To connect to SQL Server, enable TCP connections in the Surface Configuration Manager. Use data types like int for numbers, varchar for text, and datetime for dates. To create a star schema, identify quantitative facts for the fact table and qualitative dimensions that may impact facts. Always include time as a dimension and define hierarchies and granularity for dimensions like time, products, and suppliers. Expressions can create new fields, but simplify hierarchies or precompute fields to reduce ETL complexity for exercises.
This document is a translation agreement between Ching-Chen Mao, an associate professor at Fu Jen Catholic University in Taiwan, and Prof. Karl-Nikolaus Peifer of Humboldt-Universit?t zu Berlin. The agreement grants Mao the right to translate Prof. Peifer's article "Financing Open Access Models" into simplified and traditional Chinese and to publish and distribute the translation in print and digital formats without payment of royalties, as the translation is being done to promote open access ideals. The agreement specifies that Mao must make an accurate translation without changes to the underlying work and that copyright remains with the author.
This document summarizes a translation agreement between Dr. Verena Wiedemann, the author and sole copyright owner of an article, and Ching-Chen Mao, an associate professor who desires to translate the article into Chinese. The agreement grants Mao the right to translate the article into simplified and traditional Chinese and publish the translation in print and digital formats. Mao agrees to accurately translate the text without changes, and translation will be done on a pro bono basis to promote open access ideals. Copyright of the original work remains with the author.
El documento describe diferentes herramientas en un programa de dise?o para adaptar texto, crear formas y aplicar efectos como degradados y brillos. Las herramientas incluyen una herramienta para adaptar texto, crear círculos y cuadrados, enderezar formas, aplicar colores de manera interactiva, convertir formas a curvas y usar un pincel deformador.
This agreement grants Ching-Chen Mao, an associate professor at Fu Jen Catholic University in Taiwan, the right to translate an article by Dr. Hans Pfeiffenberger of the Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research into Simplified and Traditional Chinese. Mao agrees to accurately translate the work without changes to the spirit or content. There will be no royalties paid as the translation is done on a pro bono basis to promote open access ideals in Chinese scholarly communities. Copyright of the original work remains with the author.
This document discusses the debate around open access in the humanities. While dealing with electronic publications is now normal for historians and literary scholars, open access has not received much response in the humanities. Unlike STEM fields, few humanities scholars understand open access or comply with archiving texts online. There is still a predominantly passive attitude toward digital publication due to various reasons like ignorance of digital publishing or beliefs that electronic works are transient. However, online review journals created in the last decade have become fixtures of expert discussion. Open access services in the humanities would not be possible without support from large funders. The commitment of learned societies to open access is also important for its future dissemination.
1. Ching-Chen Mao, an associate professor at Fu Jen Catholic University in Taiwan, agrees to translate an article by Dr. Thomas Pflüger of the Baden-Württemberg State Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts into simplified and traditional Chinese.
2. Mao agrees to accurately translate the text without any omissions, additions, or other changes except those necessary to produce an idiomatic translation that remains faithful to the original work. Mao will not be held responsible for any loss or damages resulting from the translated work.
3. Mao agrees to translate the work for free to benefit Chinese online communities and scholarly forums, so there will be no royalties between M
This document lists 35 open access library and information science journals. The journals cover topics such as digital libraries, scientometrics, electronic publishing, medical libraries, educational media and libraries, and information technology. Readers can freely access and use the content of these journals without payment.
The document discusses key changes and clarifications to OSHA's confined space standard for the construction industry. It defines several new terms, including "competent person", "controlling contractor", and "entry employer". It explains that the controlling contractor is now primarily responsible for coordinating work and ensuring hazards are not introduced in permit spaces where multiple employers are working. The standard also requires employers to conduct risk assessments before work begins in confined spaces.
To connect to SQL Server, enable TCP connections in the Surface Configuration Manager. Use data types like int for numbers, varchar for text, and datetime for dates. To create a star schema, identify quantitative facts for the fact table and qualitative dimensions that may impact facts. Always include time as a dimension and define hierarchies and granularity for dimensions like time, products, and suppliers. Expressions can create new fields, but simplify hierarchies or precompute fields to reduce ETL complexity for exercises.
This document is a translation agreement between Ching-Chen Mao, an associate professor at Fu Jen Catholic University in Taiwan, and Prof. Karl-Nikolaus Peifer of Humboldt-Universit?t zu Berlin. The agreement grants Mao the right to translate Prof. Peifer's article "Financing Open Access Models" into simplified and traditional Chinese and to publish and distribute the translation in print and digital formats without payment of royalties, as the translation is being done to promote open access ideals. The agreement specifies that Mao must make an accurate translation without changes to the underlying work and that copyright remains with the author.
This document summarizes a translation agreement between Dr. Verena Wiedemann, the author and sole copyright owner of an article, and Ching-Chen Mao, an associate professor who desires to translate the article into Chinese. The agreement grants Mao the right to translate the article into simplified and traditional Chinese and publish the translation in print and digital formats. Mao agrees to accurately translate the text without changes, and translation will be done on a pro bono basis to promote open access ideals. Copyright of the original work remains with the author.
El documento describe diferentes herramientas en un programa de dise?o para adaptar texto, crear formas y aplicar efectos como degradados y brillos. Las herramientas incluyen una herramienta para adaptar texto, crear círculos y cuadrados, enderezar formas, aplicar colores de manera interactiva, convertir formas a curvas y usar un pincel deformador.
This agreement grants Ching-Chen Mao, an associate professor at Fu Jen Catholic University in Taiwan, the right to translate an article by Dr. Hans Pfeiffenberger of the Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research into Simplified and Traditional Chinese. Mao agrees to accurately translate the work without changes to the spirit or content. There will be no royalties paid as the translation is done on a pro bono basis to promote open access ideals in Chinese scholarly communities. Copyright of the original work remains with the author.
This document discusses the debate around open access in the humanities. While dealing with electronic publications is now normal for historians and literary scholars, open access has not received much response in the humanities. Unlike STEM fields, few humanities scholars understand open access or comply with archiving texts online. There is still a predominantly passive attitude toward digital publication due to various reasons like ignorance of digital publishing or beliefs that electronic works are transient. However, online review journals created in the last decade have become fixtures of expert discussion. Open access services in the humanities would not be possible without support from large funders. The commitment of learned societies to open access is also important for its future dissemination.
1. Ching-Chen Mao, an associate professor at Fu Jen Catholic University in Taiwan, agrees to translate an article by Dr. Thomas Pflüger of the Baden-Württemberg State Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts into simplified and traditional Chinese.
2. Mao agrees to accurately translate the text without any omissions, additions, or other changes except those necessary to produce an idiomatic translation that remains faithful to the original work. Mao will not be held responsible for any loss or damages resulting from the translated work.
3. Mao agrees to translate the work for free to benefit Chinese online communities and scholarly forums, so there will be no royalties between M
This document lists 35 open access library and information science journals. The journals cover topics such as digital libraries, scientometrics, electronic publishing, medical libraries, educational media and libraries, and information technology. Readers can freely access and use the content of these journals without payment.
The document discusses key changes and clarifications to OSHA's confined space standard for the construction industry. It defines several new terms, including "competent person", "controlling contractor", and "entry employer". It explains that the controlling contractor is now primarily responsible for coordinating work and ensuring hazards are not introduced in permit spaces where multiple employers are working. The standard also requires employers to conduct risk assessments before work begins in confined spaces.
This document is a translation agreement between Ching-Chen Mao, an associate professor at Fu Jen Catholic University in Taiwan, and Prof. Peter Suber of Earlham College in the US. The agreement grants Mao the right to translate Suber's article "Open Access in the United States" into simplified and traditional Chinese and publish the translation in print and digital formats, including ebooks and online databases. Mao agrees to accurately translate the work without changes except those necessary to produce an idiomatic translation that remains faithful to the original work. There are no royalties to be paid as the translation is being done on a pro bono basis to promote open access in Chinese scholarly communities. All copyrights remain with the
This document discusses the role of libraries in providing access to knowledge and academic publications. Traditionally, libraries ensured free access to printed materials by purchasing books and allowing patrons to borrow them. However, digital publications like e-books and journals present new challenges as libraries can only provide access if they continue paying licensing fees. Open Access aims to make academic works freely available like printed materials by allowing libraries to archive digital publications. The document advocates for Open Access to ensure all citizens can access knowledge.
This document is a translation agreement between Ching-Chen Mao, an associate professor, and Dr. Robert Steegers. It grants Mao the right to translate an article by Steegers titled "Open Access and the German Academic System: Common Perspectives of the Alliance of Research Organisations" into simplified and traditional Chinese and publish the translation in print and digital formats. Mao agrees to accurately translate the work without changes and does not assume liability. No royalties will be paid as the translation is done in the spirit of open access. Copyright of the original work remains with the author.
The document discusses the idea of creating a unified catalog or "world's largest library" that would contain the catalogs of all libraries worldwide. It notes that while Amazon has millions of book titles in its catalog, a unified library catalog could contain tens of millions by combining the holdings of existing library collections. The document advocates enhancing catalog records with additional information like cover images, tables of contents, and reviews to help users discover relevant books. It also suggests making the unified catalog available online for users to search from anywhere in the world.
This document provides a historical overview of open access. It discusses key events in the open access movement, including the 2001 Budapest Open Access Initiative which aimed to promote free access to scholarly literature, and the 2003 Berlin Declaration on Open Access which was signed by many academic institutions worldwide. The document also examines some of the challenges to open access, such as concerns about loss of income from publishing and changes to existing systems of evaluating academic work. Overall it traces the development of open access from early initiatives to the present debate around establishing new models of academic publishing.
This document discusses open access in the fields of astronomy and astrophysics. It notes that while attitudes towards open access vary across disciplines, astronomy and astrophysics generally have a positive view. Research results in these fields are often made freely available online. The document advocates applying open access not just to publications but also to primary data. However, willingness to share data early varies. It also discusses issues like embargo periods and incentives needed to encourage open access publishing. Traditional publishers will need to adapt to new models to survive.
This document discusses open access to scholarly literature and digital library initiatives in South Asia. It provides links to resources on open access publishing models and policies, influential advocates of open access like Stevan Harnad, open access archives and repositories, studies on the impact of open access articles, and examples of open access policies adopted by universities.
This document discusses the background and motivation for a research study. It notes that the scholarly communication system established 350 years ago by Henry Oldenburg is now in crisis, as even the wealthiest libraries cannot purchase all academic publications. Journal prices have risen much faster than inflation or library budgets in recent decades. As a result, more than half of one research institute's journal subscription budget in India goes to only two large publishing companies, comprising over 10% of its total budget. This shows the system created by Oldenburg to share knowledge is now broken and compromises future scientific development.
1. 輔仁大學圖書資訊學系第十八屆服務隊教育训练参加情况
訓練日期:97.05.28(三)、97.05.29(四) 訓練日期:97.05.29(四)
訓練時間:12:30~13:30 訓練時間:12:30~13:30
訓練地點:文開樓 5A 訓練地點:文開樓 5A
主講者:蕭淑媛學姐(編目教學) 主講者:趙慶華學姐(服務理念)
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千 琇 怡 伊 昱 翊 彥 祺 佩 小 知
榕 玫 靜 任 軒 安 堂 均 芸 涵
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