The document discusses copyright and opinions on it. It mentions a 1993 movie called "Naked Gun 33 1/3 the final insult" and outlines some basic copyright rules such as not using other people's work or taking credit for it without permission. The writer's opinion is expressed that copyright is a bad thing because it discourages people from doing their own work and some people are too lazy to create original content, instead copying others.
Making data-informed decisions and building intelligent products (Chinese)Jay (Jianqiang) Wang
this talk is presented in Mandarin Chinese. In this talk, i discuss how to make data-informed decisions and build data-driven engineering culture. I also cover stitch fix, which is a AI-driven fashion company. I go over various aspects of the business and data challenges.
Making data-informed decisions and building intelligent products (Chinese)Jay (Jianqiang) Wang
this talk is presented in Mandarin Chinese. In this talk, i discuss how to make data-informed decisions and build data-driven engineering culture. I also cover stitch fix, which is a AI-driven fashion company. I go over various aspects of the business and data challenges.
6. ?研究摘要——收集哪些商品信息
信息点-配置 满足的诉求解析点 信息点-价格 满足的诉求解析点 信息点-稳定性 满足的诉求解析点
CPU T 笔记本报价 ABCDEF 保修 KM
待机时间(2) O U 局部配件价格 ABCD 散热(3) J O T
光驱 R 稳定性(2) J O
键盘 O
接口设计 O
可DIY性 Q 信息点-外观 满足的诉求解析点 信息点-品牌 满足的诉求解析点
蓝牙 R 薄厚(2) S U 耐用性 J
内部材质 T 屏幕大小 U 品牌次品率 T
内部工业设计(2) JT 屏幕显示比例 O 品牌风格(2) O S
内存 T 外部材质(2) S U 品牌口碑(5) GJ K O S T
配置合理性 T 外部做工(2) O S 上市时间(2) CD K
摄像头 R 外观设计(2) O S 系列定位 Q
系统 OQ 颜色(2) O S 主打系列 K
显卡(3) O T U 重量 U (具体信息点后面的括号中内容只涉及
硬盘容量 O 诉求点的个数,未标注则为1)