Website analysisSandy RaiiThis document summarizes and reviews two music artist websites - one for P!nk and one for the band FUN. For P!nk's site, it notes the color scheme and interactive background images, opportunities to sign up for newsletters or listen to songs, and sections for recent posts, videos, photos, and fan activity. For FUN.'s site, it observes the simpler black and white design with yellow highlights, horizontal navigation buttons, opportunities to purchase albums and merchandise, and watch videos or read band blogs directly engaging with fans. Both sites effectively promote the artists' music and merchandise while fostering interactions between the artists and their fan communities.
Creative teamsKasiaWKTrying out the six hats model (de Bono) and deciding which one I feel most and least comfortable in. Assignment for A Crash Course on Creativity, Tina Seelig, Stanford University
Webcast 2 q13 engEquatorialRI- Equatorial's net operating revenues nearly doubled to R$1.1 billion in 2Q13 due to the consolidation of CELPA. EBITDA decreased 46% to R$64 million due to thermal plant dispatch and CELPA consolidation. Adjusted EBITDA excluding regulatory assets was up 74.1% to R$153 million.
- CEMAR's energy sales grew 4.2% while losses decreased slightly. CELPA's energy sales increased 6.4% with losses up 16.9%. Both companies saw improvements in outage indices.
- In August, ANEEL approved a 9.18% average tariff increase for CELPA effective August 2013. CEMAR's
Policing in a multicultural societyWael HikalThis document discusses inter-faith dialogue and its importance in a multicultural society. It provides definitions of religion from scholars like Radhakrishnan, emphasizing religion as a spiritual practice rather than dogma. Inter-faith dialogue is described as both possible and desirable for discovering shared truths and fostering understanding between faiths. Guidelines are presented for conducting respectful dialogue based on mutual understanding and trust. The document also examines different approaches to inter-faith dialogue and the need to promote cooperation over theological differences.
Workshop atualizacoes patrocinadasLinkedInEste documento fornece uma introdução sobre marketing de conteúdo no LinkedIn e sobre as Atualizações Patrocinadas. Ele discute como as Atualizações Patrocinadas funcionam, como configurar uma campanha, otimizar a segmentação e conteúdo, e obter resultados. O documento destaca como as Atualizações Patrocinadas podem ser eficazes para branding e geração de leads no LinkedIn.
Oelma conference 2010Shawnee State UniversityThis document discusses preparing high school students for the transition to college. It notes that half of college students do not earn a degree and many college instructors are dissatisfied with the research abilities of high school graduates. It then covers several key information literacy skills needed for college like developing research topics, evaluating sources, citing sources properly, and using technology tools. It highlights differences in how high school and college students use resources like libraries and databases. The document provides various resources and tools to help students improve their information literacy skills before college.
Example kickstart 9bar remix analagyKwame AsanteThe document provides an analysis of the music video for the song "Kickstarts" by Example. It summarizes the narrative of the music video, which follows a couple who are attacked by robbers but the man defends his partner. As the song's tempo changes, the editing style adjusts to match the beat. The video uses techniques like lens flares, changes in lighting, and juxtaposition to convey the emotions of the story. While following the lyrics, the overall narrative is described as original.
2014 sales brochure_engEUROPAGES EUROPAGES is a B2B marketing platform that provides solutions to help businesses get found online, transform website visitors into buyers, and measure return on investment. It has over 2.6 million listed companies, 33 million annual visitors, and 62 million annual searches covering 21 business sectors. Paid membership packages provide increased visibility, traffic to company profiles and websites, and tools to optimize results, while free listings also allow basic online presence.
WallyNikhil ProductionswallynikhilSimiles, metaphors, and extended metaphors are figures of speech used to compare things. Similes use words like "like", "as", or "than" to draw comparisons, while metaphors directly state something is something else. Extended metaphors continue a metaphor throughout an entire work, such as describing winds as ocean waves crashing against trees.
Malaria and its homeopathy treatment in Chembur, Mumbai, India.Shewta shetty "Malaria- it is caused by a virus called Plasmodium Vivax. It is caused by the bites of female anopheles mosquito. In the human body the virus multiplies in the liver and then infects the red blood cells. Malaria can be caused due to mosquito bites, blood transfusion or using shared needles. Mindheal homeopathy offers a treatment of malaria."/>
PdfnewLSamuels01The document appears to be a portfolio from Lawrence Samuels including details about his skills in corporate valuation, accounting, statistics, and additional tools. It includes a case study and analysis of Thumbs Up Corporation, a company that launched two projects to generate buzz about new products and establish a customer base. Samuels provides forecasts and analyses of Thumbs Up Corporation's sales, budgets, expansion projects, and marketing strategies.
Estadão - Uso de auxiliar pode ser até prejudicial24x7 COMUNICAÇÃOO jornal O Estado de São Paulo dá grande destaque hoje no caderno Metrópole ao problema que pais que têm crianças com Down ou distúrbios de aprendizagem estão enfrentando para matricularem seus filhos as escolas regulares. Relata diversos casos em que as escolas cobram valores adicionais em relação aos outros alunos devido a necessidade de terem que deixar uma pessoa específica para cuidar da criança. Em outros casos, relata que estas crianças são retiradas de certas aulas e atividades por não acompanharem as demais, prática condenada na reportagem e órgãos de educação e cidadania.
Há uma boa vontade por parte do governo em inserir as crianças no meio educacional, sem distinções. As escolas, porém, não contam com as estruturas preparadas para que as crianças possam acompanhar o currículo com toda a classe, podendo gerar descompassos no processo de aprendizagem. E pelo lado da criança com Down ou com distúrbio de aprendizagem, todo o cuidado deve ser tomado para que não se sinta excluída e os problemas se agravem.
Este é o desafio que nós da Associação Travessia temos enfrentado ao longo de nossos quinze anos de atividade, desde que percebemos que nossos filhos sofriam para acompanhar as aulas nas escolas regulares e não eram felizes. Aqui garantimos que têm o acompanhamento adequado em termos de conteúdo e terapias que os ajudam a se sentirem felizes ao mesmo tempo em que têm acesso a educação.
Cloud computing 160312 condensedYazdi TantraThe document discusses cloud computing and its benefits over traditional on-premise software and infrastructure. It notes that the cloud provides ease of use, scalability, reliability and reduced costs by removing the need to purchase and maintain physical hardware and software. It also lists some common cloud applications and services like email, document sharing, CRM systems, and outlines both the growth of cloud computing and some myths and cautions regarding its use.
Dell041197Dell es una compañía multinacional estadounidense fundada por Michael Dell en 1984 que fabrica y vende computadoras personales, servidores, software y otros productos de tecnología. Creció rápidamente para convertirse en el mayor vendedor de PCs del mundo. En los últimos años ha tenido problemas financieros pero sigue siendo una de las mayores empresas de tecnología a nivel global.
Workshop Desenvolvimento AgilSaulo Arrudaݺߣs do workshop que ministrei no Javaneiros sobre planejamento ágil.
MACF Info Nov13macffoundationThe MACF for Health in the Developing World Official Launch Event will take place on November 1st, 2013 in Sydney, Australia. The event will include welcome remarks and presentations on MACF's "Hands-on Doctor Program" and "Barefoot Doctor Program" from MACF founders A/Professor Bruce Conolly and Dr. Joyce Conolly. Their programs aim to improve healthcare in Myanmar through medical training, education of village healthcare leaders, and reducing mortality rates of mothers and children. The Governor of New South Wales will also give a speech at the event. relance de la bourse de l'emploiWalter SchärerPour plus d'information consultez mon blog à
NAFFANAFFA International, Inc.NAFFA International provides building code consulting and plan check services using teams of architects, engineers, and other professionals. It offers comprehensive plan review for all building types as well as building code software and online resources. NAFFA aims to provide accurate, fast, reliable, and technology-leveraged services to governmental agencies and applicants.
Oelma conference 2010Shawnee State UniversityThis document discusses preparing high school students for the transition to college. It notes that half of college students do not earn a degree and many college instructors are dissatisfied with the research abilities of high school graduates. It then covers several key information literacy skills needed for college like developing research topics, evaluating sources, citing sources properly, and using technology tools. It highlights differences in how high school and college students use resources like libraries and databases. The document provides various resources and tools to help students improve their information literacy skills before college.
Example kickstart 9bar remix analagyKwame AsanteThe document provides an analysis of the music video for the song "Kickstarts" by Example. It summarizes the narrative of the music video, which follows a couple who are attacked by robbers but the man defends his partner. As the song's tempo changes, the editing style adjusts to match the beat. The video uses techniques like lens flares, changes in lighting, and juxtaposition to convey the emotions of the story. While following the lyrics, the overall narrative is described as original.
2014 sales brochure_engEUROPAGES EUROPAGES is a B2B marketing platform that provides solutions to help businesses get found online, transform website visitors into buyers, and measure return on investment. It has over 2.6 million listed companies, 33 million annual visitors, and 62 million annual searches covering 21 business sectors. Paid membership packages provide increased visibility, traffic to company profiles and websites, and tools to optimize results, while free listings also allow basic online presence.
WallyNikhil ProductionswallynikhilSimiles, metaphors, and extended metaphors are figures of speech used to compare things. Similes use words like "like", "as", or "than" to draw comparisons, while metaphors directly state something is something else. Extended metaphors continue a metaphor throughout an entire work, such as describing winds as ocean waves crashing against trees.
Malaria and its homeopathy treatment in Chembur, Mumbai, India.Shewta shetty "Malaria- it is caused by a virus called Plasmodium Vivax. It is caused by the bites of female anopheles mosquito. In the human body the virus multiplies in the liver and then infects the red blood cells. Malaria can be caused due to mosquito bites, blood transfusion or using shared needles. Mindheal homeopathy offers a treatment of malaria."/>
PdfnewLSamuels01The document appears to be a portfolio from Lawrence Samuels including details about his skills in corporate valuation, accounting, statistics, and additional tools. It includes a case study and analysis of Thumbs Up Corporation, a company that launched two projects to generate buzz about new products and establish a customer base. Samuels provides forecasts and analyses of Thumbs Up Corporation's sales, budgets, expansion projects, and marketing strategies.
Estadão - Uso de auxiliar pode ser até prejudicial24x7 COMUNICAÇÃOO jornal O Estado de São Paulo dá grande destaque hoje no caderno Metrópole ao problema que pais que têm crianças com Down ou distúrbios de aprendizagem estão enfrentando para matricularem seus filhos as escolas regulares. Relata diversos casos em que as escolas cobram valores adicionais em relação aos outros alunos devido a necessidade de terem que deixar uma pessoa específica para cuidar da criança. Em outros casos, relata que estas crianças são retiradas de certas aulas e atividades por não acompanharem as demais, prática condenada na reportagem e órgãos de educação e cidadania.
Há uma boa vontade por parte do governo em inserir as crianças no meio educacional, sem distinções. As escolas, porém, não contam com as estruturas preparadas para que as crianças possam acompanhar o currículo com toda a classe, podendo gerar descompassos no processo de aprendizagem. E pelo lado da criança com Down ou com distúrbio de aprendizagem, todo o cuidado deve ser tomado para que não se sinta excluída e os problemas se agravem.
Este é o desafio que nós da Associação Travessia temos enfrentado ao longo de nossos quinze anos de atividade, desde que percebemos que nossos filhos sofriam para acompanhar as aulas nas escolas regulares e não eram felizes. Aqui garantimos que têm o acompanhamento adequado em termos de conteúdo e terapias que os ajudam a se sentirem felizes ao mesmo tempo em que têm acesso a educação.
Cloud computing 160312 condensedYazdi TantraThe document discusses cloud computing and its benefits over traditional on-premise software and infrastructure. It notes that the cloud provides ease of use, scalability, reliability and reduced costs by removing the need to purchase and maintain physical hardware and software. It also lists some common cloud applications and services like email, document sharing, CRM systems, and outlines both the growth of cloud computing and some myths and cautions regarding its use.
Dell041197Dell es una compañía multinacional estadounidense fundada por Michael Dell en 1984 que fabrica y vende computadoras personales, servidores, software y otros productos de tecnología. Creció rápidamente para convertirse en el mayor vendedor de PCs del mundo. En los últimos años ha tenido problemas financieros pero sigue siendo una de las mayores empresas de tecnología a nivel global.
Workshop Desenvolvimento AgilSaulo Arrudaݺߣs do workshop que ministrei no Javaneiros sobre planejamento ágil.
MACF Info Nov13macffoundationThe MACF for Health in the Developing World Official Launch Event will take place on November 1st, 2013 in Sydney, Australia. The event will include welcome remarks and presentations on MACF's "Hands-on Doctor Program" and "Barefoot Doctor Program" from MACF founders A/Professor Bruce Conolly and Dr. Joyce Conolly. Their programs aim to improve healthcare in Myanmar through medical training, education of village healthcare leaders, and reducing mortality rates of mothers and children. The Governor of New South Wales will also give a speech at the event. relance de la bourse de l'emploiWalter SchärerPour plus d'information consultez mon blog à
NAFFANAFFA International, Inc.NAFFA International provides building code consulting and plan check services using teams of architects, engineers, and other professionals. It offers comprehensive plan review for all building types as well as building code software and online resources. NAFFA aims to provide accurate, fast, reliable, and technology-leveraged services to governmental agencies and applicants.