The document provides tips for living a better life in 2010, including suggestions to take daily walks while smiling, sit in silence for 10 minutes each day, sleep for 7 hours per night, practice acts of kindness, spend more time with both the elderly and young children, forgive others, and focus on positivity. The overall message is about maintaining a healthy lifestyle, positive relationships, and outlook.
A 92-year-old man is moving into a retirement home after his wife passed away. As a staff member describes his new room, including a sheet serving as a curtain, the man says he likes it very much. When told he hasn't seen the room yet, he replies that happiness is something he chooses in advance, not depending on furniture or decor but how he decides to see it. He says it is already decided in his mind that he will like the room, as he chooses to focus on the positive each day rather than dwell on aging body parts.
7. 多元化的成功:做个完整的人 What is right? 诚信、正直、责任 What do you want in life? 人生目标、志向 How to get what you want + love? 计划、自律 How to do things? 勇气、自信、积极、毅力、自省、胸怀 What do you love? 兴趣、激情 How to work with others? 情商、沟通、团队 兴趣 态度 价值观 理想 执行 人际
10. 计划 知道你的目的地:志向 + 兴趣 制定计划 有明确的目标 你的终点为你提供方向和重点 有详细的计划:一步一步来 立刻行动 不断修正你的行动 不断地努力直到达成目标 事分轻重缓急;要事为先 志向就像罗盘,兴趣就像风帆,两者相辅相成、缺一不可,它们可以让你驶向理想的港湾。 开复论坛 MVP 自律 计划 NOT URGENT URGENT IMPORTANT NOT IMPORTANT I III IV II 20-25% 65-80% >1% 15%
12. 积极 积极的态度 You have a choice 对自己的一切负责 不去解决也是一种解决,不做决定也是一个决定 不要等待机遇 , 做好充分的准备 把握机遇、制造机遇 推销你自己,让别人知道你的成果 “ 以终为始”,积极地规划大学四年 “ In a few hundred years, the most important event those historians will see is not technology, not the Internet. It is an unprecedented change in human condition. For the first time, people will have a choice. They will have to manage themselves. Peter Drucker 态度
20. 价值观 正直、良心: Do what is right 没有价值观的成功: 诚信、责任 言行一致 不但“道德”,而且“有理、有利” 甘地的“七件会毁灭一个人的事”: Wealth without work Pleasure without conscience Knowledge without character Commerce without morality Science without humanity Worship without sacrifice Politics without principle 价值观