Restaurant 7 Portes a La Vanguardia7PortesEl periódico barcelonés La Vanguardia publicó una serie de 7 artículos sobre el restaurante 7 Portes. El documento reproduce los 7 artículos de la serie para ofrecer una visión completa del restaurante.
Burn wood correctlyhenrikalmBurn only dry wood that has been cut down more than a year ago. The wood that is meant to be burned should be brought indoors 1-2 days earlier, so that the surface moisture evaporates. This helps the lighting process significantly.
Perspective lesson 1zoomDelmacy Cruz SouzaThis document discusses the importance of seeing the big picture rather than making conclusions based on a small part of a situation. It provides an activity where students describe what they see in a series of pictures starting very close up and zooming out wider each time to see more context. This helps illustrate that perspectives and understanding can change dramatically with more complete information. The document prompts students to discuss times when they lacked full context and perspective led to unintended results.
Save energy for a better futurejohngoraiThe document provides tips for saving energy in order to conserve non-renewable resources and reduce costs. It suggests changing daily habits like turning off unused lights and appliances, adjusting the thermostat, using fans instead of AC, and line-drying clothes. Replacing incandescent bulbs and old appliances with more efficient models is recommended. Sealing air leaks, adding insulation, and planting trees can make homes more energy efficient. Installing renewable energy sources like solar panels or a wind turbine can generate power and significantly reduce bills. An integrated approach applying multiple strategies is needed to maximize energy savings. perdagangan dan perniagaan portugal dan belandaKarsodikromo YatimanPerdagangan dan perniagaan di Belanda pada abad ke-16 hingga 18 berkembang pesat berkat kedudukan strategisnya di jalur perdagangan laut Eropa, kemunculan industri manufaktur, dan sistem keuangan yang memudahkan perdagangan. Belanda menjalin hubungan dagang yang luas dengan berbagai negara Eropa serta mendirikan perusahaan seperti Vereenigde Oostindische Compagnie untuk memperluas perdagangannya.
Technology & education 2003 ed.keierlebtaThis document discusses the effects of technology in the classroom. It finds that technology can have positive impacts on student achievement and learning. Students who used math software outperformed peers on standardized tests by 15% and curriculum-based tests by 100%. Technology also offers opportunities for collaboration through group projects and applications. Additionally, technology allows for individualized learning by meeting students at their level and providing immediate feedback. The future of education technology is promising as it supports different learning strategies.
Introduction to NetentionHelene FinidoriNetention is a system for interactively describing a community's present situation & exploring potential futures. People create networks of things, ideas, sentiments, intentions, assets, interests, tasks, locations, messages, parts… that compose semantic stories or processes waiting to become reality: a team, a product, a symphony, a diagnose, a learning journey... and Netention helps them discover opportunities that are mutually satisfying.
More info on
徱íDz..Barbara GoboThe document lists 50 unique buildings from around the world known for their unusual or unconventional designs. The buildings range from residential homes to large commercial structures and include the Crooked House in Poland, the Hundertwasser Building in Germany, Habitat 67 in Montreal, and the Gherkin Building in London.
Intro / microdata voor frontend developersPieter MerganIntro tot microdata, het belang ervan voor SEO, code voorbeelden, tips & tricks om de microdata markup optimaal te integreren
2011 CMA Compensation SurveyCouncil of Manufacturing AssociationsAnnual Survey for the CEO's of the Council of Manufacturing Associations. If you are a member and would like to get a copy of 2012's, please contact us and we will be happy to send it to you.
Business idea by sachin KakdeSachin KakdeThe document proposes a business plan for developing and selling an education projector that directly connects to a pen drive without needing a computer. It outlines the product details, target market in India, manufacturing and supply details, costs including fixed costs of land and machinery and variable costs of raw materials, marketing budget, profit projections, and SWOT analysis. The plan estimates an annual profit of Rs. 1.58 lakhs in the first year with expectations of higher growth and profits in future years.
2013 nat test admin guidelines qcImelda FranciaThis document outlines guidelines for administering the 2013 National Achievement Test (NAT). It details the responsibilities of testing staff at the division and school levels, including the Schools Division Superintendent, Division Testing Coordinator, Private School Supervisor, School Head/Chief Examiner, School Testing Coordinator, and Room Examiners. It also provides instructions for orientation of staff, handling of test materials, and preparation of enrolment data, including school IDs and learner reference numbers.
Doing it for ZipDavid LewisA brief history of free and libre culture
South Africa's indigenous Khoisan engaged in gift-giving and a culture of freedom for more than 20 000 years. We all know about stone soup and the American potlatch. Perhaps you have heard about the Diggers and the Hippies? But what about the Zippies of the 90s? Or GNU-Linux and the Free Software Movement? Do you know the difference between Free as in Gratis and Free as in Libre? What about the Creative Commons and Online Mashup and File-Sharing? Voluntaryism and Counter Economics, Agorism and The Really Really Free Market.
David Robert Lewis is a horizon anarchist with more than 20 years provoking the establishment and generally kicking up the s***. He runs the popular Medialternatives Blog, works as a journalist and environmentalist and is active in a number of organisations including the People's Health Movement and the Wikimedia Foundation SA.
If you use free software, volunteer or contribute to free projects or are just interested in the possibility of freedom and a truly free culture, then this presentation is for you.
What: Doing it for ZIP – A brief history of free and libre culture
Who: David Robert Lewis:
When: Friday, 2nd November 2012, 08h30 to 10h00
Where: At hubspace – Unit 102, Old Castle Brewery, Woodstock, Cape Town
Cost: FREE!
Hakaworks proposal russia jul13Kirill UstinovThis document summarizes a team building course offered by Hakaworks that utilizes Maori cultural traditions to help strengthen interpersonal connections, build trust, and motivate teams. The full-day course consists of three modules that focus on building trust through sharing personal origins, developing unity and togetherness through group exercises centered around personal power and expression, and embracing organizational values by composing and performing a company haka. Client testimonials praise the course's ability to dramatically engage and energize participants. The course is recommended for situations requiring high trust levels such as change implementation, mergers, or new ventures.
Restaurant 7 Portes a La Vanguardia7PortesEl periódico barcelonés La Vanguardia publicó una serie de 7 artículos sobre el restaurante 7 Portes. El documento reproduce los 7 artículos de la serie para ofrecer una visión completa del restaurante.
Burn wood correctlyhenrikalmBurn only dry wood that has been cut down more than a year ago. The wood that is meant to be burned should be brought indoors 1-2 days earlier, so that the surface moisture evaporates. This helps the lighting process significantly.
Perspective lesson 1zoomDelmacy Cruz SouzaThis document discusses the importance of seeing the big picture rather than making conclusions based on a small part of a situation. It provides an activity where students describe what they see in a series of pictures starting very close up and zooming out wider each time to see more context. This helps illustrate that perspectives and understanding can change dramatically with more complete information. The document prompts students to discuss times when they lacked full context and perspective led to unintended results.
Save energy for a better futurejohngoraiThe document provides tips for saving energy in order to conserve non-renewable resources and reduce costs. It suggests changing daily habits like turning off unused lights and appliances, adjusting the thermostat, using fans instead of AC, and line-drying clothes. Replacing incandescent bulbs and old appliances with more efficient models is recommended. Sealing air leaks, adding insulation, and planting trees can make homes more energy efficient. Installing renewable energy sources like solar panels or a wind turbine can generate power and significantly reduce bills. An integrated approach applying multiple strategies is needed to maximize energy savings. perdagangan dan perniagaan portugal dan belandaKarsodikromo YatimanPerdagangan dan perniagaan di Belanda pada abad ke-16 hingga 18 berkembang pesat berkat kedudukan strategisnya di jalur perdagangan laut Eropa, kemunculan industri manufaktur, dan sistem keuangan yang memudahkan perdagangan. Belanda menjalin hubungan dagang yang luas dengan berbagai negara Eropa serta mendirikan perusahaan seperti Vereenigde Oostindische Compagnie untuk memperluas perdagangannya.
Technology & education 2003 ed.keierlebtaThis document discusses the effects of technology in the classroom. It finds that technology can have positive impacts on student achievement and learning. Students who used math software outperformed peers on standardized tests by 15% and curriculum-based tests by 100%. Technology also offers opportunities for collaboration through group projects and applications. Additionally, technology allows for individualized learning by meeting students at their level and providing immediate feedback. The future of education technology is promising as it supports different learning strategies.
Introduction to NetentionHelene FinidoriNetention is a system for interactively describing a community's present situation & exploring potential futures. People create networks of things, ideas, sentiments, intentions, assets, interests, tasks, locations, messages, parts… that compose semantic stories or processes waiting to become reality: a team, a product, a symphony, a diagnose, a learning journey... and Netention helps them discover opportunities that are mutually satisfying.
More info on
徱íDz..Barbara GoboThe document lists 50 unique buildings from around the world known for their unusual or unconventional designs. The buildings range from residential homes to large commercial structures and include the Crooked House in Poland, the Hundertwasser Building in Germany, Habitat 67 in Montreal, and the Gherkin Building in London.
Intro / microdata voor frontend developersPieter MerganIntro tot microdata, het belang ervan voor SEO, code voorbeelden, tips & tricks om de microdata markup optimaal te integreren
2011 CMA Compensation SurveyCouncil of Manufacturing AssociationsAnnual Survey for the CEO's of the Council of Manufacturing Associations. If you are a member and would like to get a copy of 2012's, please contact us and we will be happy to send it to you.
Business idea by sachin KakdeSachin KakdeThe document proposes a business plan for developing and selling an education projector that directly connects to a pen drive without needing a computer. It outlines the product details, target market in India, manufacturing and supply details, costs including fixed costs of land and machinery and variable costs of raw materials, marketing budget, profit projections, and SWOT analysis. The plan estimates an annual profit of Rs. 1.58 lakhs in the first year with expectations of higher growth and profits in future years.
2013 nat test admin guidelines qcImelda FranciaThis document outlines guidelines for administering the 2013 National Achievement Test (NAT). It details the responsibilities of testing staff at the division and school levels, including the Schools Division Superintendent, Division Testing Coordinator, Private School Supervisor, School Head/Chief Examiner, School Testing Coordinator, and Room Examiners. It also provides instructions for orientation of staff, handling of test materials, and preparation of enrolment data, including school IDs and learner reference numbers.
Doing it for ZipDavid LewisA brief history of free and libre culture
South Africa's indigenous Khoisan engaged in gift-giving and a culture of freedom for more than 20 000 years. We all know about stone soup and the American potlatch. Perhaps you have heard about the Diggers and the Hippies? But what about the Zippies of the 90s? Or GNU-Linux and the Free Software Movement? Do you know the difference between Free as in Gratis and Free as in Libre? What about the Creative Commons and Online Mashup and File-Sharing? Voluntaryism and Counter Economics, Agorism and The Really Really Free Market.
David Robert Lewis is a horizon anarchist with more than 20 years provoking the establishment and generally kicking up the s***. He runs the popular Medialternatives Blog, works as a journalist and environmentalist and is active in a number of organisations including the People's Health Movement and the Wikimedia Foundation SA.
If you use free software, volunteer or contribute to free projects or are just interested in the possibility of freedom and a truly free culture, then this presentation is for you.
What: Doing it for ZIP – A brief history of free and libre culture
Who: David Robert Lewis:
When: Friday, 2nd November 2012, 08h30 to 10h00
Where: At hubspace – Unit 102, Old Castle Brewery, Woodstock, Cape Town
Cost: FREE!
Hakaworks proposal russia jul13Kirill UstinovThis document summarizes a team building course offered by Hakaworks that utilizes Maori cultural traditions to help strengthen interpersonal connections, build trust, and motivate teams. The full-day course consists of three modules that focus on building trust through sharing personal origins, developing unity and togetherness through group exercises centered around personal power and expression, and embracing organizational values by composing and performing a company haka. Client testimonials praise the course's ability to dramatically engage and energize participants. The course is recommended for situations requiring high trust levels such as change implementation, mergers, or new ventures.
საკონფერენციო თემა. (1)Nargiz Kiliptariოთხდღიანი კონფერენცია "განათლების მართვის აქტუალური საკითხები".ჩატარდა ქ. წყალტუბოში, 22–24 ოქტომბერს. პრეზენტატორები წარმოადგინეს ძალიან საინტერესო და აქტუალური თემები; ჩემი თემა კონფერენციაზე:"სკოლის პერსონალის უწყვეტი პროფესიული განვითარება".