Ecovillages of Europe Зелена ШколаThe document discusses ecovillages in Europe. It notes that there are 110 member ecovillage communities across 15 National Ecovillage Networks in Europe. It describes ecovillages as intentional communities that are consciously designed for sustainability across social, cultural, economic, and ecological dimensions. The document provides examples of different types of ecovillages in Europe, including those focused on eco-activism, anti-capitalism, spirituality, sexuality, social living, diversity, arts, and animal care. It also outlines what the Global Ecovillage Network Europe does, such as training, events, and advocacy to support the development of ecovillages.
Ecovillages of Europe Зелена ШколаThe document discusses ecovillages in Europe. It notes that there are 110 member ecovillage communities across 15 National Ecovillage Networks in Europe. It describes ecovillages as intentional communities that are consciously designed for sustainability across social, cultural, economic, and ecological dimensions. The document provides examples of different types of ecovillages in Europe, including those focused on eco-activism, anti-capitalism, spirituality, sexuality, social living, diversity, arts, and animal care. It also outlines what the Global Ecovillage Network Europe does, such as training, events, and advocacy to support the development of ecovillages.
101. • Высокая теплоемкость:
(с= 1700 J/(kg· K)
• Низкая плотность материала по сравнению с
(ρ= 260 kg/mᶾ)
• Низкая теплопроводность для природного
утеплителя :
(λ = 0.06 W/(м*К)
Преимущества Хэмпаер Микс:
104. Сравнение материалов
Инфографика углеродного следа (выбросов СО2) при производстве материалов для дома
площадью 100 м2.
(тонны CO2)
Углеродный след – совокупность выбросов
СО2 компанией при производстве продукции.
Стекловата МинВата Пенополистирол Hempire Mix
0.7 0.9 1.5