José gabriel chèrrez herrerajcherrezherreraEste documento contiene dos enlaces a páginas web que ofrecen mensajes positivos y motivacionales. El primer enlace lleva a un sitio sobre motivación que incluye el mensaje "tú puedes", mientras que el segundo enlace dirige a una página con pequeños mensajes positivos.
Why Oral SPA sonic toothbrushoralspa2uThe document discusses the benefits of a sonic toothbrush compared to a manual or non-sonic electric toothbrush. A sonic toothbrush provides up to 25,000 brush strokes per minute, compared to 300-1,000 for a manual brush or 2,500-7,500 for a non-sonic electric brush. This high frequency of brushing helps remove more plaque and bacteria through a bubbly froth that penetrates between teeth and gums. Additionally, the 3D brushing motion of a sonic toothbrush cleans in ways a normal brush cannot by dislodging plaque beyond where the bristles touch.
Effective course evaluation the future for quality and standards in higher ...surveyresultsThe Future for Quality and Standards in Higher Education. Interviews with Senior Academics and Student Representatives on the topic of effective course and module evaluation
The Anatomy of Continuous Deployment at ScaleJohn VinerEnvato runs one of the world’s highest traffic websites,, which is 1 of the 8 sites served by a 2-sided e-commerce platform called Envato Market. The Envato Market engineering team juggles serving around 30,000 requests per minute whilst automatically deploying changes once every 30 minutes across a team of 50 developers that contribute to the one codebase.
This presentation describes how we do this and what our the foundational engineering and organisational practices require to pull this off.
Beyond Siri on the iPhone: How could intelligent systems change the way we in...Yousif AlmasA presentation I have delivered at University of Bahrain on intelligent systems and their current and future use in organisations and by consumers, iPhone’s Siri is used as an example of the mainstream adoption of such systems.
Presentacion tabla periodicaAngel CarrilloEste documento describe la historia y desarrollo de la tabla periódica de los elementos. Comienza con una breve biografía de Dmitri Mendeleev, químico ruso que creó la primera tabla periódica en 1869. Luego explica cómo Mendeleev ordenó los elementos conocidos en función de sus pesos atómicos y propiedades, colocando elementos similares en columnas verticales. Esto permitió predecir propiedades de elementos aún no descubiertos y abrió el camino para grandes avances en química en el siglo XX.
Effective course evaluationsurveyresultsThe document discusses improving course evaluation methods at universities. It notes low survey response rates are a key issue and that in-class administration can help increase participation. Students want feedback that directly benefits them and surveys should engage students and clearly communicate the actions taken in response. A consistent, centralized approach to surveys is recommended to allow benchmarking, but individual departments should have flexibility to include bespoke questions. Effective course evaluation provides evidence of a university's value to students.
The video as a means of learning a foreign languageScientific and Educational InitiativeIn this paper the video is seen as a means of learning a foreign language. As you know, at the present stage of
learning a foreign language in terms of vocational education, we often encounter such a problem as the lack of an
active language environment.
Three stages of working with text examined in this work: pre-viewing, while viewing, after- viewing. At each stage,
it proposes a number of jobs with video. According to russian and foreign trainers, using the video in the classroom
realizes the principle of immersion to learn a foreign language. Besides, in this paper presents exercises for working
with videos and a summary of business in which an interesting work with videos.
Besides the article suggests a number of requirements that have been developed by teachers for a successful using
of videos in the classroom of a foreign language.
Effective course evaluation the future for quality and standards in higher ...surveyresultsThe Future for Quality and Standards in Higher Education. Interviews with Senior Academics and Student Representatives on the topic of effective course and module evaluation
The Anatomy of Continuous Deployment at ScaleJohn VinerEnvato runs one of the world’s highest traffic websites,, which is 1 of the 8 sites served by a 2-sided e-commerce platform called Envato Market. The Envato Market engineering team juggles serving around 30,000 requests per minute whilst automatically deploying changes once every 30 minutes across a team of 50 developers that contribute to the one codebase.
This presentation describes how we do this and what our the foundational engineering and organisational practices require to pull this off.
Beyond Siri on the iPhone: How could intelligent systems change the way we in...Yousif AlmasA presentation I have delivered at University of Bahrain on intelligent systems and their current and future use in organisations and by consumers, iPhone’s Siri is used as an example of the mainstream adoption of such systems.
Presentacion tabla periodicaAngel CarrilloEste documento describe la historia y desarrollo de la tabla periódica de los elementos. Comienza con una breve biografía de Dmitri Mendeleev, químico ruso que creó la primera tabla periódica en 1869. Luego explica cómo Mendeleev ordenó los elementos conocidos en función de sus pesos atómicos y propiedades, colocando elementos similares en columnas verticales. Esto permitió predecir propiedades de elementos aún no descubiertos y abrió el camino para grandes avances en química en el siglo XX.
Effective course evaluationsurveyresultsThe document discusses improving course evaluation methods at universities. It notes low survey response rates are a key issue and that in-class administration can help increase participation. Students want feedback that directly benefits them and surveys should engage students and clearly communicate the actions taken in response. A consistent, centralized approach to surveys is recommended to allow benchmarking, but individual departments should have flexibility to include bespoke questions. Effective course evaluation provides evidence of a university's value to students.
The video as a means of learning a foreign languageScientific and Educational InitiativeIn this paper the video is seen as a means of learning a foreign language. As you know, at the present stage of
learning a foreign language in terms of vocational education, we often encounter such a problem as the lack of an
active language environment.
Three stages of working with text examined in this work: pre-viewing, while viewing, after- viewing. At each stage,
it proposes a number of jobs with video. According to russian and foreign trainers, using the video in the classroom
realizes the principle of immersion to learn a foreign language. Besides, in this paper presents exercises for working
with videos and a summary of business in which an interesting work with videos.
Besides the article suggests a number of requirements that have been developed by teachers for a successful using
of videos in the classroom of a foreign language.
Lingvomaster Создай Онлайн курс deutschonlineДанная презентация была предоставлена компанией Лингвомастер и на вебинаре от 15 сентября коллега Наталия Булгакова поделилась о том, как работает данная платформа для преподавателей иностранного языка.
Уважаемые Преподаватели !
Кафедра лингвистики Казанского государственного университета
проводит II Международную научную конференцию «Использование
информационных технологий в дошкольном обучении иностранному
2. Тема конференции:
Формы работы с компьютерными обучающими
программами на уроках иностранного языка:
1. Изучение лексики.
При введении и отработке тематической лексики, например покупки, продукты питания,
одежда и т.д.
2. Отработка произношения.
Многие обучающие программы предусматривают режим работы с микрофоном. После
прослушивания слова или фразы учащийся повторяет за диктором и на экране
появляется графическое изображение звука диктора и учащегося, при сравнении
которых видны все неточности
3. Обучение диалогической речи.
I - этап - знакомство с диалогом.
II - этап - разучивание диалога.
III - этап - инсценирование диалога.
4. Обучение письму.
Этот вид работы решает сразу две задачи: правильное написание английских слов и
освоение клавиатуры.
5. Отработка грамматических явлений.
3. Форма проведения конференции – заочная (Интернет-конференция с
публикацией материалов: все статьи участников конференции будут
размещаться на сайте Конференции (http://yazik.infoв специальном
разделе межвузовского сборника научных трудов «Язык. Культура.
Дата публикации материалов конференции – апрель 2012 г.
Срок представления статей – до 15.06.2012 г. (продлен до 25.09.2012
Условия участия в Конференции: К участию в Конференции
допускаются все желающие (в том числе студенты), оформившие
научные статьи в соответствии с изложенными требованиями.
4. Условия публикации статей в материалах
-Публикация статей в материалах Конференции
-Всем авторам, независимо от объема публикации,
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формате pdf, полностью соответствующий печатному