Mexico japan 2015Carlos DuarteThis document discusses the development of human capital in the space field in Mexico. It outlines Mexico's vision for becoming a major contributor to space science and technology by 2030. It identifies key areas for development like earth observation, space operations, and engineering. It also examines Mexico's current space education capabilities and weaknesses in STEM education. Strategies are proposed to develop university curricula, train professors, promote international cooperation, and engage students in contests to foster growth of the field. Collaboration with Japan is suggested in areas like student exchanges, instructor training, and distance education tools. Developing strong human capital through education is seen as essential for Mexico to succeed in space.
Kols - fastlegen si oppgåve ved rehabilitering av kols-pasientenLungenettetKols- fastlegen si oppgåve ved rehabilitering
Lars Johan Lysen
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Innovation hub presentation: Mathematical thinking for business successEdzai Conilias ZvobwoA talk I gave to a group of entrepreneurs being incubated at the Innovation Hub in Pretoria. They can use their experiences in the maths class as simulations to entrepreneurial lives.
ANALISIS REAL TEORI 1.8DKartika Nirwana SilalahiThe document presents a proof by contradiction of a theorem regarding some mathematical concept. It assumes the theorem is false and derives a contradiction using definitions and previously established results. This implies the original assumption was incorrect, proving the theorem is indeed true. A second method of proof is also provided using similar logical steps and references to definitions and axioms.
ARE U PAYING ATTENTION?semremeThe document provides insights from visiting three different supermarkets in the area. It summarizes that the supermarkets lacked clear signage and organization, had crowded aisles making it difficult to find products, and had checkout lines that moved slowly. Additionally, some products nearing their expiration dates were being sold as "value packs." The document suggests opportunities for the supermarkets such as adding a food court to attract customers, selling items at lower prices to target more income groups, and training sales assistants to be more helpful and make customers feel welcomed.
Chevrolet camaroMauricio MartínezThe document summarizes the new Chevrolet Camaro SS sports car. It describes the car's aggressive design that pays homage to the first generation Camaro while incorporating modern enhancements. The Chevrolet Camaro SS is equipped with a 6.2 liter V8 engine producing 400 horsepower, a 6-speed transmission, luxury features, and advanced safety systems like six airbags and stability control to ensure survival in impacts. The document promotes the new Chevrolet Camaro SS as reinterpreting the iconic muscle car for the 21st century.
Searching data with substance and styleAmélie MarianThe document discusses semi-structured data processing and personal information search. It describes research at Rutgers University on developing tools for searching semi-structured data that unifies content and structure. The research aims to allow queries to contain both structural and content components and return results even if queries are incomplete. It proposes approaches like defining a unified data model, query relaxations to approximate queries, and scoring frameworks to rank unified search results.
Book0012 11th edumeshnagpal20Malcolm Fraser founded the Stuttering Foundation of America in 1947 after struggling with stuttering since childhood and receiving therapy. He had a successful career with his brother at their company, NAPA-Genuine Parts. Fraser generously supported the Foundation over time, with endowment income now covering over 50% of operating costs. He received awards for his commitment to helping people who stutter, including the Charles Van Riper award from the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. Fraser worked to increase awareness of stuttering and help people constructively address it.
Evaluacion ostemuscular con instructivoHector G Cifuentes HEste documento presenta un formato para realizar una evaluación física osteomuscular que incluye datos generales del paciente, antecedentes, valoración de la columna vertebral, miembros superiores e inferiores, y valoración neurológica, con el fin de realizar un diagnóstico e implementar las conductas apropiadas.
Polivit informaciondesarrollowebjpEl documento discute los requerimientos nutricionales y el potencial uso de suplementos vitamínicos y minerales en diferentes etapas de la vida, incluyendo la lactancia, edad escolar, adolescencia, edad fértil y adultez mayor. Resalta que una dieta balanceada es lo ideal, pero que los suplementos pueden ser útiles para cubrir deficiencias cuando la dieta no provee los nutrientes necesarios.
Golden triangle toursSurya Prakash IndoriyaThe itinerary describes a 6 day Golden Triangle tour of Delhi, Agra, and Jaipur in India. Key attractions included the Taj Mahal and Agra Fort in Agra, Jama Masjid mosque, Red Fort, Raj Ghat Memorial, and Qutab Minar in Delhi, and Amber Fort, Hawa Mahal, and City Palace in Jaipur. Sightseeing activities included guided tours of major landmarks and monuments, as well as an elephant ride up to Amber Fort. The tour offered visitors an overview of the most popular historical and cultural sites across North India's famous Golden Triangle route.
Music magazine photography12amediarandydenhamThis document contains analyses of the effectiveness of various music magazine photographs. It discusses aspects like lighting, composition, symbolism and their relation to conveying the artists' image and music. Two photos are deemed ineffective - one is too dimly lit and unprofessional-looking while the other is overexposed and blurred, looking crowded and unfitting of a music magazine.
Quieres jugarmanolino12Este documento habla sobre la importancia de estudiar y prepararse para el trabajo. Explica que todos los trabajos requieren aprender ciertas técnicas y organizarse bien para tener éxito. Recomienda llevar una agenda para organizar las tareas diarias y usar técnicas como subrayar, hacer resúmenes y esquemas para estudiar de manera efectiva. El objetivo es motivar a los estudiantes a esforzarse y convertirse en buenos estudiantes.
Information and technologyTenzin LondorThe document outlines the structure and goals of an IT syllabus that does not involve traditional elements like textbooks, syllabi, homework, or tests. Instead, students will learn essential skills for real-world use by gaining proficiency with Microsoft Office applications like PowerPoint, Word, and Excel, as well as skills like typing, blogging, and working with Adobe programs, with the aim of integrating technology into their learning experience.
Powerful presentation secretsfixithatThis document provides tips for giving powerful presentations. The most important tip is to have a compelling story to tell. Presenters should simplify complex information for audiences and use motivating phrases. When giving the presentation, they should divide it into clear sections, verbally introduce and conclude each section, and summarize at the end. Presenters are also advised to use visual aids like pictures and videos when appropriate, practice their presentation, speak enthusiastically, inject their personality, focus on benefits rather than features, and find a way to inform and entertain audiences.
Remembrance of data pastAmélie MarianThe document discusses using contextual information from personal data sources to improve information search and retrieval. It describes how people naturally remember past data based on contextual clues like location, time, other people involved. A personal data assistant could index and integrate content and metadata from various sources to enable contextual searches. Challenges include developing unified data models and tools to discover and leverage both explicit and implicit contextual information from personal information sources.
Photoshop znakomstvoTatka_kЗнакомство с Photoshop;
Обработка фотографии;
Создание графики в Photoshop;
Простой монтаж и спецэффекты;
Стилизация фотографий;
Сложный фотомонтаж.
Chevrolet camaroMauricio MartínezThe document summarizes the new Chevrolet Camaro SS sports car. It describes the car's aggressive design that pays homage to the first generation Camaro while incorporating modern enhancements. The Chevrolet Camaro SS is equipped with a 6.2 liter V8 engine producing 400 horsepower, a 6-speed transmission, luxury features, and advanced safety systems like six airbags and stability control to ensure survival in impacts. The document promotes the new Chevrolet Camaro SS as reinterpreting the iconic muscle car for the 21st century.
Searching data with substance and styleAmélie MarianThe document discusses semi-structured data processing and personal information search. It describes research at Rutgers University on developing tools for searching semi-structured data that unifies content and structure. The research aims to allow queries to contain both structural and content components and return results even if queries are incomplete. It proposes approaches like defining a unified data model, query relaxations to approximate queries, and scoring frameworks to rank unified search results.
Book0012 11th edumeshnagpal20Malcolm Fraser founded the Stuttering Foundation of America in 1947 after struggling with stuttering since childhood and receiving therapy. He had a successful career with his brother at their company, NAPA-Genuine Parts. Fraser generously supported the Foundation over time, with endowment income now covering over 50% of operating costs. He received awards for his commitment to helping people who stutter, including the Charles Van Riper award from the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. Fraser worked to increase awareness of stuttering and help people constructively address it.
Evaluacion ostemuscular con instructivoHector G Cifuentes HEste documento presenta un formato para realizar una evaluación física osteomuscular que incluye datos generales del paciente, antecedentes, valoración de la columna vertebral, miembros superiores e inferiores, y valoración neurológica, con el fin de realizar un diagnóstico e implementar las conductas apropiadas.
Polivit informaciondesarrollowebjpEl documento discute los requerimientos nutricionales y el potencial uso de suplementos vitamínicos y minerales en diferentes etapas de la vida, incluyendo la lactancia, edad escolar, adolescencia, edad fértil y adultez mayor. Resalta que una dieta balanceada es lo ideal, pero que los suplementos pueden ser útiles para cubrir deficiencias cuando la dieta no provee los nutrientes necesarios.
Golden triangle toursSurya Prakash IndoriyaThe itinerary describes a 6 day Golden Triangle tour of Delhi, Agra, and Jaipur in India. Key attractions included the Taj Mahal and Agra Fort in Agra, Jama Masjid mosque, Red Fort, Raj Ghat Memorial, and Qutab Minar in Delhi, and Amber Fort, Hawa Mahal, and City Palace in Jaipur. Sightseeing activities included guided tours of major landmarks and monuments, as well as an elephant ride up to Amber Fort. The tour offered visitors an overview of the most popular historical and cultural sites across North India's famous Golden Triangle route.
Music magazine photography12amediarandydenhamThis document contains analyses of the effectiveness of various music magazine photographs. It discusses aspects like lighting, composition, symbolism and their relation to conveying the artists' image and music. Two photos are deemed ineffective - one is too dimly lit and unprofessional-looking while the other is overexposed and blurred, looking crowded and unfitting of a music magazine.
Quieres jugarmanolino12Este documento habla sobre la importancia de estudiar y prepararse para el trabajo. Explica que todos los trabajos requieren aprender ciertas técnicas y organizarse bien para tener éxito. Recomienda llevar una agenda para organizar las tareas diarias y usar técnicas como subrayar, hacer resúmenes y esquemas para estudiar de manera efectiva. El objetivo es motivar a los estudiantes a esforzarse y convertirse en buenos estudiantes.
Information and technologyTenzin LondorThe document outlines the structure and goals of an IT syllabus that does not involve traditional elements like textbooks, syllabi, homework, or tests. Instead, students will learn essential skills for real-world use by gaining proficiency with Microsoft Office applications like PowerPoint, Word, and Excel, as well as skills like typing, blogging, and working with Adobe programs, with the aim of integrating technology into their learning experience.
Powerful presentation secretsfixithatThis document provides tips for giving powerful presentations. The most important tip is to have a compelling story to tell. Presenters should simplify complex information for audiences and use motivating phrases. When giving the presentation, they should divide it into clear sections, verbally introduce and conclude each section, and summarize at the end. Presenters are also advised to use visual aids like pictures and videos when appropriate, practice their presentation, speak enthusiastically, inject their personality, focus on benefits rather than features, and find a way to inform and entertain audiences.
Remembrance of data pastAmélie MarianThe document discusses using contextual information from personal data sources to improve information search and retrieval. It describes how people naturally remember past data based on contextual clues like location, time, other people involved. A personal data assistant could index and integrate content and metadata from various sources to enable contextual searches. Challenges include developing unified data models and tools to discover and leverage both explicit and implicit contextual information from personal information sources.
Photoshop znakomstvoTatka_kЗнакомство с Photoshop;
Обработка фотографии;
Создание графики в Photoshop;
Простой монтаж и спецэффекты;
Стилизация фотографий;
Сложный фотомонтаж.
1. Создаем в Фотошопе новый рисунок размером 500х500 пикселей с черным фоном.
Создаем новый слой и рисуем круг с помощью инструмента выделение размером
примерно 2/3 от площади рисунка. Заливаем выделение черным цветом (не убираем
выделение). Берем большую кисть AirbrushSoft диаметром 300 пикселей. Выставляем
следующие параметры кисти: прозрачность 30%, режим LinearDodge (Линейное
осветление). Цвет - #664029 И начинаем закрашивать круг как показано на рисунке.
Теперь планете необходима текстура. Ее можно загрузить с помощью Edit>DefinePattern
(Редактирование>Определить образец) лучше всего подходят для этого образцы текстур
мрамора. Затем переходите в brushtool (панель свойств кисти) и отмечаете галочкой
использование текстуры.
2. Теперь кистью наносите текстуру на основную сферу, как показано на рисунке слева.
Обязательно оставьте темную область — этот тень на планете. (Помните, что сфера
должна оставаться выделенной все это время)
3. Теперь воспользуемся фильтром Сферизация в Фотошопе. Используем команды
Фильтры>Деформация>Сферизация (Filter>Distort>Sphereize) Выставляем на 100% и
кликаем на ОК, затем повторяем эту команду еще раз, но с показателем 50%. Настало
время избавиться от лишних пикселей по краям рисунка: идем в Редактирование>
Вырезать (Edit>Cutcommand). Постим заготовку планеты в новый прозрачный слой
(Ctrl+V), а старый уничтожаем.
4. Теперь надо добавить планете атмосферу. Дублируем слой с планетой и идем в меню
Слои> Стиль Слоя> Параметры наложения слоев (Layer>LayerStyle>BlendingOptions).
Выбираем Режим Наложения — Линейное Осветление, Непрозрачность — 0%.
5. Выбираем эффект слоя — Внешнее Свечение (outerglow), цвет свечения — #6283A7.
Выбираем эффект слоя — Внутренее Свечение (innerglow), цвет — #6283A7.
Теперь ваша планета выглядит почти как настоящая. Создайте новый слой, выставите
режим смешения — Линейное Осветление и слейте со слоем атмосферы. Теперь у вас
имеется слой с атмосферными эффектами.
6. Следующий шаг — переходим в панель ластика (erasertool) Выставляем следующие
параметры — AirbrushSoft, диаметр 300 пикселей. И стираем атмосферу так, как
показано на рисунке. Теперь все выглядит почти отлично.
7. В заключении сделаем планету чуть более реальной. Дублируйте свой слой с планетой.
Откройте меню Фильтры>Стилизация>Рельеф (Filter>Stylize>Emboss) Применяете
фильтр Рельеф со следующими параметрами: Угол -33, Высота 1, Эффект 500% Теперь
обесцвечиваете слой (image>desaturate) и дублируете его.
8. Один слой затемняете (image>adjustments>brightness/contrast), это будут
возвышенности рельефа.
9. Другой слой осветляете (image>adjustments>brightness/contrast), это будут тени
планетного ландшафта.
10. У Черного рельефного слоя выставляете такие параметры наложения — Linearlight
(Линейное осветление), Непрозрачность — 50%. У Белого рельефного слоя режим
наложения — Multiply (Умножение), Непрозрачность — 70%.
Если вы все сделали верно, то ваша планета должна выглядеть примерно так. Можно
поэкспериментировать с кривыми и с цветовым балансом, что бы придать большее