Презентация "Особенности атомно-кристаллического строения металлов" Эльвира СтепановаОбзорный курс лекций по теме "Особенности атомно-кристаллического строения металлов".
Презентация к уроку-упражнению "Металлы"Василиса ЗакревскаяСальников Е.А., учитель химии и биологии Ранинского филиала МБОУ Заворонежской СОШ Мичуринского района
Social action pieces presentedJamie KesselThis document outlines various design projects including website designs, posters, brochures and merchandise designs for multiple formats like mugs and t-shirts. It provides details on final and other draft designs for each project, including links to gather feedback through a questionnaire.
Robot educador 2mixerboy12Este documento proporciona instrucciones en 4 pasos para programar un robot para girar. El primer paso explica cómo configurar la acción "mover" para que el robot gire a la izquierda. El segundo paso explica cómo configurar otra acción "mover" para que el robot se mueva hacia la izquierda. El tercer paso explica cómo usar una acción de "bucle" para repetir las acciones de movimiento. El cuarto paso explica cómo crear un bloque personalizado con las acciones anteriores.
experimental photography case studyJamie KesselWes Naman is a mysterious photographer known for his "scotch tape" photo collection in which he obscures subjects' faces with tape. His photos aim to shock viewers and challenge artistic conventions. He uses techniques like high shutter speeds, plain backgrounds, and artificial lighting to make the taped subjects stand out with bold, crisp details. The meaning of Naman's photos is unclear, but they seem intended to push boundaries of experimental photography.
Expert systemYuanweiQiAn expert system is a computer-based system that uses existing human expertise in a specific domain to solve problems. It stores knowledge about the domain and uses rules and reasoning to answer questions and produce solutions. The expert system gathers knowledge from experts to build its knowledge base and then asks a series of questions to solve problems, using the stored knowledge and reasoning capabilities. Unlike problem-solving programs, expert systems are not designed for a single problem - they acquire expertise to handle a broad range of issues in the domain.
Презентация "Особенности атомно-кристаллического строения металлов" Эльвира СтепановаОбзорный курс лекций по теме "Особенности атомно-кристаллического строения металлов".
Презентация к уроку-упражнению "Металлы"Василиса ЗакревскаяСальников Е.А., учитель химии и биологии Ранинского филиала МБОУ Заворонежской СОШ Мичуринского района
Social action pieces presentedJamie KesselThis document outlines various design projects including website designs, posters, brochures and merchandise designs for multiple formats like mugs and t-shirts. It provides details on final and other draft designs for each project, including links to gather feedback through a questionnaire.
Robot educador 2mixerboy12Este documento proporciona instrucciones en 4 pasos para programar un robot para girar. El primer paso explica cómo configurar la acción "mover" para que el robot gire a la izquierda. El segundo paso explica cómo configurar otra acción "mover" para que el robot se mueva hacia la izquierda. El tercer paso explica cómo usar una acción de "bucle" para repetir las acciones de movimiento. El cuarto paso explica cómo crear un bloque personalizado con las acciones anteriores.
experimental photography case studyJamie KesselWes Naman is a mysterious photographer known for his "scotch tape" photo collection in which he obscures subjects' faces with tape. His photos aim to shock viewers and challenge artistic conventions. He uses techniques like high shutter speeds, plain backgrounds, and artificial lighting to make the taped subjects stand out with bold, crisp details. The meaning of Naman's photos is unclear, but they seem intended to push boundaries of experimental photography.
Expert systemYuanweiQiAn expert system is a computer-based system that uses existing human expertise in a specific domain to solve problems. It stores knowledge about the domain and uses rules and reasoning to answer questions and produce solutions. The expert system gathers knowledge from experts to build its knowledge base and then asks a series of questions to solve problems, using the stored knowledge and reasoning capabilities. Unlike problem-solving programs, expert systems are not designed for a single problem - they acquire expertise to handle a broad range of issues in the domain.
El hidrogeno y el carbono son los elementosLety JacínnEl documento describe que el hidrógeno y el carbono son los elementos principales encontrados en el petróleo. El carbono es un sólido natural con una estructura cristalina hexagonal que se une a sí mismo y tiene un punto de ebullición de 4830°C y punto de fusión de 3727°C. El hidrógeno es un gas incoloro, inodoro e insípido que se combina con la mayoría de los elementos y tiene una gran afinidad con el oxígeno.
Model Transformation and Repair with EchoNuno MacedoEcho is a model transformation and repair tool that uses minimal updates to fix inconsistencies in models automatically. It supports standard languages like Ecore, XMI, OCL, and QVT-R. Echo's features include model visualization, generation, consistency checking, and repair for both intra-model and inter-model relationships. It is built on top of the Alloy relational model finder to attain minimal updates by minimizing graph edit or operation-based distance between models.
Relations as Executable SpecificationsNuno MacedoThis document discusses using relations and relational calculus to specify programs in a more natural way. It proposes enhancing data types with invariants to tame non-determinism and partiality in relational specifications. This allows inferring checkable domain and range predicates for relations to optimize execution. Bidirectional transformations are also specified relationally to maximize updatability.
Fracture grand jameelYasir JameelThis document summarizes a presentation on subtrochanteric femur fractures. It describes an 80-year-old male patient who presented with hip pain after a fall and was found to have a subtrochanteric femur fracture on x-rays. It then reviews the epidemiology, anatomy, classification, treatment options and complications of subtrochanteric femur fractures. The main treatment approaches are intramedullary nailing or plating, with complications including malunion, nonunion and fixation failure if not properly addressed.
final social action products and draftsJamie KesselThis document discusses various design projects including website designs, posters, brochures and merchandise designs for products like mugs and t-shirts. It provides details on final and improved website, poster and brochure designs along with different merchandise design concepts and mockups.
PitcheLEDGER TeamThe document discusses a small business accounting software called eLEDGER that costs $12 per month. It notes that for most small businesses, managing accounts can be time-consuming, confusing, inefficient, expensive, and inaccessible when using tools designed for accountants. eLEDGER was designed from the ground up for small businesses to enable management of accounts anywhere, anytime on any device. It reduces time wasted, provides business insights, and saves money for small businesses.
Group discussionGovindKadayiruppuA group discussion involves a discussion among a group of candidates on a given topic to assess personality traits and skills. It usually lasts 15-20 minutes. The examiner observes how candidates express ideas logically and systematically and demonstrate leadership, self-confidence, and ability to convince others. Preparation involves practicing group discussions, developing public speaking skills, and learning how to listen to others respectfully. Key tips are to present logical reasons, address all members, speak clearly, and appreciate other viewpoints while avoiding interruptions, criticism, rigidity, or dominating conversation.
SoMIRAC nf text complexityjserravalloThis document discusses teaching reading comprehension strategies for nonfiction texts. It begins by explaining that 50% of reading material should be nonfiction by 4th grade according to the Common Core. It then provides examples of typical teacher questions and student responses that focus more on basic comprehension rather than deeper analysis. The rest of the document outlines specific comprehension strategies like determining main idea, key details, vocabulary, and using text features. It provides examples of questions teachers can ask and strategies they can explicitly teach students to help them comprehend nonfiction texts at a deeper level.
MALTRATO INFANTILmixerboy12El documento presenta datos sobre el maltrato infantil en Bogotá según edad y sexo. La tabla muestra que entre los 0 y 17 años hubo 3183 casos de maltrato, siendo más frecuente entre los 5 y 14 años. Los niños entre 10 y 14 años fueron los más afectados, con 1039 casos reportados.
ShopcherriescomShop cherriesThe document contains contact information for Shopcherries Marketing Pvt. Ltd., including their address of 13 A, 2nd & 3rd floor, Pratap Nagar, Mayur Vihar phase 1, ND-110096 and contact number 8010-455455. It repeats the company name Shopcherries Marketing Pvt. Ltd. 15 times and ends by thanking the reader and restating the contact number.
Unidad 6mixerboy12El documento describe cómo crear y modificar tablas de datos en una base de datos. Explica cómo crear una nueva tabla, agregar y eliminar campos, introducir y modificar datos, buscar y reemplazar valores, y desplazarse dentro de una tabla existente. También cubre cómo guardar, cerrar y cambiar el diseño de una tabla.