Inspiration ma 11.07.2014 bgb_milevaВдъхновение за Агенти на движението - най-оригиналните и успешни събития от MOVE Week 2013 и съвети от организаторите им.
Inspiration_for_MOVE_Agents_bgBG Be Active AssociationBest practices and inspiration for MOVE Agents (event organisers) from MOVE Week 2013. - Добри практики и вдъхновение за MOVE Агенти (организатори на събития) от MOVE Week 2013.
iOS EcosystemMatteo BattaglioIntroduction to the iOS Ecosystem: why develop for iOS, what are the requirements, the tools and the processes to know in order to enter this world
Делаем умный сервис будущегоAlexey GavrilovВозможно ли «третье измерение», которое бы сделало сервис не только полезным и удобным, но и по-настоящему умным?
Да, если использовать данные из разных источников и научиться на их основе строить функциональные предположения, предлагая новые сценарии использования сервиса.
Swiss Chalange MethodPrabhjeet GillThe document discusses a case study involving the Swiss Challenge Method used by ABC Ltd to award a contract for bio-gas upgradation and plant maintenance. It provides background on the original proposal, opposing party's bid, and analyzes whether ABC followed the SCM procedure fairly. Specifically, it outlines ABC's tender process, criteria for bidders, and addresses concerns raised by the opposing party regarding qualifications, time given to bid, and the appropriateness of using the SCM for this project. The document aims to determine if ABC's tender process was transparent and in line with the SCM as recently validated by the Supreme Court.
About REDMADROBOT - April 15 ENAlexey GavrilovRedmadrobot is a mobile app development company that has built over 100 apps for enterprises, global brands, and startups since 2008. They specialize in complex service apps for large businesses in sectors like finance, consulting, insurance, telecommunications, and pharmaceuticals. Some of their clients include Otkritie Bank, Beeline Telecom, Life Insurance, Ernst & Young, and B2B Center. Redmadrobot prides itself on building robust, user-friendly apps with impeccable UX. They have received many awards and high rankings for their work.
Rina Tannenbaum-Interfacial ChemistryRina TannenbaumRina Tannenbaum is a professor who teaches interfacial chemistry, which studies the interactions between different phases of matter like solids and liquids. Interfacial chemistry underlies many everyday processes like washing clothes with detergent and creating soap bubbles, as well as applications in personal care products and cooking. Scientists in this field examine how molecules change at interfaces between different phases. Due to its cross-disciplinary relevance, interfacial chemistry is applicable to areas like chemistry, physics, biology, and engineering.
On dit que les chinois copient tout..On dit que les chinois copient tout..Denis PapyOn dit que les chinois copient tout..
Inventions de 1901 à 1906Denis PapyInventions de 1901 à 1906
Les Poupées de siu ling wangDenis PapyLe créateur de ces fameuses poupées est Siu Ling Wang.
Les poupées sont entièrement ou juste en partie (mains, pieds, tête) en porcelaine.
Intéressant sont les étonnant grands yeux, fabriqués en verre spécial, qui brillent dans la lumière.
iOS EcosystemMatteo BattaglioIntroduction to the iOS Ecosystem: why develop for iOS, what are the requirements, the tools and the processes to know in order to enter this world
Делаем умный сервис будущегоAlexey GavrilovВозможно ли «третье измерение», которое бы сделало сервис не только полезным и удобным, но и по-настоящему умным?
Да, если использовать данные из разных источников и научиться на их основе строить функциональные предположения, предлагая новые сценарии использования сервиса.
Swiss Chalange MethodPrabhjeet GillThe document discusses a case study involving the Swiss Challenge Method used by ABC Ltd to award a contract for bio-gas upgradation and plant maintenance. It provides background on the original proposal, opposing party's bid, and analyzes whether ABC followed the SCM procedure fairly. Specifically, it outlines ABC's tender process, criteria for bidders, and addresses concerns raised by the opposing party regarding qualifications, time given to bid, and the appropriateness of using the SCM for this project. The document aims to determine if ABC's tender process was transparent and in line with the SCM as recently validated by the Supreme Court.
About REDMADROBOT - April 15 ENAlexey GavrilovRedmadrobot is a mobile app development company that has built over 100 apps for enterprises, global brands, and startups since 2008. They specialize in complex service apps for large businesses in sectors like finance, consulting, insurance, telecommunications, and pharmaceuticals. Some of their clients include Otkritie Bank, Beeline Telecom, Life Insurance, Ernst & Young, and B2B Center. Redmadrobot prides itself on building robust, user-friendly apps with impeccable UX. They have received many awards and high rankings for their work.
Rina Tannenbaum-Interfacial ChemistryRina TannenbaumRina Tannenbaum is a professor who teaches interfacial chemistry, which studies the interactions between different phases of matter like solids and liquids. Interfacial chemistry underlies many everyday processes like washing clothes with detergent and creating soap bubbles, as well as applications in personal care products and cooking. Scientists in this field examine how molecules change at interfaces between different phases. Due to its cross-disciplinary relevance, interfacial chemistry is applicable to areas like chemistry, physics, biology, and engineering.
On dit que les chinois copient tout..On dit que les chinois copient tout..Denis PapyOn dit que les chinois copient tout..
Inventions de 1901 à 1906Denis PapyInventions de 1901 à 1906
Les Poupées de siu ling wangDenis PapyLe créateur de ces fameuses poupées est Siu Ling Wang.
Les poupées sont entièrement ou juste en partie (mains, pieds, tête) en porcelaine.
Intéressant sont les étonnant grands yeux, fabriqués en verre spécial, qui brillent dans la lumière.
ДГ "СЛЪНЦЕ", ГР. ЛЕВСКИ - СЕВДИЕ АЛИЕВА / ОБЗОР НА РЕАЛИЗИРАНИ ПРОЕКТНИ ДЕЙНО...Sevdie AlievaПроектът е съвместна дейност на детски градини и учители от детски градини, иницииран и методически подкрепян и насърчаван от РУО - Плевен. Семейната среда е основополагаща за възпитанието на децата още в ранна възраст.
Дейностите са разпределени в 5 модула: „Семейна кухня“, „Семейна игротека“, „Семейна сцена“, „Семейни ценности“, „Семейството и природата“. Работата в екип с родителите оказа положително влияние върху успешното задържане и приобщаване на децата в детската градина.
Проектът е колективна творческа дейност с реален, значим резултат в него успешно си взаимодействат деца, родители и учители.
Ръководител на проектни дейности:
Севдие Алиева
Откъде идват паритеРегионална библиотека "Любен Каравелов" - РусеПрезентацията е изработена в рамките на проект "Забавна финансова грамотност за деца и младежи" с финансовата подкрепа на EIFL-PLIP, за ателие "Парите на мама и тати".
2007 – 2013 г.
Европейски социален фонд 2007 – 2013
Република България
Министерство на образованието, младежта
и науката
Оперативна програма
“Развитие на човешките ресурси”
Настоящата презентация е изготвена с финансовата помощ на Европеиския социален фонд.
ПЗГ”Кл.Арк. Тимирязев” носи цялата отговорност за съдържанието на настоящия документ, и при
никакви обстоятелства не може да се приеме като официална позиция на Европеиския съюз .
2007 – 2013 г.
Младежки научно-професионален център
ПЗГ „Климент Аркадиевич Тимирязев”, гр. Каварна
ОУ „Йордан Йовков” , гр. Каварна - партньор
ПРОЕКТ № BG051PO001-4.1.05-0013
Обща стойност на проекта :77035,12лв
Продължителност: 15 месеца