The document proposes an elastic edge boxes method for generating object proposals on RGB-D images. It begins with an initial generation of boxes using edge detection, then performs elastic range searching using superpixels to adjust the bounding boxes. The method is evaluated on a new RGB-D dataset called NJU1500, showing comparable or better performance than state-of-the-art methods, especially at high IoU thresholds, while being more efficient. The method provides accurate object proposals for RGB-D images and could enable future work on video and multimedia applications.
This document discusses servant leadership. It defines servant leadership as leading by meeting the needs of others and setting a good example. The document traces the origins of modern servant leadership to Robert Greenleaf and his work inspired by Herman Hesse's Journey to the East. Servant leadership focuses on empowering and developing team members. Studies have shown servant leadership can increase job satisfaction for staff and patient satisfaction in healthcare settings. The document advocates listening to others, focusing on quality improvement, and considering the needs of others as ways to demonstrate servant leadership.
Disaster risk reduction and preparedness plan kalmunai (english)Jowsi Abdul Jabbar
The Disaster Risk Reduction and Preparedness Plans for the city identifies disaster risk reduction strategies . The Plan was prepared by conducting a comprehensive analysis of background information which includes baseline assessments, technical studies incorporating findings of vulnerability and risk assessments through stakeholder consultation.
The DRR and Preparedness Plan is an application of the Hyogo Framework for Action (HFA), a tool that focuses on resilient city development. Fundamentals of the Plan and proposed projects are aligned with priorities for action from the HFA to establish the city as role model resilient city in Sri Lanka.
El documento habla sobre las flores de Bach, un sistema terap¨¦utico natural desarrollado por el doctor Edward Bach basado en esencias florales. Seg¨²n Bach, la enfermedad es el resultado de un desequilibrio emocional, y cada flor corresponde a determinados rasgos emocionales. El documento describe 38 flores de Bach, incluyendo sus nombres en ingl¨¦s y espa?ol, el grupo emocional al que pertenecen y la descripci¨®n del estado emocional. Tambi¨¦n menciona algunos remedios para el miedo y la desesper
El documento presenta una situaci¨®n de aprendizaje dise?ada con tres momentos (apertura, desarrollo y cierre) para la asignatura de Inform¨¢tica y Computaci¨®n II. La situaci¨®n de aprendizaje gu¨ªa a los estudiantes en la creaci¨®n de una presentaci¨®n sobre los efectos del alcohol mediante el uso de herramientas multimedia como PowerPoint. El desarrollo incluye actividades como la realizaci¨®n de res¨²menes, cuestionarios y la elaboraci¨®n de una presentaci¨®n grupal sobre el tema. En el cierre, los estudiantes exponen y disc
Snehal Kumar S. Thaker is seeking a position that utilizes analytical skills to benefit organizations. He has a Bachelor's degree in English and experience in administrative, human resources, and teaching roles. His responsibilities have included estate management, communications, printing, repairs and maintenance, office administration, and more. He is currently working as an Admin Manager at Arvind Mills Limited and is seeking a new opportunity.