During the research and planning stages, the filmmakers used the internet to research conventions in perfume advertisements and analyze how to challenge conventions. They storyboarded their ideas and uploaded them to Macs to plan shot types, editing, and timing. During filming, they used a Panasonic handheld camera and tripod to capture different shot types. For editing, they used iMovie software which had some limitations and prevented certain effects. In the future, the filmmaker would use different editing software like Final Cut and do more thorough planning.
Kurt Cobain was a musician born in 1967 who died by suicide in 1994. He was the lead singer, guitarist, and songwriter for the grunge band Nirvana and is considered one of the most iconic and influential musicians of the 1990s. Cobain struggled with depression and drug addiction throughout his life and career.
This document discusses the food groups and items that a student from Ukraine eats on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis. It outlines fruits, grains, vegetables, meat/fish, dairy, and liquids that provide nutrients and are consumed daily or weekly. It also lists examples of junk food like fast food, soda, fried potatoes, alcohol, candies, and white bread that the student tries to avoid or limits to weekly consumption to maintain a healthy diet.
Este manual tiene como objetivo guiar la elaboraci¨®n de estudios de prefactibilidad y factibilidad para proyectos de carreteras. Explica el ciclo de proyectos, la identificaci¨®n del problema y las alternativas, la formulaci¨®n del proyecto, el an¨¢lisis beneficio-costo y criterios de rentabilidad, y la evaluaci¨®n econ¨®mica y financiera del proyecto. El manual fue desarrollado por un equipo de expertos nicarag¨¹enses con el apoyo del gobierno de Dinamarca para normalizar los procesos de revisi¨®n de estud
This passage from 1 Peter 5:6-11 outlines four laws of Christian life: (1) the law of Christian humility, (2) the law of Christian serenity, (3) the law of Christian effort and vigilance, and (4) the law of Christian suffering. It encourages believers to remain humble and faithful to Christ even in times of persecution, and to cast their burdens on God through prayer rather than anxiety, while also remaining sober and vigilant in living for Christ. It asserts that through suffering, God will restore, establish, strengthen, and settle believers.
This document discusses issues of alienation and disconnection in adolescence. It describes forms of alienation such as normlessness, powerlessness, social isolation, and meaninglessness. Adolescents who are poor and minority experience the greatest alienation. Being faced with responsibility but lacking authority can lead to disconnectedness. Outcomes of alienation may include internalizing problems like anxiety and depression or externalizing problems like aggression. Substance abuse is discussed as a form of self-medication for emotional distress.
This document provides tips for scientists on how to spread their discoveries to the general public through journalists and media outlets. It advises focusing on practical consequences and everyday life impacts to attract journalists' interest. It also suggests using catchy opening lines and focusing on the intended audience when reaching out to general news publications versus scientific magazines. The document emphasizes making the message social through groups like "Dibattito scienza" on Facebook and considering both the effectiveness and ethics of experiments involving animals.
This document discusses a school located in Rionegro, Colombia. It has a kind boss who helps teachers with their daily activities and dreams of an educated community. The school has nice facilities including two digital boards and 120 computers shared across three classrooms. Students are generally happy but some are becoming lazy as they spend long periods without parental guidance. All teachers have a normal weekly workload of 22 teaching hours, though there are many extra activities as well.
During the research and planning stages, the filmmakers used the internet to research conventions in perfume advertisements and analyze how to challenge conventions. They storyboarded their ideas and uploaded them to Macs to plan shot types, editing, and timing. During filming, they used a Panasonic handheld camera and tripod to capture different shot types. For editing, they used iMovie software which had some limitations and prevented certain effects. In the future, the filmmaker would use different editing software like Final Cut and do more thorough planning.
Kurt Cobain was a musician born in 1967 who died by suicide in 1994. He was the lead singer, guitarist, and songwriter for the grunge band Nirvana and is considered one of the most iconic and influential musicians of the 1990s. Cobain struggled with depression and drug addiction throughout his life and career.
This document discusses the food groups and items that a student from Ukraine eats on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis. It outlines fruits, grains, vegetables, meat/fish, dairy, and liquids that provide nutrients and are consumed daily or weekly. It also lists examples of junk food like fast food, soda, fried potatoes, alcohol, candies, and white bread that the student tries to avoid or limits to weekly consumption to maintain a healthy diet.
Este manual tiene como objetivo guiar la elaboraci¨®n de estudios de prefactibilidad y factibilidad para proyectos de carreteras. Explica el ciclo de proyectos, la identificaci¨®n del problema y las alternativas, la formulaci¨®n del proyecto, el an¨¢lisis beneficio-costo y criterios de rentabilidad, y la evaluaci¨®n econ¨®mica y financiera del proyecto. El manual fue desarrollado por un equipo de expertos nicarag¨¹enses con el apoyo del gobierno de Dinamarca para normalizar los procesos de revisi¨®n de estud
This passage from 1 Peter 5:6-11 outlines four laws of Christian life: (1) the law of Christian humility, (2) the law of Christian serenity, (3) the law of Christian effort and vigilance, and (4) the law of Christian suffering. It encourages believers to remain humble and faithful to Christ even in times of persecution, and to cast their burdens on God through prayer rather than anxiety, while also remaining sober and vigilant in living for Christ. It asserts that through suffering, God will restore, establish, strengthen, and settle believers.
This document discusses issues of alienation and disconnection in adolescence. It describes forms of alienation such as normlessness, powerlessness, social isolation, and meaninglessness. Adolescents who are poor and minority experience the greatest alienation. Being faced with responsibility but lacking authority can lead to disconnectedness. Outcomes of alienation may include internalizing problems like anxiety and depression or externalizing problems like aggression. Substance abuse is discussed as a form of self-medication for emotional distress.
This document provides tips for scientists on how to spread their discoveries to the general public through journalists and media outlets. It advises focusing on practical consequences and everyday life impacts to attract journalists' interest. It also suggests using catchy opening lines and focusing on the intended audience when reaching out to general news publications versus scientific magazines. The document emphasizes making the message social through groups like "Dibattito scienza" on Facebook and considering both the effectiveness and ethics of experiments involving animals.
This document discusses a school located in Rionegro, Colombia. It has a kind boss who helps teachers with their daily activities and dreams of an educated community. The school has nice facilities including two digital boards and 120 computers shared across three classrooms. Students are generally happy but some are becoming lazy as they spend long periods without parental guidance. All teachers have a normal weekly workload of 22 teaching hours, though there are many extra activities as well.
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2. Coniugazione regolare
? I verbi in ARE utilizzano la A, i verbi in ERE
utilizzano la E i verbi in IRE utilizzano la I
? terminazioni che seguono la vocale tematica
? -ssi
? -ssi
? -sse
? -ssimo
? -ste
? -ssero