VisibilityOleg YaroshevychThis document discusses visibility in an organization and outlines several key areas including opportunity, data/information, top-down and bottom-up approaches, weekly meetings focused on team, client, and management, using scrum methodology for planning, standups, and retrospectives, and peer-to-peer problem solving to address issues like fragmentation between the company and client.
VisibilityOleg YaroshevychThis document discusses visibility in an organization and outlines several key areas including opportunity, data/information, top-down and bottom-up approaches, weekly meetings focused on team, client, and management, using scrum methodology for planning, standups, and retrospectives, and peer-to-peer problem solving to address issues like fragmentation between the company and client.
Ember DataOleg YaroshevychStill creating dog-slow interfaces in plain HTML? Time to learn some new buzzwords: MVC, REST, Ember.js.
This presentation introduces Ember Data framework: from Ember.js overview to more-or-less advanced customizations of your client-side data layer.
Taylor Swift SamyBaylyThis document lists Taylor Swift's albums from 2006 to 2012 including the years and titles of each album as well as some of the popular songs from each album. It includes her self-titled debut album from 2006, Fearless from 2009, Speak Now from 2010, and Red from 2012. Popular songs mentioned are Should've Said No, Fifteen, Ours, We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together.
Developing a Practice Compliance Planshelvan1967The document outlines the Office of Inspector General's (OIG) focus areas for auditing Medicare compliance, including reviewing physicians and suppliers for incorrectly billed amounts, high cumulative payments, physician-owned distributors of spinal implants, place-of-service coding errors, and use of incident-to billing. It then discusses the seven key elements of an effective compliance plan according to OIG: having policies and procedures, designating a compliance officer, conducting training, effective communication, internal monitoring, enforcement, and responding to issues. The presentation emphasizes establishing a culture of compliance, keeping plans up-to-date, ongoing training, investigating reports, and conducting audits.
Introduction to Object Oriented DesignOleg YaroshevychThe document provides an overview of object-oriented design (OOD) principles and patterns. It discusses why OOD simplifies system evolution and defines common design vocabulary. It also covers the OOD process, principles like single responsibility and dependency inversion. Specific design patterns are explained like observer, strategy and proxy. Enterprise patterns for domain logic and architecture like MVC, SOA, and onion architecture are also summarized.
Proses pengecoranChache GoProses pengecoran adalah proses pembuatan yang mengubah bentuk logam dengan mencairkan logam kemudian dituangkan ke dalam cetakan. Terdapat beberapa jenis proses pengecoran berdasarkan bahan cetakan dan cara penuangannya seperti pengecoran pasir, sentrifugal, cetakan permanen, dan cetak-tekan.
Laporan pengujianChache GoPengujian ketebalan dan kekasaran permukaan dilakukan untuk mengetahui karakteristik material. Alat uji ketebalan (Coating Thickness Gauge TT260) dan kekasaran (Laser Roughness Tester TR240) digunakan untuk mengukur besi, stainless steel, dan aluminium. Hasil pengukuran menunjukkan rata-rata ketebalan lapisan dan nilai kekasaran permukaan masing-masing bahan.
2. Ο βυθός του
Ο βυθόσ του μπικύνι
βρύςκεται κϊτω από το
αληθινό νηςύ Μπικύνι
ςτον Ατλαντικό Ωκεανό .
Στον βυθό του
μπικύνι επικρατούν όλα
τα καιρικϊ φαινόμενα.
Η μορφολογύα του
εδϊφουσ εύναι αμμώδησ
και ϊγονη ενώ υπϊρχει
κανονικό θϊλαςςα μϋςα
ςτην θϊλαςςα που
αποκαλεύτε λύμνη Goo.
3. Ο βυθός του
Δεν παρϊγει κϊτι, ότι
χρειϊζεται το παύρνει από
γειτονικϋσ πόλεισ .
Το χαρακτηριςτικό τησ
ποτό εύναι το φυκοςϋικ
και το χαρακτηριςτικό
τησ φαγητό ……………….
5. Ο βυθός του
………το καβουροπϊτι, ό
αλλιώσ ϋνα green burger
που ςερβύρεται ςτο
εςτιατόριο «Ο Τραγανόσ
Κϊβουρασ» και η ςυ-
νταγό του εύναι μυςτικό
από τουσ υπόλοιπουσ
κατούκουσ του βυθού του
Μπικύνι. Αλλϊ όχι και
από τουσ ανθρώπουσ. Η
ςυνταγό του εύναι
απλούςτατη και την
ξϋρω απϋξω και
6. Ο βυθός του
2 ψωμϊκια με ςουςϊμι
1 μπιφτϋκι
1 φϋτα τυρύ του τοςτ
Αυτό εύναι το