Простые скороговорки по звукам в ребусах. ТАнатолий МячевПроект реализует задачи по созданию и решению числовых ребусов различной трудности на основе популярных простых скороговорок и фраз, включая авторские, для развития мышления и креативной математики. Примеры числовых ребусов приводятся с решениями и алгоритмами решений (для минимального значения выражения).
Цель - научить основным методам, а также практическим приемам построения и решения различных креативных числовых ребусов на основе популярных и оригинальных простых скороговорок и фраз с помощью корректных и быстрых алгоритмов и калькулятора ребусов.
Для учителей математики, информатики, старшеклассников, студентов младших курсов высших учебных заведений.
Может быть использован на кружковых и факультативных занятиях в общеобразовательных учреждениях, в школах с углублённым изучением математики и информатики, а также в иных целях, не противоречащих законодательству РФ.
Ratio0shoeb0007Ratio analysis is the process of computing and presenting the relationships between financial statement items to provide an understanding of a company's financial position. Ratios are important tools that analyze the strengths and weaknesses of an organization by establishing quantitative relationships between balance sheet and income statement items. Common types of ratios include liquidity, profitability, solvency, activity, and shareholders' ratios.
Rancangan harianrasidahstm1Ringkasan dokumen pelajaran harian Bahasa Melayu kelas 2 Intan mengenai bunga raya adalah sebagai berikut:
Dokumen ini merangkum jadual pelajaran harian Bahasa Melayu untuk topik bunga raya yang meliputi objektif, bahan pengajaran, aktiviti guru dan murid, dan penilaian pembelajaran. Pelajaran ini bertujuan memupuk nilai patriotik dan semangat berusaha dalam kalangan murid.
Arsitektur tradisional papua (honai)Zatriani .Rumah adat suku Dani bernama honai yang berbentuk lingkaran, terdiri dari beberapa unit seperti tempat tinggal, dapur, kandang babi. Honai dibangun dari bahan alami seperti kayu dan jerami dengan proses konstruksi tradisional. Bentuk lingkaran honai menunjukkan nilai persatuan dan tradisi yang diwariskan turun temurun oleh suku Dani.
Consumer protection actshoeb0007The document discusses the fundamental rights guaranteed by the Indian constitution. It provides context on the origins and development of fundamental rights in India, drawing from international influences like the British and American bills of rights. The constitution recognizes seven fundamental rights: right to equality, right to freedom, right against exploitation, right to freedom of religion, cultural and educational rights, right to constitutional remedies, and right to education. Fundamental rights aim to overcome social inequalities and protect all citizens regardless of attributes like religion, caste or gender.
Aktiviti dalam kelas tahun 2rasidahstm1Kelas Tahun 2 STM (1) Kluang, Johor melakukan aktiviti bahasa Melayu tahun 2012 di bawah bimbingan Puan Rasidah bte. Musa @ Jaman.
Desain merupakan perencanaan dalam pembuatan sebuah objekAbi HauraDesain merupakan perencanaan dalam pembuatan objek, sistem, komponen atau struktur yang meliputi seni terapan, rekayasa, dan teknologi. Desain dapat berupa proposal, gambar, model atau deskripsi dan bertujuan untuk membangun kualitas elemen dalam produk. Berbagai jenis desain meliputi desain gambar, tulisan, simbol, logo, struktur busana, dan hiasan.
Serious Games for Cyber Security - The Human FactorPatrick BartlDo you believe to have the most reliable, most secure and most performant systems in place? Do you think your company is a compromise-ready organization? Human error belongs to the leading causes for incidents. Personnel awareness and training fueled by Enterprise Gamification trigger employees to create a desire for learning and continuous improvement.
Perry el ornitorrinco blogAnonimatoanonimoEl agente secreto recuerda su carrera como agente, sus mejores momentos trabajando junto a su familia y enfrentando las trampas de Doofenshmirtz. Sin embargo, su identidad es descubierta por Phineas y Ferb, lo que lleva a que sea despedido de su trabajo y reemplazado por Peter el Panda, teniendo que abandonar a su familia y quedar solo y triste.
Perry el ornitorrinco blogAnonimatoanonimoEl agente secreto recuerda su carrera como agente, trabajando junto a su mejor amigo Doofenshmirtz a pesar de siempre caer en sus trampas. Sin embargo, Phineas y Ferb lo descubrieron como agente, ya no pudo ocultar su identidad y fue despedido, reemplazado por Peter el Panda y tuvo que abandonar a su familia, quedando solo y triste.
L'Oréal Brandstorm 2015 - Lancome Travel Retail - National Final ItalyPatrick BartlL'Oréal Brandstorm is a business and marketing competition since 1992.
The challenge of the edition 2015 was to put yourself in the shoes of an international marketing director for Travel Retail and imagine a new retail experience for the brand Lancôme to attract new customers.
This presentation was presented at the National Final in Milan, Italy, on April 14, 2015.
District industrial centre2SAi KrishnaThe District Industries Centre (DIC) program was started in 1978 to promote small, tiny, cottage and village industries at the district level by providing services and facilities. DICs are responsible for economic investigations, credit facilities, marketing assistance, and more to help small businesses. By 1991, 422 DICs had been established across India assisting over 1.5 lakh business units and generating employment for more than 10.3 lakh people.
The Art of Effective StorytellingMichele MillerThe document discusses the power of storytelling and how it can be used effectively. It summarizes an experiment where inexpensive objects were given fictional backstories and sold on eBay for much higher prices, showing how narratives can increase subjective value. While data is important, stories are better at engaging humans and changing behaviors because they activate emotions. The document advocates using stories, not just facts and features, to connect with customers and show how products can help them achieve their goals and identities.
Простые скороговорки по звукам в ребусах. ТАнатолий МячевПроект реализует задачи по созданию и решению числовых ребусов различной трудности на основе популярных простых скороговорок и фраз, включая авторские, для развития мышления и креативной математики. Примеры числовых ребусов приводятся с решениями и алгоритмами решений (для минимального значения выражения).
Цель - научить основным методам, а также практическим приемам построения и решения различных креативных числовых ребусов на основе популярных и оригинальных простых скороговорок и фраз с помощью корректных и быстрых алгоритмов и калькулятора ребусов.
Для учителей математики, информатики, старшеклассников, студентов младших курсов высших учебных заведений.
Может быть использован на кружковых и факультативных занятиях в общеобразовательных учреждениях, в школах с углублённым изучением математики и информатики, а также в иных целях, не противоречащих законодательству РФ.
Ratio0shoeb0007Ratio analysis is the process of computing and presenting the relationships between financial statement items to provide an understanding of a company's financial position. Ratios are important tools that analyze the strengths and weaknesses of an organization by establishing quantitative relationships between balance sheet and income statement items. Common types of ratios include liquidity, profitability, solvency, activity, and shareholders' ratios.
Rancangan harianrasidahstm1Ringkasan dokumen pelajaran harian Bahasa Melayu kelas 2 Intan mengenai bunga raya adalah sebagai berikut:
Dokumen ini merangkum jadual pelajaran harian Bahasa Melayu untuk topik bunga raya yang meliputi objektif, bahan pengajaran, aktiviti guru dan murid, dan penilaian pembelajaran. Pelajaran ini bertujuan memupuk nilai patriotik dan semangat berusaha dalam kalangan murid.
Arsitektur tradisional papua (honai)Zatriani .Rumah adat suku Dani bernama honai yang berbentuk lingkaran, terdiri dari beberapa unit seperti tempat tinggal, dapur, kandang babi. Honai dibangun dari bahan alami seperti kayu dan jerami dengan proses konstruksi tradisional. Bentuk lingkaran honai menunjukkan nilai persatuan dan tradisi yang diwariskan turun temurun oleh suku Dani.
Consumer protection actshoeb0007The document discusses the fundamental rights guaranteed by the Indian constitution. It provides context on the origins and development of fundamental rights in India, drawing from international influences like the British and American bills of rights. The constitution recognizes seven fundamental rights: right to equality, right to freedom, right against exploitation, right to freedom of religion, cultural and educational rights, right to constitutional remedies, and right to education. Fundamental rights aim to overcome social inequalities and protect all citizens regardless of attributes like religion, caste or gender.
Aktiviti dalam kelas tahun 2rasidahstm1Kelas Tahun 2 STM (1) Kluang, Johor melakukan aktiviti bahasa Melayu tahun 2012 di bawah bimbingan Puan Rasidah bte. Musa @ Jaman.
Desain merupakan perencanaan dalam pembuatan sebuah objekAbi HauraDesain merupakan perencanaan dalam pembuatan objek, sistem, komponen atau struktur yang meliputi seni terapan, rekayasa, dan teknologi. Desain dapat berupa proposal, gambar, model atau deskripsi dan bertujuan untuk membangun kualitas elemen dalam produk. Berbagai jenis desain meliputi desain gambar, tulisan, simbol, logo, struktur busana, dan hiasan.
Serious Games for Cyber Security - The Human FactorPatrick BartlDo you believe to have the most reliable, most secure and most performant systems in place? Do you think your company is a compromise-ready organization? Human error belongs to the leading causes for incidents. Personnel awareness and training fueled by Enterprise Gamification trigger employees to create a desire for learning and continuous improvement.
Perry el ornitorrinco blogAnonimatoanonimoEl agente secreto recuerda su carrera como agente, sus mejores momentos trabajando junto a su familia y enfrentando las trampas de Doofenshmirtz. Sin embargo, su identidad es descubierta por Phineas y Ferb, lo que lleva a que sea despedido de su trabajo y reemplazado por Peter el Panda, teniendo que abandonar a su familia y quedar solo y triste.
Perry el ornitorrinco blogAnonimatoanonimoEl agente secreto recuerda su carrera como agente, trabajando junto a su mejor amigo Doofenshmirtz a pesar de siempre caer en sus trampas. Sin embargo, Phineas y Ferb lo descubrieron como agente, ya no pudo ocultar su identidad y fue despedido, reemplazado por Peter el Panda y tuvo que abandonar a su familia, quedando solo y triste.
L'Oréal Brandstorm 2015 - Lancome Travel Retail - National Final ItalyPatrick BartlL'Oréal Brandstorm is a business and marketing competition since 1992.
The challenge of the edition 2015 was to put yourself in the shoes of an international marketing director for Travel Retail and imagine a new retail experience for the brand Lancôme to attract new customers.
This presentation was presented at the National Final in Milan, Italy, on April 14, 2015.
District industrial centre2SAi KrishnaThe District Industries Centre (DIC) program was started in 1978 to promote small, tiny, cottage and village industries at the district level by providing services and facilities. DICs are responsible for economic investigations, credit facilities, marketing assistance, and more to help small businesses. By 1991, 422 DICs had been established across India assisting over 1.5 lakh business units and generating employment for more than 10.3 lakh people.
The Art of Effective StorytellingMichele MillerThe document discusses the power of storytelling and how it can be used effectively. It summarizes an experiment where inexpensive objects were given fictional backstories and sold on eBay for much higher prices, showing how narratives can increase subjective value. While data is important, stories are better at engaging humans and changing behaviors because they activate emotions. The document advocates using stories, not just facts and features, to connect with customers and show how products can help them achieve their goals and identities.
внеклассное мероприятие для учащихся 7–8 классов (математика + физика + триз)Kirrrr123внеклассное мероприятие для учащихся 7–8 классов (математика + физика + триз)
2. Сколько нужно произвести действий, чтобы
посадить бегемота в холодильник?
Ответ Три. Открыть холодильник, посадить
бегемота и закрыть холодильник.
3. А сколько нужно произвести действий, чтобы
посадить жирафа в холодильник?
Ответ: Четыре: открыть холодильник, достать бегемота,
посадить жирафа, закрыть холодильник.
4. А теперь представь: устроили забег вокруг Кремля,
участвуют бегемот, жираф и черепаха. Кто прибежит к
финишу первым?
Ответ Бегемот, потому что жираф в холодильнике
9. Дан ряд: 10-9-8-7-6- -4-3-2-1-0. Вопрос: Почему чукча не
хочет есть рыбу?
А пяти-то нету! (произносится как "аппетита нету").
10. К реке подходят два человека. У берега лодка, которая может
выдержать только одного. Оба человека переправились на
противоположный берег. КАК?
Они были на разных берегах.