Haliunaa subvesical bile ductHaliunaa BattulgaThis document describes a case report of a patient who underwent laparoscopic cholecystectomy and was found to have an accessory cystic duct close to the gallbladder fundus. Accessory bile ducts are rare anatomical variations that occur in about 10% of patients due to complex embryonic development of the biliary system. Failure to identify these variations can result in bile leaks after surgery. The accessory duct in this case was carefully dissected and clipped to prevent complications.
Pilonidaldisease 141115134308-conversion-gate01Haliunaa BattulgaPilonidal disease, commonly known as "jeep seat disease", is caused by the penetration and infection of hair in the natal cleft. It presents as a painful abscess, sinus, or cyst near the coccyx. Risk factors include male gender, excessive hairiness, obesity, and occupations involving sitting. Clinically, patients experience pain, swelling, and discharge in the sacrococcygeal region. Treatment varies depending on whether the presentation is acute, chronic, or recurrent.