Just do it! De waarde van Social Media voor de Koninklijke Marine - Robin Mid...Webcareoverheid
Robin Middel: De afgelopen twintig jaar ben ik actief geweest in het brede communicatiewerkveld van Defensie en de Koninklijke Marine. Daarbij was in het begin nog sprake van een overzichtelijke rol tussen de media, het publiek en de woordvoerder. Nu is het medialandschap een stuk complexer geworden. Daarbij hebben de sociale media een prominente plaats ingenomen. Dankzij deze sociale media zijn we door de jaren heen gegroeid van &regie over de communicatie* naar het &coachen van onze medewerkers* als het gaat om het gebruik van sociale media. Het credo daarbij is: &Just do it!*. Geen grote beleidsplannen of protocollen, maar de verantwoordelijkheid over het gebruik van sociale media in de lijn beleggen# §
1. The document provides an analysis of how the student's media product uses conventions of the thriller genre, such as isolating locations and using low key lighting to build suspense. It also discusses how costumes are used to represent "good" and "evil" characters.
2. It represents teenage girls as naive characters who get into dangerous situations. The antagonist is kept anonymous to draw in the audience, similar to shows like Pretty Little Liars.
3. An independent distributor like Artificial Eye would be suitable since the film is aimed at a niche audience, like the movie We Need to Talk About Kevin.
4. Based on audience research, the target audience is ages 12-18, with a
LMAXX Consulting is assisting AOL in hiring a new Chief Operating Officer. They are looking for candidates with specific personality traits and skills. The ideal candidate must be an optimizer, trustworthy, take initiative, have strong organizational abilities, and be a good team player with strong interpersonal and communication skills. These traits are important for the COO role at AOL as the position requires leadership, advising the team, and making important business decisions. The COO will also be responsible for setting goals, monitoring performance, and facilitating coordination and issue resolution between departments. LMAXX's hiring process involves contracting a head hunter, screening resumes, setting up interviews with their firm, AOL's CEO and managers, and presenting a
Just do it! De waarde van Social Media voor de Koninklijke Marine - Robin Mid...Webcareoverheid
Robin Middel: De afgelopen twintig jaar ben ik actief geweest in het brede communicatiewerkveld van Defensie en de Koninklijke Marine. Daarbij was in het begin nog sprake van een overzichtelijke rol tussen de media, het publiek en de woordvoerder. Nu is het medialandschap een stuk complexer geworden. Daarbij hebben de sociale media een prominente plaats ingenomen. Dankzij deze sociale media zijn we door de jaren heen gegroeid van &regie over de communicatie* naar het &coachen van onze medewerkers* als het gaat om het gebruik van sociale media. Het credo daarbij is: &Just do it!*. Geen grote beleidsplannen of protocollen, maar de verantwoordelijkheid over het gebruik van sociale media in de lijn beleggen# §
1. The document provides an analysis of how the student's media product uses conventions of the thriller genre, such as isolating locations and using low key lighting to build suspense. It also discusses how costumes are used to represent "good" and "evil" characters.
2. It represents teenage girls as naive characters who get into dangerous situations. The antagonist is kept anonymous to draw in the audience, similar to shows like Pretty Little Liars.
3. An independent distributor like Artificial Eye would be suitable since the film is aimed at a niche audience, like the movie We Need to Talk About Kevin.
4. Based on audience research, the target audience is ages 12-18, with a
LMAXX Consulting is assisting AOL in hiring a new Chief Operating Officer. They are looking for candidates with specific personality traits and skills. The ideal candidate must be an optimizer, trustworthy, take initiative, have strong organizational abilities, and be a good team player with strong interpersonal and communication skills. These traits are important for the COO role at AOL as the position requires leadership, advising the team, and making important business decisions. The COO will also be responsible for setting goals, monitoring performance, and facilitating coordination and issue resolution between departments. LMAXX's hiring process involves contracting a head hunter, screening resumes, setting up interviews with their firm, AOL's CEO and managers, and presenting a
This document discusses testing JavaScript applications using behavior-driven development (BDD). BDD involves first describing behaviors using human-readable sentences, then building code to implement those behaviors, and repeating the process. Examples of behavior statements are provided, such as taking a user to their account page when they click "my account" if logged in. The document recommends writing tests to extend features, add complexity, debug issues, and collaborate with others. It promotes practicing writing tests and integrating them into the development process.
The document discusses English as a world language. It begins by noting that while English is widely spoken globally now, this is a relatively recent development as just a few million people spoke it during Shakespeare's time. It became a world language through being established as a mother tongue outside of England on all continents, beginning in North America in the 17th century. The growth of the US population, through immigration in the 19th-20th centuries, gave English its present standing. Around one in seven people worldwide belong to one of three groups that speak English.
This social story provides a morning routine for Larry, an 11-year-old boy with ADHD, to follow in his 5th grade classroom. The routine involves hanging up his coat, unpacking his desk, reading the morning message, turning in homework, finding his writing journal, and completing the daily writing prompt. Following this routine will help Larry stay organized and potentially earn rewards like tickets that can win prizes to motivate completing assignments. The goal is to explain the expectations to Larry in a supportive way so he understands what he needs to do each morning.
Q.4 How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, plan...amana151
The student used various media technologies at different stages of their project. Blogger was used to upload audience and product research, schedules, and rough cuts to keep the team organized and on track. YouTube was used to search trailers in the genre of dark comedy for product research analysis. Google was utilized to research posters and magazines for conventions and trailers within the genre. IMDb provided film research and trailers. iMovie allowed for non-linear video editing, construction of the trailer, and experimentation with order and additions. Photoshop was employed to design the poster and magazine cover using various tools.
The document discusses methods for filmmakers to receive audience feedback, including test screenings, websites like Rotten Tomatoes, and questionnaires. It then summarizes the feedback received from showing a trailer to friends and classmates. Feedback was mostly positive, though some noted the lack of dialogue and similarities to Kill Bill. Interim feedback from teachers helped improve the trailer by adding more sound effects. Social media feedback was also positive and a good way to reach wider audiences. The importance of feedback throughout the process is discussed.
Existen dos tipos de corriente el谷ctrica: corriente continua (CC) que fluye en una sola direcci車n con intensidad constante, producida por pilas y bater赤as, y corriente alterna (CA) que cambia peri車dicamente de direcci車n y magnitud, generada por transformadores. La ley de Ohm establece que la intensidad de la corriente es directamente proporcional a la diferencia de potencial aplicada e inversamente proporcional a la resistencia del circuito.
This document defines and provides examples of three literary devices: apostrophe, metonymy, and conceit. It explains that apostrophe involves directly addressing an absent or imaginary person. Metonymy is substituting the name of one object for a closely associated object. Conceit involves likening two vastly different objects together through similes or metaphors. Examples are given for each device to illustrate its proper usage. The document concludes by suggesting ways to remember the definitions of these three rhetorical devices.
The document summarizes the results of a survey conducted by 3rd grade students at a junior high school in Greece about the eating and exercise habits of 2nd and 3rd grade students. Some key findings were that the majority of students had breakfast every day, ate fruits and vegetables 4-6 times per week, and almost half exercised daily. Lunch was considered the most important meal of the day. While snacking, fruits and vegetables were preferred over crisps. Most students' diets and exercise habits seemed generally healthy.
The document summarizes key aspects of the Greek school system. It describes typical school subjects taught at primary and secondary levels, including modern Greek, math, religion, and sciences. It outlines an average study time of 1-2 hours per night for homework. Exams are given at the end of each school year to test students' knowledge across all subjects. Teacher-student relationships are generally less strict now than in the past. Students are provided textbooks by the government and are expected to have notebooks and basic supplies. The standard school day runs from 8:10am to 2:10pm, and the school year consists of semesters from September to June separated by winter, Easter, and summer breaks. Class sizes average 17-
The document discusses teaching materials, classrooms, and school life in the 1970s-1980s compared to today. In the past, lessons were taught without technology like computers or projectors, relying more on blackboards. Classes were larger, with 30-40 students, and schools had facilities for sports. Dress codes required boys to wear dark blue jackets and trousers, while girls wore blue aprons. Popular games at school during recess included Mother May I, Hide and Seek, Duck Duck Goose, Simon Says, and What Time Is It Mr. Fox.
Schools before the 1960s had strict dress codes, discipline policies, and student-teacher relationships. Girls wore blue aprons and white dresses while boys had short haircuts and hats. Students who did not maintain proper hygiene or complete homework could be physically punished. Homework completion was strictly enforced, with non-compliance sometimes resulting in confinement without food or water. Field trips were usually short walks or competitions. Students used chalk slates, notebooks, pencils, and erasers for school and homework. Schools were typically located in village centers in large buildings that could hold 30-35 students per class.
Population and Community Health Nursing 6th Edition Clark Test Bankogborhws
Population and Community Health Nursing 6th Edition Clark Test Bank
Population and Community Health Nursing 6th Edition Clark Test Bank
Population and Community Health Nursing 6th Edition Clark Test Bank