sharp reliefJacob SmithAcupuncturists in Moscow have been providing trauma-relief clinics following a January shooting to help the community heal and relieve symptoms of post-traumatic stress. The clinics involve ear acupuncture treatments by Kameron Schott to help with insomnia, anxiety, depression and irritability. The treatments target the sympathetic nervous system and have been well-received, providing relaxation, invigoration or tiredness for the rest of the day. The acupuncturists intend to continue the clinics to support the community.
Week van de Mediawijsheid en Mediamasters: het spelSURF EventsWoensdag 11 november
Sessieronde 4
Titel: Week van de Mediawijsheid en Mediamasters: het spel
Spreker(s): Mimi van Dun (Nederlands Instituut voor Beeld en Geluid), Sarah Hijmans (Nederlands Instituur voor Beeld en Geluid)
Zaal: Goudriaan II
Guia de-precios-compugreiff-14-de-noviembre-de-2015xxxxxEste documento proporciona información sobre las sucursales, horarios, garantías y servicios técnicos de CompuGreiff. También incluye una guía de precios de una variedad de productos de tecnología como memorias, discos duros, tarjetas de video, monitores, periféricos, licencias de software y más. Los precios están sujetos a cambios sin previo aviso.
Guia de-precios-compugreiff-23-de-septiembre-de-2015xxxxxEn nuestra guía puede encontrar información de precios y promociones de todos nuestros productos, actualizada según la fecha del documento.
paper-presentationMuhammad Husnain SiddiqiMuhammad Husnain Siddiqi presented on applying the SMED (Single Minute Exchange of Dies) methodology to reduce changeover times in textile printing. The document outlines the problem of wasted time during changeovers in textile printing, research objectives to reduce changeover time and improve productivity using SMED, a literature review on previous SMED applications, the SMED methodology and steps taken. Analysis found changeover time was reduced from 20 minutes to 12 minutes 18 seconds, a 36% reduction. Productivity increased by 2.21% and SMED was concluded to be an effective technique for setup time reduction and increased industry productivity.
La guadaloupeEvelynMosqueraNLa Guadeloupe est une île qui se situe dans l’océan Atlantique entre l’Amérique du Nord et l’Amérique du Sud. C’est à 8 heures d’avion de la métropole et il y a 6 heures de décalage horaire.
Impediment to a Health Seeking Behaviour: an evaluation of Access to Reproduc...iosrjceThe study sort to evaluate the barriers to access to reproductive health services for women in
Matabeleland South. The study was premised on the Health Belief Model (HBM) formulated by Hochbaum,
Kegees, Leventhal and Rosenstockof 1974 cited in Chiremba and Maunganidze (2004). They propound that the
HBM has 3 main components, namely individual factors, modifying factors and likelihood of action. They infer
that, an individual’s attitude determines how she/he engages in certain behaviour. Conducted over 21 days, the
study employed both qualitative and quantitative methodologies. The quantitative aspects included
questionnaires that were administered to women of child-bearing age and adolescent girls, whilst the
qualitative aspect involved secondary data review, facility assessment and focus group discussions. Purposive
and random sampling techniques were used to identify the ideal participants for the survey. The key findings
were that; Safe Motherhood was and is dependent on a lot of issues, some of which are, policies and systems,
resources (financial, material and human), community/departmental structures, infrastructure and mostly the
demography of the community including their attitudes, perceptions and beliefs. The study recommends removal
of barriers to access to health through: Resuscitation of the country’s strategy of having a health facility at
every 10 kilometre radius; Regular mobile clinics especially for reproductive health services and baby clinics to
resettlement areas that were pegged far from services; Resourcing of existing health facilities in terms of
human, material and financial resources and most of all; Change of policies, perceptions and practises that
hinder access to reproductive health services and attainment of basic health rights
Mediacat Ajansların İlk 6 Aylık Karnesi Ağustos 2015MF MEDYA REKLAM PROD. TİC. LTD. ŞTİÇok genç bir firma olmamıza ve bu güne kadar sadece Avrupa medya mecralarında satın alma ve planlama yapmamıza rağmen, firmamızın Mediacat dergisinindeki bu listeye girmesini sağlayan müşterilerimize ve özverili çalışmalarından dolayı tüm ekip arkadaşlarımıza teşekkür ederiz. Amacımız yılın ikinci yarısında listedeki yerimizi daha yukarılara taşımak olacaktır.
sharp reliefJacob SmithAcupuncturists in Moscow have been providing trauma-relief clinics following a January shooting to help the community heal and relieve symptoms of post-traumatic stress. The clinics involve ear acupuncture treatments by Kameron Schott to help with insomnia, anxiety, depression and irritability. The treatments target the sympathetic nervous system and have been well-received, providing relaxation, invigoration or tiredness for the rest of the day. The acupuncturists intend to continue the clinics to support the community.
Week van de Mediawijsheid en Mediamasters: het spelSURF EventsWoensdag 11 november
Sessieronde 4
Titel: Week van de Mediawijsheid en Mediamasters: het spel
Spreker(s): Mimi van Dun (Nederlands Instituut voor Beeld en Geluid), Sarah Hijmans (Nederlands Instituur voor Beeld en Geluid)
Zaal: Goudriaan II
Guia de-precios-compugreiff-14-de-noviembre-de-2015xxxxxEste documento proporciona información sobre las sucursales, horarios, garantías y servicios técnicos de CompuGreiff. También incluye una guía de precios de una variedad de productos de tecnología como memorias, discos duros, tarjetas de video, monitores, periféricos, licencias de software y más. Los precios están sujetos a cambios sin previo aviso.
Guia de-precios-compugreiff-23-de-septiembre-de-2015xxxxxEn nuestra guía puede encontrar información de precios y promociones de todos nuestros productos, actualizada según la fecha del documento.
paper-presentationMuhammad Husnain SiddiqiMuhammad Husnain Siddiqi presented on applying the SMED (Single Minute Exchange of Dies) methodology to reduce changeover times in textile printing. The document outlines the problem of wasted time during changeovers in textile printing, research objectives to reduce changeover time and improve productivity using SMED, a literature review on previous SMED applications, the SMED methodology and steps taken. Analysis found changeover time was reduced from 20 minutes to 12 minutes 18 seconds, a 36% reduction. Productivity increased by 2.21% and SMED was concluded to be an effective technique for setup time reduction and increased industry productivity.
La guadaloupeEvelynMosqueraNLa Guadeloupe est une île qui se situe dans l’océan Atlantique entre l’Amérique du Nord et l’Amérique du Sud. C’est à 8 heures d’avion de la métropole et il y a 6 heures de décalage horaire.
Impediment to a Health Seeking Behaviour: an evaluation of Access to Reproduc...iosrjceThe study sort to evaluate the barriers to access to reproductive health services for women in
Matabeleland South. The study was premised on the Health Belief Model (HBM) formulated by Hochbaum,
Kegees, Leventhal and Rosenstockof 1974 cited in Chiremba and Maunganidze (2004). They propound that the
HBM has 3 main components, namely individual factors, modifying factors and likelihood of action. They infer
that, an individual’s attitude determines how she/he engages in certain behaviour. Conducted over 21 days, the
study employed both qualitative and quantitative methodologies. The quantitative aspects included
questionnaires that were administered to women of child-bearing age and adolescent girls, whilst the
qualitative aspect involved secondary data review, facility assessment and focus group discussions. Purposive
and random sampling techniques were used to identify the ideal participants for the survey. The key findings
were that; Safe Motherhood was and is dependent on a lot of issues, some of which are, policies and systems,
resources (financial, material and human), community/departmental structures, infrastructure and mostly the
demography of the community including their attitudes, perceptions and beliefs. The study recommends removal
of barriers to access to health through: Resuscitation of the country’s strategy of having a health facility at
every 10 kilometre radius; Regular mobile clinics especially for reproductive health services and baby clinics to
resettlement areas that were pegged far from services; Resourcing of existing health facilities in terms of
human, material and financial resources and most of all; Change of policies, perceptions and practises that
hinder access to reproductive health services and attainment of basic health rights
Mediacat Ajansların İlk 6 Aylık Karnesi Ağustos 2015MF MEDYA REKLAM PROD. TİC. LTD. ŞTİÇok genç bir firma olmamıza ve bu güne kadar sadece Avrupa medya mecralarında satın alma ve planlama yapmamıza rağmen, firmamızın Mediacat dergisinindeki bu listeye girmesini sağlayan müşterilerimize ve özverili çalışmalarından dolayı tüm ekip arkadaşlarımıza teşekkür ederiz. Amacımız yılın ikinci yarısında listedeki yerimizi daha yukarılara taşımak olacaktır.
ABB_CIARLO_Model_Based_Emission_Monitoring_LinkedinGregorio CiarloPredictive Emission Monitoring Systems use mathematical models to estimate a plant's emissions based on operating data rather than direct measurement. The models are developed using measurements taken during reference conditions and can then be used to continuously monitor emissions when direct measurement is not possible or practical. The models require initial development and validation but can provide cost-effective continuous monitoring as an alternative to continuous emissions monitoring systems.
Onderwijs op maat met video's deel 1SURF EventsDinsdag 10 november
Sessieronde 1
Titel: Onderwijs op maat met video's deel 1
Spreker(s): Eja Kliphuis (Hogeschool Inholland), Zac Woolfitt (Hogeschool Inholland
Zaal: Diamond I
RPP RECOUNT TEXT KTSPWidya Kurnia Arizona SanThe document outlines a lesson plan for teaching English at SMP N 2 CEPER. It includes the learning objectives, which are to understand recount texts and use simple past tense accurately. The lesson will take place over two 80-minute meetings. In the first meeting, students will learn about simple past tense through activities like matching irregular verbs to their past form. The second meeting focuses on recount texts, with students identifying their generic structure and language features by rearranging jumbled paragraphs. Formative assessments include exercises on simple past tense and answering questions about a recount text.