What Journalists can do for New EnergyNhóm Năng lượng Mới Việt NamWe examine the role that journalists can play in the New Energy revolution. "New Energy" is not energy from the sun or the wind, and it's also not from fossil fuels or nuclear fission. Instead, it is a new form of energy harnessed from the quantum vacuum of space. It's safe, cheap, and virtually limitless - and it's going to power to our civilization to previously unimaginable heights in this century.
New Energy Part 3C-3 CosmologyNhóm Năng lượng Mới Việt NamIn this section, we see how New Energy science helps us move toward a workable Unified Field Theory; how it helps us to understand Zero Point Energy as the mysterious "dark energy" cosmologists have long posited; and how the Big Bang most likely never happened.
Papel sellado historia del derechoLuis Santana VelazquezEl papel sellado es un tipo de papel especial con un impuesto estampado que es requerido en algunos países para trámites legales o administrativos. Fue impuesto por el rey Felipe IV en 1636 para requerir un sello oficial en documentos reales, escrituras y títulos que consistía en las armas reales, el nombre del rey y el año. El papel sellado fue creado para mejorar la burocracia, estabilizar documentos públicos y privados, y evitar fraudes; y el impuesto variaba dependiendo del valor y tipo de
What Investors and Businessmen can do for New EnergyNhóm Năng lượng Mới Việt NamWe examine the role that investors and businessmen can play in the New Energy revolution. "New Energy" is not energy from the sun or the wind, and it's also not from fossil fuels or nuclear fission. Instead, it is a new form of energy harnessed from the quantum vacuum of space. It's safe, cheap, and virtually limitless - and it's going to power to our civilization to previously unimaginable heights in this century.
New Energy Part 3: The Science - Eleven Dimensional MultiverseNhóm Năng lượng Mới Việt NamThe document discusses Michio Kaku's concept of an eleven-dimensional multiverse. It explains that Kaku supports Hugh Everett's "Many Worlds Interpretation" of quantum mechanics, which posits that multiple alternative versions of the universe simultaneously exist. The document also discusses that recent studies support the multiverse theory and how understanding multiple dimensions helps explain concepts like extended human consciousness and potential overunity devices that appear to output more energy than input. It provides resources for learning more about eleven-dimensional multiverse theory and its implications.
New Energy Part 3: The Science - Quantum FoamNhóm Năng lượng Mới Việt NamNew Energy scientists believe that tapping energy from quantum vacuum fluctuations in the quantum foam/Zero Point Field could provide a new source of energy. They theorize that subatomic particles emerge constantly from this quantum foam, which is a fluctuating foundation of space-time. If devices can be made to resonate with these fluctuations, it may be possible to extract and harness this zero-point energy that is constantly being pushed into our universe from higher dimensions. However, achieving resonance with the chaotic quantum foam is difficult, requiring methods to induce coherence and order in a local region of the field.
New Energy Part 3: The Science - ElectrokineticsNhóm Năng lượng Mới Việt NamThis document provides an overview of key theoretical insights into new energy science, focusing on electrokinetics. It discusses several scientists and their work in electrokinetics, including T. Townsend Brown, Dr. Oleg Jefimenko, and Dr. Thomas Valone. Some key points about electrokinetics are that quick pulses of energy into the zero point field can produce propulsive forces, and asymmetric capacitors may create imbalances to extract more zero point energy. Experimental electrokinetic devices are described, including ones using parallel plate capacitors and pulsed electricity. Recent experiments found stronger forces using permeable/magnetizable dielectrics. The document suggests planetary alignments and eclipses have impacted electrokinet
New Energy Part 3D-8 Using Zero Point Energy to Clean up Radioactive WasteNhóm Năng lượng Mới Việt NamThis document discusses applications of zero-point energy (ZPE) technology, including a solution for nuclear waste disposal. It notes that over 430 nuclear reactors are currently operating worldwide, producing nuclear waste that is difficult to store and poses risks for thousands of years. However, ZPE enables the transmutation of radioactive elements in nuclear waste into less dangerous or harmless isotopes through processes like low-energy nuclear reactions and plasmoid strikes. Scientists have discovered this can work to transmute the radioactive elements in nuclear fuel rods. This provides a solution for the nuclear waste problem at power plants worldwide.
What Artists and Songwriters can do for New EnergyNhóm Năng lượng Mới Việt NamWe examine the role that artists, poets, and songwriters can play in the New Energy revolution. "New Energy" is not energy from the sun or the wind, and it's also not from fossil fuels or nuclear fission. Instead, it is a new form of energy harnessed from the quantum vacuum of space. It's safe, cheap, and virtually limitless - and it's going to power to our civilization to previously unimaginable heights in this century.
What Professors and Teachers can do for New EnergyNhóm Năng lượng Mới Việt NamWe examine the role that teachers (K-12) and university professors can play in the New Energy revolution. "New Energy" is not energy from the sun or the wind, and it's also not from fossil fuels or nuclear fission. Instead, it is a new form of energy harnessed from the quantum vacuum of space. It's safe, cheap, and virtually limitless - and it's going to power to our civilization to previously unimaginable heights in this century.
New Energy Part 3D-8 Cleaning up Radioactive Waste using Zero Point EnergyNhóm Năng lượng Mới Việt NamIn this section, we look at how recent advances in the New Energy science of Low-Energy Nuclear Reactions (LENRs, also often called 'cold fusion') promise to help us clean up the world's radioactive waste by transmuting dangerous radioactive isotopes into safer elements.
New Energy Part 3D-8 radioactive wasteNhóm Năng lượng Mới Việt NamIn this section, we examine how the New Energy science of Low-Energy Nuclear Reactions (LENR) is allowing the transmutation of dangerous radioactive isotopes into far less dangerous elements. This technology promises to be of much help in cleaning up the Fukushima mess, as well as in safely disposing up spent nuclear fuel rods around the world.
New Energy Part 3C-1d EntropyNhóm Năng lượng Mới Việt NamIn this section, we see how New Energy inventors are using energy from the quantum vacuum - also called Zero Point Energy - to create coherence in the otherwise random and sloshing "Quantum Foam" as described by John Wheeler.
D 5 healthcare applications of zero point energyNhóm Năng lượng Mới Việt NamThis document discusses several healthcare applications of zero-point energy (ZPE), including using nanobots powered by ZPE for targeted drug delivery and cancer treatment, using energized structured water for health benefits, using ZPE to speed bone healing, and developing microvolt-level antiviral and antibacterial devices. It suggests that ZPE could power nanobots to clean plaque from arteries, help broken bones heal faster, and potentially increase the intelligence of populations through energized water. Studies are still needed but initial results suggest microvolt currents may stop the spread of viruses like HIV and help treat antibiotic-resistant bacteria.
What Bloggers can do for New EnergyNhóm Năng lượng Mới Việt NamWe examine the role that bloggers can play in the New Energy revolution. "New Energy" is not energy from the sun or the wind, and it's also not from fossil fuels or nuclear fission. Instead, it is a new form of energy harnessed from the quantum vacuum of space. It's safe, cheap, and virtually limitless - and it's going to power to our civilization to previously unimaginable heights in this century.
New Energy Part 3: The Science - IntroductionNhóm Năng lượng Mới Việt NamThis document is part 3 of a seminar on new energy for Vietnam. It will discuss the science behind new energy by answering 4 questions: (1) how we know zero point energy exists, (2) how its existence improves our understanding of nature, (3) how we can access it, and (4) what we can do with it. It will overview 12 key theories in physics that are important for developing new energy applications, including quantum mechanics, electrodynamics, and theories around low-energy nuclear reactions. The goal is to make information about discoveries in new energy physics available to Vietnamese scientists since this information is often excluded from textbooks by petroleum and nuclear power industries.
New Energy Part 3C-1a Conservation of EnergyNhóm Năng lượng Mới Việt NamIn this section, we address the common accusation made by mainstream scientists that New Energy inventors are wasting their time by attempting to "violate the Law of Conservation of Energy". We see that once the non-physical dimensions of time-space are taken into account, there is no violation of COE.
Pos wasGuntur IjoEste documento presenta 9 fotos que documentan el progreso de la construcción de un edificio en RTM-Cimanggis en 2015. Las fotos muestran la construcción del primer y segundo piso de un edificio, un puesto de vigilancia, salas de detención, un comedor y baños comunes, un nuevo garaje para vehículos, un puesto de seguridad y la construcción de un auditorio. El documento agradece al lector.
New Energy Part 3C-4 new areas to discoverNhóm Năng lượng Mới Việt NamNew Energy technologies are enabling revolutions in many fields of science and academia according to a presentation by the Saigon New Energy Group. These include antigravity research, healthcare advances like slowing aging and speeding healing, nanotechnology such as creating machines that harvest quantum energy, and improvements to history studies by revealing ancient civilizations also had some knowledge of zero-point energy. The presentation argues that adopting new energy now in Vietnam could improve living standards, public health, transportation, national security, and economic growth.
Graduate Project: designing a web site and 3D application for Elby AdbertisingAnna KholinaDepartment of Information Technologies in Design
Saint-Petersburg State Polytechnical University
The project by students Nikita Shanin and Maria Garkusha
MS Word 2013 от новичка до профессионала. Занятие 3. Базовые возможности форм...Николай КолдовскийMS Word 2013 от новичка до профессионала. Занятие 3. Базовые возможности форматирования текста в MS Word 2013.
Полноценный курс по адресу: http://wordpro.msoffice-prowork.com
New Energy Part 3D-8 Using Zero Point Energy to Clean up Radioactive WasteNhóm Năng lượng Mới Việt NamThis document discusses applications of zero-point energy (ZPE) technology, including a solution for nuclear waste disposal. It notes that over 430 nuclear reactors are currently operating worldwide, producing nuclear waste that is difficult to store and poses risks for thousands of years. However, ZPE enables the transmutation of radioactive elements in nuclear waste into less dangerous or harmless isotopes through processes like low-energy nuclear reactions and plasmoid strikes. Scientists have discovered this can work to transmute the radioactive elements in nuclear fuel rods. This provides a solution for the nuclear waste problem at power plants worldwide.
What Artists and Songwriters can do for New EnergyNhóm Năng lượng Mới Việt NamWe examine the role that artists, poets, and songwriters can play in the New Energy revolution. "New Energy" is not energy from the sun or the wind, and it's also not from fossil fuels or nuclear fission. Instead, it is a new form of energy harnessed from the quantum vacuum of space. It's safe, cheap, and virtually limitless - and it's going to power to our civilization to previously unimaginable heights in this century.
What Professors and Teachers can do for New EnergyNhóm Năng lượng Mới Việt NamWe examine the role that teachers (K-12) and university professors can play in the New Energy revolution. "New Energy" is not energy from the sun or the wind, and it's also not from fossil fuels or nuclear fission. Instead, it is a new form of energy harnessed from the quantum vacuum of space. It's safe, cheap, and virtually limitless - and it's going to power to our civilization to previously unimaginable heights in this century.
New Energy Part 3D-8 Cleaning up Radioactive Waste using Zero Point EnergyNhóm Năng lượng Mới Việt NamIn this section, we look at how recent advances in the New Energy science of Low-Energy Nuclear Reactions (LENRs, also often called 'cold fusion') promise to help us clean up the world's radioactive waste by transmuting dangerous radioactive isotopes into safer elements.
New Energy Part 3D-8 radioactive wasteNhóm Năng lượng Mới Việt NamIn this section, we examine how the New Energy science of Low-Energy Nuclear Reactions (LENR) is allowing the transmutation of dangerous radioactive isotopes into far less dangerous elements. This technology promises to be of much help in cleaning up the Fukushima mess, as well as in safely disposing up spent nuclear fuel rods around the world.
New Energy Part 3C-1d EntropyNhóm Năng lượng Mới Việt NamIn this section, we see how New Energy inventors are using energy from the quantum vacuum - also called Zero Point Energy - to create coherence in the otherwise random and sloshing "Quantum Foam" as described by John Wheeler.
D 5 healthcare applications of zero point energyNhóm Năng lượng Mới Việt NamThis document discusses several healthcare applications of zero-point energy (ZPE), including using nanobots powered by ZPE for targeted drug delivery and cancer treatment, using energized structured water for health benefits, using ZPE to speed bone healing, and developing microvolt-level antiviral and antibacterial devices. It suggests that ZPE could power nanobots to clean plaque from arteries, help broken bones heal faster, and potentially increase the intelligence of populations through energized water. Studies are still needed but initial results suggest microvolt currents may stop the spread of viruses like HIV and help treat antibiotic-resistant bacteria.
What Bloggers can do for New EnergyNhóm Năng lượng Mới Việt NamWe examine the role that bloggers can play in the New Energy revolution. "New Energy" is not energy from the sun or the wind, and it's also not from fossil fuels or nuclear fission. Instead, it is a new form of energy harnessed from the quantum vacuum of space. It's safe, cheap, and virtually limitless - and it's going to power to our civilization to previously unimaginable heights in this century.
New Energy Part 3: The Science - IntroductionNhóm Năng lượng Mới Việt NamThis document is part 3 of a seminar on new energy for Vietnam. It will discuss the science behind new energy by answering 4 questions: (1) how we know zero point energy exists, (2) how its existence improves our understanding of nature, (3) how we can access it, and (4) what we can do with it. It will overview 12 key theories in physics that are important for developing new energy applications, including quantum mechanics, electrodynamics, and theories around low-energy nuclear reactions. The goal is to make information about discoveries in new energy physics available to Vietnamese scientists since this information is often excluded from textbooks by petroleum and nuclear power industries.
New Energy Part 3C-1a Conservation of EnergyNhóm Năng lượng Mới Việt NamIn this section, we address the common accusation made by mainstream scientists that New Energy inventors are wasting their time by attempting to "violate the Law of Conservation of Energy". We see that once the non-physical dimensions of time-space are taken into account, there is no violation of COE.
Pos wasGuntur IjoEste documento presenta 9 fotos que documentan el progreso de la construcción de un edificio en RTM-Cimanggis en 2015. Las fotos muestran la construcción del primer y segundo piso de un edificio, un puesto de vigilancia, salas de detención, un comedor y baños comunes, un nuevo garaje para vehículos, un puesto de seguridad y la construcción de un auditorio. El documento agradece al lector.
New Energy Part 3C-4 new areas to discoverNhóm Năng lượng Mới Việt NamNew Energy technologies are enabling revolutions in many fields of science and academia according to a presentation by the Saigon New Energy Group. These include antigravity research, healthcare advances like slowing aging and speeding healing, nanotechnology such as creating machines that harvest quantum energy, and improvements to history studies by revealing ancient civilizations also had some knowledge of zero-point energy. The presentation argues that adopting new energy now in Vietnam could improve living standards, public health, transportation, national security, and economic growth.
Graduate Project: designing a web site and 3D application for Elby AdbertisingAnna KholinaDepartment of Information Technologies in Design
Saint-Petersburg State Polytechnical University
The project by students Nikita Shanin and Maria Garkusha
MS Word 2013 от новичка до профессионала. Занятие 3. Базовые возможности форм...Николай КолдовскийMS Word 2013 от новичка до профессионала. Занятие 3. Базовые возможности форматирования текста в MS Word 2013.
Полноценный курс по адресу: http://wordpro.msoffice-prowork.com
MS Word 2013 от новичка до профессионала. Занятие 1. Представление MS Word 2013Николай КолдовскийMS Word 2013 от новичка до профессионала. Занятие 1. Представление MS Word 2013.
Полноценный курс по адресу: http://wordpro.msoffice-prowork.com
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