English astronomie21hajrasoormaThe document discusses how viewing images from space, such as those taken by the Hubble telescope, can help put life's problems into perspective by showing how small and fragile the Earth is compared to the vastness of the universe. Some of the images highlighted include galaxies, nebulae, planets in our solar system, and photos of Earth from space that illustrate our planet's small size. The purpose is to encourage appreciating what really matters in life by considering our place in the grand scheme of things.
Article a transaction cost analyseTên NhỉThis article develops a transaction cost analysis model to explain the channel integration choices that firms make in international markets. The model is tested using data from Canadian export firms. The results support the model and suggest that an important factor in deciding channel structure in a foreign country is the ability of the market to limit opportunistic behavior by intermediaries. When contractual arrangements cannot be reliably enforced, various degrees of forward integration are feasible alternatives. The empirical results also indicate that firms may prefer to use intermediaries in markets with high environmental diversity to cope with complexity and maintain flexibility. Channel volume, use of shared channels, and country destination are also shown to impact the nature of integration in international channels.
Evaluationwilliam-hirstThe document provides details on the design choices made for various elements of a magazine mock-up. It explains that the front cover follows conventions of music magazines by positioning the masthead and sell line similarly to Mojo magazine. Photographs throughout the magazine feature musicians that resemble the target audience of late teens/young adults to attract readers. Consistent use of a unique brand color across different elements is meant to make the magazine stand out from competitors and appeal to readers.
Asia . Mohamed HerzallahThe document provides information on various environmental issues in Asia. It discusses topics like population growth as a driving force behind many problems. Water pollution is a major issue due to high population and industrialization levels, impacting public health. Air pollution is severe in countries like China and India due to their large factories and vehicle emissions. Soil contamination from heavy metals and other sources also threatens long-term food production sustainability. Overall, the document outlines key environmental challenges facing Asia relating to population pressures, industrialization, and their effects on water, air, and soil quality.
I/O structure slide by Rajalakshmi SKCRAJALAKSHMI RADHAKRISHNANThe document discusses various aspects of mass storage structures in operating systems. It first describes how the file system can be viewed as consisting of three parts and discusses disk scheduling algorithms. Next, it discusses disk formatting, management of boot blocks, and damaged blocks. It then examines secondary storage structures covering disk reliability and implementation of stable storage. Various disk scheduling algorithms like FCFS, SSTF, SCAN, C-SCAN and LOOK are described. Finally, it discusses disk management aspects like disk formatting, boot blocks, bad blocks and swap space usage.
Modular, Scalable Learning: How to Drive Product Launch and Customer Training...Bottom-Line PerformanceWe’re all facing the same challenges: product launch cycles are tighter, content is ever-changing and customers have high expectations for the training they will receive. This session explores how organizations can meet these challenges by adopting modular, scalable training practices to produce meaningful business outcomes and drive down costs. We’ll also share a case study of a Roche Diagnostics learning program that was a winner in the 2015 LTEN awards.
Microbiology . Mohamed HerzallahThis study analyzed the prevalence of Escherichia coli in surface waters of Southeast Asian cities. Water samples were collected from rivers in Vietnam, Indonesia, Cambodia, and Thailand during wet and dry seasons. E. coli levels were higher during the dry season and in more urban areas compared to rural areas. Further analysis identified pathogenic strains of E. coli present, including Shiga toxin-producing E. coli (STEC), enterotoxigenic E. coli (ETEC), and enteropathogenic E. coli (EPEC). The high levels of E. coli found, including pathogenic strains, suggest the surface waters pose a health risk if used for recreational or drinking purposes without treatment. Improved sanitation is needed,
Excel chartsleslie_martinezThis document contains several charts and graphs summarizing various data:
1) A pie chart shows the favorite sports of students at a school, with basketball and soccer being the most popular at 10 students each.
2) A bar graph shows median income by education level for men and women, with income increasing as education level increases.
3) A line graph shows operating expenses for the American Red Cross from 1997 to 2006, with expenses steadily increasing over time.
Diapositivas exportacionoscarreyesnovaEl documento resume el proceso de exportación en Colombia, incluyendo los pasos del proceso de exportación, los documentos requeridos como facturas, certificados de origen y documentos de transporte, y los regímenes cambiario y tributario relacionados con las exportaciones. Explica también los diferentes tipos de exportación y los incoterms.
Designing games for specific contexts (VS-Conference 2012)Carolina Islas Sedanoݺߣs utilized at the Workshop: Designing games for specific contexts, presented at the VS-Conference: http://www.vs-games2012.org/
Diabetes in the Arabs world .Mohamed HerzallahThis document discusses diabetes in Arab countries. It finds that diabetes prevalence is rising sharply in the region and will more than double by 2030. Several Arab nations have among the highest diabetes rates globally. Risk factors include obesity, unhealthy diet, physical inactivity, and genetic factors. While type 1 diabetes occurs mainly in childhood, type 2 diabetes is associated with older age and obesity. Controlling food and increasing public health awareness programs are needed to address the growing burden of diabetes.
2.Personal ResearchHarvey Hyde Thank you for sharing your perspective. Here is what I've gathered:
- Central title placement looks most professional
- Harley Quinn is a major character so she should take spotlight
- Color scheme and character expression are important details
- A balance of skulls/icons and space looks best aesthetically
This gives me good insight into prioritizing key elements that appeal to audiences like yourself who appreciate the characters, storytelling and artistic design of the Suicide Squad works. I appreciate you taking the time to provide your feedback.
Sistematika penyusunan makalhReza NaniDokumen tersebut membahas tahap-tahap awal dalam menyusun makalah, dimulai dari memilih topik, menentukan tujuan, menuliskan minat, mengevaluasi topik potensial, membuat outline, menuliskan tesis, dan menulis tubuh makalah.
Mohammed herzallah doroteyaMohamed HerzallahThis document discusses a study analyzing long-term data from 21 forest flux towers to estimate changes in forest water-use efficiency as atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations have risen. The study found that forest water-use efficiency, measured as the ratio of gross ecosystem photosynthesis to transpiration, has increased over time. This increase indicates a shift in the carbon and water balance of forests as atmospheric CO2 levels rise. Understanding changes in forest water-use efficiency is important for projecting impacts on the carbon cycle and Earth system.
Power of Play - Learning With Knowledge GuruBottom-Line PerformanceThe document discusses using games for learning and describes the Knowledge Guru game. It summarizes that the Knowledge Guru game was created to allow people to learn while playing games, track what they are learning, and remember the information after playing. It was used by ExactTarget to train their employees on their multiple product lines and launches in a fun and engaging way through mobile and web apps.
Evaluationwilliam-hirstThe document provides details on the design choices made for various elements of a magazine mock-up. It explains that the front cover follows conventions of music magazines by positioning the masthead and sell line similarly to Mojo magazine. Photographs throughout the magazine feature musicians that resemble the target audience of late teens/young adults to attract readers. Consistent use of a unique brand color across different elements is meant to make the magazine stand out from competitors and appeal to readers.
Asia . Mohamed HerzallahThe document provides information on various environmental issues in Asia. It discusses topics like population growth as a driving force behind many problems. Water pollution is a major issue due to high population and industrialization levels, impacting public health. Air pollution is severe in countries like China and India due to their large factories and vehicle emissions. Soil contamination from heavy metals and other sources also threatens long-term food production sustainability. Overall, the document outlines key environmental challenges facing Asia relating to population pressures, industrialization, and their effects on water, air, and soil quality.
I/O structure slide by Rajalakshmi SKCRAJALAKSHMI RADHAKRISHNANThe document discusses various aspects of mass storage structures in operating systems. It first describes how the file system can be viewed as consisting of three parts and discusses disk scheduling algorithms. Next, it discusses disk formatting, management of boot blocks, and damaged blocks. It then examines secondary storage structures covering disk reliability and implementation of stable storage. Various disk scheduling algorithms like FCFS, SSTF, SCAN, C-SCAN and LOOK are described. Finally, it discusses disk management aspects like disk formatting, boot blocks, bad blocks and swap space usage.
Modular, Scalable Learning: How to Drive Product Launch and Customer Training...Bottom-Line PerformanceWe’re all facing the same challenges: product launch cycles are tighter, content is ever-changing and customers have high expectations for the training they will receive. This session explores how organizations can meet these challenges by adopting modular, scalable training practices to produce meaningful business outcomes and drive down costs. We’ll also share a case study of a Roche Diagnostics learning program that was a winner in the 2015 LTEN awards.
Microbiology . Mohamed HerzallahThis study analyzed the prevalence of Escherichia coli in surface waters of Southeast Asian cities. Water samples were collected from rivers in Vietnam, Indonesia, Cambodia, and Thailand during wet and dry seasons. E. coli levels were higher during the dry season and in more urban areas compared to rural areas. Further analysis identified pathogenic strains of E. coli present, including Shiga toxin-producing E. coli (STEC), enterotoxigenic E. coli (ETEC), and enteropathogenic E. coli (EPEC). The high levels of E. coli found, including pathogenic strains, suggest the surface waters pose a health risk if used for recreational or drinking purposes without treatment. Improved sanitation is needed,
Excel chartsleslie_martinezThis document contains several charts and graphs summarizing various data:
1) A pie chart shows the favorite sports of students at a school, with basketball and soccer being the most popular at 10 students each.
2) A bar graph shows median income by education level for men and women, with income increasing as education level increases.
3) A line graph shows operating expenses for the American Red Cross from 1997 to 2006, with expenses steadily increasing over time.
Diapositivas exportacionoscarreyesnovaEl documento resume el proceso de exportación en Colombia, incluyendo los pasos del proceso de exportación, los documentos requeridos como facturas, certificados de origen y documentos de transporte, y los regímenes cambiario y tributario relacionados con las exportaciones. Explica también los diferentes tipos de exportación y los incoterms.
Designing games for specific contexts (VS-Conference 2012)Carolina Islas Sedanoݺߣs utilized at the Workshop: Designing games for specific contexts, presented at the VS-Conference: http://www.vs-games2012.org/
Diabetes in the Arabs world .Mohamed HerzallahThis document discusses diabetes in Arab countries. It finds that diabetes prevalence is rising sharply in the region and will more than double by 2030. Several Arab nations have among the highest diabetes rates globally. Risk factors include obesity, unhealthy diet, physical inactivity, and genetic factors. While type 1 diabetes occurs mainly in childhood, type 2 diabetes is associated with older age and obesity. Controlling food and increasing public health awareness programs are needed to address the growing burden of diabetes.
2.Personal ResearchHarvey Hyde Thank you for sharing your perspective. Here is what I've gathered:
- Central title placement looks most professional
- Harley Quinn is a major character so she should take spotlight
- Color scheme and character expression are important details
- A balance of skulls/icons and space looks best aesthetically
This gives me good insight into prioritizing key elements that appeal to audiences like yourself who appreciate the characters, storytelling and artistic design of the Suicide Squad works. I appreciate you taking the time to provide your feedback.
Sistematika penyusunan makalhReza NaniDokumen tersebut membahas tahap-tahap awal dalam menyusun makalah, dimulai dari memilih topik, menentukan tujuan, menuliskan minat, mengevaluasi topik potensial, membuat outline, menuliskan tesis, dan menulis tubuh makalah.
Mohammed herzallah doroteyaMohamed HerzallahThis document discusses a study analyzing long-term data from 21 forest flux towers to estimate changes in forest water-use efficiency as atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations have risen. The study found that forest water-use efficiency, measured as the ratio of gross ecosystem photosynthesis to transpiration, has increased over time. This increase indicates a shift in the carbon and water balance of forests as atmospheric CO2 levels rise. Understanding changes in forest water-use efficiency is important for projecting impacts on the carbon cycle and Earth system.
Power of Play - Learning With Knowledge GuruBottom-Line PerformanceThe document discusses using games for learning and describes the Knowledge Guru game. It summarizes that the Knowledge Guru game was created to allow people to learn while playing games, track what they are learning, and remember the information after playing. It was used by ExactTarget to train their employees on their multiple product lines and launches in a fun and engaging way through mobile and web apps.
Вера и религиозный акт в буддизме (2013)Andrey PopovkinВ статье представлена попытка применить аналитику религиозного акта, предложенную русским философом И.А.Ильиным, к буддизму.
философский мистицизм Xx векаOlgaB112Обобщение опыта использования инновационных технологий в образовании. Обществознание. МБОУ «СОШ №112», г.Трехгорный Челябинская обл. Дмитричева С.В. (Кутузова)
3. соединение двух великих религий Востока
родина индо-буддийской культуры – Индия
Индуизм начал распространяться в
Индокитае в I-II вв. н.э.
Уже во II в. н.э. в этот регион стал проникать
буддизм, ставший, однако, основной религией
населения лишь к Х в.
4. Тот факт, что разные религии
смогли объединиться и дать
рождение единой духовной
традиции, свидетельствует о
наличии у них некоего
общего, объединяющего
начала. Таковым
«примиряющим» фактором
стали социально -
нравственные принципы,
ценностные ориентации, а
также философские идеи
индуизма и буддизма,
конкретно в данной сфере
вышло их
взаимопроникновение, и
сложились общие базы
6. 1. Космическое мировидение.
Все существующее в мире, в
т.ч. человек, – частицы
единого всеобъемлющего
целого, единого организма
«Люди, вещи, мы сами,
события, боги, титаны, ангелы
– это единый божественный