A Restaurant MenuOS Milan Dj. MilicevicThe menu includes pumpkin soup for a starter course, lasagne for the main course, and brownies for dessert.
The pumpkin soup recipe calls for simmering pumpkin, carrots, and onions in water before blending the vegetables and adding salt, pepper, parsley, and garlic.
The lasagne is made with layers of lasagne sheets, bolognese sauce, bechamel sauce, and parmesan cheese baked in the oven.
The brownies are made by melting butter and chocolate, mixing in sugar and eggs, then stirring in flour, salt, and vanilla before baking.
Healthy LifeOS Milan Dj. MilicevicThe document discusses a food pyramid model for categorizing foods based on their healthiness. It explains that the first layer of the pyramid contains the most healthy foods like fruits and vegetables. The second layer contains foods that are also quite healthy, such as pasta, bread, rice and potatoes. The third layer contains foods that are still good for you, including fish, cheese, milk and meat. The top of the pyramid contains the least healthy foods like sweets, fats, oils and soil.
LondonOS Milan Dj. MilicevicThis document provides information about several notable landmarks and aspects of London, England. It describes Big Ben, Tower Bridge, the London Eye observation wheel, and the River Thames. It also mentions the London Underground subway system, Buckingham Palace, the Churchill War Rooms museum, double-decker buses, Scotland Yard, the fictional detective Hercule Poirot, the death of Queen Elizabeth II in September 2022, and the ascension of King Charles III to the throne.
Unusual Sports.pptxOS Milan Dj. MilicevicChess and fencing are sports with long histories that have both been featured in the Olympics. During the COVID-19 pandemic, an fencing team developed a new hybrid sport called "speed chess fencing" to keep members engaged. It alternates between periods of speed chess and fencing. The fencing team held a tournament called the "Knight's Gambit" to introduce this new sport, which was believed to be the first competition of its kind in the U.S. and possibly the world. The tournament was a direct elimination bracket where Sam Everson won first place and the title of the "First Speed Chess Champion in the US."
The story of king Arthur.pptxOS Milan Dj. MilicevicKing Arthur was a legendary British leader in the late 5th and early 6th centuries who, according to legend, pulled the magical sword Excalibur from the stone to become king. He established the legendary Knights of the Round Table and was aided by the wizard Merlin. Arthur ruled from his castle Camelot and fought in important battles including Badon, Camlann, and Tryfrwyd before reportedly falling in the Battle of Camlann.
The Loch Ness Monster.pptxOS Milan Dj. MilicevicThe document summarizes the myth of the Loch Ness Monster. It describes how the myth originated from a sighting by St. Columba in 565 AD. Several purported photos and videos have been taken of the creature since 1933, with descriptions of it ranging from an eel to a dinosaur. Extensive scientific expeditions using sonar and submarines have found no conclusive proof that the Loch Ness Monster exists, though the mystery continues to attract visitors to Loch Ness in Scotland.
Sports.pptxOS Milan Dj. MilicevicFloyd Mayweather is an undefeated American professional boxer who has won eleven world titles in four different weight classes. Athletics involves running, throwing, and jumping and is considered the "queen of sports" due to its comprehensive nature. Chess is a two-player board game played on an 8x8 checkered board with 16 pieces per player that has evolved over centuries from earlier forms.
Planet Earth.pptxOS Milan Dj. MilicevicThis document summarizes various geographical features around the world. It discusses the best beaches such as Sea-more in Mexico and others around the world. It also describes the North and South poles. The deepest ocean is the Pacific Ocean and there are two oceans that meet in Alaska. Beautiful islands include the Maldives, Bora Bora, and Palawan. Colorful mountains highlighted are in Arizona, Peru, and China. The Red River is approximately 2075 kilometers long in the middle and southern United States. The presentation was given by four students.
Healthy and unhealthy food.pptxOS Milan Dj. MilicevicThe document discusses healthy and unhealthy foods. It defines healthy foods as those that provide key nutrients like water, carbohydrates, fat, protein, vitamins and minerals. A healthy, balanced diet includes vegetables, fruits, whole grains, limited dairy and variety of proteins. Unhealthy foods are highly processed items like fast food and snacks that are low in nutrients and high in calories, sodium and sugar. Examples are chips, cookies, cakes and sugary cereals. Unhealthy drinks also refer to sugary drinks and beverages with little nutritional value. Maintaining a diet with a variety of healthy foods in proper proportions is important for good health and feeling your best.
School OS Milan Dj. MilicevicThe document describes an ideal school from the perspective of two students. Their school has a gym, playground, and swimming pool, and runs from 10am to 2pm. Their favorite subjects are geography and English, and they are interested in science. They are good at IT and math but not as good at German. Overall, the students love learning new things, meeting people, trying new challenges, and feel excited and happy to go to their school each day.
My ideal school OS Milan Dj. MilicevicHogwarts has few classrooms despite its large size because students live there year-round instead of just attending daily like a typical school. There are four houses that students from all grades are divided into. The main classes are Charms, Transfiguration, Herbology, Defense Against the Dark Arts, Potions, History of Magic, Astronomy, Divination and Flying. Each class has its own dedicated classroom. The document also provides sample class schedules and timetables, and discusses the authors' favorite subjects and potential strengths/weaknesses if they attended Hogwarts.
My country OS Milan Dj. MilicevicThis document provides an overview of Serbia in short summaries for each section. It notes that Serbia is located in the Balkans and has a population of around 6.9 million people, most of whom live in cities like Belgrade, Novi Sad, Niš, Subotica, and Kragujevac. The document then summarizes Serbia's geography, cities, nature, lakes/rivers, culture, food, and sports achievements in tennis, volleyball, football, and basketball.
The Loch Ness Monster.pptxOS Milan Dj. MilicevicThe document summarizes the myth of the Loch Ness Monster. It describes how the myth originated from a sighting by St. Columba in 565 AD. Several purported photos and videos have been taken of the creature since 1933, with descriptions of it ranging from an eel to a dinosaur. Extensive scientific expeditions using sonar and submarines have found no conclusive proof that the Loch Ness Monster exists, though the mystery continues to attract visitors to Loch Ness in Scotland.
Sports.pptxOS Milan Dj. MilicevicFloyd Mayweather is an undefeated American professional boxer who has won eleven world titles in four different weight classes. Athletics involves running, throwing, and jumping and is considered the "queen of sports" due to its comprehensive nature. Chess is a two-player board game played on an 8x8 checkered board with 16 pieces per player that has evolved over centuries from earlier forms.
Planet Earth.pptxOS Milan Dj. MilicevicThis document summarizes various geographical features around the world. It discusses the best beaches such as Sea-more in Mexico and others around the world. It also describes the North and South poles. The deepest ocean is the Pacific Ocean and there are two oceans that meet in Alaska. Beautiful islands include the Maldives, Bora Bora, and Palawan. Colorful mountains highlighted are in Arizona, Peru, and China. The Red River is approximately 2075 kilometers long in the middle and southern United States. The presentation was given by four students.
Healthy and unhealthy food.pptxOS Milan Dj. MilicevicThe document discusses healthy and unhealthy foods. It defines healthy foods as those that provide key nutrients like water, carbohydrates, fat, protein, vitamins and minerals. A healthy, balanced diet includes vegetables, fruits, whole grains, limited dairy and variety of proteins. Unhealthy foods are highly processed items like fast food and snacks that are low in nutrients and high in calories, sodium and sugar. Examples are chips, cookies, cakes and sugary cereals. Unhealthy drinks also refer to sugary drinks and beverages with little nutritional value. Maintaining a diet with a variety of healthy foods in proper proportions is important for good health and feeling your best.
School OS Milan Dj. MilicevicThe document describes an ideal school from the perspective of two students. Their school has a gym, playground, and swimming pool, and runs from 10am to 2pm. Their favorite subjects are geography and English, and they are interested in science. They are good at IT and math but not as good at German. Overall, the students love learning new things, meeting people, trying new challenges, and feel excited and happy to go to their school each day.
My ideal school OS Milan Dj. MilicevicHogwarts has few classrooms despite its large size because students live there year-round instead of just attending daily like a typical school. There are four houses that students from all grades are divided into. The main classes are Charms, Transfiguration, Herbology, Defense Against the Dark Arts, Potions, History of Magic, Astronomy, Divination and Flying. Each class has its own dedicated classroom. The document also provides sample class schedules and timetables, and discusses the authors' favorite subjects and potential strengths/weaknesses if they attended Hogwarts.
My country OS Milan Dj. MilicevicThis document provides an overview of Serbia in short summaries for each section. It notes that Serbia is located in the Balkans and has a population of around 6.9 million people, most of whom live in cities like Belgrade, Novi Sad, Niš, Subotica, and Kragujevac. The document then summarizes Serbia's geography, cities, nature, lakes/rivers, culture, food, and sports achievements in tennis, volleyball, football, and basketball.
2. Uvod
Ja sam doživeo iskustvo koje nikad neću zaboravit u
svom životu.
Otišao sam da posetim Prirodnjački muzej na
Kalemegdanu,a izložba koja se tamo predstavljala se
zove ,,Biljke kao začin”.
Tamo samvideo mnoge začine pa čak i one koji su
najrađi i najskuplji kao šafran,vanila,mirođija i mnogi
Pa ga zato neću nikada neću zaboraviti!!!
3. Šafran(najskuplji začin na svetu)
Pri ulasku u muzej su nam predstavili ovo čudo od
začina i rekli:,,Jedna kašičica ovog začina u jelo ti
menja život zauvek.”
Šafran je višegodišnja biljka, lukovica iz porodice Iridaceae.
Začin se dobija iz cveta Crocus sativus.
Živopisni grimizni žigovi (stigme) i stubići (stilovi), zvani
končići ili niti, sakupljaju se i suše radi upotrebe kao začina i sredstva za bojenje
Šafran, već dugo među najskupljim začinima po masi
na svetu, verovatno je prvi put uzgojen u Grčkoj ili nedaleko od ove zemlje.
4. Vanila
Vanila je isto jedan od najskupljih začina na svetu.
Takođe je predstavljena u ovom izletu i bila je pod
zaštitom kao i šafran,ali ovi začni su potpuno različiti
što se tiče ukusa i korišćenja.
Vanila u prahu je prirodni začin dobijen
od mahune orhideje (Vanilla Planifolia).
Potiče sa Madagaskara i ima široku primenu
u prehrambenoj industriji jer poboljšava
ukus jelima i konditorskim proizvodima
. Drugi naziv je i “kraljica začina”, zbog svog izuzetnog ukusa.
5. Aleva paprika
Ovakva paprika se koristi za ulepšavanje ukusa nekih
jela i postoji mnogo vrsta ovakvih paprika koje su nam
bile predstavljene u muzeju.
Poludeterminantna paprika sa malom lisnom
masom, visine oko 35-45 cm.
Plodovi su slatki, erektivnog položaja,
10-15 cm dužine, intenzivne crvene boje.
Visoko je tolerantna na gljivične bolesti.
Kratke vegetacije, intenzivnog sazrevanja, i ako
se sadi iz rasada, obezbeđuje istovremeno branje svih plodova.