Τα Ψηφιακά Κόμικ (Comics)EduComics Project- Ορισμοί
- Διάφορα είδη κόμικ
- Ιστορία των κόμικ
- Μορφή των κόμικ
- Τι είναι τα ψηφιακά κόμικ
- Χρήσιμοι σύνδεσμοι
Τα καλλιτεχνικά ρεύματα του 19ου και 20ου αιώνα και οι κοινωνικές τους διαστά...1ο Γενικό Λύκειο ΣπάτωνΤα καλλιτεχνικά ρεύματα του 19ου και 20ου αιώνα και οι κοινωνικές τους διαστάσεις, ερευνητική εργασία, 2013-14
Collage Arts #icudBCN Digital Discrimination and Social Networks conference p...Collage ArtsThis document summarizes an experiential learning program called ICUD 1-4 that focuses on identity, self-disclosure, and subtle discrimination. The program explores personal identity using photo collages, has discussions in dialogues, and teaches how to manage safety both in physical and virtual peer groups. It addresses how to identify and avoid subtle discrimination online and provides strategies for interacting respectfully and responsibly. A pilot with 18-19 year olds discussed local issues like violence and discrimination and created strategies for dealing with online bullying. The program promotes treating all people equally and being a role model through acronyms like "PDT2MLT" and "WAHAE".
Τα Ψηφιακά Κόμικ (Comics)EduComics Project- Ορισμοί
- Διάφορα είδη κόμικ
- Ιστορία των κόμικ
- Μορφή των κόμικ
- Τι είναι τα ψηφιακά κόμικ
- Χρήσιμοι σύνδεσμοι
Τα καλλιτεχνικά ρεύματα του 19ου και 20ου αιώνα και οι κοινωνικές τους διαστά...1ο Γενικό Λύκειο ΣπάτωνΤα καλλιτεχνικά ρεύματα του 19ου και 20ου αιώνα και οι κοινωνικές τους διαστάσεις, ερευνητική εργασία, 2013-14
Collage Arts #icudBCN Digital Discrimination and Social Networks conference p...Collage ArtsThis document summarizes an experiential learning program called ICUD 1-4 that focuses on identity, self-disclosure, and subtle discrimination. The program explores personal identity using photo collages, has discussions in dialogues, and teaches how to manage safety both in physical and virtual peer groups. It addresses how to identify and avoid subtle discrimination online and provides strategies for interacting respectfully and responsibly. A pilot with 18-19 year olds discussed local issues like violence and discrimination and created strategies for dealing with online bullying. The program promotes treating all people equally and being a role model through acronyms like "PDT2MLT" and "WAHAE".
Collage 101Lori KentThe document discusses collage as an art form made by assembling different materials to create a new whole. It provides examples of collages created by famous artists such as Picasso and Hannah Hoch. The document then discusses the prevalence of advertising in modern society, noting that the average person sees 3,000 ads per day and that nearly 4,000 kids start smoking daily. It presents an assignment to create a mock billboard using collage with the goal of communicating a personally meaningful message to the world.
What is a collage ?nivacaA collage is an art form made by gluing different materials such as paper, photographs, and found objects onto a surface to create a new piece of art. Collages can incorporate newspapers, ribbons, colored paper, parts of other artworks, and photographs. Examples of collages can be found by searching online images.
Visual Elements: LINERosa FernándezA line is a basic visual element that can be used to communicate different feelings and ideas. Lines can be horizontal, vertical, diagonal, curved, converging, or radial. Horizontal lines suggest rest or repose while vertical lines communicate loftiness or spirituality. Diagonal lines imply movement or direction. Curved lines indicate movement as well. Converging lines suggest distance while radial lines are used to depict explosions or violence. Lines are versatile tools that can be used to split spaces, surfaces, sketches, draw attention, create textures, tones, values, and 3D shapes.
How to Make a Photo Collage with PowerPointJohanna RiddleThe document provides instructions for creating a photo collage in PowerPoint. It guides the reader to insert images onto a blank slide, resize and rearrange the photos, select a background image, remove backgrounds from photos, add word art, and save the completed collage. The instructions are broken into steps with screenshots to demonstrate how to move, size, layer, and style the images. The overall collage is tied together with an overlay photo and words are added before saving the final product.
Collages Power PointKristal OrtizA collage is a work of art made by assembling different materials such as paper, photographs, or found objects and gluing them to a surface to create a new piece. Collage first emerged as an art form in the early 20th century when artists like Picasso and Braque began incorporating materials into their paintings. There are several types of collages including wood collage using natural wood, decoupage involving placing pictures onto objects, photomontage made from photographs, and digital collage created using computer tools.
Still lifeMarta Domingo SorianoTexture refers to the visual and tactile quality of surfaces due to materials. There are two types of texture - tactile textures which describe the actual 3D feel of a surface that can be touched, and visual textures which refer to the 2D illusion of a surface's texture, such as those seen in photographs. Texture can be found in nature or be artificially created using various techniques like using lines, points, planes, folding paper, dripping, rubbing, stamping, scraping, stenciling, waterborne paint, photocopying, or making tactile and image/paper collages. Still life artworks aim to represent everyday objects like flowers or food through their textures.
Collage: An ExplorationFrank CurkovicCollage is a visual art form that combines different materials like paper, photographs, and found objects glued to a backing surface. A collage forms a new whole from disparate parts. Popular collage artists from the early 20th century Dada movement included Kurt Schwitters, Hannah Hoch, and Raoul Hausmann. Later, Henri Matisse and Romare Bearden experimented with paper cutouts and representational collages incorporating social commentary. Today, many contemporary artists continue working in the collage medium.
The Visual Elements of Art: TEXTURERosa FernándezThe document discusses texture in visual art. It defines texture as the surface quality or "feel" of an object, describing tactile texture as the actual 3D feel and visual texture as the illusion of texture. It provides examples of texture in nature and art, and discusses different techniques artists use to create the illusion of texture in 2D works, such as using lines, folding paper, stamping, and collage.
Το ςημείο όπου μια γραμμή εφάπτεται
ςε έναν κύκλο
Το άκρο μιασ γραμμήσ
κάτι που έχει ςυγκεκριμένη μορφή,
εκλαμβάνεται ωσ ςτοιχείο
π.χ. ένα αςτέρι ςτον ουρανό
ένα πλοίο ςτη θάλαςςα
ένα βότςαλο ςτην άμμο
μια κηλίδα μελανιού ςτο χαρτί
Στο φυςικό περιβάλλον:
κλαδιά δέντρων
ράγεσ τρένου
ςύρματα ηλεκτρικού
ο ορίζοντασ
ακόμα ένα αντικείμενο από απόςταςη το
αντιλαμβανόμαςτε ωσ γραμμή
π.χ. ένασ μεγάλοσ δρόμοσ / ένα ποτάμι
Στισ εφαρμοςμένεσ τέχνεσ η γραμμή έχει
διάφορεσ μορφέσ:
Η οριζόντια και
κατακόρυφη γραμμή
δίνουν την αίςθηςη
τησ ςταθερότητασ και
Η γραμμή με κλίςη
είναι δυναμική,
δημιουργεί αίςθηςη
ένταςησ, ανάταςησ ή
πτώςησ (ένα δέντρο
που πέφτει, ένα
κτίριο που έγειρε από
το ςειςμό)
Τομέσ γραμμών:
παράλληλεσ ή τέμνονται
Η ορθή γωνία
ιςορροπία. Μπορεί να
περικλείει κάτι μέςα
τησ χωρίσ να το
Η αμβλεία και η οξεία
γωνία ανατρέπουν
την ιςορροπία.
Στην αμβλεία
φαίνεται ότι δυο
γραμμέσ ανοίγουν
από μια εςωτερική
δύναμη, ενώ ςτην
οξεία οι δυο γραμμέσ
ςυμπιέζοντασ τον
εςωτερικό τουσ χώρο
Στη ςύνθεςη η χρήςη ευθειών ςε
κατακόρυφη ή ςε οριζόντια διάταξη,
δημιουργεί κατά κανόνα ένα ήρεμο
Ο Μοντριάν καλλιέργηςε ένα
προςωπικό και αναγνωρίςιμο
καλλιτεχνικό ύφοσ. Οι
πίνακεσ του(1919-1944),
αποτελούν αφηρημένεσ
γεωμετρικέσ ςυνθέςεισ, όπου
κυριαρχούν λεπτέσ, μαύρεσ,
οριζόντιεσ ή κάθετεσ γραμμέσ
ςχηματίζοντασ ένα είδοσ
πλέγματοσ που διακόπτεται
από την παρουςία έγχρωμων
γεωμετρικών όγκων,
ςυνήθωσ παραλληλόγραμμεσ
ή τετραγωνικέσ επιφάνειεσ
(αφηρημένη γεωμετρική
ζωγραφική). Ένα ςημαντικό
ςτοιχείο τησ ιδιαίτερησ
τεχνοτροπίασ του Μοντριάν
είναι ο μινιμαλιςμόσ και η
απλοΰκότητα των νέων
Piet Mondrian, Composition 10, 1939-1942,
Αντίθετα, η χρήςη τεθλαςμένων
δημιουργεί ένα ςύνολο βίαιο και
Πρωτότυπη φωτογραφία, αναπαραγωγή του έργου της Λιουμπόβ
Ποπόβα "Ογκομετρικό ανάγλυφο"
Ενώ, η χρήςη καμπύλων δημιουργεί
ςύνολα που θυμίζουν το φυςικό
κόςμο και εκφράζουν απαλότητα,
ρευςτότηα, ευελιξία