This document provides an overview of media in Britain, including newspapers, television, and social media. It describes the political leanings and formats of major newspapers. It explains that most newspapers and television news providers now have an online presence. It outlines the ownership of major media companies in the UK. It provides details on television channels and paid streaming services. Finally, it lists popular social media platforms used in Britain.
This document provides an overview of media in Britain, including newspapers, television, and social media. It describes the political leanings and formats of major newspapers. It explains that most newspapers and television news providers now have an online presence. It outlines the ownership of major media companies in the UK. It provides details on television channels and paid streaming services. Finally, it lists popular social media platforms used in Britain.
Proposal ini mengusulkan kegiatan seminar enterpreneurship selama satu hari yang akan diselenggarakan oleh STIE AUB Surakarta untuk merayakan hari jadinya yang ke-45. Seminar ini akan diikuti oleh 1000 mahasiswa dan bertujuan untuk memperkenalkan wirausaha dan menumbuhkan semangat kewirausahaan. Acaranya akan berlangsung pada 27 Januari 2014 dan menghadirkan pembicara kunci dari BUMN serta pengusaha su
This document provides an outline for a course on American literature. It covers the history and development of American literature from its beginnings up to modern works. The course is divided into 16 sections that progress chronologically from early Native American oral traditions and colonial-era works through major literary periods like Romanticism and Realism up to 20th century modernist writers. Key authors discussed include Ralph Waldo Emerson, Henry David Thoreau, Walt Whitman, Mark Twain, Ernest Hemingway, and others. The goal is to examine the evolution of American literature and styles over time through important texts.
Student guide to poll everywhere provides instructions for joining a lecturer's poll by texting their name to the given number and responding by typing the keyword associated with their answer choice and texting it to the poll number or tweeting it. Students can join a poll session by texting the lecturer's name to the provided number and respond by typing and sending the keyword for their selected answer.
This document outlines independent work assignments for students in the English Conversation-5 class using the Upstream Advanced student book. It assigns specific textbook pages to 24 student groups to complete tasks on, including:
1) Reading the assigned text carefully
2) Typing a summary and sending it to the instructor via email
3) Creating a mini dictionary of words and completing analyses of sentences to identify collocations, phrasal verbs, fixed phrases, idioms, dependent prepositions and confused words.
4) Developing five exercises on the text and creating a short test with at least 10 questions.
Students are also tasked with translating their assigned text into Mongolian and keeping their independent work in