Kinds of liability , general conditions of liabilityamrithaanish3This document discusses different types and definitions of liability in jurisprudence. It outlines four main kinds of liability - remedial (civil), penal (criminal), vicarious, and absolute or strict liability. Sir John Salmond, Markby, and Austin provide definitions of liability from a legal perspective. Salmond defines it as the connection between a wrongdoer and remedy. Markby sees it as having a duty or job to fulfill. Austin prefers the term "imputability" to describe holding people responsible for their actions or inactions. The document also lists three general conditions of liability - a wrongful act, mens rea, and legal damage. In conclusion, the document states that liability refers to the legal responsibility
Lecture Notes Criminology.pptxJehielAnneVillanuevaThis document provides an overview of criminology, including definitions, the origins and history of the field, theories of crime causation, and the early schools of thought in criminology. It defines criminology as the scientific study of crime, criminals, and criminal behavior. The study of criminology began in Europe in the 19th century and was later accepted into sociology departments in the US. Early theories on the causes of crime included theological, philosophical, and early scientific approaches focusing on individual traits and social/environmental factors. Modern criminology incorporates subjective and objective approaches.
Theories of punishmentSHeikh Muhammad AdnanThis document summarizes key concepts from a PhD dissertation on comparative criminal justice systems. It discusses different theories of punishment, including retributivist views that punishment should fit the crime, and reductivist views that aim to prevent future crimes through deterrence, rehabilitation, and incapacitation. Sociological explanations are also presented, such as Durkheim's view that punishment reinforces social solidarity and Marxist ideas that punishment is used to control threats to dominant values. The document compares retributivist and reductivist approaches and asks how Marxist ideas could apply to modern trends in limiting punishment.
Schools of criminology : pre classical, classical, neo classical, positiveRiaGurdatta🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻👎🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻👎🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻😾🏻🏻😾😾😾😾🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🤲🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻🏻
Unit-3 Cyber Crime PPT.pptxParasSehgal12The document discusses cyber jurisdiction and international conventions on cybercrime. It notes that determining jurisdiction in cybercrime cases is challenging as the internet crosses borders. The key international agreements discussed are the Budapest Convention, which harmonizes laws against cybercrime, and a new Russian-led UN resolution to establish another convention. India has concerns about signing the Budapest Convention due to issues of sovereignty but supported the Russian resolution.
Introduction to Legal Research MethodologyPreeti SikderLearning Objective: After completion of this lesson students will
a) learn about the definition of research;
b) identify the basic characteristics of research
Confessions.pptxMayank RaibordeThis document discusses the meaning and relevance of confessions in criminal cases under Indian law. It defines a confession as an admission by an accused person that they committed an offense. All confessions are admissions, but not all admissions are confessions. The document outlines when confessions are considered relevant evidence, such as when they are not made under inducement, threat or promise to gain advantage, and when they lead to the discovery of factual information. It also discusses sections of Indian law that pertain to the admissibility of confessions made to police or in police custody.
crimc 1 module 7.pdfMyaRyechNognuaThe document provides an introduction to criminology and the Philippine criminal justice system. It discusses the distinction between criminology and criminal justice, with criminology focusing on theoretical investigations of crime causation and criminal justice focusing on the legal process. It then describes the five pillars of the Philippine criminal justice system: law enforcement, prosecution, courts, correction, and community. Law enforcement's role is to prevent crime, make arrests, and investigate crimes. The courts judicially determine guilt or innocence. Correction aims to rehabilitate offenders. And the community plays a vital role in crime prevention.
Elements of Crime and JustificationsJennifer Vogt-EricksonThere are two essential elements required for criminal liability: actus reus (criminal act) and mens rea (guilty mind or criminal intent). Defenses to a crime include excuses like insanity or involuntary intoxication, as well as justifications like duress or self-defense. Strict liability laws can find someone guilty without mens rea for acts that endanger the public.
Prison reform commitee in indiaJayesh KumarThe document summarizes the history of prison reforms in India. It notes that prisons are governed by state governments according to the Prisons Act of 1894. It describes how the modern prison system originated under British rule in the 1830s and details various committees and commissions from the 1860s to the 1980s that studied prison conditions and made recommendations for improvements. It also outlines central assistance programs for state prisons from 1987 to 2009 involving funds for infrastructure development, security upgrades, and other reforms.
elements of a crime and involvment in a crimeHarrison Trimble High SchoolThis document defines the key elements of crime under Canadian law. It outlines that a crime is any prohibited act or omission punishable by statute. There are typically four conditions for an act to be considered a crime: it is wrong by societal standards, causes harm, the harm is serious, and is handled by the criminal justice system. It also discusses the distinction between federal and provincial criminal laws. To convict someone, the Crown must prove the guilty act (actus reas) and guilty mind (mens rea) existed at the time of the offense. Mens rea can include intent, knowledge, criminal negligence, recklessness, or willful blindness. Strict and absolute liability offenses do not require proving mens rea.
Lecture notes on unit 01.docxAsmatullah KakarLecture Notes on Unit 01: What is International Law.
Topics: Meaning, Definitions, Kinds, Basis, Weaknesses and Sanctions of International Law
Chapter 1 - The Nature of LawUAF_BA330The document outlines different types and classifications of law including constitutions, statutes, common law, equity, administrative regulations, treaties, ordinances, and executive orders. It discusses jurisprudential philosophies like legal positivism and natural law. It also covers legal reasoning techniques, precedent, and statutory interpretation.
Code of civil procedure 1908.boseShankar Bose Sbose1958The document summarizes the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 which establishes the laws relating to civil procedure in courts in India. Some key points:
- It consolidates and amends existing laws on civil procedure in Courts of Civil Judicature in India.
- It is divided into 11 Parts covering preliminary matters, suits in general, execution of decrees, incidental proceedings, suits in particular cases, special proceedings, supplemental proceedings, appeals, references and revisions.
- It defines important terms, establishes the subordination of courts, and provides for the jurisdiction and pecuniary limits of courts. It also contains savings for existing special laws and excludes some provisions for small cause courts.
Legitimacy, Legitimation and Adoption under Private International Lawcarolineelias239For matters concerning children, and their succeeding rights over parental property is being questioned on the basis of legitimacy or illegitimacy. Legitimation is allowed to convert the status of illegitimacy ti legitimate. Adoption also assures the welfare of the children.
The cybercrimes act of tanzania an overview -all you need to knowHUMPHREY MORISThis document provides an overview and summary of key aspects of Tanzania's Cybercrimes Act of 2015. It defines important terms like crime, cybercrime, and the Cybercrimes Act. It summarizes each of the Act's seven parts, including offenses and penalties, search and seizure procedures, service provider liability, and amendments to other laws. The document analyzes challenges to the Act regarding excessive police powers, restrictions on freedom of expression, and compliance requirements for service providers. Overall, the Cybercrimes Act aims to address cybercrimes like child pornography and cyberbullying, but critics argue some provisions restrict civil liberties and freedom of the press.
Subject of International law & legal personalityVandanaDhoundiyalIt is a very important topic of International Law and gives the information regarding Subject of International law & legal personality with case laws.
Criminal law :Culpable homicide & Murder:Advocate Md.Shariful Haasan1) The document discusses the distinction between culpable homicide and murder under Indian law. Culpable homicide is a broad category that includes murder, but not all culpable homicides are considered murder.
2) For an offense to qualify as murder, the death must be caused unlawfully with the intention to kill or cause serious injury that could likely cause death, or with the knowledge that the act could immediately cause death or serious injury.
3) Culpable homicide only requires unlawfully causing death with the intention to kill or cause likely injury, or with knowledge the act was likely to cause death. Murder requires a higher level of intent or knowledge of likely harm.
RELEVANCY OF JUDGEMENT IN EVIDENCE LAW(1).pptxanjoomanverSection 43 of the Indian Evidence Act deals with the relevance of judgments, orders, or decrees that are not specifically covered by Sections 40, 42, and 43. It states that such judgments are generally considered irrelevant as evidence unless the existence of the judgment is a fact in issue in the case or is relevant under another provision of the Act. In other words, judgments outside the scope of Sections 40-42 must directly relate to the issues in the current case or be allowed under another evidentiary rule to be admissible. The section provides clarity around the limited circumstances where other judgments can be introduced as evidence.
What is Conflict and its Types , Conflict escalation anf2020000445musaibThe document discusses the importance of teaching mediation to law students in India. It states that training law students and lawyers in mediation and conciliation will help reform the legal system by reducing case backlogs and allowing for more efficient resolution of disputes. This will blend alternative and judicial dispute resolution mechanisms. It will also reduce litigation costs and lead to swifter justice by making mediation a more central part of the Indian judicial system.
1)state jurisdictionilyana iskandarThis document outlines the principles of state jurisdiction in international law, including the different types of jurisdiction (exclusive, concurrent, criminal, civil) and the general principles on which states claim criminal jurisdiction (territorial, nationality, protective, universality, passive personality). It also discusses conflict of jurisdiction that can arise when multiple states have a valid claim, the process of extradition between states, and immunity from jurisdiction for certain persons and entities under international law like sovereign immunity.
Electronic evidence digital evidence in indiaAdv Prashant MaliElectronic or Digital evidence in India Courts
ip address as evidence
cdr address as evidence
electronic evidence under indian evidence act
electronic record in india
Penologyezzeldin bassyouniThis document provides definitions and explanations of key concepts in criminology and penology. It defines penology as the study of crime punishment and prison management. Criminology is defined as the scientific study of crime and efforts by society to control crime. The document outlines the differences between criminology and penology, and describes the four types of penology. It also discusses the sciences involved in criminology and criminalistics.
DRAFTING AND PLEADING AND CONVEYANCING.pdfAvneetKaur854097The document discusses pleadings in law, which are formal written statements of a party's claims or defenses in a civil action that define the issues to be adjudicated. It covers the overview of pleadings, drafting, and conveyancing. Specifically:
- Pleadings aim to ascertain precisely the points of contention between parties and give each side notice of the other's case so it can be addressed, in order to determine the actual issues and prevent deviations from the intended course of litigation.
- Indian civil procedure is based on the Civil Procedure Code, with rules regarding pleadings meant to facilitate substantive justice by informing each side of the other's case. Pleadings must contain only concise, material facts and be read
Promissory Estoppel, Waiver And Election Power Point (2)paultaylor243This document discusses the legal doctrines of contracts, estoppel, election, and waiver. It explains that estoppel prevents a party from abandoning an assumption that led another party to detrimentally change position. Election requires choosing between inconsistent legal rights. Waiver involves deliberately abandoning a legal right. Promissory estoppel can create or prevent enforcement of legal obligations where one party relied on a promise from another to their detriment, even without consideration. The document provides examples and case law analyses of how these doctrines relate and have been applied in different legal contexts.
Electronic evidenceTalwant SinghElectronic Evidence is found in all computer and multimedia as well as communication devices. Increasingly most of the business transactions are done in paperless mode but when the disputes arise, then where to look for evidence? This presentation will help you in this field.
Elements of Crime and JustificationsJennifer Vogt-EricksonThere are two essential elements required for criminal liability: actus reus (criminal act) and mens rea (guilty mind or criminal intent). Defenses to a crime include excuses like insanity or involuntary intoxication, as well as justifications like duress or self-defense. Strict liability laws can find someone guilty without mens rea for acts that endanger the public.
Prison reform commitee in indiaJayesh KumarThe document summarizes the history of prison reforms in India. It notes that prisons are governed by state governments according to the Prisons Act of 1894. It describes how the modern prison system originated under British rule in the 1830s and details various committees and commissions from the 1860s to the 1980s that studied prison conditions and made recommendations for improvements. It also outlines central assistance programs for state prisons from 1987 to 2009 involving funds for infrastructure development, security upgrades, and other reforms.
elements of a crime and involvment in a crimeHarrison Trimble High SchoolThis document defines the key elements of crime under Canadian law. It outlines that a crime is any prohibited act or omission punishable by statute. There are typically four conditions for an act to be considered a crime: it is wrong by societal standards, causes harm, the harm is serious, and is handled by the criminal justice system. It also discusses the distinction between federal and provincial criminal laws. To convict someone, the Crown must prove the guilty act (actus reas) and guilty mind (mens rea) existed at the time of the offense. Mens rea can include intent, knowledge, criminal negligence, recklessness, or willful blindness. Strict and absolute liability offenses do not require proving mens rea.
Lecture notes on unit 01.docxAsmatullah KakarLecture Notes on Unit 01: What is International Law.
Topics: Meaning, Definitions, Kinds, Basis, Weaknesses and Sanctions of International Law
Chapter 1 - The Nature of LawUAF_BA330The document outlines different types and classifications of law including constitutions, statutes, common law, equity, administrative regulations, treaties, ordinances, and executive orders. It discusses jurisprudential philosophies like legal positivism and natural law. It also covers legal reasoning techniques, precedent, and statutory interpretation.
Code of civil procedure 1908.boseShankar Bose Sbose1958The document summarizes the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 which establishes the laws relating to civil procedure in courts in India. Some key points:
- It consolidates and amends existing laws on civil procedure in Courts of Civil Judicature in India.
- It is divided into 11 Parts covering preliminary matters, suits in general, execution of decrees, incidental proceedings, suits in particular cases, special proceedings, supplemental proceedings, appeals, references and revisions.
- It defines important terms, establishes the subordination of courts, and provides for the jurisdiction and pecuniary limits of courts. It also contains savings for existing special laws and excludes some provisions for small cause courts.
Legitimacy, Legitimation and Adoption under Private International Lawcarolineelias239For matters concerning children, and their succeeding rights over parental property is being questioned on the basis of legitimacy or illegitimacy. Legitimation is allowed to convert the status of illegitimacy ti legitimate. Adoption also assures the welfare of the children.
The cybercrimes act of tanzania an overview -all you need to knowHUMPHREY MORISThis document provides an overview and summary of key aspects of Tanzania's Cybercrimes Act of 2015. It defines important terms like crime, cybercrime, and the Cybercrimes Act. It summarizes each of the Act's seven parts, including offenses and penalties, search and seizure procedures, service provider liability, and amendments to other laws. The document analyzes challenges to the Act regarding excessive police powers, restrictions on freedom of expression, and compliance requirements for service providers. Overall, the Cybercrimes Act aims to address cybercrimes like child pornography and cyberbullying, but critics argue some provisions restrict civil liberties and freedom of the press.
Subject of International law & legal personalityVandanaDhoundiyalIt is a very important topic of International Law and gives the information regarding Subject of International law & legal personality with case laws.
Criminal law :Culpable homicide & Murder:Advocate Md.Shariful Haasan1) The document discusses the distinction between culpable homicide and murder under Indian law. Culpable homicide is a broad category that includes murder, but not all culpable homicides are considered murder.
2) For an offense to qualify as murder, the death must be caused unlawfully with the intention to kill or cause serious injury that could likely cause death, or with the knowledge that the act could immediately cause death or serious injury.
3) Culpable homicide only requires unlawfully causing death with the intention to kill or cause likely injury, or with knowledge the act was likely to cause death. Murder requires a higher level of intent or knowledge of likely harm.
RELEVANCY OF JUDGEMENT IN EVIDENCE LAW(1).pptxanjoomanverSection 43 of the Indian Evidence Act deals with the relevance of judgments, orders, or decrees that are not specifically covered by Sections 40, 42, and 43. It states that such judgments are generally considered irrelevant as evidence unless the existence of the judgment is a fact in issue in the case or is relevant under another provision of the Act. In other words, judgments outside the scope of Sections 40-42 must directly relate to the issues in the current case or be allowed under another evidentiary rule to be admissible. The section provides clarity around the limited circumstances where other judgments can be introduced as evidence.
What is Conflict and its Types , Conflict escalation anf2020000445musaibThe document discusses the importance of teaching mediation to law students in India. It states that training law students and lawyers in mediation and conciliation will help reform the legal system by reducing case backlogs and allowing for more efficient resolution of disputes. This will blend alternative and judicial dispute resolution mechanisms. It will also reduce litigation costs and lead to swifter justice by making mediation a more central part of the Indian judicial system.
1)state jurisdictionilyana iskandarThis document outlines the principles of state jurisdiction in international law, including the different types of jurisdiction (exclusive, concurrent, criminal, civil) and the general principles on which states claim criminal jurisdiction (territorial, nationality, protective, universality, passive personality). It also discusses conflict of jurisdiction that can arise when multiple states have a valid claim, the process of extradition between states, and immunity from jurisdiction for certain persons and entities under international law like sovereign immunity.
Electronic evidence digital evidence in indiaAdv Prashant MaliElectronic or Digital evidence in India Courts
ip address as evidence
cdr address as evidence
electronic evidence under indian evidence act
electronic record in india
Penologyezzeldin bassyouniThis document provides definitions and explanations of key concepts in criminology and penology. It defines penology as the study of crime punishment and prison management. Criminology is defined as the scientific study of crime and efforts by society to control crime. The document outlines the differences between criminology and penology, and describes the four types of penology. It also discusses the sciences involved in criminology and criminalistics.
DRAFTING AND PLEADING AND CONVEYANCING.pdfAvneetKaur854097The document discusses pleadings in law, which are formal written statements of a party's claims or defenses in a civil action that define the issues to be adjudicated. It covers the overview of pleadings, drafting, and conveyancing. Specifically:
- Pleadings aim to ascertain precisely the points of contention between parties and give each side notice of the other's case so it can be addressed, in order to determine the actual issues and prevent deviations from the intended course of litigation.
- Indian civil procedure is based on the Civil Procedure Code, with rules regarding pleadings meant to facilitate substantive justice by informing each side of the other's case. Pleadings must contain only concise, material facts and be read
Promissory Estoppel, Waiver And Election Power Point (2)paultaylor243This document discusses the legal doctrines of contracts, estoppel, election, and waiver. It explains that estoppel prevents a party from abandoning an assumption that led another party to detrimentally change position. Election requires choosing between inconsistent legal rights. Waiver involves deliberately abandoning a legal right. Promissory estoppel can create or prevent enforcement of legal obligations where one party relied on a promise from another to their detriment, even without consideration. The document provides examples and case law analyses of how these doctrines relate and have been applied in different legal contexts.
Electronic evidenceTalwant SinghElectronic Evidence is found in all computer and multimedia as well as communication devices. Increasingly most of the business transactions are done in paperless mode but when the disputes arise, then where to look for evidence? This presentation will help you in this field.