Таможня 2015. Перезагрузка?Александр ГладилинПока мы с Вами этим летом загорали на пляжах нашего чудесного города-героя Одессы и не только, наши чиновники и политики в поте лица своего трудились над реформированием таможенной сферы. Плодом их бурной деятельности стали важные изменения, часть из которых уже воплощены в жизнь с помощью нормативных актов, остальные же существуют пока только в виде проектов. Серди утвержденных изменений: введение в портах полноценной "свободной практики", досмотры контейнеров с применением технологического транспорта порта, электронная аккредитация компаний. Также рассмотрены проекты Михаила Саакашвили по открытию нового таможенного терминала в Одессе и правительства по аутсорсингу таможни британскими компаниями.
CÁMARAS DE INSPECCIÓN DE TUBERÍAS - PATHFINDER MECATRONICS SOLUTIONS SACEste documento presenta dos sistemas de inspección de tuberías ofrecidos por Mecatronicss Solutions: el sistema Seeker, que es portátil y puede inspeccionar tuberías de hasta 300 mm, y el sistema Pathfinder, que puede inspeccionar tuberías de agua y desagüe de hasta 24 pulgadas y 600 metros de longitud. Ambos sistemas utilizan cámaras de alta resolución y cuentan con características como iluminación LED, enfoque automático, control remoto y resistencia al agua.
A Reason Why Coding Must be Learned by EveryoneDiyan Wahyu PradanaTulisan ini membahas pentingnya kemampuan coding untuk semua orang di era digital saat ini. Coding diperlukan untuk mengolah data, belajar berpikir secara logis, dan merawat perangkat elektronik di masa depan. Gerakan belajar coding telah dipopulerkan di berbagai negara, termasuk Indonesia, meskipun hanya terbatas di Jakarta. Tulisan ini mengajak semua orang untuk mulai belajar coding.
1. panduan diklat online guru melek it angkatan 1 3 th 2016sukaniDokumen tersebut merupakan panduan pelaksanaan diklat online 12 hari untuk meningkatkan kompetensi guru dalam memanfaatkan teknologi informasi dalam pembelajaran. Diklat ini diselenggarakan secara online melalui situs web dan mencakup materi pengenalan sistem diklat online, pembuatan bahan ajar digital, dan evaluasi. Peserta akan dinilai berdasarkan kehadiran, partisipasi dalam diskusi, penugasan, dan hasil post-test.
VfM Media Watch 9 July 2014Raymond ToyeThe document is a media watch report from Raymond Toye at the AfDB that summarizes several recent news articles on topics including education, health, social protection, and budgets/finance from sources in the UK, USA, and Tunisia. It provides brief summaries of articles discussing the importance of education for economic growth, challenges in education in Malawi after 50 years of independence, debates around NHS funding in the UK, criticisms of UK aid on undernutrition policies, health spending comparisons between countries, adoption of the French social security budget despite opposition, and disagreements over Tunisia's supplementary finance law.
:البوربونتԳٱali777777The document outlines an "ant philosophy" consisting of four parts: 1) Ants never quit and will find another way if stopped; the lesson is to never quit looking for a way to your goal. 2) Ants gather food in summer for winter because they think ahead and realize summer won't last; the lesson is to be realistic and think ahead. 3) During winter, ants stay positive by remembering spring will come; the lesson is to stay positive at all times. 4) Ants gather all the food they possibly can in summer for winter; the lesson is to do all you can and more.
Origin6 tutorialEdgar PuenteThis document contains the copyright and license information for Origin version 6 tutorial manual. It states that the software and documentation are owned by Microcal Software and protected by copyright laws. It grants the user a license to use one copy of Origin on a single computer. The document also provides technical support contact information and the table of contents for the tutorial manual.
Veille 16 ENRaymond ToyeCameroon signed an agreement to rehabilitate two hydroelectric dams on the Sanaga River that produce most of the country's electricity. The $1.7 million project will be led by AES-SONEL and funded through loans to be completed by 2011.
The EU will grant $650 million over five years to support infrastructure development in East Africa, focusing on roads critical for trade.
Cameroon launched a $260,000 aquaculture development project to promote sustainable fish farming and meet domestic demand, as coastal fish stocks have dwindled.
Laporan praktikum modul 2 (pemrograman swing 2)Devi ApriansyahLaporan praktikum ini membahas tentang praktikum Swing pada modul II. Ringkasannya adalah sebagai berikut:
Laporan ini menjelaskan dua contoh praktikum Swing yaitu menulis teks dan form login menggunakan komponen-komponen Swing seperti JFrame, JButton, JTextArea, JTextField dan JPasswordField. Kedua contoh tersebut memanfaatkan event handling untuk menangani aksi pengguna seperti menyimpan, mengecek, dan men
Buku jvv jilid 1 okRamadhani MuhakamBuku ini membahas tentang komponen-komponen visual Java yang sering digunakan untuk membangun antarmuka pengguna grafis (GUI), seperti JFrame, JLabel, JTextField, JButton, dan lainnya. Buku ini juga menjelaskan penggunaan layout manager dan event handler dalam pemrograman GUI Java."
Management -KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS FOR SALES TEAMSHussein S.A. AbadiThis document outlines minimum performance standards and metrics for sales teams at TransAfrica Motors Limited. It provides minimum targets in areas such as daily/weekly/monthly visits, meetings with decision makers, adding new prospects, unit sales, sales revenue forecasts and accuracy, and regular reporting. Achieving the outlined minimum standards in these key areas is presented as the benchmark for measuring individual and team sales performance success.
Airline reservation system documentationSurya IndiraThe document is a project report for an Airline Reservation System submitted in partial fulfillment of a Bachelor of Technology degree. It describes the development of a system that allows customers to view available flights and book, modify, or cancel reservations. The system aims to reduce errors and make the reservation process more convenient for customers. Key sections of the report include an introduction, overview of the existing and proposed systems, system analysis, design, implementation, testing, and conclusion.
RPP SMA Prakarya dan Kewirausahaan - Pengolahan Kelas XDiva PendidikanRPP SMA Prakarya dan Kewirausahaan - Pengolahan Kelas X -http://www.downloadrpp.com
RPP Prakarya dan Kewirausahaan - Kerajinan SMA Kelas XIDiva PendidikanRencana pelaksanaan pembelajaran mata pelajaran Prakarya dan Kewirausahaan - Kerajinan ini membahas konsep dasar kerajinan dari bahan lunak dengan fokus pada prinsip dan desain kerajinan, mencakup tujuan pembelajaran, kompetensi, indikator, materi, dan langkah pembelajaran."
Ka 01.-praktikum-algoritma-pemrograman-2Ayu Karisma AlfianaModul praktikum ini membahas pengenalan bahasa pemrograman Java, termasuk definisi, dasar sintaks, variabel, tipe data, operator, percabangan, perulangan, array, vector, dan sub program."
Presentation_1376917645876Alexander NevidimovThe document summarizes a coaching session that covered planning principles and endurance training for foundation stage athletes. The session aimed to give coaches a greater understanding of the planning process, review training principles, and plan endurance-focused activities. It discussed assessing athletes, setting goals, training factors, SMART goals, goal types, endurance training for young athletes, and specialization issues. Coaches were tasked with planning a 15-minute endurance unit in groups accounting for mixed abilities. The document also listed England Athletics award categories.
Presentation_1376222064850Alexander NevidimovThis document describes an organization that aims to help individuals earn their first million through a business system and network of self-made millionaires. Their vision is to become a model institution that promotes true health and wealth through this network. Their mission is to create millionaires with strong character who are dedicated to serving others. The document then provides details on two compensation packages for becoming part of the network - Package A offers a fixed monthly salary while Package B offers an amount that doubles each month for 36 months. It shows the increasing earnings over time for each package. The document promotes the organization's products and business opportunity.
Presentation_1376220985856Alexander NevidimovThis document describes a network marketing organization called Make Life Meaningful that aims to help individuals earn their first million through a business system. The vision is to become a model institution serving humanity through a large network of self-made millionaires. The mission is to create millionaires with character dedicated to serving others. The document then provides details on two compensation packages for joining the organization - Package A offers a fixed monthly compensation while Package B offers an amount that doubles each month for 36 months. It also provides a table showing the increasing earnings over 36 months for Package B. The document promotes the products and business opportunity of the organization.
Presentation_1376220236996Alexander NevidimovThis document describes an organization that aims to help individuals earn their first million through a business system and network of self-made millionaires. Their vision is to become a model institution that promotes true health and wealth through this network. Their mission is to create millionaires with strong character who are dedicated to serving others. The document then provides details on two compensation packages for becoming part of the network - Package A offers a fixed monthly salary while Package B offers an amount that doubles each month for 36 months. It shows the increasing earnings over time for each package. The document promotes the organization's products and business opportunity.
Presentation_1376218980392Alexander NevidimovThe document describes a network marketing organization that aims to help individuals earn their first million through a business system. It envisions becoming a model institution that serves humanity through a large network of self-made millionaires promoting health and wealth. The mission is to create millionaires with character dedicated to serving others. It then provides details on two compensation package options for becoming an entrepreneur with the organization over 36 months. Package A offers a fixed monthly salary while Package B offers an amount that doubles each month. The rest of the document provides further details on the compensation plan and earning potential.
Presentation_1376168115602Alexander NevidimovThis document discusses applying sensitivity analysis techniques to the inputs of building energy modeling software to simplify user interfaces. It analyzes two building models in SBEM software using Morris and Monte Carlo sensitivity methods. The Morris Method calculates elementary effects to determine input factor importance and effects. Monte Carlo Analysis assesses parameter group effects by assigning probability distributions and uncertainties to grouped input parameters. The results of this analysis can guide simplifying SBEM's complex user interface by identifying non-influential inputs.
Presentation_1375882767439Alexander NevidimovCAD is used to convert initial product ideas into detailed engineering designs using computer graphics and geometric models instead of traditional sketches. CAE uses computer tools to analyze engineering problems like product performance through simulation, validation and optimization. It includes areas like stress, thermal, and fluid analysis. The CAE process involves pre-processing, analysis, and post-processing phases. CAM uses computers to program and control manufacturing equipment based on CAD models to fabricate products. CIM integrates the total manufacturing organization through computer systems and management philosophies to improve effectiveness.
Veille 16 ENRaymond ToyeCameroon signed an agreement to rehabilitate two hydroelectric dams on the Sanaga River that produce most of the country's electricity. The $1.7 million project will be led by AES-SONEL and funded through loans to be completed by 2011.
The EU will grant $650 million over five years to support infrastructure development in East Africa, focusing on roads critical for trade.
Cameroon launched a $260,000 aquaculture development project to promote sustainable fish farming and meet domestic demand, as coastal fish stocks have dwindled.
Laporan praktikum modul 2 (pemrograman swing 2)Devi ApriansyahLaporan praktikum ini membahas tentang praktikum Swing pada modul II. Ringkasannya adalah sebagai berikut:
Laporan ini menjelaskan dua contoh praktikum Swing yaitu menulis teks dan form login menggunakan komponen-komponen Swing seperti JFrame, JButton, JTextArea, JTextField dan JPasswordField. Kedua contoh tersebut memanfaatkan event handling untuk menangani aksi pengguna seperti menyimpan, mengecek, dan men
Buku jvv jilid 1 okRamadhani MuhakamBuku ini membahas tentang komponen-komponen visual Java yang sering digunakan untuk membangun antarmuka pengguna grafis (GUI), seperti JFrame, JLabel, JTextField, JButton, dan lainnya. Buku ini juga menjelaskan penggunaan layout manager dan event handler dalam pemrograman GUI Java."
Management -KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS FOR SALES TEAMSHussein S.A. AbadiThis document outlines minimum performance standards and metrics for sales teams at TransAfrica Motors Limited. It provides minimum targets in areas such as daily/weekly/monthly visits, meetings with decision makers, adding new prospects, unit sales, sales revenue forecasts and accuracy, and regular reporting. Achieving the outlined minimum standards in these key areas is presented as the benchmark for measuring individual and team sales performance success.
Airline reservation system documentationSurya IndiraThe document is a project report for an Airline Reservation System submitted in partial fulfillment of a Bachelor of Technology degree. It describes the development of a system that allows customers to view available flights and book, modify, or cancel reservations. The system aims to reduce errors and make the reservation process more convenient for customers. Key sections of the report include an introduction, overview of the existing and proposed systems, system analysis, design, implementation, testing, and conclusion.
RPP SMA Prakarya dan Kewirausahaan - Pengolahan Kelas XDiva PendidikanRPP SMA Prakarya dan Kewirausahaan - Pengolahan Kelas X -http://www.downloadrpp.com
RPP Prakarya dan Kewirausahaan - Kerajinan SMA Kelas XIDiva PendidikanRencana pelaksanaan pembelajaran mata pelajaran Prakarya dan Kewirausahaan - Kerajinan ini membahas konsep dasar kerajinan dari bahan lunak dengan fokus pada prinsip dan desain kerajinan, mencakup tujuan pembelajaran, kompetensi, indikator, materi, dan langkah pembelajaran."
Ka 01.-praktikum-algoritma-pemrograman-2Ayu Karisma AlfianaModul praktikum ini membahas pengenalan bahasa pemrograman Java, termasuk definisi, dasar sintaks, variabel, tipe data, operator, percabangan, perulangan, array, vector, dan sub program."
Presentation_1376917645876Alexander NevidimovThe document summarizes a coaching session that covered planning principles and endurance training for foundation stage athletes. The session aimed to give coaches a greater understanding of the planning process, review training principles, and plan endurance-focused activities. It discussed assessing athletes, setting goals, training factors, SMART goals, goal types, endurance training for young athletes, and specialization issues. Coaches were tasked with planning a 15-minute endurance unit in groups accounting for mixed abilities. The document also listed England Athletics award categories.
Presentation_1376222064850Alexander NevidimovThis document describes an organization that aims to help individuals earn their first million through a business system and network of self-made millionaires. Their vision is to become a model institution that promotes true health and wealth through this network. Their mission is to create millionaires with strong character who are dedicated to serving others. The document then provides details on two compensation packages for becoming part of the network - Package A offers a fixed monthly salary while Package B offers an amount that doubles each month for 36 months. It shows the increasing earnings over time for each package. The document promotes the organization's products and business opportunity.
Presentation_1376220985856Alexander NevidimovThis document describes a network marketing organization called Make Life Meaningful that aims to help individuals earn their first million through a business system. The vision is to become a model institution serving humanity through a large network of self-made millionaires. The mission is to create millionaires with character dedicated to serving others. The document then provides details on two compensation packages for joining the organization - Package A offers a fixed monthly compensation while Package B offers an amount that doubles each month for 36 months. It also provides a table showing the increasing earnings over 36 months for Package B. The document promotes the products and business opportunity of the organization.
Presentation_1376220236996Alexander NevidimovThis document describes an organization that aims to help individuals earn their first million through a business system and network of self-made millionaires. Their vision is to become a model institution that promotes true health and wealth through this network. Their mission is to create millionaires with strong character who are dedicated to serving others. The document then provides details on two compensation packages for becoming part of the network - Package A offers a fixed monthly salary while Package B offers an amount that doubles each month for 36 months. It shows the increasing earnings over time for each package. The document promotes the organization's products and business opportunity.
Presentation_1376218980392Alexander NevidimovThe document describes a network marketing organization that aims to help individuals earn their first million through a business system. It envisions becoming a model institution that serves humanity through a large network of self-made millionaires promoting health and wealth. The mission is to create millionaires with character dedicated to serving others. It then provides details on two compensation package options for becoming an entrepreneur with the organization over 36 months. Package A offers a fixed monthly salary while Package B offers an amount that doubles each month. The rest of the document provides further details on the compensation plan and earning potential.
Presentation_1376168115602Alexander NevidimovThis document discusses applying sensitivity analysis techniques to the inputs of building energy modeling software to simplify user interfaces. It analyzes two building models in SBEM software using Morris and Monte Carlo sensitivity methods. The Morris Method calculates elementary effects to determine input factor importance and effects. Monte Carlo Analysis assesses parameter group effects by assigning probability distributions and uncertainties to grouped input parameters. The results of this analysis can guide simplifying SBEM's complex user interface by identifying non-influential inputs.
Presentation_1375882767439Alexander NevidimovCAD is used to convert initial product ideas into detailed engineering designs using computer graphics and geometric models instead of traditional sketches. CAE uses computer tools to analyze engineering problems like product performance through simulation, validation and optimization. It includes areas like stress, thermal, and fluid analysis. The CAE process involves pre-processing, analysis, and post-processing phases. CAM uses computers to program and control manufacturing equipment based on CAD models to fabricate products. CIM integrates the total manufacturing organization through computer systems and management philosophies to improve effectiveness.
Presentation_1375882705328Alexander NevidimovCAD is used to convert initial product ideas into detailed engineering designs using computer graphics and geometric models instead of traditional sketches. CAE uses computer tools to analyze engineering problems like product performance through simulation, validation and optimization. It includes areas like stress analysis, thermal/fluid analysis, and multibody dynamics. CAM programs computer-controlled machines for manufacturing based on the CAD model. CIM fully integrates the manufacturing organization through connected computer systems.
Presentation_1375280857464Alexander NevidimovThreshold Autoregressive (TAR) models allow for movements between regimes that are governed by an observed variable. A TAR model contains different parameters depending on whether the state-determining variable is above or below a certain threshold. A self-exciting TAR (SETAR) model occurs when the state-determining variable is a lag of the dependent variable. There are many possible variations of the basic TAR model, including models with switching in some but not all parameters, models with more than two regimes, and models with different threshold variables or dynamic specifications.
Presentation_1375280653597Alexander Nevidimov1) The document analyzes friendship and study assistance networks of economics students at a Russian university to test hypotheses about network effects. 2) It finds that friendship ties are more likely to be mutual than assistance ties, and that students' connections are highly defined by their study groups. 3) While academically successful students tend to receive more assistance ties, they are less popular in friendship networks.
Presentation_1373778041831Alexander NevidimovThis document outlines an application scenario for security validation and testing of a pervasive retail application called SPaCIoS. It includes an introduction, analysis of requirements, design, and realization sections. The analysis section describes using a Scrum methodology and identifying functional needs for administrators to manage students and professors and for users to make demands and see schedules. The design section shows what software, content, enablement, and services are included in the security validation and testing solution.
Presentation_1373190655210Alexander NevidimovEl documento presenta el proyecto de instalación de alumbrado público para el recinto ferial "Ensanche Sur" de Huelva. Incluye memoria, cálculos, planos y condiciones técnicas para iluminar el área cumpliendo con la normativa de eficiencia energética y seguridad eléctrica. El Ayuntamiento de Huelva es el titular de la instalación propuesta.
Presentation_1372848115982Alexander NevidimovThis document summarizes an article that analyzes the shift in foreign policy from pursuing national interests to emphasizing ethical duties to protect others' rights. While international changes provided an opportunity for ethical framing, domestic pressures also drove ethical foreign policy interventions. Ethical rhetoric enhances governments' moral authority but allows less accountability, as policy success can be declared without regard for outcomes blamed on others. This flexibility lets governments project purpose abroad amid difficulty acting decisively at home.
Presentation_1371997361000Alexander NevidimovOur business will be called 'Kosovo-Online' and will provide information about institutions, embassies, businesses, government, shopping centers, agencies, hotels, etc in Kosovo. The website will also provide updated information about upcoming events, fairs and conferences. It will take 2 months to develop the website and 1 month for marketing. The target markets are the Kosovar population, migrants, and businesses such as hotels, universities, small- and medium-sized enterprises, and restaurants. The marketing strategy will include below-the-line activities, newsletters, social media, direct marketing, and special prices.
Human: Thank you for the summary. You captured the key details about the business concept and plan