Licenses Linux, Open Source programssunsyriaماذا هو المصدر المفتوح و ماذا هو لا
تأثير المعايير المفتوحة و تطوير الانترنت و دور المصدر المفتوح.
الشركات و المصدر المفتوح
Freelance Workshop Lecture1Kareem ElzftawyThis document outlines an instructor-led workshop on freelancing. The instructor, Karem Elzftawy, is an electronics engineer and IOT developer who is licensed by TEDxDamanhur. The workshop will introduce participants to freelancing by explaining what it is, who can freelance, and how to get started. Participants will learn how big freelancing has become as a field, how to build their freelancing profile, find jobs, and get paid in Egypt. The workshop will provide references and homework assignments to help participants pursue freelancing and will offer ongoing support from the instructor.
Discovering Astronomy Workshop 2013 JulyxneptuneThis document discusses the importance of astronomy education and providing students with a basic understanding of the universe. It notes that astronomy was once considered a core subject but was removed from school curriculums in the late 19th century. While efforts in the 1950s-70s helped reintroduce astronomy, it is still not widely taught. The document argues that giving students a basic knowledge of astronomy and our place in the universe could help promote peace, understanding and make the world a better place.
Indexing Automated Vs Automatic Galvan1CorinaFAutomated indexing involves both human and machine efforts, with humans performing intellectual indexing and machines performing mechanical indexing. Automatic indexing is performed entirely by machine. While automated indexing may result in superior intellectual indexing compared to automatic, automatic indexing is more time and cost efficient due to the complete mechanization of the process. However, automatic indexing also provides more consistent results than automated indexing since human indexers can be inconsistent.
Freelance Workshop Lecture 3Kareem ElzftawyThe document provides information about freelancing including tips for getting started as a freelancer. It discusses reviewing the services freelancers provide and reasons to consider freelancing. It outlines pros and cons of freelancing such as flexibility but also variable income. Later pages discuss payment methods, social media groups for freelancers, and how to create proposals that win jobs. The document aims to help people pursue freelancing as a career option.
How to become a successful free lancerAsima SadiaThis document provides tips for how to successfully work as a freelancer. It emphasizes that freelancing requires discipline and self-management as the freelancer is their own boss. It stresses setting rules for oneself and finding opportunities to improve one's English and writing skills through practice, as these are important for advancing a freelancing career. The document also provides examples of different types of freelance writing work and tips for using social media platforms like YouTube, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter to promote one's business and connect with clients.
Freelance Workshop Lecture 2Kareem ElzftawyThis document provides information about freelancing and why someone should consider becoming a freelancer. It discusses what freelancers provide, such as flexible hiring and location possibilities. Several reasons for becoming a freelancer are outlined, including a desire for more flexibility, money, and interesting work. The document also promotes Upwork as a site for finding freelance jobs and provides homework for completing a profile to start searching for jobs.
Introduction to Electronics - Fourth sessionKareem ElzftawyThis document summarizes two review sessions on practical circuits. It introduces capacitors, diodes, LEDs, transistors, integrated circuits and other components. It then describes two circuits built in the first session, including their parts lists. The second session discusses modifying the second circuit by changing resistor values and adding a potentiometer to control the blinking rate of an LED. It then introduces the third circuit using a 555 timer IC to create an oscillator. Instructions are provided on modifying this circuit to add a volume control.
Freelancing 101 Workshop 2016Mahmoud A. RaboFreelancing 101 Workshop 2016
ورشة عمل مدخل إلى العمل الحرّ على الانترنت.
تنظيم وتنفيذ: صعيدي جيكس
بالتعاون مع iEEE Azhar Qena SB
Adobe Photoshop Basics - Session 4xneptuneThis document appears to be a slide presentation for an Adobe Photoshop Basics course. The presentation reviews concepts and tools covered in previous sessions such as layers, selections, and color adjustments. It outlines objectives for the current session, which include a review, discussing project ideas, and reviewing key Photoshop concepts. The presentation concludes by listing references used in the course.
Top 10 Freelance Websites for Finiding Jobs in Year 2017Gicree.comFinding a freelance job with good payout is really a tough task. There are numerous websites for freelancing jobs and you have to do thorough research to get a good job. Go though this presentation to know which 10 websites you should go through in this year 2017.
Adobe Photoshop Basics - Session 2xneptuneThis document appears to be a slide presentation for an Adobe Photoshop Basics class being taught by Hanh Tran at Arlington Public Schools. The presentation covers selection tools in Photoshop, including shapes, colors and modifying selections. It also discusses compositing images, fixing imperfections using tools like the clone stamp and healing brush, and concludes with exercises for students to practice the taught skills.
Discovering Astronomy Workshop 2014 MayxneptuneThis document provides an overview of astronomy and humanity's relationship to the cosmos. It discusses how ancient cultures looked to the stars for answers about existence and how astronomy was once a core subject in education. While it declined in the late 19th century, interest renewed due to events like Sputnik launching the Space Age. The document advocates for astronomy being reintegrated into education so people can develop an accurate cosmic perspective and live more peacefully.
ماهو الويب ديزاين؟ Click Appsهذا المقال عبارة عن مقال توضيحي لبعض الأمور الأساسية في تصميم المواقع مقدمة من الأخ عوض الذييبي أحدى موظفي شركة
ماهو المقصود بتصميم المواقع ؟ (web design )
يمكن تقسيم تصميم الموقع إلى مرحلتين:
Frontend -: وتحوي لغات التصميم Html , Css ,JavaScript بالإضافة إلى برنامج تصميم الواجهات (أدوبي فوتوشوب).
Backend-: وتحوي لغات البرمجة PHP, ASP.NET بالإضافة إلى قواعد البيانات.
Freelancers Forum: How To Find Freelance Clients Search Engine JournalAre you a digital marketing freelancer, or are you thinking about taking the plunge to go full-time freelance?
Danielle Antosz, Features Editor at Search Engine Journal and a full-time freelancer, shares tips and tools for building your side hustle into a full-time career.
Adobe Photoshop Basics - Session 1xneptuneThis document outlines the syllabus and session 1 objectives for an introductory Photoshop course. The course will run from January 15th to February 5th, 2013 on Tuesdays from 7-9:30 PM. Session 1 will cover introducing Photoshop, the workspace, using tools and layers, and include class exercises on working with layers and tools. The instructor's contact information is provided.
SoftwareSoft ClickSoft Click Profile
Soft Click, was established in the early fourth quarter of 2010, as a group of an efficient experts of human resources decided to make use of their high experience in the largest Arab companies to enhance and develop the industry of Information Technologies and integrated office solutions be establishing a qualified Egyptian Company.
Soft Click keens to provide the targeted markets and the most important sectors working in that filed with the commercial and managerial implementations, which covers all activities, whether commercial, industrial or service sectors.
As well as it provides work flow, Document management system, e-management solutions, e-commerce, e-marketing, and Web applications.
- BUSINESS Solutions
- Financial Solutions
- HR Solutions
- Healthcare Solutions
- Education Solutions
- Work Flow Systems
- e-marketing Service
- Web Services
- Training Marketing
Contact Us:
Mobile: (+201000) 496-848 - (+201110) 717-100
Tell.FAX: (+202) 240-19-256
Software Engineering 2020Joud KhattabA comprehensive and brief explanation of the curriculum of Software Engineering in addition to a large number of questions and exercises.
Agile Software Development I: Software crisis (Arabic)Sameh Deabes- Does software crisis still apply?
- Software projects success, failure, and challenging rates.
- Summary of Mythical Man-Month popular book.
- Why software succeeded and failed.
المستودعات الرقميةtassadit ALLOUNEبحث حول المستودعات الرقمية
علم المكتبات و التوثيق- تخصص تكنولوجيا المعلومات جامعة الجزائر2
وحدة: انشاء المجموعات الرقمية
- ماستر2- فوج 1 نوفمبر 2017
شركة سبيرولا للأنظمة والجمعية المصرية للمصادر المفتوحةAhmed Mekkawyعرضى التقديمى فى اجتماع منظمة الأليكسو فى يناير 2013 بخصوص البرمجيات الحرة مفتوحة المصدر، عن شركة سبيرولا للأنطمة وعن الجمعية المصرية للمصادر المفتوحة OpenEgypt
Freelance Workshop Lecture1Kareem ElzftawyThis document outlines an instructor-led workshop on freelancing. The instructor, Karem Elzftawy, is an electronics engineer and IOT developer who is licensed by TEDxDamanhur. The workshop will introduce participants to freelancing by explaining what it is, who can freelance, and how to get started. Participants will learn how big freelancing has become as a field, how to build their freelancing profile, find jobs, and get paid in Egypt. The workshop will provide references and homework assignments to help participants pursue freelancing and will offer ongoing support from the instructor.
Discovering Astronomy Workshop 2013 JulyxneptuneThis document discusses the importance of astronomy education and providing students with a basic understanding of the universe. It notes that astronomy was once considered a core subject but was removed from school curriculums in the late 19th century. While efforts in the 1950s-70s helped reintroduce astronomy, it is still not widely taught. The document argues that giving students a basic knowledge of astronomy and our place in the universe could help promote peace, understanding and make the world a better place.
Indexing Automated Vs Automatic Galvan1CorinaFAutomated indexing involves both human and machine efforts, with humans performing intellectual indexing and machines performing mechanical indexing. Automatic indexing is performed entirely by machine. While automated indexing may result in superior intellectual indexing compared to automatic, automatic indexing is more time and cost efficient due to the complete mechanization of the process. However, automatic indexing also provides more consistent results than automated indexing since human indexers can be inconsistent.
Freelance Workshop Lecture 3Kareem ElzftawyThe document provides information about freelancing including tips for getting started as a freelancer. It discusses reviewing the services freelancers provide and reasons to consider freelancing. It outlines pros and cons of freelancing such as flexibility but also variable income. Later pages discuss payment methods, social media groups for freelancers, and how to create proposals that win jobs. The document aims to help people pursue freelancing as a career option.
How to become a successful free lancerAsima SadiaThis document provides tips for how to successfully work as a freelancer. It emphasizes that freelancing requires discipline and self-management as the freelancer is their own boss. It stresses setting rules for oneself and finding opportunities to improve one's English and writing skills through practice, as these are important for advancing a freelancing career. The document also provides examples of different types of freelance writing work and tips for using social media platforms like YouTube, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter to promote one's business and connect with clients.
Freelance Workshop Lecture 2Kareem ElzftawyThis document provides information about freelancing and why someone should consider becoming a freelancer. It discusses what freelancers provide, such as flexible hiring and location possibilities. Several reasons for becoming a freelancer are outlined, including a desire for more flexibility, money, and interesting work. The document also promotes Upwork as a site for finding freelance jobs and provides homework for completing a profile to start searching for jobs.
Introduction to Electronics - Fourth sessionKareem ElzftawyThis document summarizes two review sessions on practical circuits. It introduces capacitors, diodes, LEDs, transistors, integrated circuits and other components. It then describes two circuits built in the first session, including their parts lists. The second session discusses modifying the second circuit by changing resistor values and adding a potentiometer to control the blinking rate of an LED. It then introduces the third circuit using a 555 timer IC to create an oscillator. Instructions are provided on modifying this circuit to add a volume control.
Freelancing 101 Workshop 2016Mahmoud A. RaboFreelancing 101 Workshop 2016
ورشة عمل مدخل إلى العمل الحرّ على الانترنت.
تنظيم وتنفيذ: صعيدي جيكس
بالتعاون مع iEEE Azhar Qena SB
Adobe Photoshop Basics - Session 4xneptuneThis document appears to be a slide presentation for an Adobe Photoshop Basics course. The presentation reviews concepts and tools covered in previous sessions such as layers, selections, and color adjustments. It outlines objectives for the current session, which include a review, discussing project ideas, and reviewing key Photoshop concepts. The presentation concludes by listing references used in the course.
Top 10 Freelance Websites for Finiding Jobs in Year 2017Gicree.comFinding a freelance job with good payout is really a tough task. There are numerous websites for freelancing jobs and you have to do thorough research to get a good job. Go though this presentation to know which 10 websites you should go through in this year 2017.
Adobe Photoshop Basics - Session 2xneptuneThis document appears to be a slide presentation for an Adobe Photoshop Basics class being taught by Hanh Tran at Arlington Public Schools. The presentation covers selection tools in Photoshop, including shapes, colors and modifying selections. It also discusses compositing images, fixing imperfections using tools like the clone stamp and healing brush, and concludes with exercises for students to practice the taught skills.
Discovering Astronomy Workshop 2014 MayxneptuneThis document provides an overview of astronomy and humanity's relationship to the cosmos. It discusses how ancient cultures looked to the stars for answers about existence and how astronomy was once a core subject in education. While it declined in the late 19th century, interest renewed due to events like Sputnik launching the Space Age. The document advocates for astronomy being reintegrated into education so people can develop an accurate cosmic perspective and live more peacefully.
ماهو الويب ديزاين؟ Click Appsهذا المقال عبارة عن مقال توضيحي لبعض الأمور الأساسية في تصميم المواقع مقدمة من الأخ عوض الذييبي أحدى موظفي شركة
ماهو المقصود بتصميم المواقع ؟ (web design )
يمكن تقسيم تصميم الموقع إلى مرحلتين:
Frontend -: وتحوي لغات التصميم Html , Css ,JavaScript بالإضافة إلى برنامج تصميم الواجهات (أدوبي فوتوشوب).
Backend-: وتحوي لغات البرمجة PHP, ASP.NET بالإضافة إلى قواعد البيانات.
Freelancers Forum: How To Find Freelance Clients Search Engine JournalAre you a digital marketing freelancer, or are you thinking about taking the plunge to go full-time freelance?
Danielle Antosz, Features Editor at Search Engine Journal and a full-time freelancer, shares tips and tools for building your side hustle into a full-time career.
Adobe Photoshop Basics - Session 1xneptuneThis document outlines the syllabus and session 1 objectives for an introductory Photoshop course. The course will run from January 15th to February 5th, 2013 on Tuesdays from 7-9:30 PM. Session 1 will cover introducing Photoshop, the workspace, using tools and layers, and include class exercises on working with layers and tools. The instructor's contact information is provided.
SoftwareSoft ClickSoft Click Profile
Soft Click, was established in the early fourth quarter of 2010, as a group of an efficient experts of human resources decided to make use of their high experience in the largest Arab companies to enhance and develop the industry of Information Technologies and integrated office solutions be establishing a qualified Egyptian Company.
Soft Click keens to provide the targeted markets and the most important sectors working in that filed with the commercial and managerial implementations, which covers all activities, whether commercial, industrial or service sectors.
As well as it provides work flow, Document management system, e-management solutions, e-commerce, e-marketing, and Web applications.
- BUSINESS Solutions
- Financial Solutions
- HR Solutions
- Healthcare Solutions
- Education Solutions
- Work Flow Systems
- e-marketing Service
- Web Services
- Training Marketing
Contact Us:
Mobile: (+201000) 496-848 - (+201110) 717-100
Tell.FAX: (+202) 240-19-256
Software Engineering 2020Joud KhattabA comprehensive and brief explanation of the curriculum of Software Engineering in addition to a large number of questions and exercises.
Agile Software Development I: Software crisis (Arabic)Sameh Deabes- Does software crisis still apply?
- Software projects success, failure, and challenging rates.
- Summary of Mythical Man-Month popular book.
- Why software succeeded and failed.
المستودعات الرقميةtassadit ALLOUNEبحث حول المستودعات الرقمية
علم المكتبات و التوثيق- تخصص تكنولوجيا المعلومات جامعة الجزائر2
وحدة: انشاء المجموعات الرقمية
- ماستر2- فوج 1 نوفمبر 2017
شركة سبيرولا للأنظمة والجمعية المصرية للمصادر المفتوحةAhmed Mekkawyعرضى التقديمى فى اجتماع منظمة الأليكسو فى يناير 2013 بخصوص البرمجيات الحرة مفتوحة المصدر، عن شركة سبيرولا للأنطمة وعن الجمعية المصرية للمصادر المفتوحة OpenEgypt
إدارة المحتوى .. حلول مفتوحة المصدرtaimurianتم القاء هذه المحاضرة في يوم لينكس الاول في ليبيا وهي بعنوان ( إدارة المحتوى .. حلول مفتوحة المصدر ) حيث تناولت محاور مهمة وهي التعريف ببرامج إدارة المحتوى والفرق بين المجاني منها والتجاري كما تم التطرق الى كيفية اختيار البرنامج المناسب لك وفي الاخير تم المرور بشكل سريع على برنامج إدارة المحتوى (جملة) وكذلك استعراض عدد من المواقع المهمة في ليبيا والتي تعتمد على هذه البرامج
التخطيط التقني في منظمات المجتمع المدنيCharity Innovationم. عبدالله محمد عبيد، المؤسس والرئيس
التنفيذي مؤسسة التقنية المباركة السعودية
إدارة التقنية لتحقيق رؤية المنظمة
AIMS توصيات لإدارة المعلومات الزراعية: تقديم منصة AIMS (Agricultural Information Management Standards)ستكون هناك مقدمة للمعايير و خدمات إدارة المعلومات الزراعية المتاحة من خلال منصة. يتوجه الويبينار للمكتبيين وأخصائيي إدارة المعلومات، ومطوري البرمجيات، و الباحثين الزراعيين وآخرين مهتمين بالموضوعات
Openingguest44c05cOpening day : software freedom day 2009 in ofok ngo
introduction about open source and freeware
introduction about day and ofok
presentation in arabic language
Software Engineering 2018Joud KhattabA comprehensive and brief explanation of the curriculum of Software Engineering in addition to a large number of questions and exercises.
2. صعيدى جيسكس
أهداف صعيدى جيسكس : ●
- التاكيد على دور الصعيد فى بناء مستقبل مصر.
- الهتمام بالشباب وتسكوين حلقة وصل بين الرياديين واصحاب الفسكر والهدف الواحد.
- تبادل الخبرات بين الشباب , واقامة حلقات ارشادية لتوعية الشباب المقبل على مجال ريادة العمال.
- دعم المواهب وتبنى الفسكار البداعية.
- انشاء مجتمع للرياديين والمطورين والمبرمجين والمصممين لتبادل الفسكار والخبرات.
- دعم جهود الشباب وارشادهم الى طرق اعداد وتمويل المشروعات المختلفة.
3. البرمجيات الحرة
ريتشارد ستولمان ونشأة البرمجيات الحرة ●
مؤسسة جنو والحريات الربعة: ●
- تعديل الكود - الحصول على المصدر
- استخدامها كيفما أشاء - التوزيع للرخرين
الفرق بين البرمجيات الحرة والمفتوحة ●
4. دعم البرمجيات الحرة
لماذا استخدم وأدعم البرمجيات الحرة والمفتوحة ؟! ●
● البعد التقتصادى
- فرق كلفة التصنيع - تطوير الكفاءات المحلية - رخفض النفقات
- صنع اسواق جديدة - تجنب تكرار الجهود
البعد التعليمى ●
البعد السياسى والمنى والقومى ●
سرعة النمو والقيمة المستقبلية ●
اعتماد المقاييس المفتوحة والتحرر من الرتباط بالمورد الواحد ●
الثبات والموثوتقية والمان ●
5. التحول إلى البرمجيات الحرة
هل من السهل التحول إلى المصادر الحرة والمفتوحة ؟ ●
البلدان التى تحولت إلى المصادر الحرة: ●
تجربة ماليزيا والبرازيل الرائدتين فى التحول إلى المصادر الحرة والمفتوحة. ●
تجربة ميونخ بألمانيا للتحول إلى البرمجيات الحرة والمفتوحة. ●
6. براءة التختراع والملكية الفكرية
ما معنى براءة التختراع؟ وما هى الملكية الفكرية؟ ●
اهم عيوب براءات التختراع: ●
- من طرف الشركات المعادية للمصادر الحرة. - أقزام الشركات - استخدامه كسل ح رادع
الحرية الفكرية والملكية الفكرية: ●
- الخطوط الجوية. - الطعام والخلطة السرية