Я хочу знати все! Хто такі комахи?… (віртуально-пізнавальний проєкт)Елена ТашлыкЧернігівська обласна бібліотека для дітей пропонує юним «чомусикам» сьогодні дізнатись:
- Як рухаються комахи?
- Де мешкають комахи?
- Жуки це комахи?
- Яка комаха нагадує м’ячик?
- Яка комаха справжній музикант?
Хто такі звірі. (Природознавство 1 клас)NataliVЦя презентація допоможе вчителям підготувати урок природознавства у першому класі з теми "Хто такі звірі"
Хто такі звірі. (Природознавство 1 клас)NataliVЦя презентація допоможе вчителям підготувати урок природознавства у першому класі з теми "Хто такі звірі"
Презентація досвіду роботи вчителя початкових класів Олег СусликПрезентація досвіду роботи вчителя початкових класів Жизномирської ЗОШ І-ІІІ ступенів Вербіцької Надії Степанівни
Зимове птаство України (частина 1) ОціночкиЗ першої частини «Зимового птаства» дізнаємось купу нового та розвінчуємо міфи про відомих-невідомих птахів зимових садів і парків України:
Яка пташка наказує ховати сани, та діставати вози?
Який птах вважається символом наполегливої праці?
Хто з птахів може впізнати себе у дзеркалі?
Хто полюбляє зимовий яблучний десерт?
Яка пташка легко імітує голоси лісових мешканців і може навчитись розмовляти не гірше від папуг?
У якого птаха різна температура вдень і вночі?
Кого з птахів вважали лише шкідником, а він попереджає про небезпеку цілий ліс?
Але найбільший міф – це птах, якому приписують мудрість, майже нічому не вчиться за все своє життя.
Перната зграяlibrary_darnitsaІнформаціа довідка, присвячена Міжнародному дню птахів, в якій представлені коротка інформація про види птахів які існують на території України та список літератури, де можна більш розширено дізнатися про певного птаха.
What to eat insteadNataliya ShulganThe document distinguishes between healthy and unhealthy foods, providing examples of substitutions to replace unhealthy foods with healthier options. It notes that eating unhealthy foods can lead to health problems and recommends replacing juice from shops with fresh juice, pizza with salad, chips with apples or pears, sugar with honey, grilled steak with baked cutlets, and fries with boiled potatoes. Following these rules is said to help a person maintain good health.
DifferencesNataliya ShulganHealthy foods such as fresh fruits and vegetables, nuts, yogurt and honey provide energy and nutrients that benefit health and fit the body's needs, while unhealthy foods like white bread, chips and processed meats are less nutritious and linked to diseases. Though unhealthy foods taste good to many, they contain high amounts of calories, fat and sugar and are deficient in nutrients. Most people choose unhealthy foods over healthy options due to taste preferences, despite the health risks of an imbalanced diet.
Healthy and unhealthy foodNataliya ShulganThe document discusses healthy and unhealthy foods. It states that while everyone enjoys tasty food, it is important to focus on food quality and nutrition. Healthy foods are beneficial for one's health, containing nutrients that fit the body's needs, such as organic, whole, and natural foods. Unhealthy foods are less nutritious, containing excess calories, fat, and sugar, and too much protein. Specific unhealthy foods mentioned are sugary drinks, white bread, and junk food. Alternatives to these are suggested, such as water, whole grains, and Ezekiel bread. In conclusion, healthy food makes people feel good and provides needed nutrition and calories to strengthen the immune system, making it better than junk food.
Stay healthyNataliya ShulganThis document provides a list of foods categorized as either healthy or unhealthy, along with some proverbs and sayings about health and nutrition. It recommends eating five servings of fruits and vegetables per day to maintain good health, including having juice at breakfast, carrots with lunch, grapes for a snack, and peas and potatoes with dinner. Overall, it emphasizes the importance of a nutritious diet for staying healthy.
Unhealthy food2Nataliya ShulganSugary drinks, commercial pizzas, french fries and potato chips, pastries, cookies, cakes, ice cream, and candy bars are identified as unhealthy foods. Sugary drinks are linked to conditions like type 2 diabetes and heart disease when consumed in large amounts. Commercial pizzas often contain highly refined dough and processed meats. French fries and potato chips are high in calories. Pastries, cookies, and cakes provide almost no nutrients. Ice cream adds calories if eaten in addition to normal meals. Candy bars are high in sugar, refined flour, and processed fats while low in nutrients. Healthier alternatives suggested include water, homemade pizzas, boiled potatoes, Greek yogurt, fruit, dark chocolate
Healthy food1Nataliya ShulganThis document provides information on healthy foods to include in one's diet. It discusses healthy fruits like cherries, apples, grapes and berries which are good sources of nutrients. It also mentions vegetables, dairy like milk and cheese, fish and seafood rich in omega-3s, chicken and other meats as sources of protein, eggs which contain various vitamins and biotin good for hair and skin, and dark chocolate containing antioxidants. The document recommends including a variety of these foods daily for optimal health and nutrition.
NutrientsNataliya ShulganThe document discusses healthy and unhealthy foods, explaining that all foods contain nutrients but some contain "bad" saturated fats found in red meat, butter, and cheese while others contain "friendly" unsaturated fats found in nuts, seeds, olives, and fish. It recommends eating less of foods with hidden bad fats like biscuits, crisps, and sausages, and more of foods with good fats to help live longer, and to pay attention to cooking methods which can impact food's nutrient contents.
Season and foodNataliya ShulganWinter foods include citrus fruits like oranges and lemons as well as pomegranate, kiwi, and persimmon. Spring foods focus on vitamins from vegetables such as onions, sorrel, dill, and parsley. Summer brings fruits like apples, plums, watermelon, strawberries, and blueberries as well as tomatoes and cucumbers. Autumn features pumpkin, grapes, peas, carrots, and garlic along with other seasonal produce.
SokalNataliya ShulganSokal is the native town of the author, Yuliia Panchuk. It is a small town with many attractions including a beautiful park, schools, sports grounds, shops, a monument to Taras Shevchenko in the center, views of the Western Buh River, cafes, restaurants, churches that attract tourists, and museums for visitors to explore. The author expresses their like for their hometown of Sokal.
SokalNataliya ShulganSokal is a city in Ukraine that has regional significance as the center of the Sokal district in Lviv region. It has a population of 17,600 inhabitants and is located on the right bank of the Western Boogie River in northern Galicia. Some of Sokal's notable landmarks and sites include the Cathedral of the Holy Apostles Petra and Paul, the Chapel of holy Moccula from the 15th century, the ruined Sokalska Synagogue from 1762, and the Sokalska Town Hall. Archaeological finds from the Mesolithic, Neolithic, and early Greek and Celtic periods have been discovered on Sokal's territory. Sokal is first mentioned in
Sokal 1Nataliya ShulganSokal has been known since 1377 and is located on the right bank of the Western Buh river. It contains many historical and religious buildings including the Church of St. Nicholas from the 15th century, the town hall in the center of town, and the large unfinished Church of St. Michael the Archangel of the Roman Catholic Church. Another major temple is the Greek Catholic Church of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul. The town also has monuments to important historical figures like President Yevhen Petrushevych of the West Ukrainian National Republic.
Beautiful places, buildings and monuments of sokalNataliya ShulganThis document lists and describes several notable buildings, monuments, and places in Sokal, Ukraine. It outlines four architectural buildings - the Bernardine colony from the 17th century, the 20th century Town Hall located in the city center, the Sokal Synagogue built in 1862 making it one of the oldest in Galicia, and the church of St. Peter and Paul built from 1904-1909 in a French classical style. It also lists two monuments - one to Bohdan Khmelnytskyi erected at the city entrance in 1954 and one to Taras Shevchenko built of bronze in 1995. Finally, it mentions some beautiful natural places including the Western Buh River, a sports ground in the
A story about my townNataliya ShulganSokal, Ukraine is known from written sources since 1377, though scientists believe it was founded in the 11th century and destroyed by invaders in the 13th century. The city was located on the left bank of the Western Bug River, with a castle inhabited by Prince Zemovit on the right bank where the City Park is now. The oldest church, St. Nicholas, was built in the 16th century and remains in the City Park. Nearby in the park is one of the oldest synagogues in Galicia that is now in ruins. Sokal has many architectural monuments, including a statue of Taras Shevchenko in the city center and a legendary museum known for its interesting
2. • Чи птахи наші друзі?
Пахи – корисні тварини . Багато їх живиться
комахами , їхніми личинками та гризунами ,
знищуючи щкідників поля і лісу . Так , синиця
з ” їдає за день комах стільки , скільки важить
сама . Грак за рік знищує до 8 тисяч дротяників
– черв ” яків , що підточують коріння культурних
рослин .
Птахи розносять насіння рослин .
Без пташиного щебету природа
стала б сумною .
Отже , птахів можна
вважати друзями людей .
Серед свійських
3. Сойки і повзики
запасають на
зиму жолуді,
горіхи, насіння.
Граки, горобці,
синиці, сороки
ближче до житла
людини, де їм
легше знайти
Шпаки, ластівки,
зграями. Качки,
гуси, журавлі,
лелеки – клином.
Шуліки, яструби –
поодинці. Першими
летять: ластівки,
стрижі, солов”ї,
Останніми – гуси,
4. Результат
Ми спостерігали за кількістю птахів у містах
Птахи у Львові і в Сокалі
Ми побачили, що в сквері у Сокалі мешкає більше
птахів, ніж у сквері Львова.
А зозуль немає в містах взагалі, адже це лісові птахи.