За интренет технологиите и тяхната роля в обучението на едно "дигитално дете"...Ivelina Atanasova - GenchevDigitalKidZ е първата българска образователна конференция, която поставя във фокуса съвременните “дигитални деца” и техните образователни и емоционални потребности, дигитални предизвикателства и необходимите им умения за професиите на бъдещето. Повече за инициативата ще научите в сайта https://digitalkidz.eu/conference
Юрій Козій - Будуємо контакт із топ-керівництвомYuriy KoziyВиступ Юрія Козія на онлайн-марафоні PMDay "Будуємо контакт із топ-керівництвом", грудень 2020.
Біле покривало весь світ обійнялоestet13Всі ми з нетерпінням чекаємо коли вже полетять з неба пухнасті сніжинки. А як же народжуються сніжинки? Чому сніжок скрипить? Чи буває кольоровим сніг і в якій країні зліпили найбільшого сніговика-велетня? Дізнавайтесь!
Вегетативне розмноженняВалентина ЛеонтьеваВ презентації показані різноманітні способи вегетативного розмноження: особливими органами і частинами рослин.
Bridge Newsletter2007 Q2bridgedipankarThe Bridge is a public charitable trust located in Chennai, India that channels donations from individuals to social service organizations helping less fortunate sections of society. In the second quarter of 2007, The Bridge gained new donors and its mission is to satisfy the needs of both donors and those receiving assistance. The newsletter provides an update from The Bridge's director about its activities in the April to June 2007 period.
Promoting New Media in Central AsiaYelena JetpyspayevaThe document summarizes efforts to promote new media and citizen journalism in Central Asia. It discusses the authoritarian political situations and censorship in countries like Kazakhstan. It then outlines the growth of internet access and new media usage in Central Asia. It highlights projects like NewEurasia.net, which blogs about Central Asian countries, and BarCamp conferences for new media specialists, which have been held in several Central Asian cities to promote sharing of ideas.
За интренет технологиите и тяхната роля в обучението на едно "дигитално дете"...Ivelina Atanasova - GenchevDigitalKidZ е първата българска образователна конференция, която поставя във фокуса съвременните “дигитални деца” и техните образователни и емоционални потребности, дигитални предизвикателства и необходимите им умения за професиите на бъдещето. Повече за инициативата ще научите в сайта https://digitalkidz.eu/conference
Юрій Козій - Будуємо контакт із топ-керівництвомYuriy KoziyВиступ Юрія Козія на онлайн-марафоні PMDay "Будуємо контакт із топ-керівництвом", грудень 2020.
Біле покривало весь світ обійнялоestet13Всі ми з нетерпінням чекаємо коли вже полетять з неба пухнасті сніжинки. А як же народжуються сніжинки? Чому сніжок скрипить? Чи буває кольоровим сніг і в якій країні зліпили найбільшого сніговика-велетня? Дізнавайтесь!
Вегетативне розмноженняВалентина ЛеонтьеваВ презентації показані різноманітні способи вегетативного розмноження: особливими органами і частинами рослин.
Bridge Newsletter2007 Q2bridgedipankarThe Bridge is a public charitable trust located in Chennai, India that channels donations from individuals to social service organizations helping less fortunate sections of society. In the second quarter of 2007, The Bridge gained new donors and its mission is to satisfy the needs of both donors and those receiving assistance. The newsletter provides an update from The Bridge's director about its activities in the April to June 2007 period.
Promoting New Media in Central AsiaYelena JetpyspayevaThe document summarizes efforts to promote new media and citizen journalism in Central Asia. It discusses the authoritarian political situations and censorship in countries like Kazakhstan. It then outlines the growth of internet access and new media usage in Central Asia. It highlights projects like NewEurasia.net, which blogs about Central Asian countries, and BarCamp conferences for new media specialists, which have been held in several Central Asian cities to promote sharing of ideas.
What To Say to Build RelationshipsMitchell Manning Sr.The document provides guidance on building relationships through effective communication. It discusses presenting yourself positively, managing information by properly analyzing situations, presenting ideas clearly, acquiring and transferring knowledge, resolving conflicts constructively, and questioning decisions respectfully. Continuous self-improvement is key to strengthening relationships over time by refining one's communication skills. Maintaining professionalism in all interactions serves as an important foundation for building trust within relationships.
The Perfect Us Economic Stormguesta3e32dThe US economy is facing a "perfect storm" unlike the favorable conditions of the late 1990s. It is now experiencing high commodity inflation, slow economic growth, and asset deflation, which form a lethal combination for consumer spending and corporate profit margins. This negative environment will likely push the US into a recession and weaken the high profit margins businesses currently enjoy.
Erik Johansson, The Green Man Studio on his work for Trouble BrewingBank of IrelandThe presentation given by Eric Johansson on his work on Trouble Brewing labelling and visual identity during Outstanding By Design on May 10th 2014 in Highbank Organic Orchard.
You can see more here: www.biabeag.com
Breda Maher - the rebrand of Cooleeney CheeseBank of IrelandCooleeney Cheese underwent a branding experience to create an impactful brand identity and position themselves as a premium artisan Irish farmhouse cheese producer. They worked with various agencies to conduct research through focus groups and shopper trips. This led to a new marketing plan focused on advertising, public relations, and sampling. The initial feedback has been positive on their new branding launched in April 2011.
Formative Assessment: Teaching Students to LearnSteve WiseThis document discusses the importance of formative assessment and a growth mindset in teaching and learning. It argues that focusing only on standards and accountability does not provide effective guidance for teachers to improve. Instead, classrooms need a culture of questioning and deep thinking where students learn through discussion with teachers and peers. The document also discusses how formative assessment and a growth mindset can significantly improve student achievement, with effect sizes of 0.4 to 0.7 compared to those without these approaches. Praising students for effort rather than intelligence promotes a growth mindset and better learning outcomes. Formative assessment works best by identifying specific problems and providing clear guidance on how to improve.
Team Building For An FDA Inspection - The Employee ReviewMitchell Manning Sr.This document provides an agenda and overview for a team building session to prepare employees for an FDA inspection. The session covers why successful inspections are important, who will be on the inspection team and what they will examine, what the company is doing to prepare, and what employees can do before and during an inspection to help it go smoothly. It emphasizes being prepared, knowing procedures, answering questions directly and honestly, and working as a team to ensure regulatory compliance and consumer safety.
Neweurasia.net at Educamp Almaty 2009Yelena JetpyspayevaNewEurasia.net is a network of blogs focused on Central Asia founded in 2005. It aims to give young thinkers a platform to publish ideas on Central Asia and be heard. Originally created by US and EU students, it now has over 50 bloggers writing in 6 languages. The network is looking to relaunch its website with a more organized structure and clear hierarchy, better media integration, and a focus on original reporting and story development to strengthen its position as a leading blogging platform on the region.
TWERMWm BatyTWERM provides wilderness emergency rescue medicine training opportunities covering medical skills like trauma training, wilderness medicine, and special evacuation situations as well as rescue skills such as low angle, high angle, swift water and cave rescue. They offer training, education and research to agencies with the goal of improving emergency response. TWERM is a 501.c.3 non-profit affiliated with several wilderness medicine and emergency response organizations.
Project Management Quick ConnectsMitchell Manning Sr.This document outlines a workshop on project management basics. The workshop teaches both technical and behavioral skills for effective project management. Over three days, participants will learn how to define and scope a project, apply questions and tools to different project stages, contribute to meetings and problem-solving, and develop behavioral skills like presenting themselves and working with others. The goal is for participants to understand both the technical and behavioral responsibilities of project management and be able to contribute more quickly and effectively to project teams.
2.2 el sistema cliente proveedorHILARION MUÑOZEl documento describe el sistema de cliente-proveedor interno y externo. Explica que cada persona dentro de la organización tiene funciones definidas y clientes y proveedores internos. También describe las características que debe cumplir un proveedor interno como conocer las necesidades de su cliente interno, y las que debe cumplir un cliente interno como comunicar sus necesidades a su proveedor. Finalmente, explica las cadenas cliente-proveedor interna y externa de una organización.