Information Security for startupsStijn Vande CasteeleInformation Security for startups was presented on 11 September 2010 at the Barcamp meeting in Antwerp, Belgium. It presents issues, tips and interesting information security pointers for startup businesses in the world of e-commerce.
Fya meeting 2 2012Elizabeth LewisThe document provides guidance to first-year students on managing their coursework and registering for next semester. It discusses checking mid-term evaluations, seeking help if unsatisfactory through tutoring or instructors, and the October 26th deadline to withdraw from a course. The document also outlines creating a schedule for the next semester through what-if analysis in Banner, exploring course offerings, obtaining advisor approval, and registering during assigned time windows.
computer hardwareManuel Vic SenielThe document discusses computer input, output, and storage devices. It describes keyboards, mice, and other common input devices like trackballs and graphics tablets. Storage media include magnetic hard disks, optical CDs and DVDs, and solid-state USB flash drives. Popular output devices are monitors, which display information, and printers, which produce hard copies. Input and output devices connect to computers by ports, expansion cards, or wirelessly. Proper care of storage media helps protect stored data from damage.
Computer SystemManuel Vic SenielThe document discusses computer system input, output, and storage devices. It describes common input devices like keyboards and mice, as well as other input devices such as scanners, cameras, and voice recognition. Output devices discussed include monitors for visual output and printers for hard copies. Storage media include magnetic, optical, and solid-state devices. Input and output devices connect to computers physically or wirelessly to transfer data in and out.
Treasury success blocking and tackling to strategic leadership- ernie humphr...360 Thought Leadership ConsultingThe document discusses how the role of treasury is becoming more strategic. It highlights that treasury professionals now have a more holistic view of their organizations and are playing a lead role in areas beyond traditional treasury functions like cash management and banking. The document emphasizes that developing soft skills, relationships, communication abilities, and technology proficiency can help treasury professionals expand their impact and become strategic leaders within their organizations.
Threat Modeling For Web Applications Using The Stride ModelStijn Vande CasteeleA thesis presenting the new wave of modeling threats for web applications focusing on the important security problems they face. Locating them on the Microsoft We Rock 24/7 architecture by using the STRIDE threat model, I will elaborate on the exercise by discussing the OWASP Top 10 Web application security vulnerabilities.
Facebook: Terms of Use, Explained & ExploredoledheThis presentation was created as part of my studies for unit 213 - Policy, Regulation and Governance.
It explores Facebook's Terms of Use in a simple and informative manner.
Efefcts of Bottled Water on EnvironmentKowshikThe document discusses the findings of a study that tested 103 bottled water brands and found that over 25% contained chemical contaminants at high levels, including bacteria, microorganisms, and heavy metals. It notes that 26,000 million liters of bottled water are used per year, requiring over 22,000 million plastic bottles, 17,000 barrels of oil to produce the plastic, and releasing 2,500,000 tons of carbon dioxide in the manufacturing process. The document criticizes bottled water companies for misleading consumers and harming the environment for profit.
Meeting fourElizabeth LewisThis document summarizes a first-year advising meeting discussing a student's first semester performance and looking ahead. It addresses academic standing policies, tips for improving grades like repeating courses, and exploring major and career options going forward. Students are encouraged to declare a major once earning 28 credits and to consider at least two potential majors to discuss at the next advising meeting.
Treasury Management: A 5-Year Strategic Battle Plan for Success360 Thought Leadership ConsultingThis document outlines a strategic battle plan for treasury management success over 5 years. It identifies components of the plan including defining goals and barriers. It also discusses trends in cash management, relationships, and professional development. Emerging treasury tasks like accounts payable and risk management are covered. The presentation provides advice on performing a gap analysis and finding resources to address gaps in people, processes, technology, and professional development needed to meet career goals.
SIEM evolutionStijn Vande CasteeleStijn Vande Casteele is a security architect who provides solutions to underpin SIEM services. His responsibilities include engineering infrastructure to deliver security monitoring services to customers, integrating new technologies, and advising on pre-sales and security questions. He aims to create a center of excellence for SIEM within his company. The presentation discusses the evolution of SIEM, different SIEM architectures, use cases, and concludes with recommendations around carefully planning SIEM migrations and centralizing security monitoring efforts.
Peripheral Iv CannulationgleesonkerThis document provides information on peripheral intravenous (IV) cannulation including responsibilities, liability, anatomy, complications, and technique. Key points include:
- Nurses are responsible for following organizational guidelines and maintaining individual accreditation for IV procedures.
- Common complications that can result in litigation include infiltration, phlebitis, air embolism, and equipment breakage if standard practices are not followed.
- Proper documentation of IV therapy includes site assessment, solutions administered, and any issues or interventions.
- Veins and arteries of the forearm are described along with nerves that supply the area.
- Complications of IV therapy like infiltration, phlebitis, occlusion and infection are defined and prevention and
Threat Modeling For Web Applications Using The Stride ModelStijn Vande CasteeleA thesis presenting the new wave of modeling threats for web applications focusing on the important security problems they face. Locating them on the Microsoft We Rock 24/7 architecture by using the STRIDE threat model, I will elaborate on the exercise by discussing the OWASP Top 10 Web application security vulnerabilities.
Facebook: Terms of Use, Explained & ExploredoledheThis presentation was created as part of my studies for unit 213 - Policy, Regulation and Governance.
It explores Facebook's Terms of Use in a simple and informative manner.
Efefcts of Bottled Water on EnvironmentKowshikThe document discusses the findings of a study that tested 103 bottled water brands and found that over 25% contained chemical contaminants at high levels, including bacteria, microorganisms, and heavy metals. It notes that 26,000 million liters of bottled water are used per year, requiring over 22,000 million plastic bottles, 17,000 barrels of oil to produce the plastic, and releasing 2,500,000 tons of carbon dioxide in the manufacturing process. The document criticizes bottled water companies for misleading consumers and harming the environment for profit.
Meeting fourElizabeth LewisThis document summarizes a first-year advising meeting discussing a student's first semester performance and looking ahead. It addresses academic standing policies, tips for improving grades like repeating courses, and exploring major and career options going forward. Students are encouraged to declare a major once earning 28 credits and to consider at least two potential majors to discuss at the next advising meeting.
Treasury Management: A 5-Year Strategic Battle Plan for Success360 Thought Leadership ConsultingThis document outlines a strategic battle plan for treasury management success over 5 years. It identifies components of the plan including defining goals and barriers. It also discusses trends in cash management, relationships, and professional development. Emerging treasury tasks like accounts payable and risk management are covered. The presentation provides advice on performing a gap analysis and finding resources to address gaps in people, processes, technology, and professional development needed to meet career goals.
SIEM evolutionStijn Vande CasteeleStijn Vande Casteele is a security architect who provides solutions to underpin SIEM services. His responsibilities include engineering infrastructure to deliver security monitoring services to customers, integrating new technologies, and advising on pre-sales and security questions. He aims to create a center of excellence for SIEM within his company. The presentation discusses the evolution of SIEM, different SIEM architectures, use cases, and concludes with recommendations around carefully planning SIEM migrations and centralizing security monitoring efforts.
Peripheral Iv CannulationgleesonkerThis document provides information on peripheral intravenous (IV) cannulation including responsibilities, liability, anatomy, complications, and technique. Key points include:
- Nurses are responsible for following organizational guidelines and maintaining individual accreditation for IV procedures.
- Common complications that can result in litigation include infiltration, phlebitis, air embolism, and equipment breakage if standard practices are not followed.
- Proper documentation of IV therapy includes site assessment, solutions administered, and any issues or interventions.
- Veins and arteries of the forearm are described along with nerves that supply the area.
- Complications of IV therapy like infiltration, phlebitis, occlusion and infection are defined and prevention and
Опыт РФ по построению механизмов оценки качества образованияАлтынбек ШайдылдаевОпыт РФ по построению механизмов оценки качества образования и участия экспертов гражданского общества
Что такое «качество образования»
Качество образования – это характеристика системы образования, отражающая степень соответствия реальных достигаемых образовательных результатов нормативным требованиям, социальным и личностным ожиданиям.
Стандарты качества образования – это совокупность требований, предъявляемых к знаниям выпускников учебных заведений и обязательных при реализации основной образовательной программы образовательного учреждения.
Key factor management system like a tool to improve competitiveness of Russia...Anatoly SimkinPresent information consists of methodological approaches that allow university of boosting its competitive ability using development or modernization key factor management system. Complex approach of management system modernization allows university of function valuation and modernization providing using contemporary technologies via unique university competitive advantage. IBS experience in realization of such projects in leading Russian universities is taken as a basis.
Отчёт «ГАУ ЦСПСиД города Богдановича» за 2013 годTamaraViktorovna66Подробнее на официальном сайте Центра социальной помощи семье и детям города Богдановича:
1. Наша школа ищет новые подходы к качеству образования 2006г- обладатель президентского гранта в1 млн рублей. 2007г- базовая школа Чергинского округа. В 2007-08 год –участие в эксперименте по КПМО. 2008г –участники федерального тестирования. «КАС ДОУ – Аттестация (Новая версия)» Переход на новую ступень качества образования.
2. «Развитие системы качества образования через создание СМК» Вторушина Елена Викторовна МОУ «Чергинская СОШ»
3. Актуальность проекта заключается: гарантия качества образовательного процесса в глазах потенциальных потребителей; формальное требование при государственной аккредитации .
4. Качество – есть мера соответствия требований потребителей услуг и реализация этих требований – трактует международный стандарт
5. Концептуальными основаниями функционирования внутришкольной системы качества являются : Ориентация на требования внешних пользователей Лидирующая роль руководства Компетентностный подход Процессный и системный подходы Внутренний аудит Непрерывное совершенствование деятельности Документирование всех процессов
6. Программно-методическое обеспечение проекта Закон Российской Федерации «Об образовании» в редакции Федерального закона от 13.01.96 № 12-ФЗ от 1б.11.97№ 1444-ФЗ; Концепция Федеральной Целевой Программы развития образования на 2006 – 2010 г.г. (Распоряжение Правительства РФ от 03.09. 05 № 1340-Г) ГОСТ Р ИСО 9000-2001 «Системы менеджмента качества. Основные положения и словарь»; ГОСТ Р ИСО 9001-2001 «Системы менеджмента качества. Требования»; ГОСТ Р ИСО 9004-2001 «Системы менеджмента качества. Рекомендации по улучшению деятельности»; ГОСТ Р ИСО 52614.2-2006 «Руководящие указания по применению ГОСТ Р ИСО 9001-2001 в сфере образования»; ГОСТ Р ИСО 19011-2003 «Руководящие указания по аудиту систем менеджмента качества и/или систем экологического менеджмента»
7. 1.Необходим «сдвиг в сознании» так как принципы СМК существенно отличаются от сложившихся взглядов; 2. Необходимость выбора способа внедрения СМК (с помощью консалтинговой фирмы, с помощью консультанта, или своими силами); 3.Необходимость эффективного обучения персонала. РИСКИ
8. 1.Сотрудничество с РЦОКО. 2.Кураторство со стороны МОНиМП РА 3.Кураторство со стороны заведующей кафедрой социальной педагогики, к.п.н., доцентом Сазоновой О.К. 4.Открытие республиканского эксперимента по апробации модели СМК в ОУ. 5..В будущем создание на базе МОУ «Чергинская СОШ» ресурсного центра . НАУЧНО - МЕТОДИЧЕСКОЕ ОБЕСПЕЧЕНИЕ