31052052 calculo-de-materialesJorge MarchánEl documento describe los pasos para calcular los materiales y construir las fundaciones de concreto de una vivienda de dos pisos. Explica cómo calcular el volumen de concreto, acero de refuerzo y otros materiales necesarios. Luego detalla los tres pasos para construir las fundaciones internas y de lindero: armado, encofrado y vaciado.
Lodf exercicios net 2.1Carlos RodriguesO documento discute aspectos da organização administrativa e dos poderes do Distrito Federal como unidade da federação. Aborda a distribuição dos poderes legislativo, executivo e judiciário no DF, bem como fundamentos para estabelecer vínculos com o ente federado, como preservar interesses coletivos, respeitar a dignidade humana e promover o desenvolvimento cultural. Também menciona a segmentação do DF em regiões administrativas e a descentralização administrativa.
Ignorance on firescartersparksThis document provides a summary of inconsistencies and customer service issues regarding Shanel Cooper-Sykes' failure to deliver her book "Woman Habits" to customers. It outlines how the book's release date was shifted multiple times from September to October 2012. It also details customer complaints on social media in December 2012 about not receiving the book or refunds. The document analyzes contradictory statements from Cooper-Sykes about the reasons for the delay and finds that her claims about the book being stored with Amazon were false. Ultimately, as of January 2013, over a year after pre-orders began, no customers had received the book despite Cooper-Sykes claiming in an email it had shipped.
Security and Privacy in Mobile Cloud ComputingRam Kumar K RThis document discusses security and privacy issues in mobile cloud computing. It identifies several factors that affect the growth of mobile cloud computing, including battery life, limited device resources, bandwidth, and security. It also outlines some common security issues like vulnerabilities in open source mobile operating systems, malware, and data transfer methods. Additionally, it discusses security challenges at the mobile terminal level, in mobile networks, and within mobile clouds. Finally, it provides an overview of current security and privacy approaches that aim to address these issues at each level through methods such as anti-malware software, encryption, access control, and data privacy protection.
connecting discrete mathematics and software engineeringRam Kumar K RSoftware engineering is the application of engineering principles to software development and maintenance. It involves systematic, disciplined approaches to software design, development, operation and maintenance. Some key procedures in software engineering include specification, design, analysis, implementation, and verification. Important concepts in discrete mathematics for software engineering include propositional logic, predicates, sets, relations, sequences and functions. Basis path testing is a technique to test all independent paths in a program. Cyclomatic complexity is used to measure the number of independent paths through a program. Graph matrices can represent control flow graphs and be used to evaluate program structure during testing. Current issues in software engineering include improving productivity, accuracy, cloud computing, synchronization, robustness and multilingual support.
Dokumen standard dunia sains dan teknologi sk tahun 2edahanieDokumen ini menyediakan garis panduan untuk guru dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran tema Dunia Sains dan Teknologi di Tahun 2. Ia menyertakan Dokumen Standard Kurikulum Sains dan Teknologi Maklumat dan Komunikasi yang menjelaskan kandungan dan hasil pembelajaran yang perlu dicapai murid. Tema ini bertujuan menanam minat murid terhadap sains, teknologi, kemahiran berfikir dan nilai murni melalui pen
2017 Guten Start ins Neue JahrBlavius JanaHappy new year for everybody.
31052052 calculo-de-materialesJorge MarchánEl documento describe los pasos para calcular los materiales y construir las fundaciones de concreto de una vivienda de dos pisos. Explica cómo calcular el volumen de concreto, acero de refuerzo y otros materiales necesarios. Luego detalla los tres pasos para construir las fundaciones internas y de lindero: armado, encofrado y vaciado.
Lodf exercicios net 2.1Carlos RodriguesO documento discute aspectos da organização administrativa e dos poderes do Distrito Federal como unidade da federação. Aborda a distribuição dos poderes legislativo, executivo e judiciário no DF, bem como fundamentos para estabelecer vínculos com o ente federado, como preservar interesses coletivos, respeitar a dignidade humana e promover o desenvolvimento cultural. Também menciona a segmentação do DF em regiões administrativas e a descentralização administrativa.
Ignorance on firescartersparksThis document provides a summary of inconsistencies and customer service issues regarding Shanel Cooper-Sykes' failure to deliver her book "Woman Habits" to customers. It outlines how the book's release date was shifted multiple times from September to October 2012. It also details customer complaints on social media in December 2012 about not receiving the book or refunds. The document analyzes contradictory statements from Cooper-Sykes about the reasons for the delay and finds that her claims about the book being stored with Amazon were false. Ultimately, as of January 2013, over a year after pre-orders began, no customers had received the book despite Cooper-Sykes claiming in an email it had shipped.
Security and Privacy in Mobile Cloud ComputingRam Kumar K RThis document discusses security and privacy issues in mobile cloud computing. It identifies several factors that affect the growth of mobile cloud computing, including battery life, limited device resources, bandwidth, and security. It also outlines some common security issues like vulnerabilities in open source mobile operating systems, malware, and data transfer methods. Additionally, it discusses security challenges at the mobile terminal level, in mobile networks, and within mobile clouds. Finally, it provides an overview of current security and privacy approaches that aim to address these issues at each level through methods such as anti-malware software, encryption, access control, and data privacy protection.
connecting discrete mathematics and software engineeringRam Kumar K RSoftware engineering is the application of engineering principles to software development and maintenance. It involves systematic, disciplined approaches to software design, development, operation and maintenance. Some key procedures in software engineering include specification, design, analysis, implementation, and verification. Important concepts in discrete mathematics for software engineering include propositional logic, predicates, sets, relations, sequences and functions. Basis path testing is a technique to test all independent paths in a program. Cyclomatic complexity is used to measure the number of independent paths through a program. Graph matrices can represent control flow graphs and be used to evaluate program structure during testing. Current issues in software engineering include improving productivity, accuracy, cloud computing, synchronization, robustness and multilingual support.
Dokumen standard dunia sains dan teknologi sk tahun 2edahanieDokumen ini menyediakan garis panduan untuk guru dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran tema Dunia Sains dan Teknologi di Tahun 2. Ia menyertakan Dokumen Standard Kurikulum Sains dan Teknologi Maklumat dan Komunikasi yang menjelaskan kandungan dan hasil pembelajaran yang perlu dicapai murid. Tema ini bertujuan menanam minat murid terhadap sains, teknologi, kemahiran berfikir dan nilai murni melalui pen
2017 Guten Start ins Neue JahrBlavius JanaHappy new year for everybody.
File systems for mobile phones or handheld devices Ram Kumar K RThis document discusses various file systems used for mobile phones and handheld devices with flash storage. It describes Linux flash file systems like JFFS, JFFS2, YAFFS, UBIFS and the newer F2FS. It also discusses TrueFFS flash management software and the flash transition layer. Finally, it mentions the file system used for iOS and proposes a distributed file system for improved mobile computing.
Z transforms and their applicationsRam Kumar K RZ-transforms can be used to analyze systems described by difference equations. The Z-transform relates the terms of a discrete-time sequence to a complex function of a complex variable z. Some key applications of Z-transforms include analyzing Fibonacci series, Newton's interpolation formula, and compound interest problems. Important results for Z-transforms include theorems regarding shifting, constants, initial values, final values, and convolution. Z-transforms are also connected to other transforms like the Fourier transform and Laplace transform through relationships like the discrete-time Fourier transform and bilinear transform.
AirportsRam Kumar K RThis document provides an overview of airports, including their key components and planning processes. It describes the main types of airports as military, civilian, domestic, and international. The main differences between domestic and international airports are described as well. Key airport components discussed include runways, control towers, helipads, hangars, and terminal buildings. The document also covers runway markings, length calculations, corrections for elevation and temperature, lighting, aprons, and the organizations involved in airport planning.
Г. И. Саранцев. О МЕТОДИКЕ РЕШЕНИЯ ПЛАНИМЕТРИЧЕСКИХ ЗАДАЧ.Garik YenokyanГ. И. Саранцев. О МЕТОДИКЕ РЕШЕНИЯ ПЛАНИМЕТРИЧЕСКИХ ЗАДАЧ. http://matematika.advandcash.biz/?p=785
3. • Древнеегипетских папирусах, в вавилонских клинописных табличках встречаются
правила для определения объема усеченной пирамиды, но не сообщаются правила для
вычисления объема полной пирамиды. Определять объем призмы, пирамиды,
цилиндра и конуса умели древние греки и до Архимеда. И только он нашел общий
метод, позволяющий определить любую площадь или объем. Идеи Архимеда легли в
основу интегрального исчисления. Сам Архимед определил с помощью своего метода
площади и объемы почти всех тел, которые рассматривались в античной математике.
Он вывел, что объем шара, составляет две трети от объема описанного около него
цилиндра. Он считал это открытие самым большим своим достижением. Среди
замечательных греческих ученых V - IV вв. до н.э., которые разрабатывали теорию
объемов, были Демокрит и Евдокс Книдский.
• Объем — это вместимость геометрического тела, т. е. части пространства,
ограниченной одной или несколькими замкнутыми поверхностями. Вместимость или
емкость выражается числом заключающихся в объеме кубических единиц. Процедура
измерения объемов аналогична процедуре измерения площадей. При выбранной
единице измерения объем каждого тела выражается положительным числом, которое
показывает, сколько единиц измерения объемов и частей единицы содержится в
данном теле. Ясно, что число, выражающее объем тела, зависит от выбора единицы
измерения объемов, и поэтому единица измерения объемов указывается после этого
числа. Например, если в качестве единицы измерения объемов взят 1см3 и при этом
объем V некоторого тела оказался равным 2, то пишут V = 2 см3.
4. Через S(x) обозначим площадь сечения тела D плоскостью, проходящей через точку
с абсциссой х [а; b+ и перпендикулярной оси Ох. Будем предполагать, что
1) функция S(x) непрерывна на *а; b];
2)для любых x1 и x2 из *а; b] сечения тела D плоскостями х = x1 и х = x1 таковы,
что одно из них проектируется в другое.
5. Отрезок [а; b] точками
xi a
b a
i, i 0,1,....,т,
b a
разобьем на п отрезков *хi—1 ; хi+ длины xi xi xi 1
Пусть тi и Mi — наименьшее и наибольшее значения функции S(x) на отрезке
[хi—1 ; хi] .
Плоскостями х = хi, где i = 1, 2, ..., п — 1, тело D разобьем на n слоев. Выделим i-й слой,
соответствующий отрезку *хi—1 ; хi+, и построим два цилиндра высрты Δ хi :
один с основанием площади Mi , содержащий i-й слой, а другой с основанием
площадитi , содержащийся в i-м слое
Объемы этих цилиндров равны Mi Δ хi и тi Δ хi.
Произведя указанные построения для каждого слоя,
получим два ступенчатых тела D'n и D"n таких,
что D'n < D < D''n.Их объемы равны
n n
V 'n mi xi V ''n M i xi
i 1 i 1
Так как функция S(x) непрерывна, то V'n и V"n при п —> ∞
имеют один и тот же предел, равный S ( x)dx
a b
S ( x)dx
Следовательно, объем тела D вычисляется по формуле a
6. Телом вращения называется такое тело, которое
плоскостями, перпендикулярными некоторой прямой
(оси вращения), пересекается по кругам, с центрами на
этой прямой.
Y=f(x)> 0,
Каждая плоскость, перпендикулярная оси OX и
пересекающая отрезок [a;b] этой оси в точке x, даёт в
сечении с телом круг радиуса f(x) и площади S ( x) * f ( x)
Из формулы S ( x)dx получаем V f 2 dx
. a