Zappos FinancialsJohn financial statements for 2007, 2008, and the first quarter of 2009. These figures are excerpted from Amazon's recent S-4 filing with the SEC
Ava 11th Birthday - Delivering HappinesszapposTony Hsieh, author of the new book "Delivering Happiness" and Zappos CEO, gives Ava a present for her 11th birthday.
Zappos finalJamie JacksonZappos is an online retailer founded in 1999 that specializes in shoes, clothing and accessories. It grew rapidly due to its superior customer service culture and emphasis on fast shipping, free returns and friendly customer support. In 2009, Amazon acquired Zappos for $1.2 billion but allows it to operate independently. Zappos continues to focus on customer satisfaction through its unique company culture and wide product selection. It remains a leader in online shoe and apparel sales.
"Дни PR и маркетинга на Юге. 5.0", Кристоф ЖинистиbrandhouseThe document discusses the changing paradigm of public relations from a focus on information to building relationships through shared emotions, which has become the engine of public relations in the digital age. It notes that people engage on social networks through likes, comments, and shares inspired by emotional connections. Therefore, successful public relations strategies must inspire emotional relationships rather than just provide information. It also emphasizes the importance of listening, monitoring, interacting directly with stakeholders, identifying influencers, and being prepared to react quickly in an always-on digital environment. The key to modern public relations is becoming a "community driven organization" that is open, inspiring, transparent, engaging, accountable, and trusted.
PR в условиях культурной специфичностиbrandhouseThis document discusses strategies for successful multicultural public relations. It defines multiculturalism as describing cultural diversity and promoting this diversity through ideologies or policies. It also discusses whether societies can be described as "melting pots", where cultures blend together, or "salad bowls", where they remain distinct. The document provides examples of companies seeking to protect their brands in different cultural contexts and discusses issues around cultural appropriation. It also examines data on teens' use of social media and their reasons for disliking Facebook. Overall, the document advocates considering different cultural norms and perspectives to avoid miscommunication in intercultural interactions.
Корпоративная социальная ответственность brandhouseДоклад Юлии Уракчеевой, регионального руководителя по связям с общественностью компании Amway на форуме "Дни PR и маркетинга на Юге" - 2013.
Мониторинг социальных медиа. От статистики к реальному потребителюbrandhouseДоклад Ильи Ермолаева, директора по маркетингу и продажам Brandspotter на форуме "Дни PR и маркетинга на Юге"- 2013.
Стратегический маркетинг. Правильный подход к нужной аудиторииbrandhouseДоклад Мэри Эллен Хикман (Mary Ellen Hickman), американского специалиста по стратегическому маркетингу и менеджменту, управляющего партнера Hickman Consulting Partners на форуме "Дни PR и маркетинга на Юге"- 2013.
Создание значимых мероприятий международного масштаба в России brandhouseДоклад Павла Морозова, управляющего партнера ID REEL, эксперта по развитию территорий.на форуме "Дни PR и маркетинга на Юге"- 2013.
Как быть с традиционными СМИbrandhouseДоклад Кузнецовой Екатерины, директора по развитию ЗАО «Интерфакс» на форуме "Дни PR и маркетинга на Юге" - 2013.
Бренд и репутация. Строим безупречную коммуникациюbrandhouseThe document discusses excellence in corporate communications and reputation management. It makes three key points:
1. Communications strategies must be aligned with corporate strategies, stakeholder focused, and accountable through measurement of inputs, outputs, and outcomes. Quality staff and cross-functional cooperation are important.
2. A strong corporate brand and reputation provide long-term value by creating internal alignment and external bonding with stakeholders. Reputation is influenced by performance, communications, and external context and perceptions.
3. Social media have changed communications by increasing speed and requiring a tone of voice. Organizations must monitor social media discussions and develop rules for employee participation while acting normally.
"Дни PR и маркетинга на Юге. 5.0", Кристоф ЖинистиbrandhouseThe document discusses the changing paradigm of public relations from a focus on information to building relationships through shared emotions, which has become the engine of public relations in the digital age. It notes that people engage on social networks through likes, comments, and shares inspired by emotional connections. Therefore, successful public relations strategies must inspire emotional relationships rather than just provide information. It also emphasizes the importance of listening, monitoring, interacting directly with stakeholders, identifying influencers, and being prepared to react quickly in an always-on digital environment. The key to modern public relations is becoming a "community driven organization" that is open, inspiring, transparent, engaging, accountable, and trusted.
PR в условиях культурной специфичностиbrandhouseThis document discusses strategies for successful multicultural public relations. It defines multiculturalism as describing cultural diversity and promoting this diversity through ideologies or policies. It also discusses whether societies can be described as "melting pots", where cultures blend together, or "salad bowls", where they remain distinct. The document provides examples of companies seeking to protect their brands in different cultural contexts and discusses issues around cultural appropriation. It also examines data on teens' use of social media and their reasons for disliking Facebook. Overall, the document advocates considering different cultural norms and perspectives to avoid miscommunication in intercultural interactions.
Корпоративная социальная ответственность brandhouseДоклад Юлии Уракчеевой, регионального руководителя по связям с общественностью компании Amway на форуме "Дни PR и маркетинга на Юге" - 2013.
Мониторинг социальных медиа. От статистики к реальному потребителюbrandhouseДоклад Ильи Ермолаева, директора по маркетингу и продажам Brandspotter на форуме "Дни PR и маркетинга на Юге"- 2013.
Стратегический маркетинг. Правильный подход к нужной аудиторииbrandhouseДоклад Мэри Эллен Хикман (Mary Ellen Hickman), американского специалиста по стратегическому маркетингу и менеджменту, управляющего партнера Hickman Consulting Partners на форуме "Дни PR и маркетинга на Юге"- 2013.
Создание значимых мероприятий международного масштаба в России brandhouseДоклад Павла Морозова, управляющего партнера ID REEL, эксперта по развитию территорий.на форуме "Дни PR и маркетинга на Юге"- 2013.
Как быть с традиционными СМИbrandhouseДоклад Кузнецовой Екатерины, директора по развитию ЗАО «Интерфакс» на форуме "Дни PR и маркетинга на Юге" - 2013.
Бренд и репутация. Строим безупречную коммуникациюbrandhouseThe document discusses excellence in corporate communications and reputation management. It makes three key points:
1. Communications strategies must be aligned with corporate strategies, stakeholder focused, and accountable through measurement of inputs, outputs, and outcomes. Quality staff and cross-functional cooperation are important.
2. A strong corporate brand and reputation provide long-term value by creating internal alignment and external bonding with stakeholders. Reputation is influenced by performance, communications, and external context and perceptions.
3. Social media have changed communications by increasing speed and requiring a tone of voice. Organizations must monitor social media discussions and develop rules for employee participation while acting normally.