Days of the weekdavazolko222The document describes a typical weekday morning routine and weekend activities for two people. It shows getting up and going to school Monday through Friday from 1-4pm, watching cartoons on Sunday, and sleeping at 11:30pm.
Past traveldavazolko222The document provides instructions on using the verb "used to" to talk about past habits and activities. It includes examples of filling in sentences with "used to" and completing sentences about past and present situations. There are also sections on learning new vocabulary words and sentences to practice the past tense forms of various verbs.
Days of the weekdavazolko222The document describes a typical weekday morning routine and weekend activities for two people. It shows getting up and going to school Monday through Friday from 1-4pm, watching cartoons on Sunday, and sleeping at 11:30pm.
Past traveldavazolko222The document provides instructions on using the verb "used to" to talk about past habits and activities. It includes examples of filling in sentences with "used to" and completing sentences about past and present situations. There are also sections on learning new vocabulary words and sentences to practice the past tense forms of various verbs.
4. А-Шулуунд перпендикуляр шулуун татах
: а шулуунд перпендикуляр б шулууны огтлолцох цэг О-д төвлөн R радиустай,DЕ цэгүүдийг
: а шулуун дээрх D.Е цэгүүдээс R-ээс их радиустай нумуудыг татан огтлолцлын цэг B-г
D 0 0
а а
а 0
Зурсан Б.Энхболд Шулуунд перпендикуляр шулуун
Шалгасан татах
До,Са ЕБ-н 3-р сургууль №1
6. : Перпендикуляр татсан шулуунд өгсөн хэмжээгээр К, К1 цэгүүдийг олж паралель
B шулууныг байгуул.
Зурсан Б.Энхболд Параллель перпендикуляр
Шалгасан шулуун татах
До,Са ЕБ-н 2-р сургууль №1