القيادة الحديثةMuhammed Rashedبرنامج بيساعدك تتعرف على القيادة ومفهوم القيادة الحديثة والفرق بين الادارة والقيادة الحديثة وصفات القائد العصري ودلالات وجود ازمة القيادة بالمؤسسات وانماط القادة ونظريات القيادة المهمة
الجمالونات - رسومات تنفيذية 2 - سنة3 - ابراهيم الرداعيIbrahem Qasimللتحميل: https://mribrahem.github.io/college_research/
جامعة العلوم والتكنولوجيا
معماري مستوى ثالث 2013-2014
ضمن متطلبات مادة رسومات تنفيذية2
إبراهيم الرداعي
هو عنصر انشائي ، عادة مصنوع منالخشبأو القطاعات أو المواسير المعدنية أو الخرسانة المسلحة، ويتألف عامة من 3 أجزاء: أحدهم أفقي والآخرين مائلين يستندان على بعضهم البعض من جهة وعلى الجزء الأفقي من الطرف الأخر.كما ان القوة المساهمة في اتزان الجمالون تكون مساوية لبعضها
النظرية التشكيلية الجديدة - نظريات عمارةTaha Farwanيتضمن هذا المستند مجموعة من المعلومات المتعلقة بنظرية التشكيلية الجديدة من ناحية المنشاء ومن روادها وأين درست وكيف أنتهت.
12 ways2bhappytomchiupsThe document provides 12 tips for being happy. It advises to make happiness a priority, make the best of your circumstances, not take yourself too seriously, accept that you can't please everyone, set your own standards, enjoy hobbies without going into debt, avoid borrowing trouble from the future, surround yourself with positive people, engage in many interests, don't dwell on the past, help others, and stay busy.
Unity Mobile - EventsstimpyhuntUNITY provides mobile marketing solutions to help organizations engage mobile audiences through websites, applications and SMS campaigns. It offers a 100% web-based platform that allows users to easily create, distribute and manage mobile content across all platforms. UNITY's solutions are designed to enhance events by leveraging audience engagement, improving the attendee experience, and providing analytics to measure success.
Introduction to Geometry & Measurement, Math 313Dr. Diana S. Perdue(1) The document outlines topics from the first lecture in a geometry and measurement course including the syllabus, grading, Canvas, the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM), teaching methodologies, the van Hiele levels of geometric thinking, and an introduction to geometry.
(2) Students are instructed to take notes on important topics from the lecture and the professor will assess their notes. Key course documents and how to access help resources through Canvas are also reviewed.
(3) The van Hiele levels are introduced as a framework for understanding students' geometric thinking at different stages from visualization through rigorous logic and proof.
Unity Mobile - AirportsstimpyhuntUNITY provides a comprehensive mobile solution that allows companies to reach customers across websites, mobile applications, and SMS. Their platform agnostic system is 100% web-based, making mobile marketing accessible, affordable and effortless. It allows users to easily create, distribute and manage mobile applications, websites and SMS campaigns. UNITY helps travelers get quick access to quality information through mobile by providing real-time updates and alerts about flights and airports.
SHIELD ONLINE MENTORINGSHIELD Mentor ProgramThe SHIELD Mentor Program aims to address challenges facing youth today through effective mentoring. Research shows mentoring is associated with greater academic achievement, social skills, and positive outcomes. The program seeks to match youth with community mentors to help guide them towards opportunities and goals. It aims to reduce high-risk behaviors and the dropout rate in Guilford County schools through character building, decision making, conflict resolution and social skills development.
النظرية التشكيلية الجديدة - نظريات عمارةTaha Farwanيتضمن هذا المستند مجموعة من المعلومات المتعلقة بنظرية التشكيلية الجديدة من ناحية المنشاء ومن روادها وأين درست وكيف أنتهت.
12 ways2bhappytomchiupsThe document provides 12 tips for being happy. It advises to make happiness a priority, make the best of your circumstances, not take yourself too seriously, accept that you can't please everyone, set your own standards, enjoy hobbies without going into debt, avoid borrowing trouble from the future, surround yourself with positive people, engage in many interests, don't dwell on the past, help others, and stay busy.
Unity Mobile - EventsstimpyhuntUNITY provides mobile marketing solutions to help organizations engage mobile audiences through websites, applications and SMS campaigns. It offers a 100% web-based platform that allows users to easily create, distribute and manage mobile content across all platforms. UNITY's solutions are designed to enhance events by leveraging audience engagement, improving the attendee experience, and providing analytics to measure success.
Introduction to Geometry & Measurement, Math 313Dr. Diana S. Perdue(1) The document outlines topics from the first lecture in a geometry and measurement course including the syllabus, grading, Canvas, the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM), teaching methodologies, the van Hiele levels of geometric thinking, and an introduction to geometry.
(2) Students are instructed to take notes on important topics from the lecture and the professor will assess their notes. Key course documents and how to access help resources through Canvas are also reviewed.
(3) The van Hiele levels are introduced as a framework for understanding students' geometric thinking at different stages from visualization through rigorous logic and proof.
Unity Mobile - AirportsstimpyhuntUNITY provides a comprehensive mobile solution that allows companies to reach customers across websites, mobile applications, and SMS. Their platform agnostic system is 100% web-based, making mobile marketing accessible, affordable and effortless. It allows users to easily create, distribute and manage mobile applications, websites and SMS campaigns. UNITY helps travelers get quick access to quality information through mobile by providing real-time updates and alerts about flights and airports.
SHIELD ONLINE MENTORINGSHIELD Mentor ProgramThe SHIELD Mentor Program aims to address challenges facing youth today through effective mentoring. Research shows mentoring is associated with greater academic achievement, social skills, and positive outcomes. The program seeks to match youth with community mentors to help guide them towards opportunities and goals. It aims to reduce high-risk behaviors and the dropout rate in Guilford County schools through character building, decision making, conflict resolution and social skills development.
البيانات الفوقية للمواقع الحكومية العراقية على الانترنت وتأثيرهاالدكتور طلال ناظم الزهيريبحث الدكتور طلال ناظم الزهيري منشور في العدد الثاني من المجلة العراقية لتكنولوجيا المعلومات
إدارة السجلات والارشفة الالكترونيةEssam Obaidمما لا شك فيه ان جميع المؤسسات بمختلف أنواعها على المستوى الحكومي أو الأهلي او القطاع الخاص تحتاج إلى ادارة للمحتوى المعلوماتي المتاح لديها، ومع وجود طرق وأساليب لحفظ ذلك المحتوى سواء كانت عبارة عن وثائق أوأفلام أوصور أوخرائط أو سجلات او ملفات أو أوراق وموجودة بشكل تقليدي أو او حتى بشكل الكتروني دون اجراء عمليات التنظيم والحفظ والاسترجاع، فلابد على تلك المؤسسات أن تمتلك نظم لإدارة هذا المحتوى فيما يسمى بنظم إدارة الوثائق أو السجلات أو الأرشفة الالكترونية أو التوثيق وما إلى ذلك من مسميات متعددة تستخدم تبادليا بين بعضها البعض.
المكتبات الرقمية الشخصية تحربة بناء باستخدام نظام Greenstoneالدكتور طلال ناظم الزهيريبحث الاستاذ الدكتور طلال ناظم الزهيري منشور في مجلة الاتحاد العربي للمكتبات والمعلومات اعلم العدد الاول 2008