Antara pengajaran yang dapat diperoleh ialah kita perlu memohon maaf jika terlambat, berusaha menyelesaikan masalah, mengutamakan pelajaran, bersopan santun dengan meminta izin, dan memaafkan kesalahan yang tidak disengajakan.
come utilizzare i social network per documentare i progetti europei dei docenti? Come valorizzare i risultati della propria didattica a livello nazionale e internazionale? Come valorizzare la qualit¨¤ della scuola nel suo insieme nel web 2.0?
How to share my Comenius experience through Social NetworksLorenzo Mentuccia
This document summarizes an induction meeting that took place in Rome on November 22nd, 2013 about using social media for mobility projects. It discusses using social networks and online tools to share content and experiences, build relationships, and monitor project results. Specifically, it recommends using blogs, social networks, microblogging, media sharing and slide repositories to disseminate information about projects and activities. It also provides tips on managing social media accounts, copyright issues, and privacy concerns when working with students online. Guidelines are given for using Facebook and Twitter safely and effectively for educational purposes.
The document is a date sheet that outlines the examination schedule for the B.A./B.Sc. 3rd year from April 3rd to May 19th, 2012. It lists the dates, days of the week, and subjects/papers being examined each day. There are examinations almost every day, with some days having multiple subjects scheduled. The date sheet provides important information to students about the timing and structure of the upcoming 3rd year examinations.
Le novit¨¤ pi¨´ importanti per quanto riguarda il mondo dei gemellaggi elettronici eTwinning con l'avvento del nuovo Programma Erasmus+ dell'Unione Europea. -
Social network e progetti di mobilit¨¤ in Europa. La dimensione 2.0 del fare s...Lorenzo Mentuccia
Come diffondere su Twitter l'attivit¨¤ di un'Agenzia nazionale che gestisce fondi per la progettazione europea. Il caso dell'Agenzia Nazionale Lifelong Learning Programme, futura Erasmus+
This document summarizes the Rapid Assembly of Geo-Centred Linked Data Applications (RAGLD) project. RAGLD is building tools to enable developers to make greater use of linked data by integrating and transforming geospatial and statistical data. The project involves developing components for data integration, visualization, spatial and statistical querying, and workflow management. Feedback is being gathered to refine the design of these components and services.
This document discusses potential strategies for distributing an independent British film on a small budget. It suggests appealing to distributors like Momentum or Film 4 who focus on growth over large revenues. It also recommends direct online promotion through sites like IMDB, Rotten Tomatoes, Facebook, and YouTube to build an audience. Generating controversy around the film's portrayal of racism could attract significant interest and criticism, similar to Four Lions. Creating an official website and product tie-ins could further promote the film.
Presentazione di eTwinning nel corso del seminario LLP organizzato dall'Agenzia nazionale Lifelong Learning Programme di Indire con il supporto del Comune di Firenze
How to manage a nss Facebook page lorenzo mentucciaLorenzo Mentuccia
This document provides guidance on how to manage the NSS Facebook page. It recommends posting a variety of content types including images, videos, text, and links. Posts should be direct, interesting, and timely. Goals are to increase visibility of NSS activities, promote eTwinning, and engage new users. Metrics like impressions, reach, engagement, and virality should be monitored. A content plan and tools like Hootsuite can aid scheduling. Promoting events before, during, and after with relevant multimedia can boost impact. Quality over quantity of posts is important to drive virality.
The document discusses potential strategies for distributing an independent British film on a small budget. It suggests appealing to distributors like Momentum or Film 4 who focus on growth over large revenues. It also proposes directly advertising to the target audience through websites, social media, and YouTube. This viral marketing could gain interest from film companies willing to fund production and marketing. Controversy around the film's portrayal of racism may attract significant attention and criticism, similar to Four Lions. Promotional elements could include an official website with trailers, behind-the-scenes content, and tickets for events. Product tie-ins could further engage the target audience.
Antara pengajaran yang dapat diperoleh ialah kita perlu memohon maaf jika terlambat, berusaha menyelesaikan masalah, mengutamakan pelajaran, bersopan santun dengan meminta izin, dan memaafkan kesalahan yang tidak disengajakan.
come utilizzare i social network per documentare i progetti europei dei docenti? Come valorizzare i risultati della propria didattica a livello nazionale e internazionale? Come valorizzare la qualit¨¤ della scuola nel suo insieme nel web 2.0?
How to share my Comenius experience through Social NetworksLorenzo Mentuccia
This document summarizes an induction meeting that took place in Rome on November 22nd, 2013 about using social media for mobility projects. It discusses using social networks and online tools to share content and experiences, build relationships, and monitor project results. Specifically, it recommends using blogs, social networks, microblogging, media sharing and slide repositories to disseminate information about projects and activities. It also provides tips on managing social media accounts, copyright issues, and privacy concerns when working with students online. Guidelines are given for using Facebook and Twitter safely and effectively for educational purposes.
The document is a date sheet that outlines the examination schedule for the B.A./B.Sc. 3rd year from April 3rd to May 19th, 2012. It lists the dates, days of the week, and subjects/papers being examined each day. There are examinations almost every day, with some days having multiple subjects scheduled. The date sheet provides important information to students about the timing and structure of the upcoming 3rd year examinations.
Le novit¨¤ pi¨´ importanti per quanto riguarda il mondo dei gemellaggi elettronici eTwinning con l'avvento del nuovo Programma Erasmus+ dell'Unione Europea. -
Social network e progetti di mobilit¨¤ in Europa. La dimensione 2.0 del fare s...Lorenzo Mentuccia
Come diffondere su Twitter l'attivit¨¤ di un'Agenzia nazionale che gestisce fondi per la progettazione europea. Il caso dell'Agenzia Nazionale Lifelong Learning Programme, futura Erasmus+
This document summarizes the Rapid Assembly of Geo-Centred Linked Data Applications (RAGLD) project. RAGLD is building tools to enable developers to make greater use of linked data by integrating and transforming geospatial and statistical data. The project involves developing components for data integration, visualization, spatial and statistical querying, and workflow management. Feedback is being gathered to refine the design of these components and services.
This document discusses potential strategies for distributing an independent British film on a small budget. It suggests appealing to distributors like Momentum or Film 4 who focus on growth over large revenues. It also recommends direct online promotion through sites like IMDB, Rotten Tomatoes, Facebook, and YouTube to build an audience. Generating controversy around the film's portrayal of racism could attract significant interest and criticism, similar to Four Lions. Creating an official website and product tie-ins could further promote the film.
Presentazione di eTwinning nel corso del seminario LLP organizzato dall'Agenzia nazionale Lifelong Learning Programme di Indire con il supporto del Comune di Firenze
How to manage a nss Facebook page lorenzo mentucciaLorenzo Mentuccia
This document provides guidance on how to manage the NSS Facebook page. It recommends posting a variety of content types including images, videos, text, and links. Posts should be direct, interesting, and timely. Goals are to increase visibility of NSS activities, promote eTwinning, and engage new users. Metrics like impressions, reach, engagement, and virality should be monitored. A content plan and tools like Hootsuite can aid scheduling. Promoting events before, during, and after with relevant multimedia can boost impact. Quality over quantity of posts is important to drive virality.
The document discusses potential strategies for distributing an independent British film on a small budget. It suggests appealing to distributors like Momentum or Film 4 who focus on growth over large revenues. It also proposes directly advertising to the target audience through websites, social media, and YouTube. This viral marketing could gain interest from film companies willing to fund production and marketing. Controversy around the film's portrayal of racism may attract significant attention and criticism, similar to Four Lions. Promotional elements could include an official website with trailers, behind-the-scenes content, and tickets for events. Product tie-ins could further engage the target audience.