Conteht apageedfemaanadnanThis document provides an analysis of content pages from three different magazines. For the first magazine, the content page uses bold text to catch readers' attention and includes images with pull quotes to entice readers. The second magazine breaks conventions by omitting "contents" and includes celebrity posters and a website link to engage readers. The third magazine is a content page from Vogue, which prominently features a single fashionable image and uses columns with varied colors and fonts to highlight articles and promote subscriptions.
Practica bloglucecitacedeEste documento parece ser un texto sin contenido que consiste únicamente en páginas enumeradas del 1 al 9. No hay información sustantiva que resumir.
MagaemaanadnanThe document analyzes the codes and conventions used on three different magazine covers. It discusses elements like the masthead, cover lines, main image, and puff. For the first cover of Billboard magazine, it notes that the masthead is hidden but readers would still recognize it, and colors like red, blue, and green give familiarity. The main image of Eminem conveys hurt and mystery through lighting and expression. Cover lines use green representing hope. The second cover of Glamour magazine uses pink in the masthead to appeal to girls. The main image of a smiling model in a leopard print dress represents her wild personality. Cover lines follow a pink and blue color scheme. The third puff discusses using buzzwords like
Final projectOliver Pulido EstradaThe document summarizes a final project about the Aztec Empire completed by three students - Naomi Elizabeth Altamirano Zavaleta, Oliver Samuel Pulido Estrada, and Diego Eduardo Sanchez Martinez - under their teacher Martha Edith Padilla. It provides background information on the Aztec Empire's origins in the 15th century in central Mexico and economic activities like agriculture. It also describes three artifacts visited from the museum: an obsidian monkey statue, Motecuhzoma II's stone box, and a brazier depicting a dead warrior.
Evaluation of my music magazineemaanadnanThe document summarizes the student's music magazine project. It discusses how the magazine uses conventions like the masthead but also challenges conventions with design choices. It represents teenage girls interested in music. The student learned production skills like layout and using Photoshop. Technologies used included WordPress for blogging, Photoshop for image editing, and online research. The magazine would be published through an existing publisher of teen magazines.
FigenFatih TaylıAccording to a survey, 77% of people believe that traveling is better than school. Traveling has advantages like seeing different cultures, improving foreign language skills by speaking to people, and developing communication skills by talking to others. However, traveling also has disadvantages such as not being able to protect oneself, spending a lot of money, missing family, feeling bored, and finding it difficult to make friends. While school is important, traveling provides opportunities to learn in ways that expand one's horizons.
Double spreademaanadnanThis document summarizes two double page spreads from a magazine.
The first double page spread features an interview with a rock star. Key details about the rock star's appearance and posture are summarized from his photo. Details about the interview layout and use of colors in the title are also provided.
The second double page spread features gossip articles and celebrity photos. Details are given about the types of photos used and how additional stories are presented in black boxes with yellow titles. Contextual information like tweet times are also mentioned.
Evaluation of my music magazineemaanadnanThe document summarizes the student's music magazine project. It discusses how the magazine uses conventions like the masthead but also challenges conventions with design choices. It represents teenage girls interested in music. The student learned production skills like layout and using Photoshop. Technologies used included WordPress for blogging, Photoshop for image editing, and online research.
Wind Energy in TransportationFatih TaylıThe document discusses the drawbacks of using fossil fuels for transportation including air pollution, finite resources, and environmental damage from oil spills. It proposes that wind energy could be used for transportation as an alternative. Several experimental wind-powered vehicles are mentioned, such as the Mercedes Benz Formula Zero and Spirit of Amsterdam sailboat. The conclusion is that while wind-powered transportation was once considered implausible, modern technology has made it a realistic possibility.
homeworkpaperhouseFatih TaylıThe document discusses building houses out of paper and describes some of the first paper houses constructed in the 1990s. It notes that houses were built differently centuries ago and asks if we can now build houses out of paper. The document then lists some of the first locations where paper houses were exhibited or built, including Germany, Rwanda, Africa, China, schools in Turkey, and Dinarcit in 1994. It concludes with a message about protecting the world as our home.
AB'16:26Holden BonwitThis document provides a 26-item list summarizing sights and experiences from AfrikaBurn 2016 in single words or short phrases. Items include things like apples in a wheelbarrow, a burning dinosaur still walking, a mandala in a lotus, outdoor toilets, preposterous purple pants, a spirit train and Star Wars droids, and finding zzzz's when possible. The list concisely captures various highlights and activities from the event in an alphabetical snapshot format.
Top 10 Most Popular Torrent Sites of 2015succinctattorne69Most torrent users rarely change their downloading habits or the places where they get their daily t...
Practica blogfcortijohEste documento parece ser un texto sin contenido que consiste únicamente en páginas enumeradas del 1 al 9. No hay información sustantiva que resumir.
Banking (1)emaanadnanThis document discusses Millennials (Generation Y) and how banks should cater to them. It notes that Millennials, born between 1977-1995, are the largest, most educated generation. While some see them as lazy or job-hopping, others see them as ambitious, tech-savvy, and entrepreneurial. As tomorrow's accumulators of wealth, banks should focus on Gen Y by developing innovative products that meet their needs and lifestyle through social media, tailored promotions, and corporate social responsibility initiatives in order to survive and grow.
Daniel's presentation from AIU I-9Fatih TaylıEagles are large birds that can live up to 50 years in captivity or 15-20 years in the wild. They mate for life and the female lays 2-3 eggs which both parents incubate for 35 days. Eagles have keen eyesight, long broad wings adapted for flight, and sharp talons. They do not have vocal cords but can make sounds through their airways. The male is smaller than the female and brings branches to the nest during incubation.
PlantsFatih TaylıPlants are found all over Earth, with over 287,000 identified species. They perform photosynthesis to produce energy from sunlight and carbon dioxide. Plants can be seed plants or seedless plants. Seed plants reproduce using seeds and have flowers, while seedless plants reproduce using spores. Both types of plants provide many benefits like cleaning air, providing food and preventing erosion. Plants are crucial for ecosystems and human uses like medicine and clothing.
Different Types And Styles Of Music VideosemaanadnanMusic videos are typically 3-5 minute promotional videos for songs that feature imagery and themes related to the song's genre. There are several common styles of music videos including performance-based videos that feature artists performing, narrative-based videos that tell a story synced to the song, and conceptual/art videos that use abstract imagery and multiple meanings to create moods and feelings. Other styles include animated, interpretive, impressionist, intertextual, pastiche, and parody videos.
Case study - How Clifford Chances’ e-Learning gets resultsCommelius SolutionsSee this case study and find out how one of the leading global firms is creating demand for e-learning among their busy lawyers, and constantly improves the overall skill level of their staff.
Training within a law firm is essential for ensuring compliance and delivering best practice, so how does an international firm with time-poor professionals manages to constantly engage their learners in online learning?
Read this case study to find out for yourself.
Titas presentationJanna ZaidTiga kalimat ringkasan dokumen tersebut adalah:
Dokumen tersebut mengkaji gaya hidup pelajar universiti di Sabah dalam aspek pemakanan, pengurusan kewangan, hubungan sosial, pengurusan diri, dan kerohanian melalui soalan-soalan yang diajukan kepada pelajar. Keputusan kajian menunjukkan kesedaran pelajar terhadap pemakanan sihat, namun pengurusan masa dan kewangan perlu dipertingkatkan s
FigenFatih TaylıAccording to a survey, 77% of people believe that traveling is better than school. Traveling has advantages like seeing different cultures, improving foreign language skills by speaking to people, and developing communication skills by talking to others. However, traveling also has disadvantages such as not being able to protect oneself, spending a lot of money, missing family, feeling bored, and finding it difficult to make friends. While school is important, traveling provides opportunities to learn in ways that expand one's horizons.
Double spreademaanadnanThis document summarizes two double page spreads from a magazine.
The first double page spread features an interview with a rock star. Key details about the rock star's appearance and posture are summarized from his photo. Details about the interview layout and use of colors in the title are also provided.
The second double page spread features gossip articles and celebrity photos. Details are given about the types of photos used and how additional stories are presented in black boxes with yellow titles. Contextual information like tweet times are also mentioned.
Evaluation of my music magazineemaanadnanThe document summarizes the student's music magazine project. It discusses how the magazine uses conventions like the masthead but also challenges conventions with design choices. It represents teenage girls interested in music. The student learned production skills like layout and using Photoshop. Technologies used included WordPress for blogging, Photoshop for image editing, and online research.
Wind Energy in TransportationFatih TaylıThe document discusses the drawbacks of using fossil fuels for transportation including air pollution, finite resources, and environmental damage from oil spills. It proposes that wind energy could be used for transportation as an alternative. Several experimental wind-powered vehicles are mentioned, such as the Mercedes Benz Formula Zero and Spirit of Amsterdam sailboat. The conclusion is that while wind-powered transportation was once considered implausible, modern technology has made it a realistic possibility.
homeworkpaperhouseFatih TaylıThe document discusses building houses out of paper and describes some of the first paper houses constructed in the 1990s. It notes that houses were built differently centuries ago and asks if we can now build houses out of paper. The document then lists some of the first locations where paper houses were exhibited or built, including Germany, Rwanda, Africa, China, schools in Turkey, and Dinarcit in 1994. It concludes with a message about protecting the world as our home.
AB'16:26Holden BonwitThis document provides a 26-item list summarizing sights and experiences from AfrikaBurn 2016 in single words or short phrases. Items include things like apples in a wheelbarrow, a burning dinosaur still walking, a mandala in a lotus, outdoor toilets, preposterous purple pants, a spirit train and Star Wars droids, and finding zzzz's when possible. The list concisely captures various highlights and activities from the event in an alphabetical snapshot format.
Top 10 Most Popular Torrent Sites of 2015succinctattorne69Most torrent users rarely change their downloading habits or the places where they get their daily t...
Practica blogfcortijohEste documento parece ser un texto sin contenido que consiste únicamente en páginas enumeradas del 1 al 9. No hay información sustantiva que resumir.
Banking (1)emaanadnanThis document discusses Millennials (Generation Y) and how banks should cater to them. It notes that Millennials, born between 1977-1995, are the largest, most educated generation. While some see them as lazy or job-hopping, others see them as ambitious, tech-savvy, and entrepreneurial. As tomorrow's accumulators of wealth, banks should focus on Gen Y by developing innovative products that meet their needs and lifestyle through social media, tailored promotions, and corporate social responsibility initiatives in order to survive and grow.
Daniel's presentation from AIU I-9Fatih TaylıEagles are large birds that can live up to 50 years in captivity or 15-20 years in the wild. They mate for life and the female lays 2-3 eggs which both parents incubate for 35 days. Eagles have keen eyesight, long broad wings adapted for flight, and sharp talons. They do not have vocal cords but can make sounds through their airways. The male is smaller than the female and brings branches to the nest during incubation.
PlantsFatih TaylıPlants are found all over Earth, with over 287,000 identified species. They perform photosynthesis to produce energy from sunlight and carbon dioxide. Plants can be seed plants or seedless plants. Seed plants reproduce using seeds and have flowers, while seedless plants reproduce using spores. Both types of plants provide many benefits like cleaning air, providing food and preventing erosion. Plants are crucial for ecosystems and human uses like medicine and clothing.
Different Types And Styles Of Music VideosemaanadnanMusic videos are typically 3-5 minute promotional videos for songs that feature imagery and themes related to the song's genre. There are several common styles of music videos including performance-based videos that feature artists performing, narrative-based videos that tell a story synced to the song, and conceptual/art videos that use abstract imagery and multiple meanings to create moods and feelings. Other styles include animated, interpretive, impressionist, intertextual, pastiche, and parody videos.
Case study - How Clifford Chances’ e-Learning gets resultsCommelius SolutionsSee this case study and find out how one of the leading global firms is creating demand for e-learning among their busy lawyers, and constantly improves the overall skill level of their staff.
Training within a law firm is essential for ensuring compliance and delivering best practice, so how does an international firm with time-poor professionals manages to constantly engage their learners in online learning?
Read this case study to find out for yourself.
Titas presentationJanna ZaidTiga kalimat ringkasan dokumen tersebut adalah:
Dokumen tersebut mengkaji gaya hidup pelajar universiti di Sabah dalam aspek pemakanan, pengurusan kewangan, hubungan sosial, pengurusan diri, dan kerohanian melalui soalan-soalan yang diajukan kepada pelajar. Keputusan kajian menunjukkan kesedaran pelajar terhadap pemakanan sihat, namun pengurusan masa dan kewangan perlu dipertingkatkan s