)Mildred Mendoza MaitaEl documento describe el horario escolar de Alicia, incluyendo las clases que tiene en cada hora y los materiales que necesita para diferentes clases. También describe una conversación entre Claudia y Teresa sobre sus horarios escolares el primer día de clases.
Parent survey Lake MinatareScottsbluff Public SchoolsThe survey report summarizes parent opinions from Lake Minatare Elementary School. Parents were generally satisfied with the quality of education, giving an average score of 3.57 out of 4. They also felt the school had a positive climate, with an average score of 3.61. Communication and opportunities for parent involvement received an average score of 3.54. Overall, the survey showed parent approval of the school's academics, safety, and engagement of families.
Bd9 a9667 67e9-4480-8a533891f87b3fcbCarlos CarvalhoThis document contains notices about runway distances, flight clearances for presidential candidate flights, slot coordination procedures, and preferred routes for departures from São Paulo/Congonhas Airport to various domestic destinations in Brazil. It provides updated information on runway declared distances, slot exemptions, slot coordination requirements and times, cancellation policies, and preferred routes to multiple destinations.
Pt 2Sammi WildeThe document summarizes the feedback received from a class of 23 students on a questionnaire about designing the front cover and contents page for a college magazine aimed at students. Key points included using branding, eye contact, and a tagline to engage readers, employing a color scheme and rule of thirds for layout, and positioning and sizing elements appropriately. Suggestions were made to improve features, columns, subheadings, and use of images versus text.
6. Регуляторная функция желудочно-кишечного тракта НЕРВНАЯ ГУМОРАЛЬНАЯ Регуляция психических функций Регуляция соматических функций Регуляция висцеральных функций Регуляция пищеварительной функции Регуляция обмена веществ
9. ФУНКЦИИ ЖЕВАНИЯ Механическое измельчение пищи для облегчения действия пищеварительных ферментов Смешивание пищи со слюной для начала расщепления углеводов Раздражение рецепторов для реализации мозговой фазы пищеварения Формирование пищевого комка для глотания
10. 4 фазы соотношения зубов при жевании А – круговое движение нижней челюсти В – соотношение больших коренных зубов верхней и нижней челюстей
12. ФУНКЦИИ СЛЮННЫХ ЖЕЛЕЗ 1) Продукция жидкости, растворяющей часть пищи, облегчающей жевание и глотание 2) Поддержание влажности слизистой ротовой полости, что необходимо для ее целостности и речевой функции 3) Секреция слизи, лизоцима. пероксидазы и иммуногло-булина А - антимикробных и антивирусных факторов 4) Секреция гидролитических ферментов, помогающих разложению остатков пищи вокруг зубов 5) Секреция гуморальных факторов роста (эпидермально-го и нервного) 6) Участие в терморегуляции (испарение) 7) У грудных детей -герметизирующая роль, облегчающая акт сосания молока