ISAGS: Informe Anual / Annual Report 2013Isags UnasurEl Informe anual del ISAGS es un panorama bilingüe (español e inglés) de las actividades realizadas o con la participación del Instituto en el 2013. El documento se divide en cuatro capítulos, que abordan cuestiones como las publicaciones e investigaciones desarrolladas por el ISAGS, nuestro sitio web y herramientas de comunicación, integración e intercambio de experiencias como la realización de nuestras oficinas, reuniones intergubernamentales y con otros órganos de UNASUR, articulación intersectorial con instituciones nacionales e internacionales, otros organismos sub-regionales y con la Secretaría General de UNASUR, además de avances logrados en la institucionalización del ISAGS.
ISAGS Annual Report is a bilingual panorama (Spanish and English) of the activities that were organized or involved the participation of the Institute in 2013. The document is divided into four chapters, which deal with issues such as publications and researches developed by ISAGS, our website and communication tools, integration and interchange of experiences such as our workshops, intergovernmental meetings and with other UNASUR bodies, intersectoral articulation with national and international institutions, other sub-regional organisms and with the UNASUR General Secretariat, besides progresses in ISAGS institutionalization.
JUAN GARAY: Salud Global: tendencias y desafíosIsags UnasurPresentación hecha en el Taller Salud Global y Diplomacia de la Salud, en mayo. Lea más en
Monica Odwin - PHC approaches and strategies for the retention of health work...Isags UnasurThe document outlines primary health care approaches and strategies for retaining health workers in remote and underserved areas of Guyana. It discusses Guyana's demographics, cultural diversity, health system structure, human resource challenges, and strategies used to improve retention in remote areas. These include educational preferences for local residents, contracts tying training costs to service, increased pay and housing in remote areas, and ensuring access to professional support and development opportunities for rural health workers.
Edward Denys Van Eer - Strategies to Retain Health Workers in Remote, Underse...Isags UnasurSuriname faces challenges retaining health workers in remote, rural areas with sparse populations and lack of infrastructure and opportunities. To address this, strategies include compulsory work periods, collective employment contracts, infrastructure improvements, and incentives like allowances. The main training institutions are regulated to provide workers for remote areas. However, more can be done to acknowledge and recognize these important health workers through awards, incentives for research, and knowledge exchange.
Windows 7, занятие №2Юрий КременьЭти слайды созданы для слушателей Центра обучающих технологий Belhard ( Предполагается, что быстрее вспомнить учебный материал, просмотрев несколько десятков слайдов, чем прочитать выдаваемое в учебном центре пособие :).
JUAN GARAY: Salud Global: tendencias y desafíosIsags UnasurPresentación hecha en el Taller Salud Global y Diplomacia de la Salud, en mayo. Lea más en
Monica Odwin - PHC approaches and strategies for the retention of health work...Isags UnasurThe document outlines primary health care approaches and strategies for retaining health workers in remote and underserved areas of Guyana. It discusses Guyana's demographics, cultural diversity, health system structure, human resource challenges, and strategies used to improve retention in remote areas. These include educational preferences for local residents, contracts tying training costs to service, increased pay and housing in remote areas, and ensuring access to professional support and development opportunities for rural health workers.
Edward Denys Van Eer - Strategies to Retain Health Workers in Remote, Underse...Isags UnasurSuriname faces challenges retaining health workers in remote, rural areas with sparse populations and lack of infrastructure and opportunities. To address this, strategies include compulsory work periods, collective employment contracts, infrastructure improvements, and incentives like allowances. The main training institutions are regulated to provide workers for remote areas. However, more can be done to acknowledge and recognize these important health workers through awards, incentives for research, and knowledge exchange.
Windows 7, занятие №2Юрий КременьЭти слайды созданы для слушателей Центра обучающих технологий Belhard ( Предполагается, что быстрее вспомнить учебный материал, просмотрев несколько десятков слайдов, чем прочитать выдаваемое в учебном центре пособие :).
Windows 7, занятие №6Юрий КременьЭти слайды созданы для слушателей Центра обучающих технологий Belhard ( Предполагается, что быстрее вспомнить учебный материал, просмотрев несколько десятков слайдов, чем прочитать выдаваемое в учебном центре пособие :).
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