Tomek i Konrad w przeci?gu tych 45 minut poka?? "o co tak na prawd? w tym TDD chodzi?" a przy okazji, spojrz? na j?zyk Scala. Okazuje si? bowiem, i? cykl znany jako Red-Green-Refactor znany z Test Driven Design nie tylko pomaga tworzy? dobry kod, ale równie? jest niezwykle pomocy podczas nauki j?zyków - wystarczy spojrze? na popularne serie ?wiczeń o nazwie Koans, dost?pne dla wielu j?zyków programowania.
Sesja ta powinna by? najcenniejsza dla osób które nie do?wiadczy?y jeszcze ?wiczeń programistycznych w formie Kata b?d? Code Retreat lub nie paruj?cych si? na co-dzień w pracy.
Mysql classes in navi-mumbai,mysql course-provider-in-navi-mumbaianshkhurana01
1. Create the employee database using CREATE DATABASE employee;
2. Create the employee table using CREATE TABLE employee(...);
3. Insert a new record into the employee table using INSERT INTO employee VALUES(...);
4. Update a record in the employee table using UPDATE employee SET ... WHERE ...;
5. Delete a record from the employee table using DELETE FROM employee WHERE ...;
DotNet Programming & Practices discusses various best practices for .NET development including:
1. Using proper naming conventions like PascalCasing for classes and methods and camelCasing for variables.
2. Properly documenting code with XML comments and avoiding inline comments. Only using regions for private fields, nested classes, and interface implementations.
3. Methods should perform a single task, not combine multiple jobs, and generally not exceed 25 lines. This increases maintainability.
4. Properties should be used over methods when the work is expensive or represents a conversion, and methods should be used when the result changes or causes side effects beyond the property.
Split mechanical seals make installing new seals in large or vertical pumps easier by separating the seal into two parts that can be independently installed. American Seal & Packing sells split seals in a variety of sizes made from silicon carbide and carbon materials, with prices ranging from $1412 to $5880 depending on the shaft size. They can be contacted at 714-593-9780 for assistance with split seal selection or purchase.
DotNet Programming & Practices discusses various best practices for .NET development including:
1. Using proper naming conventions like PascalCasing for classes and methods and camelCasing for variables.
2. Properly documenting code with XML comments and avoiding inline comments. Only using regions for private fields, nested classes, and interface implementations.
3. Methods should perform a single task, not combine multiple jobs, and generally not exceed 25 lines. This increases maintainability.
4. Properties should be used over methods when the work is expensive or represents a conversion, and methods should be used when the result changes or causes side effects beyond the property.
Split mechanical seals make installing new seals in large or vertical pumps easier by separating the seal into two parts that can be independently installed. American Seal & Packing sells split seals in a variety of sizes made from silicon carbide and carbon materials, with prices ranging from $1412 to $5880 depending on the shaft size. They can be contacted at 714-593-9780 for assistance with split seal selection or purchase.