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We repeat What?
We learn Words about meals Pronunciation the words  [ i:, ei, e, æ, ð] Grammar rules much, many, a lot of
A bear and bunny Had plenty of money. They went to the store For carrots and honey. The man in the store Cried: “Where is your money?” How strange and how funny! They really had money – And that´s how they bought Their carrots and honey!
A  and bunny Had plenty of money. They went to the store For  and honey. The man in the store Cried: “  is your money?” How strange and how funny! They really had  – And that´s how they bought Their carrots and  ! bear   carrots   Where   money   honey
A  and bunny Had plenty of money. They went to the store For  and honey. The man in the store Cried: “  is your money?” How strange and how funny! They really had  – And that´s how they bought Their carrots and  ! bear   carrots   Where   money   honey
A  and bunny Had plenty of  . went to the store For  and honey. The man in the store Cried: “  is your money?” How  and how funny! They really had  – And that´s how they bought Their  and  ! bear   money   They   carrots   Where   strange   money   carrots   honey
A  and bunny Had plenty of  . went to the store For  and honey. The man in the store Cried: “  is your money?” How  and how funny! They really had  – And that´s how they bought Their  and  ! bear   money   They   carrots   Where   strange   money   carrots   honey
A  and  Had plenty of  . went to the store For  and  . The  in the store Cried: “  is your money?” How  and how funny! They really had  – And that´s  they bought Their  and  ! bear   bunny   money   They   carrots   honey   man   Where   strange  money   how   carrots   honey
A  and  Had plenty of  . went to the store For  and  . The  in the store Cried: “  is your money?” How  and how funny! They really had  – And that´s  they bought Their  and  ! bear   bunny   money   They   carrots   honey   man   Where   strange  money   how   carrots   honey
What do you like? I like Яблоки  Картошка Сосиски  Мороженное   Лимон   Молоко Мясо  Морковь  Сыр  Хлеб   Помидоры  Шоколад  Бананы  Капуста Суп   Сахар
Are you tired? Stand up! Clap! Clap! Arms up! Clap! Clap! Step! Step!  Arms down! Clap! Clap! Sit down!
carrot   bread   cheese   lemon   Which word is odd? A pple, banana, carrot, orange   2.  Milk, br ea d, cheese, butter  3.  T ea , milk, coffee, ch ee se   4. Carrot, cabbage, tomato, lemon  A  [æ] EA [e] EA [i:] EE [i:]
Skate, brave, face, take, name, meat,  much , they, gray, play, say, may,  many , cat, please, teacher, breakfast
Much  Many A lot of много В повествовательных предложениях Можно сосчитать Нельзя сосчитать
Complete the sentences with words “much, many, a lot of”: Do you drink … coffee? I can eat … bananas. Can you eat … sweets? I have … friends. I don´t have … books. I can´t eat … meat. much A lot of many A lot of many much
Open your books at page 122, exercise 5 Work in paires
Write you homework At page 122  exercise 7
We learn Words about meals Pronunciation the words  [ i:, ei, e, æ, ð] Grammar rules much, many, a lot of

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Планирование урока “We repeat”, Англ. яз.

  • 2. We learn Words about meals Pronunciation the words [ i:, ei, e, æ, ð] Grammar rules much, many, a lot of
  • 3. A bear and bunny Had plenty of money. They went to the store For carrots and honey. The man in the store Cried: “Where is your money?” How strange and how funny! They really had money – And that´s how they bought Their carrots and honey!
  • 4. A and bunny Had plenty of money. They went to the store For and honey. The man in the store Cried: “ is your money?” How strange and how funny! They really had – And that´s how they bought Their carrots and ! bear carrots Where money honey
  • 5. A and bunny Had plenty of money. They went to the store For and honey. The man in the store Cried: “ is your money?” How strange and how funny! They really had – And that´s how they bought Their carrots and ! bear carrots Where money honey
  • 6. A and bunny Had plenty of . went to the store For and honey. The man in the store Cried: “ is your money?” How and how funny! They really had – And that´s how they bought Their and ! bear money They carrots Where strange money carrots honey
  • 7. A and bunny Had plenty of . went to the store For and honey. The man in the store Cried: “ is your money?” How and how funny! They really had – And that´s how they bought Their and ! bear money They carrots Where strange money carrots honey
  • 8. A and Had plenty of . went to the store For and . The in the store Cried: “ is your money?” How and how funny! They really had – And that´s they bought Their and ! bear bunny money They carrots honey man Where strange money how carrots honey
  • 9. A and Had plenty of . went to the store For and . The in the store Cried: “ is your money?” How and how funny! They really had – And that´s they bought Their and ! bear bunny money They carrots honey man Where strange money how carrots honey
  • 10. What do you like? I like Яблоки Картошка Сосиски Мороженное Лимон Молоко Мясо Морковь Сыр Хлеб Помидоры Шоколад Бананы Капуста Суп Сахар
  • 11. Are you tired? Stand up! Clap! Clap! Arms up! Clap! Clap! Step! Step! Arms down! Clap! Clap! Sit down!
  • 12. carrot bread cheese lemon Which word is odd? A pple, banana, carrot, orange 2. Milk, br ea d, cheese, butter 3. T ea , milk, coffee, ch ee se 4. Carrot, cabbage, tomato, lemon A [æ] EA [e] EA [i:] EE [i:]
  • 13. Skate, brave, face, take, name, meat, much , they, gray, play, say, may, many , cat, please, teacher, breakfast
  • 14. Much Many A lot of много В повествовательных предложениях Можно сосчитать Нельзя сосчитать
  • 15. Complete the sentences with words “much, many, a lot of”: Do you drink … coffee? I can eat … bananas. Can you eat … sweets? I have … friends. I don´t have … books. I can´t eat … meat. much A lot of many A lot of many much
  • 16. Open your books at page 122, exercise 5 Work in paires
  • 17. Write you homework At page 122 exercise 7
  • 18. We learn Words about meals Pronunciation the words [ i:, ei, e, æ, ð] Grammar rules much, many, a lot of
  • 19. Back
  • 20. Back
  • 21.
  • 22. Back
  • 23.
  • 24.
  • 25.
  • 26.
  • 27.
  • 28.
  • 29.
  • 30.
  • 31.
  • 32.
  • 33.
  • 34.

Editor's Notes