Armen gharakhanyanastghikpArmen is a 12-year-old pupil who has been studying at the Mkhitar Sebastatsi Educational Complex for 6 years. He had Mrs. Nara as his first teacher, who taught him how to read, write, and count. Armen has many friends at school, including his best friend Areg, and also loves Radik, Emil, Hovo, Michael, Levon, Serzh, Gegham, Gagik, Edgar, Elen, Mane, and Araqs. He hopes to continue making good memories with his classmates at his new secondary school.
Armen gharakhanyanastghikpArmen is a 12-year-old pupil who has been studying at the Mkhitar Sebastatsi Educational Complex for 6 years. He had Mrs. Nara as his first teacher, who taught him how to read, write, and count. Armen has many friends at school, including his best friend Areg, and also loves Radik, Emil, Hovo, Michael, Levon, Serzh, Gegham, Gagik, Edgar, Elen, Mane, and Araqs. He hopes to continue making good memories with his classmates at his new secondary school.
About myselfastghikpMika is a 10-year-old student at Mkhitar Sebastatsi school in the fourth class who has many friends. Their favorite game is tennis, although they are not very good at it. Mika has an older brother named Samvel who is also 10, has green eyes and brown hair, likes cartoons and playing with Mika. During the summer, Mika and their family go to the sea with relatives.
DescriptionastghikpThe document describes several alien friends of children. It includes descriptions of Peengi and Bloueeng, who have long arms and hands and various facial features. It also describes a friend who is an alien with curly fair hair and six blue eyes and a red body. Another alien, Flear, is described as tall with a black nose, yellow head, red legs, and thin mouth. A friend named Googo likes swimming and computer games and has a blue hat and jacket, orange shorts, and black boots. Wings has a red mouth, big black eyes, red cheeks, and fair hair. Zozo has fifty eyes, long curly hair, a turquoise body, a green arm, and a strong long
Let's read, watch and learn!astghikpThe document is a collection of texts and photos about families and houses from several students. It includes descriptions of houses with rooms and furnishings. Students describe their families including parents, siblings, pets, and other relatives. Photos show family members like parents, siblings, aunts, uncles and cousins. Students provide details about family members' names, ages, occupations and hobbies.
Nazeli ter petrosyanastghikpNazeli is an 8-year-old schoolgirl who lives in Yerevan, Armenia. She attends a large school with many classrooms, a hall, desks, computers, and a smartboard in each classroom. The school also has a swimming pool, pets, and plants that the students care for. Nazeli takes classes five days a week, studying subjects like Armenian, Math, English, Russian, Music, Handicrafts, PE, and Nature Studies. She enjoys Math and Handicrafts. After school, she sometimes plays in the school yard or with the school pets.
Tigran serobyanastghikpI am Tigran Serobyan, a 9-year old boy who lives in Yerevan, Armenia on Terlemezyan Street. He was born in March and loves his family which includes his mother Vanuhi who is 38, his father Beniamin who is 40, and his two brothers Areg who is 7 and Vahagn who is 4.
Elina grigoryan (1)astghikpElina is an 8-year-old schoolgirl who lives in Yerevan, Armenia. She attends the 4-1 class at and loves her school and class, where she has many friends. Elina's favorite subject is English and her class studies subjects like English, Math, Music, Armenian, PE, Nature Studies, Technology, and Russian. She enjoys eating melon and yogurt.
Nane vardumyan summer assignmentastghikpThe narrator describes spending their holidays in their village called Agarak where their grandparents live. They went fishing with their granddad but only caught one fish. They would prefer to go to London to visit attractions like the London Eye and Buckingham Palace, and eat foods like sandwiches and burgers. However, their mother is unsure about the long trip.
A family wins a free holiday in a golden envelope but cannot agree on where to go - the daughter wants the beach, the father wants camping, the son wants a cruise, and the mother wants a city. They argue until their grandmother calls and reveals she tricked them - their holiday will be spent with her in sunny Alexandria. In the end, everyone is happy getting
Lusine tadevosyan my houseastghikpThis document provides a detailed description of the author's large two-story private house, including each room and outdoor area. The house has colorful bedrooms, a piano, wardrobes, and beds. The balcony has clouds and pyramids painted on the ceiling. Other rooms described are the grandparents' room, living room, parents' bedroom with a dressing table, green bathroom and kitchen, and a garden with a swimming pool and fruit trees.
My Dream PlanetastghikpThe document describes two planets: Mane's planet and Saturn. Mane's planet has candy and cake rains and all residents are named Mane with numbers for last names. The author is Mane Zero. Saturn has many books, movies, cartoons, and friends, including an alien girl named Tilimini Opisos. Girls on Saturn wear the planet's rings as fashion accessories.
Astghik avagyan house of my dreamsastghikpAstghik painted the house of her dreams, which contains five rooms: a hall, kitchen, bathroom, living room, and bedroom. The hall features a star-shaped mirror and small star decorations. The kitchen is fully equipped with appliances and accessories like a fridge, stove, and purple chandelier. Astghik's living room contains a fireplace, comfortable sofa, big TV, and bookcase filled with her favorite books. Her bedroom is decorated with rose-themed lights, furniture, and decor, including a bed shaped like the letter A.
2. Здраствуйте, меня зовут Седа. Мне девять
лет. Я люблю кушать пиццу. Я хочу стать
доктором. Я люблю играть в шахматы. У
меня есть разные игрушки. Я люблю
рисовать разные картинки.
3. Я умею сочинять сказки и песни.
Я люблю читать разные книги. Я умею
читать и рассказыватьпо-английски.
4. Я умею играть на пианино, мама меня
научила играть на пианино.
Я люблю играть в разные игры.
Я умею делать видеоклипы и анимацию с
помощью компьютера.
5. Наша семья состоит из четырех человек:
мама, папа, сестра и я. Маму зовут Эгине,
папу зовут Карен, а сестру зовут Лусине.
Сестра и я любим играть с игрушками.
Я очень люблю мою семью.