Об утверждении границы охранной зоны объекта культурного наследия федеральног...The webportal of the Mayor and the Government of MoscowОб утверждении границы охранной зоны объекта культурного наследия федерального значения
Tema 4 La Web 2.0 Gestores De ContenidossoportemaristasbilbaoLa Web 2.0 permite que los usuarios participen en los sitios web aportando sus propios contenidos en páginas bidireccionales. Se caracteriza por aplicaciones enfocadas al usuario final que generan colaboración y servicios en línea que reemplazan las aplicaciones de escritorio, como Wikis, blogs y redes sociales. Ejemplos como Flickr, YouTube y Wikipedia ilustran cómo la Web 2.0 ha evolucionado hacia nuevas formas de publicar contenidos y colaborar en línea.
ejemplo de curso de profesoresmaicanmeEste documento ofrece lecciones aprendidas sobre la vida. Enseña que no es suficiente acostumbrarse a alguien para amarlo, y que crecer no significa necesariamente ascender. Además, observa no es lo mismo que ver, escuchar no es oír, y lamentarse no es sentir. Otras lecciones son que caminar solo no es soledad, que la cobardía no es paz, y que mentir es peor que callar la verdad. Aunque el amor puede marchitarse como una flor, el camino enseña que la humildad no es
Lifecasting MicrobloggingJoanne JacobsThe document discusses the concepts of lifecasting and microblogging as well as their emergence and usefulness. Lifecasting involves continually updating one's status and activities on social media, while microblogging uses short posts, typically 140 characters or less, for lifecasting purposes. These tools allow for real-time sharing and discovery of information. Their "natural use" of common technologies makes them more practical than virtual environments. The document also explores how microblogging can help transform conflicts by providing records of negotiations and discussions.
el caminoviky.martinez47Este documento ofrece lecciones aprendidas sobre la vida. Enseña que no es suficiente acostumbrarse a alguien para amarlo, y que crecer no significa necesariamente ascender. Además, observa no es lo mismo que ver, escuchar no es oír, y lamentarse no es sentir. Otras lecciones son que caminar solo no es soledad, que la cobardía no es paz, y que mentir es peor que callar la verdad. Aunque el amor puede marchitarse como una flor, el camino enseña que la humildad no es
Система мониторинга Zabbix в процессах разработки и тестирования | Алексей БуровPositive Hack Days1. Система мониторинга ресурсов различных отделов
2. Шаблоны и роли серверов, разграничение доступа и зон ответственности
3. ptzabbixtools - конфигурация мониторинга на целевых серверах
4. Пример встраивания системы мониторинга в процессы разработки/тестирования
Нейронечёткая классификация слабо формализуемых данных | Тимур ГильмуллинPositive Hack Days1. Проблемы автоматизации классификации слабо формализуемых (нечётких) данных.
2. Нечёткие множества и нечёткие измерительные шкалы.
3. Моделирование нейронной сети для классификации данных.
4. Инструмент FuzzyClassificator и его внедрение в Компании.
5. Автоматизация классификации данных на базе TeamCity.
Revised basic education curriculum (rbec)Geraldine D. ReyesThe government has not revised the curriculum for public elementary and high schools in over 13 and 20 years respectively, much longer than the recommended revision period of 10 years. Education officials argue a revised basic education curriculum (RBEC) is needed to better prepare students for an ever-changing world. The RBEC emphasizes competency-based learning and mastery of core subjects like Filipino, English, science, and math. It also integrates values and life skills training across subjects and adds a new "laboratory of life" area focusing on practical skills, cultural values, and civic engagement. After 7 years of implementation, the RBEC continues with modifications like a focus on student performance-based grading.
What Makes Great InfographicsݺߣShareݺߣShare now has a player specifically designed for infographics. Upload your infographics now and see them take off! Need advice on creating infographics? This presentation includes tips for producing stand-out infographics. Read more about the new ݺߣShare infographics player here: http://wp.me/p24NNG-2ay
This infographic was designed by Column Five: http://columnfivemedia.com/
Masters of ݺߣShareKapostNo need to wonder how the best on ݺߣShare do it. The Masters of ݺߣShare provides storytelling, design, customization and promotion tips from 13 experts of the form. Learn what it takes to master this type of content marketing yourself.
STOP! VIEW THIS! 10-Step Checklist When Uploading to ݺߣshareEmpowered PresentationsBefore you upload your next presentation to ݺߣshare, here are a few things you might want to implement.
You Suck At PowerPoint!Jesse Desjardins - @jessedeeThis document provides tips to avoid common mistakes in PowerPoint presentation design. It identifies the top 5 mistakes as including putting too much information on slides, not using enough visuals, using poor quality or unreadable visuals, having messy slides with poor spacing and alignment, and not properly preparing and practicing the presentation. The document encourages presenters to use fewer words per slide, high quality images and charts, consistent formatting, and to spend significant time crafting an engaging narrative and rehearsing their presentation. It emphasizes that an attractive design is not as important as being an effective storyteller.
10 Ways to Win at ݺߣShare SEO & Presentation OptimizationOneupwebThank you, ݺߣShare, for teaching us that PowerPoint presentations don't have to be a total bore. But in order to tap ݺߣShare's 60 million global users, you must optimize. Here are 10 quick tips to make your next presentation highly engaging, shareable and well worth the effort.
For more content marketing tips: http://www.oneupweb.com/blog/
How To Get More From ݺߣShare - Super-Simple Tips For Content MarketingContent Marketing InstituteThis document provides tips for getting more engagement from content published on ݺߣShare. It recommends beginning with a clear content marketing strategy that identifies target audiences. Content should be optimized for ݺߣShare by using compelling visuals, headlines, and calls to action. Analytics and search engine optimization techniques can help increase views and shares. ݺߣShare features like lead generation and access settings help maximize results.
A Guide to ݺߣShare Analytics - Excerpts from Hubspot's Step by Step Guide ...ݺߣShareThis document provides a summary of the analytics available through ݺߣShare for monitoring the performance of presentations. It outlines the key metrics that can be viewed such as total views, actions, and traffic sources over different time periods. The analytics help users identify topics and presentation styles that resonate best with audiences based on view and engagement numbers. They also allow users to calculate important metrics like view-to-contact conversion rates. Regular review of the analytics insights helps users improve future presentations and marketing strategies.
2015 Upload Campaigns Calendar - ݺߣShareݺߣShareEach month, join us as we highlight and discuss hot topics ranging from the future of higher education to wearable technology, best productivity hacks and secrets to hiring top talent. Upload your ݺߣShares, and share your expertise with the world!
What to Upload to ݺߣShareݺߣShareNot sure what to share on ݺߣShare?
ݺߣShares that inform, inspire and educate attract the most views. Beyond that, ideas for what you can upload are limitless. We’ve selected a few popular examples to get your creative juices flowing.
How to Make Awesome ݺߣShares: Tips & TricksݺߣShareTurbocharge your online presence with ݺߣShare. We provide the best tips and tricks for succeeding on ݺߣShare. Get ideas for what to upload, tips for designing your deck and more.
Getting Started With ݺߣShareݺߣShareݺߣShare is a global platform for sharing presentations, infographics, videos and documents. It has over 18 million pieces of professional content uploaded by experts like Eric Schmidt and Guy Kawasaki. The document provides tips for setting up an account on ݺߣShare, uploading content, optimizing it for searchability, and sharing it on social media to build an audience and reputation as a subject matter expert.
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Tema 4 La Web 2.0 Gestores De ContenidossoportemaristasbilbaoLa Web 2.0 permite que los usuarios participen en los sitios web aportando sus propios contenidos en páginas bidireccionales. Se caracteriza por aplicaciones enfocadas al usuario final que generan colaboración y servicios en línea que reemplazan las aplicaciones de escritorio, como Wikis, blogs y redes sociales. Ejemplos como Flickr, YouTube y Wikipedia ilustran cómo la Web 2.0 ha evolucionado hacia nuevas formas de publicar contenidos y colaborar en línea.
ejemplo de curso de profesoresmaicanmeEste documento ofrece lecciones aprendidas sobre la vida. Enseña que no es suficiente acostumbrarse a alguien para amarlo, y que crecer no significa necesariamente ascender. Además, observa no es lo mismo que ver, escuchar no es oír, y lamentarse no es sentir. Otras lecciones son que caminar solo no es soledad, que la cobardía no es paz, y que mentir es peor que callar la verdad. Aunque el amor puede marchitarse como una flor, el camino enseña que la humildad no es
Lifecasting MicrobloggingJoanne JacobsThe document discusses the concepts of lifecasting and microblogging as well as their emergence and usefulness. Lifecasting involves continually updating one's status and activities on social media, while microblogging uses short posts, typically 140 characters or less, for lifecasting purposes. These tools allow for real-time sharing and discovery of information. Their "natural use" of common technologies makes them more practical than virtual environments. The document also explores how microblogging can help transform conflicts by providing records of negotiations and discussions.
el caminoviky.martinez47Este documento ofrece lecciones aprendidas sobre la vida. Enseña que no es suficiente acostumbrarse a alguien para amarlo, y que crecer no significa necesariamente ascender. Además, observa no es lo mismo que ver, escuchar no es oír, y lamentarse no es sentir. Otras lecciones son que caminar solo no es soledad, que la cobardía no es paz, y que mentir es peor que callar la verdad. Aunque el amor puede marchitarse como una flor, el camino enseña que la humildad no es
Система мониторинга Zabbix в процессах разработки и тестирования | Алексей БуровPositive Hack Days1. Система мониторинга ресурсов различных отделов
2. Шаблоны и роли серверов, разграничение доступа и зон ответственности
3. ptzabbixtools - конфигурация мониторинга на целевых серверах
4. Пример встраивания системы мониторинга в процессы разработки/тестирования
Нейронечёткая классификация слабо формализуемых данных | Тимур ГильмуллинPositive Hack Days1. Проблемы автоматизации классификации слабо формализуемых (нечётких) данных.
2. Нечёткие множества и нечёткие измерительные шкалы.
3. Моделирование нейронной сети для классификации данных.
4. Инструмент FuzzyClassificator и его внедрение в Компании.
5. Автоматизация классификации данных на базе TeamCity.
Revised basic education curriculum (rbec)Geraldine D. ReyesThe government has not revised the curriculum for public elementary and high schools in over 13 and 20 years respectively, much longer than the recommended revision period of 10 years. Education officials argue a revised basic education curriculum (RBEC) is needed to better prepare students for an ever-changing world. The RBEC emphasizes competency-based learning and mastery of core subjects like Filipino, English, science, and math. It also integrates values and life skills training across subjects and adds a new "laboratory of life" area focusing on practical skills, cultural values, and civic engagement. After 7 years of implementation, the RBEC continues with modifications like a focus on student performance-based grading.
What Makes Great InfographicsݺߣShareݺߣShare now has a player specifically designed for infographics. Upload your infographics now and see them take off! Need advice on creating infographics? This presentation includes tips for producing stand-out infographics. Read more about the new ݺߣShare infographics player here: http://wp.me/p24NNG-2ay
This infographic was designed by Column Five: http://columnfivemedia.com/
Masters of ݺߣShareKapostNo need to wonder how the best on ݺߣShare do it. The Masters of ݺߣShare provides storytelling, design, customization and promotion tips from 13 experts of the form. Learn what it takes to master this type of content marketing yourself.
STOP! VIEW THIS! 10-Step Checklist When Uploading to ݺߣshareEmpowered PresentationsBefore you upload your next presentation to ݺߣshare, here are a few things you might want to implement.
You Suck At PowerPoint!Jesse Desjardins - @jessedeeThis document provides tips to avoid common mistakes in PowerPoint presentation design. It identifies the top 5 mistakes as including putting too much information on slides, not using enough visuals, using poor quality or unreadable visuals, having messy slides with poor spacing and alignment, and not properly preparing and practicing the presentation. The document encourages presenters to use fewer words per slide, high quality images and charts, consistent formatting, and to spend significant time crafting an engaging narrative and rehearsing their presentation. It emphasizes that an attractive design is not as important as being an effective storyteller.
10 Ways to Win at ݺߣShare SEO & Presentation OptimizationOneupwebThank you, ݺߣShare, for teaching us that PowerPoint presentations don't have to be a total bore. But in order to tap ݺߣShare's 60 million global users, you must optimize. Here are 10 quick tips to make your next presentation highly engaging, shareable and well worth the effort.
For more content marketing tips: http://www.oneupweb.com/blog/
How To Get More From ݺߣShare - Super-Simple Tips For Content MarketingContent Marketing InstituteThis document provides tips for getting more engagement from content published on ݺߣShare. It recommends beginning with a clear content marketing strategy that identifies target audiences. Content should be optimized for ݺߣShare by using compelling visuals, headlines, and calls to action. Analytics and search engine optimization techniques can help increase views and shares. ݺߣShare features like lead generation and access settings help maximize results.
A Guide to ݺߣShare Analytics - Excerpts from Hubspot's Step by Step Guide ...ݺߣShareThis document provides a summary of the analytics available through ݺߣShare for monitoring the performance of presentations. It outlines the key metrics that can be viewed such as total views, actions, and traffic sources over different time periods. The analytics help users identify topics and presentation styles that resonate best with audiences based on view and engagement numbers. They also allow users to calculate important metrics like view-to-contact conversion rates. Regular review of the analytics insights helps users improve future presentations and marketing strategies.
2015 Upload Campaigns Calendar - ݺߣShareݺߣShareEach month, join us as we highlight and discuss hot topics ranging from the future of higher education to wearable technology, best productivity hacks and secrets to hiring top talent. Upload your ݺߣShares, and share your expertise with the world!
What to Upload to ݺߣShareݺߣShareNot sure what to share on ݺߣShare?
ݺߣShares that inform, inspire and educate attract the most views. Beyond that, ideas for what you can upload are limitless. We’ve selected a few popular examples to get your creative juices flowing.
How to Make Awesome ݺߣShares: Tips & TricksݺߣShareTurbocharge your online presence with ݺߣShare. We provide the best tips and tricks for succeeding on ݺߣShare. Get ideas for what to upload, tips for designing your deck and more.
Getting Started With ݺߣShareݺߣShareݺߣShare is a global platform for sharing presentations, infographics, videos and documents. It has over 18 million pieces of professional content uploaded by experts like Eric Schmidt and Guy Kawasaki. The document provides tips for setting up an account on ݺߣShare, uploading content, optimizing it for searchability, and sharing it on social media to build an audience and reputation as a subject matter expert.