Приветственное слово учасникам семинара:
заведующая кафедрой дистанционного образования
Университета менеджмента образования
Национальной академии педагогических наук Украины
Бессарабов В.И.,
канд. хим. наук, доцент КДО УМО НАПНУ
Drive Your Brand With Social MediawjpaolilloThis document discusses the rise of social media and its impact on marketing and branding. It outlines how social media has transformed communication by allowing for two-way dialogue and user-generated content. Unlike traditional media, social media is highly accessible, instantaneous, and changes can be made quickly. However, one's digital reputation and a single negative post can now spread rapidly and be difficult to remove. The document recommends businesses strategically use social media as a marketing tool but also work to build a strong online reputation through positive content.
Where the Red Fern Growsjeanslover1225Billy goes coon hunting with his dogs, Old Dan and Little Ann, on a snowy night. The dogs chase a coon toward a partially frozen river. When the dogs stop barking, Billy worries that something has happened to them. He finds Old Dan crying and realizes Little Ann is trapped in the icy river, struggling to stay above the water. Billy prays for a miracle and decides to go into the freezing water to rescue Little Ann. He hooks her to a pole and brings her to safety, saving her life though his body is numb from the cold.
Where the Red Fern Growsjeanslover1225Billy goes coon hunting with his dogs, Old Dan and Little Ann, on a snowy night. The dogs chase a coon toward a partially frozen river. When the dogs stop barking, Billy gets worried. He finds Old Dan crying and realizes something has happened to Little Ann. Billy sees Little Ann struggling in the icy water, unable to pull herself out. He prays for a miracle, then strips and goes into the freezing water to rescue Little Ann with his ax and a lantern pole. Billy is able to hook Little Ann to the pole and pull her out. He is glad he saved her life and thanks God for giving him the chance.
Seesmic review for oneglobenetworkghizlanesaadaouiSeesmic is a social media management tool that allows users to integrate multiple social accounts like Twitter, Facebook, and Google Buzz onto one page for easy access and management. It has desktop, mobile, and web applications. The desktop version is most appropriate for professionals as it fully integrates Facebook and has additional features like notifications and task synchronization across accounts. However, Seesmic lacks customization options and strong functionality for large businesses. It is better suited for facilitating office social media tasks than enhancing online visibility.
Little Ann’S Predicamentjeanslover1225Billy goes coon hunting with his dogs, Old Dan and Little Ann, on a snowy night. The dogs chase a coon toward a partially frozen river. When the dogs stop barking, Billy gets worried. He finds Old Dan crying and realizes something has happened to Little Ann. Billy sees Little Ann struggling in the icy water, unable to pull herself out. He prays for a miracle, then strips and goes into the freezing water to rescue Little Ann with his ax and a lantern tied to a pole. Billy is able to hook Little Ann to the pole and pull her out, saving her life. He is glad he saved his dog.
Little Ann’S Predicamentjeanslover1225Billy goes coon hunting with his dogs, Old Dan and Little Ann, on a snowy night. The dogs chase a coon toward a partially frozen river. When the dogs stop barking, Billy gets worried. He finds Old Dan crying and realizes something has happened to Little Ann. Billy sees Little Ann struggling in the icy water, unable to pull herself out. He prays for a miracle, then strips and goes into the freezing water to rescue Little Ann with his ax and a lantern tied to a pole. Billy is able to hook Little Ann to the pole and pull her out, saving her life. He is glad he saved his dog.
URUGUAY Logros del Frente AmplioMarina RegueiraEl documento resume los logros económicos y sociales alcanzados en Uruguay entre 2004 y 2009, incluyendo una reducción significativa de la pobreza, aumentos sustanciales en el PBI, salarios reales y cobertura de salud, así como una disminución del desempleo y la inflación.
Social Media In constructionwjpaolilloThe document discusses how companies can create competitive advantage through the use of social media. It provides examples of how construction and architecture firms like HOK are using social media for marketing, recruitment and retention. Specifically, it outlines how HOK launched an internal social network and blog to solicit ideas from employees and attract visitors and job applicants from around the world. The document advocates using social media for two-way conversations with clients and engaging where customers are already active online.
Marketing and business development for startupsAnurag JagiaThis presentation talks about the importance of marketing and business development activities for startups. How a startup is different from a well established company & what tools, triggers, techniques and hacks can be used to market your product /service offering. Numerous examples have been taken to illustrate the importance of marketing and business development in initial days of a startup.
All the brand names & logos used have their respective copyrights.
Vente PriveeghizlanesaadaouiVente-privee.com is an online flash sales retailer in France that works directly with designer brands. It sends emails to registered members announcing limited-time sales events, typically lasting 2-4 days, where fashion, accessories, electronics and other products are discounted 40-70% off. It solves problems for both customers by offering exclusive access to sales, and brands by providing extra revenues, visibility and marketing services.
Бессарабов В.И.,
канд. хим. наук, доцент КДО УМО НАПНУ
Drive Your Brand With Social MediawjpaolilloThis document discusses the rise of social media and its impact on marketing and branding. It outlines how social media has transformed communication by allowing for two-way dialogue and user-generated content. Unlike traditional media, social media is highly accessible, instantaneous, and changes can be made quickly. However, one's digital reputation and a single negative post can now spread rapidly and be difficult to remove. The document recommends businesses strategically use social media as a marketing tool but also work to build a strong online reputation through positive content.
Where the Red Fern Growsjeanslover1225Billy goes coon hunting with his dogs, Old Dan and Little Ann, on a snowy night. The dogs chase a coon toward a partially frozen river. When the dogs stop barking, Billy worries that something has happened to them. He finds Old Dan crying and realizes Little Ann is trapped in the icy river, struggling to stay above the water. Billy prays for a miracle and decides to go into the freezing water to rescue Little Ann. He hooks her to a pole and brings her to safety, saving her life though his body is numb from the cold.
Where the Red Fern Growsjeanslover1225Billy goes coon hunting with his dogs, Old Dan and Little Ann, on a snowy night. The dogs chase a coon toward a partially frozen river. When the dogs stop barking, Billy gets worried. He finds Old Dan crying and realizes something has happened to Little Ann. Billy sees Little Ann struggling in the icy water, unable to pull herself out. He prays for a miracle, then strips and goes into the freezing water to rescue Little Ann with his ax and a lantern pole. Billy is able to hook Little Ann to the pole and pull her out. He is glad he saved her life and thanks God for giving him the chance.
Seesmic review for oneglobenetworkghizlanesaadaouiSeesmic is a social media management tool that allows users to integrate multiple social accounts like Twitter, Facebook, and Google Buzz onto one page for easy access and management. It has desktop, mobile, and web applications. The desktop version is most appropriate for professionals as it fully integrates Facebook and has additional features like notifications and task synchronization across accounts. However, Seesmic lacks customization options and strong functionality for large businesses. It is better suited for facilitating office social media tasks than enhancing online visibility.
Little Ann’S Predicamentjeanslover1225Billy goes coon hunting with his dogs, Old Dan and Little Ann, on a snowy night. The dogs chase a coon toward a partially frozen river. When the dogs stop barking, Billy gets worried. He finds Old Dan crying and realizes something has happened to Little Ann. Billy sees Little Ann struggling in the icy water, unable to pull herself out. He prays for a miracle, then strips and goes into the freezing water to rescue Little Ann with his ax and a lantern tied to a pole. Billy is able to hook Little Ann to the pole and pull her out, saving her life. He is glad he saved his dog.
Little Ann’S Predicamentjeanslover1225Billy goes coon hunting with his dogs, Old Dan and Little Ann, on a snowy night. The dogs chase a coon toward a partially frozen river. When the dogs stop barking, Billy gets worried. He finds Old Dan crying and realizes something has happened to Little Ann. Billy sees Little Ann struggling in the icy water, unable to pull herself out. He prays for a miracle, then strips and goes into the freezing water to rescue Little Ann with his ax and a lantern tied to a pole. Billy is able to hook Little Ann to the pole and pull her out, saving her life. He is glad he saved his dog.
URUGUAY Logros del Frente AmplioMarina RegueiraEl documento resume los logros económicos y sociales alcanzados en Uruguay entre 2004 y 2009, incluyendo una reducción significativa de la pobreza, aumentos sustanciales en el PBI, salarios reales y cobertura de salud, así como una disminución del desempleo y la inflación.
Social Media In constructionwjpaolilloThe document discusses how companies can create competitive advantage through the use of social media. It provides examples of how construction and architecture firms like HOK are using social media for marketing, recruitment and retention. Specifically, it outlines how HOK launched an internal social network and blog to solicit ideas from employees and attract visitors and job applicants from around the world. The document advocates using social media for two-way conversations with clients and engaging where customers are already active online.
Marketing and business development for startupsAnurag JagiaThis presentation talks about the importance of marketing and business development activities for startups. How a startup is different from a well established company & what tools, triggers, techniques and hacks can be used to market your product /service offering. Numerous examples have been taken to illustrate the importance of marketing and business development in initial days of a startup.
All the brand names & logos used have their respective copyrights.
Vente PriveeghizlanesaadaouiVente-privee.com is an online flash sales retailer in France that works directly with designer brands. It sends emails to registered members announcing limited-time sales events, typically lasting 2-4 days, where fashion, accessories, electronics and other products are discounted 40-70% off. It solves problems for both customers by offering exclusive access to sales, and brands by providing extra revenues, visibility and marketing services.
SHOULD THE HOTEL INDUSTRY EMBRACE SOCIAL MEDIA?ghizlanesaadaouithe purpose of this study is to determine the level of awareness of the latest performances of social media in the hospitality industry and to assert that YES hotels need to embrace social media. We now spend more time connected than ever before to make our travel decisions which has created a challenge for those in traditional marketing roles. Online communities exist in abundance and will, sooner or later, create content about your brand and share it with other users. So, why not join the online conversation and meet your clients where they are?
Статья "Взаимодействие вузов и школ по развитию одаренности у детей и подрост...Institute of Distance Education TSUСтатья "Взаимодействие вузов и школ по развитию одаренности у детей и подростков на базе дистанционных школ при национальном исследовательском университете (на материале опыта Национального исследовательского Томского государственного университета)". Авторы - сотрудники ИДО ТГУ Можаева Г. В., Рыльцева Е. В.
Насыщенная информационно-образовательная среда как условие профессионального ...VladimirПрезентация Терещенко В.И., заместителя директора Гимназии №6 г. Лангепаса (ХМАО-Югра) на августовском педагогическом совете (август 2010г.)
электронное и дистанционное обучение: интернет-образованиеNatalia.Электронное и дистанционное обучение. Новая нормативная база дистанционного обучения и использования ЭОР в образовательном процессе
. Интернет-образование
Бочков В.Е.,Исаев С.Н., Хицков Е.А., Королёв М.Ф. Переход к Smart-образованию...Евразийский открытый институтПрезентация выступления на Научно-практической конференции ВОК-ТПП-МТПП
4. История ДО в России 1995 г. была принята «Концепция создания и развития системы дистанционного образования в России», с 1999 г. внедряется государственная программа информатизации образования, в Концепции модернизации российского образования на период до 2010 года предусмотрено преимущественное развитие современных информационных технологий в сфере образования, позволяющих качественно улучшить доступность и повысить эффективность образовательных процессов.
5. Центр дистанционного обучения «Эйдос» Обучение ориентировано на школьников от 6 до 16 лет, на студентов и педагогов. Формы дистанционного обучения представлены в виде разнообразных курсов, проектов, конкурсов. Проведение дистанционных олимпиад, конкурсов. [1] http://www.college.ru/how-buy/
6. I - школа Школа дистанционной поддержки образования детей с ограничениями по здоровью Открыта в 2003 г. в рамках проекта «Развитие информационной образовательной среды для детей-инвалидов» Ежегодно в этой школе обучается более тысячи учащихся с 1-го по 11-й класс. Им предлагается более 100 курсов по различным направлениям: гуманитарному, естественно-математическому, технологическому. [3]
7. Современная Гуманитарная Академия (СГА) СГА первым из российских вузов применил дистанционные образовательные технологии (ДОТ) в полном объеме при реализации основных и дополнительных образовательных программ Академия – распределенный мега-вуз, включающий сеть центров доступа к академическим ресурсам СГА, расположенных в географически отдаленных городах и поселениях и объединенных телекоммуникациями, единым профессорско-преподавательским составом, единым образовательным контентом, единой цифровой библиотекой и информационной системой академического администрирования.
8. Современная Гуманитарная Академия (СГА) Архитектура образовательной телекоммуникационной сети академии имеет структуру «точка-многоточка», в которой множество высокоскоростных локальных сетей центров доступа соединены с центром (базовым вузом) потоками информации по каналам связи. http://www.muh.ru/stud_practice.htm
10. Ссылки Российский общеобразовательный портал. Дистанционное образование в России [ электронный ресурс ] . – Режим доступа: http://edu.of.ru/distantobr/default.asp?ob_no=2599 Сысойкина М. Дистанционное образование в России [ электронный ресурс ] .- Режим доступа: http://www.osp.ru/pcworld/2007/09/4582050/ Учёба. ru . Дистанционное обучение в российских вузах [ электронный ресурс ] .- Режим доступа: http://www.ucheba.ru/vuz-article/3816.html