Aspider M2M Company Introduction 301210 Jf 02jacohovenASPIDER Solutions is a privately owned Dutch company founded in 2000 that provides telecom engineering and mobile network operations services. It has over 250 employees and regional offices in Ireland, Boston, and Malta. ASPIDER operates its own core mobile network and has partnerships with major mobile network operators. It provides wireless connectivity and operational support systems to mobile operators, MVNOs, and M2M customers.
Philosophy for old_ageDeborah408This document provides advice on how to stay young and enjoy life as one ages. It discusses how children are excited about getting older but that excitement fades with age. It then lists 10 tips for staying young, including throwing out numbers about age/weight, keeping cheerful friends, learning new things, enjoying simple pleasures, laughing often, accepting grief but moving on, surrounding oneself with loved ones, cherishing health, avoiding guilt, telling loved ones you care, and living life to its fullest each day. The overall message is to embrace life and make the most of each moment.
Как веб-коммуникации решают разнообразнейшие бизнес-задачиwizardry_uaКак веб-коммуникации решают разнообразнейшие бизнес-задачи:
- запуск нового бренда (кейс компании "***": анализ конкурентов, создание продукта, тизер)
- стимуляция продаж, контроль и анализ (кейс компании "***": раскрутка, реклама и правильный сбор статистики)
- управление репутацией (кейс: инструменты мониторинга репутации, советы по управлению)
- оптимизация внутренних процессов в компании (кейс - внутрикорпоративные веб-инструменты)
Pay Attentionguest01e1563Pay attention to five aspects for personal development: your physical body, mind, others, situation, and nature. Listen to your body's signals, accept mental realities, gain feedback from others, change perspectives on situations, and use nature to revitalize and relax. Taking appropriate action in these areas can help regain strength and learn from life experiences.
Global VillageDeborah408If the world's population was represented by a village of 100 people:
57 would be Asian, 21 European, 14 American, and 8 African. 52 would be women and 48 men. 30 would be Caucasian and 70 non-Caucasian. 30 would be Christian and 70 non-Christian. 6 people would possess 59% of the wealth from the USA. 80 would live in poverty, 70 would be illiterate, and 50 would suffer from hunger or malnutrition.
Aspider Inside ProductsjacohovenThe document discusses several ASPIDER Inside SIM products that can be embedded in devices to provide optional connectivity. The optionalSIM allows including a SIM for initial trial usage or factory testing. The standbySIM provides backup connectivity in various situations. The lowuseSIM targets low data global deployments under 100kB/month. The budgetSIM is for usage under 10MB/month globally with preferred networks only. The billingSIM allows using ASPIDER Inside's billing infrastructure to outsource billing.
8 external kore wyless - acquisition highlightsjacohovenThe combination of KORE and Wyless creates the largest independent global Internet of Things services company. The acquisition solidifies KORE's position as the largest independent M2M provider with over 6 million subscribers worldwide. The combined company will have an unmatched global footprint with services in 110 countries, 8 office locations across 7 global data centers. KORE and Wyless bring together complementary technologies, managed services capabilities, and experienced leadership to deliver the best IoT solutions worldwide.
Brand identity8pankajmkpThis document discusses brand identity and provides examples. It defines brand identity as conveying organizational values to customers, not just brand image. Brand identity sets boundaries and guidelines for brand positioning strategies. The document outlines dimensions of brand identity like visual imagery, attributes, users, and relationships. It provides Pond's brand identity examples like country of origin and target users. Core and extended identities are distinguished. Models for conceptualizing brand identity are presented, including the Brand Identity Prism and Aaker's Brand Identity System, which define facets and categories that comprise a brand's identity.
Public Library Statisticsmcronin81Public libraries in New Hampshire are required by law to collect and report statistics to the State Library on an annual basis. Collecting these statistics is important for receiving state funding and grants. The statistics reported are used by libraries, the State Library, and on a national level to compare libraries, see trends over time, and plan programs and services. While collecting statistics takes time, it is important for demonstrating the value and impact of libraries to funders and other stakeholders.
Youarealwaysonmymindguest2e7d1e7The document discusses feeling alone and like nobody cares about your failures or successes in life. However, it states that there is someone who is very interested in everything you do and who never stops thinking about you, even when others have given up on you.
Primer Designingmohammad shenagariThe document discusses different methods for primer design: Gene Runner, Oligo 6, Primer 3, and manual design. It outlines the manual primer design process, which involves using a reference sequence from NCBI, aligning sequences with Mega 4, selecting a target sequence region, running a BLAST search on NCBI, analyzing melting temperatures and secondary structures with software tools, and checking for potential false priming. The document also mentions using Gene Runner for sequence insertion and analyzing oligo length, position number, and potential non-specific bands when manually designing primers for the HCV genome.
microbiological diagnosismohammad shenagariThis document provides an overview of diagnostic testing in microbiology laboratories. It discusses basic microbiology principles like media and culture, direct and indirect testing methods, sterile vs. non-sterile body sites, sensitivity and specificity. It then walks through the process of handling a specimen from receipt to reporting results, including appropriate collection, transport, inoculation, isolation, identification and documentation. Finally, it discusses a case study of testing a blood sample and issues around laboratory staffing.
Faza videoproductionalladvertisingПроизводство рекламы для ТВ и кинотеатров, документальных, презентационных и корпоративных фильмов, а также музыкального видео и фотографий.
Aspider Inside ProductsjacohovenThe document discusses several ASPIDER Inside SIM products that can be embedded in devices to provide optional connectivity. The optionalSIM allows including a SIM for initial trial usage or factory testing. The standbySIM provides backup connectivity in various situations. The lowuseSIM targets low data global deployments under 100kB/month. The budgetSIM is for usage under 10MB/month globally with preferred networks only. The billingSIM allows using ASPIDER Inside's billing infrastructure to outsource billing.
8 external kore wyless - acquisition highlightsjacohovenThe combination of KORE and Wyless creates the largest independent global Internet of Things services company. The acquisition solidifies KORE's position as the largest independent M2M provider with over 6 million subscribers worldwide. The combined company will have an unmatched global footprint with services in 110 countries, 8 office locations across 7 global data centers. KORE and Wyless bring together complementary technologies, managed services capabilities, and experienced leadership to deliver the best IoT solutions worldwide.
Brand identity8pankajmkpThis document discusses brand identity and provides examples. It defines brand identity as conveying organizational values to customers, not just brand image. Brand identity sets boundaries and guidelines for brand positioning strategies. The document outlines dimensions of brand identity like visual imagery, attributes, users, and relationships. It provides Pond's brand identity examples like country of origin and target users. Core and extended identities are distinguished. Models for conceptualizing brand identity are presented, including the Brand Identity Prism and Aaker's Brand Identity System, which define facets and categories that comprise a brand's identity.
Public Library Statisticsmcronin81Public libraries in New Hampshire are required by law to collect and report statistics to the State Library on an annual basis. Collecting these statistics is important for receiving state funding and grants. The statistics reported are used by libraries, the State Library, and on a national level to compare libraries, see trends over time, and plan programs and services. While collecting statistics takes time, it is important for demonstrating the value and impact of libraries to funders and other stakeholders.
Youarealwaysonmymindguest2e7d1e7The document discusses feeling alone and like nobody cares about your failures or successes in life. However, it states that there is someone who is very interested in everything you do and who never stops thinking about you, even when others have given up on you.
Primer Designingmohammad shenagariThe document discusses different methods for primer design: Gene Runner, Oligo 6, Primer 3, and manual design. It outlines the manual primer design process, which involves using a reference sequence from NCBI, aligning sequences with Mega 4, selecting a target sequence region, running a BLAST search on NCBI, analyzing melting temperatures and secondary structures with software tools, and checking for potential false priming. The document also mentions using Gene Runner for sequence insertion and analyzing oligo length, position number, and potential non-specific bands when manually designing primers for the HCV genome.
microbiological diagnosismohammad shenagariThis document provides an overview of diagnostic testing in microbiology laboratories. It discusses basic microbiology principles like media and culture, direct and indirect testing methods, sterile vs. non-sterile body sites, sensitivity and specificity. It then walks through the process of handling a specimen from receipt to reporting results, including appropriate collection, transport, inoculation, isolation, identification and documentation. Finally, it discusses a case study of testing a blood sample and issues around laboratory staffing.
Faza videoproductionalladvertisingПроизводство рекламы для ТВ и кинотеатров, документальных, презентационных и корпоративных фильмов, а также музыкального видео и фотографий.
Cеминар «Все об онлайн-трансляциях в интернете»ArtparovozПрограмма семинара:
1. Что такое онлайн трансляция, ее отличия от ТВ трансляции. Аудитория трансляций. Область применения: розыгрыши призов, трансляция событий, пресс-конференции, вебинары, телемосты. Опыт трансляций Artparovoz Production.
2. Основные понятия: скорость интернета, битрейт (поток трансляции), качество картинки, просмотр (где смотреть – (PC, tablet, mobile), как встроить в свой сайт).
3. Основные стримовые сервисы (сравнение, цены) + доп функции (чаты итд)
4. Способ съемки (однокамерная, многокамерная ПТС), Звук, свет, камеры, краны итд
5. Оформление эфира и доп возможности: Врезка рекламы, звонки в студию, скайп. Журналисты прямого эфира. Мультиканальные трансляции, Оборудование для конференций и трансляции на проекторы, ТВ панели, Led-дисплеи.
6. Что необходимо, техн. Требования, оформление документов и муз. Оформление, авторские права.
7. Цены на онлайн трансляции. Из чего складываются, вариации. Прайс Артпаровоз Продакшн. Съемка и трансляция из павильона Артпаровоз. Скидки для участников и спецпроекты.
Кейс "Сайт Творческого объединения "Черный Квадрат"
1. Кейс «Сайт для Творческого объединения Чёрный Квадрат»
2. Клиент В настоящее время ТО «Чёрный Квадрат» — это не только театр-студия импровизации, известная своими шедевральными спектаклями, а еще и успешный тренинговый центр, профессиональное арт-агентство, развивающийся синема-продакшн.
3. Задачи Создать ресурс, который сможет: предоставить информацию о театре и его спектаклях ознакомить со всеми направлениями деятельности ТО
4. Решение Несмотря на то, что Творческое объединение Чёрный Квадрат включает в себя 7 направлений деятельности, основной интерес по-прежнему вызывает театр
5. Главная страница На афише — даты ближайших спектаклей, места проведения и короткое видео Ниже анонс событий ТО с информацией о тренингах и других мероприятиях в ЧК Слово основателя и главного режиссера Анатолия Неёлова
6. Команда Репертуар и актерский состав театра — главный актив. Конечно, после зрителя .
7. Репертуар Каждый из множества спектаклей имеет своих поклонников. В его описании можно найти видео и фотографии. Зарегистрированные пользователи тут же могут выразить свое мнение касательно актерского состава или содержания спектакля.
8. Все фото попадают в общую галерею для более удобного и комплексного просмотра . Медиатека
9. Медиатека Удобная для просмотра галерея с видеороликами постановок и других событий театра.
10. Продакшн Для продакшн-компаний сделана страница кастинга, ведь в Черном Квадрате много исполнителей высокого уровня.
11. Личный кабинет При регистрации каждый пользователь получает свой кабинет.
12. Мелкие детали Для каждого направления деятельности творческого объединения, в Черном Квадрате используется цветовое кодирование. Внутренние страницы этих направлений на сайте также отличаются цветом .
14. Оценка эффективности сайта Среднее количество просмотренных страниц возросло на 205.85% Среднее время пребывания на сайте возросло на 98.09% до 5 : 42 минут
15. Оценка эффективности сайта Глубина просмотров страниц возросла на 104.14% и достигла показателя 6.61 страниц/посетителя Показатель отказов снизился на 27.74%