The document discusses Assembly Definition (asmdef) files in Unity. It begins by explaining that asmdef files are used to define Assembly configurations in a project. It notes some key points about asmdef files, including that they allow defining assemblies that can be referenced from other parts of a project. It also discusses different ways asmdef files can be structured, such as having one per script folder, one per assembly, or splitting assemblies for editor/playmode tests. Overall, the document provides an overview of what asmdef files are used for and important considerations around their usage and configuration in Unity projects.
The document discusses Assembly Definition (asmdef) files in Unity. It begins by explaining that asmdef files are used to define Assembly configurations in a project. It notes some key points about asmdef files, including that they allow defining assemblies that can be referenced from other parts of a project. It also discusses different ways asmdef files can be structured, such as having one per script folder, one per assembly, or splitting assemblies for editor/playmode tests. Overall, the document provides an overview of what asmdef files are used for and important considerations around their usage and configuration in Unity projects.
This photo shows a group of people standing in front of a large wooden structure. They appear to be at an outdoor event on a sunny day. Several people are smiling and interacting with each other in front of the wooden structure.
This document contains a collection of links to images hosted on Flickr. There are no descriptions for the images or overarching theme for the collection. The links go to photos of various subjects including landscapes, cityscapes, portraits and more, taken by different photographers.
This document discusses various programming languages and technologies including .NET, Ruby, and Ruby on Rails. It also mentions tools for personal career management and mentions the programming languages C#, Java, PHP, and Python. The document contains many embedded Flickr photo URLs and tags users.
20. トレードオフ?スライダー
MAX MIN 戦争の勝利(スコープ)
MAX MIN 軍資金(予算)
MAX MIN 短期決戦(時間)
MAX MIN 死傷者数(品質)
MAX MIN 諜報によるロシア国力の弱体化
MAX MIN 予備兵力の確保
MAX MIN 物資供給
1904 Gentaro Kodama Strictly Con?dential