This document describes a time tracking application called TimeTracker that was created by students at Jyv?skyl? University of Applied Sciences, School of Technology. TimeTracker allows users to track time spent on projects, subprojects, and tasks. It has features like automated time tracking, task management, and generating reports on time spent by user, project, or time period. The application was created using object-oriented programming in C++ with a QT interface and SQL Lite database. A video presentation of TimeTracker is available at the links provided.
This document describes a time tracking application called TimeTracker that was created by students at Jyv?skyl? University of Applied Sciences, School of Technology. TimeTracker allows users to track time spent on projects, subprojects, and tasks. It has features like automated time tracking, task management, and generating reports on time spent by user, project, or time period. The application was created using object-oriented programming in C++ with a QT interface and SQL Lite database. A video presentation of TimeTracker is available at the links provided.
El documento describe el plan estratégico del sector aeronáutico en Espa?a, incluyendo tres niveles de ayudas financieras para proyectos de investigación, desarrollo e innovación. La intensidad de las ayudas será del 65%, 35% y 30% respectivamente, y se ajustará adicionalmente de 0.9 a 0.7 dependiendo de si el proyecto se enfoca en áreas de alta, media o baja prioridad tecnológica. La intensidad total de las ayudas podrá estar entre el 30-80% basado en el riesgo
El documento resume los conceptos básicos de la gramática. Explica que la gramática estudia los elementos y combinaciones de una lengua, y que cada lenguaje tiene su propia gramática. También describe los diferentes niveles de estudio lingüístico como fonético, morfológico y sintáctico. Por último, menciona diferentes enfoques de la gramática como la descriptiva, prescriptiva y generativa.
El documento describe varias aplicaciones de Firefox, incluyendo SocialFix, una extensión que permite actualizaciones en tiempo real de redes sociales y chats mientras se navega; 1clickyoutube, una herramienta para descargar videos de YouTube en diferentes formatos con un solo click; Screenshot, una extensión que captura páginas web o secciones como imágenes; y Web Developer, una extensión que permite ver los códigos de las páginas web.
El documento define los sistemas de información gerencial como un conjunto de componentes interrelacionados que reúne, procesa, almacena y distribuye información para apoyar la toma de decisiones en una organización. Explica que existen diferentes clases de sistemas a diferentes niveles operativos y estratégicos de la organización. Además, menciona otros sistemas como los administrativos, de apoyo a decisiones, estratégicos y de oficinas.
Este documento describe la metodología PACIE para el aprendizaje en línea. Consta de tres fases: Presencia, Alcance, Capacitación, Interacción y E-learning. La primera fase, el Bloque 0 PACIE, presenta el aula virtual e incluye secciones de información, comunicación e interacción para familiarizar a los estudiantes con el curso y fomentar el aprendizaje cooperativo.
El documento describe los pasos para buscar información sobre revistas científicas en el Journal Citation Reports para el a?o 2010. La revista de enfermería con más artículos publicados fue Journal of Clinical Nursing, con 368 artículos. Tuvo 3622 citas totales, un factor de impacto de 1.228 y un índice de inmediatez de 0.103. Ocupó la posición 26 entre todas las revistas de enfermería para 2010 y se encontraba en el cuartil 2.
Started to create milestones, we, Sankalp Industries marked our presence in the year 1999 and operate in the manufacturing/servicing of Sheet Metal Pressed Components since 16 years. Our quality services products have been always appreciated by our clients. Our spontaneous attitude and confident approach in offering an excellent range of Holding Bracket Accessories, Adjustable Combined Bracket Wall Cleat, Adjustable Bracket Wall Fixing Plate, Adjustable Combined Bracket Car Cleat, Horizontal Channel Fixing Plate, Connecting Link For Carsling, Mechanism Operating Rod Holder has deepened our roots in the market. We, Sankalp Industries breathe with the aim of fully satisfying our clients with our high-quality products services. We are a unit of highly experienced professionals, all of them contributing at the best of their potentials to offer the highest degree of efficiency and client satisfaction.
This document contains descriptions and background information about several rock samples collected from locations in California. It includes details about obsidian collected in Bishop, granite from Raymond, staurolite "cross rocks" from Chowchilla, a sedimentary rock with embedded rocks from Chowchilla, and a metamorphic rock near a slough in Chowchilla. For each rock, it provides information on physical characteristics, how it was identified, and geological context of where it was found.
This document discusses metrics for measuring social media performance. It recommends including size of follower databases, engagement metrics like reactions and shares, reach or impressions, top performing content, consumer verbatim or comments, and cost per acquisition in monthly reports. Engagement rate is an important metric to track the health of pages. The document also discusses using social promotions for lead generation and tracking their success through metrics like redemption rates and return on investment.
Epic research malaysia daily klse malaysia report of 22 december 2014Epic Research Pte. Ltd.
The document provides a daily market report for the KLSE (Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange) including top gainers and losers for the day, a snapshot of the FTSE Bursa Malaysia KLCI index, and several news updates and stock recommendations. Some of the top gainers were DKSH up 9.52% and TAHPS up 6.11% while some of the top losers were BDB-OR down 32.43% and ASIAFLE down 4.13%. The report also includes analyses of the potential for fuel prices to fall below RM2 per liter, a new agreement for Malaysia Airlines' frequent flyer program, and expectations that the upcoming GST will not materially impact
"Si los maestros carecen de tiempo, incentivo o ingenio para proporcionarlo, si los estudiantes se sienten demasiado desmoralizados, aburridos o distraídos para prestar la atención que sus maestros necesitan recibir de ellos, entonces ése es el problema educativo que hay que resolver --y resolverlo a partir de la experiencia de los maestros y los estudiantes. Si en vez de ello se recurre al ordenador, no es una solución, sino una rendición".
(Roszak, citado en Romero, 1999)
Humor with LIFE Lessons ~ A 3-in-1 Free eBOOK (Eng. & Chi.).pdfOH TEIK BIN
A free eBook of 3 sets of Humor presentations with life lessons for each humor piece.
For reflection to help us grow in mind development - in wisdom and compassion.
The texts are in English and Chinese.
The artist takes 4 hours to paint a single hand and photographs it to preserve his work. It amazes the observer how lifelike the eyes are painted in only 10 hours to complete a two-handed eagle painting. The artist spends significant time and effort to realistically depict hands and eyes in his paintings.
The document summarizes a fable about an ant that used to work productively without supervision. However, a lion recruited more managers like a cockroach and spider to oversee the ant's work. This resulted in more paperwork and meetings for the ant, reducing her productivity. More managers and consultants were continually hired, making the department unproductive and stressful for workers like the ant. In the end, the ant was fired for having a negative attitude.
4. 壹、快樂第一步 我要快樂 ! 快樂痛苦都是一天 「好消息就是 : 當你改變態度, 壞消息都可以變成好消息。」 The good news is that the bad news can be turned into good news when you change you attitude! 羅拔 . 蘇古拉 (Robert Schuller) ※ 拿破崙說:我的一生中 , 找不到六天快樂的日子! ※ 海倫凱勒卻說: 我發現人生是如此的美妙 腓 4/4 :「你們要 --- 常常喜樂,我再說你們要喜樂」
5. 快乐是自己选择的 世上最奇妙的三個字 , 除了 我愛你 , 之外也許就是「 我覺得 」吧 ! 「我覺得」自己很美麗 , 「我」就美麗了起來 . 「我覺得」自己很快樂 , 「我」就快樂了起來 . 「我覺得」自己很幸福 , 「我」就幸福了起來 . 如果你不停說事情糟透了, 你一定會有機會成為先知。 If you keep saying that things are going to be bad, you have a chance of being a prophet. 艾薩克?辛格 (Isaac Singer)
20. 去溜達溜達清醒一下頭腦 肆 . 捨不得不快樂: 不能因為年老而停止快樂 當人與他的神一起挑戰崇山峻嶺, 不可能的事就會消失。 Impossibilities vanish when a man and his God confront a mountain. 羅拔?蘇古拉 (Robert Schuller) 羅 5/11 :「我們既藉著我主耶穌基督得以與神合好, 也就藉著祂,以神為樂」
35. 4. 打開 A. 笑 Keep on smiling ※ 不要多浪費一分鐘 , 去想不喜歡的人 ※ 人類是唯一會笑的動物 , 別讓這份天賦 生鏽了 ! ※ 快速的起步 , 快速的跌倒 , 然後快速爬起 B. 樂於助人 Willing to help others C. 保持幽默感 Sense of humor