ISO Annex SL Clause 6: Planning Robert ClementsClause 6 Planning. In this series our consultants look at ISO's Annex SL, a clause structure already used in ISO 27001 and ISO 22301 but now arriving in ISO 14001:2015 and ISO 9001:2015.
This presentation introduces the risk approach, which replaces preventive actions, and can be used to identify opportunities as well as risks.
Maersk rig fleetDinh Quang ChungThe document provides details about Maersk Drilling's fleet of offshore drilling rigs. It operates various types of rigs including ultra-harsh environment jackups, deepwater semi-submersibles, and cantilevered barges. The fleet has extensive capabilities and cutting-edge technologies to support oil and gas drilling operations around the world, with a focus on safety, engineering innovation, and efficiency. Maersk Drilling also plans to add additional newbuild rigs to its fleet in 2013-2014 to further expand worldwide operations.
Womens psycheTAK77This document discusses women's psychological health and borderline personality disorder. It notes that BPD is diagnosed mostly in women and that the symptoms mimic common gender stereotypes. Women with BPD face stigma both from society and medical professionals. The document also discusses how media portrayals of women can negatively impact mental health, particularly body image and risk of eating disorders. Cultural expectations placed on women regarding their appearance can increase self-objectification and mental burdens.
Introduction to DaVinciDavinciTool1. DaVinci is a platform and framework for developing multi-screen applications. It includes tools like a WYSIWYG editor, CSS editor, resource manager, and animation editors.
2. The WYSIWYG editor allows dragging and dropping UI elements and sees changes instantly. CSS editors make it easy to apply styles without coding knowledge.
3. Tools like the animation editors and resource manager help optimize apps and add dynamic elements like transitions and effects.
Law & Same-Sex MarriageRaymondNguThis document discusses different perspectives on the morality and constitutionality of same-sex marriage. It examines how morality is often derived from religious texts, but the First Amendment requires neutrality. It also analyzes arguments around amending the Constitution as well as how same-sex marriage relates to the Equal Protection Clause based on precedents like Romer v Evans and Lawrence v Texas. The document also evaluates perspectives from philosophers like Mill and Hart on paternalism and natural rights as they apply to whether same-sex marriage causes harm to others or the institution of marriage.
La conseillère médicale en environnement intérieurPascal BouletLa CMEI : fonction , action, apport en médecine générale
ISO Annex SL Clause 6: Planning Robert ClementsClause 6 Planning. In this series our consultants look at ISO's Annex SL, a clause structure already used in ISO 27001 and ISO 22301 but now arriving in ISO 14001:2015 and ISO 9001:2015.
This presentation introduces the risk approach, which replaces preventive actions, and can be used to identify opportunities as well as risks.
Maersk rig fleetDinh Quang ChungThe document provides details about Maersk Drilling's fleet of offshore drilling rigs. It operates various types of rigs including ultra-harsh environment jackups, deepwater semi-submersibles, and cantilevered barges. The fleet has extensive capabilities and cutting-edge technologies to support oil and gas drilling operations around the world, with a focus on safety, engineering innovation, and efficiency. Maersk Drilling also plans to add additional newbuild rigs to its fleet in 2013-2014 to further expand worldwide operations.
Womens psycheTAK77This document discusses women's psychological health and borderline personality disorder. It notes that BPD is diagnosed mostly in women and that the symptoms mimic common gender stereotypes. Women with BPD face stigma both from society and medical professionals. The document also discusses how media portrayals of women can negatively impact mental health, particularly body image and risk of eating disorders. Cultural expectations placed on women regarding their appearance can increase self-objectification and mental burdens.
Introduction to DaVinciDavinciTool1. DaVinci is a platform and framework for developing multi-screen applications. It includes tools like a WYSIWYG editor, CSS editor, resource manager, and animation editors.
2. The WYSIWYG editor allows dragging and dropping UI elements and sees changes instantly. CSS editors make it easy to apply styles without coding knowledge.
3. Tools like the animation editors and resource manager help optimize apps and add dynamic elements like transitions and effects.
Law & Same-Sex MarriageRaymondNguThis document discusses different perspectives on the morality and constitutionality of same-sex marriage. It examines how morality is often derived from religious texts, but the First Amendment requires neutrality. It also analyzes arguments around amending the Constitution as well as how same-sex marriage relates to the Equal Protection Clause based on precedents like Romer v Evans and Lawrence v Texas. The document also evaluates perspectives from philosophers like Mill and Hart on paternalism and natural rights as they apply to whether same-sex marriage causes harm to others or the institution of marriage.
La conseillère médicale en environnement intérieurPascal BouletLa CMEI : fonction , action, apport en médecine générale
Les sources d’informations et les sites internet utilisés en médecine généralePascal BouletSources d'informations et sites internet fréquentés par les médecins généralistes
Uud1945Ariga Kasnan1. Undang-Undang Dasar Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 1945 menetapkan bahwa Indonesia adalah negara kesatuan yang berbentuk republik dengan kedaulatan berada di tangan rakyat.
2. Presiden memegang kekuasaan pemerintahan dan dibantu oleh Wakil Presiden. Presiden dan Wakil Presiden dipilih secara langsung oleh rakyat untuk masa jabatan 5 tahun dan hanya dapat dipilih kembali untuk 1 kali masa jabatan.
Como preparar Cables Directos y CruzadosDaniela BecerraEste documento presenta información sobre cables directos y cables cruzados como parte de un diplomado en capacitación docente ofrecido por la Universidad Nacional Experimental Politécnica de las Fuerzas Armadas de Venezuela en mayo de 2012.
Clase Nro. 4 Cables Directos y CruzadosDaniela BecerraEn esta presentacion, se enseña cuando utilizar un cable directo y uno cruzado, y como realizar dichos cables, y las herramientas a utilizar.
Help your international guests - and earn from it too!Nigel DaveyRoaming voice and data solution for international guests staying in UK hotels.
This solution could save your international guests £100's every time they stay at your hotel. With roaming data solutions costing up to $24 per MB from the USA, the savings will quickly mount up
Agile Methods - An Overview - Marc Bless - 2009Marc BlessThe document provides an overview of agile methods. It discusses the motivation for agile approaches due to failures of traditional waterfall planning. Key aspects of agile history and principles are outlined, including the Agile Manifesto which values individuals, working software, customer collaboration and responding to change over processes, documentation, contract negotiation and following a plan. Specific agile methods like Scrum, Extreme Programming and Feature Driven Development are also mentioned.
3. Chapter 1 - Chapter 4Muh Azrianshah ArmadiThe document provides an overview of Shangri-La's Tanjung Aru Resort & Spa in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. It was incorporated in 1981 and is jointly owned by Innoprise Corporation and Shangri-La Hotel Ltd. The resort has 492 guest rooms and facilities including restaurants, a spa, and recreation areas. The Accounting and Finance department oversees accounting functions and provides financial reports. It has various divisions that the author interned in, including credit, income audit, payroll, and accounts receivable/payable.
Business Continuity - 5 Basic StepsRobert ClementsBusiness Continuity - 5 Basic Steps.
An introduction to Business Continuity Management (BCM) introducing concepts such as risk assessment, business impact analysis and testing.
Assent Risk Management is a consultancy providing business continuity services.
ISO Annex SL Clause 7: SupportRobert ClementsThis document discusses how Annex SL supports various ISO standards, including ISO 14001, 9001, 27001, and 22301. It focuses on Clause 7 of Annex SL, which covers support. Clause 7 contains requirements around competence, awareness, communication, and documented information. It provides details on determining competence needs, creating awareness, developing a communications plan, and controlling documented information. The document also discusses defining and providing necessary resources as required by Clause 7.