This document discusses different types of bosses and provides advice for employees working under a boss. It covers:
1) Bosses can differ in qualities like age, personality, professionalism, efficiency, and decision-making style.
2) While all bosses desire power and control, they vary in how far they are willing to go and their appetite for it.
3) The document provides tips for employees on maintaining a respectful relationship with their boss and avoiding conflicts, such as not competing with the boss and being patient.
4) It also gives advice for bosses on being inclusive, humble, and mentoring their employees to build strong relationships and succession plans.
This document discusses different types of bosses and provides advice on how to work effectively with a boss. It addresses qualities like mature vs immature, visionary vs shortsighted, and patient vs impatient that bosses may exhibit. It also suggests that bosses primarily desire power and control, though they differ in how far they will go to achieve it. The document provides tips for employees on maintaining respectful relationships with bosses and avoiding conflicts, while still retaining independence. Finally, it outlines actions bosses should take to build strong teams, accept feedback, and know when it's time to pass leadership to others.
2. You may not realize this ¨C but the following is 100% true. ? ???? ????? ?? ??? 100% ?? ??? . Think about some part of it daily. ?? ? ?????? ???? ???? ..
3. There are at least 2 people in this world who you would die for. ??? ??? ?? ??? ?? ??? ??? 2 ?? ???? . And¡¡.at least 15 people in this world who you love in some way. ??? ???? ?? ????? ??? ???? ??? ??? 15 ?? ???? .
4. The only reason that anyone would ever hate you, Is because they want to be just like you. ??? ??? ???? ??? ??? ?? ??? ??? , ??? ?? ?? ??? ?????? .
5. A smile from you can bring happiness to anyone, even if they do not like you . ??? ??? ?? ??? ???? ?? ?????? ???? ?? ???? ,
6. Every night, SOMEONE thinks about you. ?? ? , ???? ??? ?????? . You mean the world to someone. ??? ??? ?? ?? ?? ????? .
7. You are special and unique. ??? ????? ????? , Someone you don¡¯t even know ¨C loves you. ??? ??? ???? ??? ?????? .
8. When you make the biggest mistake ever, ??? ???? ?? ? ??? ????? , something good comes from it. ???? ?? ???? ?? ?? ? ???? .
9. When you think the World has turned it¡¯s back on you¡¡ take another look. ??? ??? ????? ?? ? ???¡ .. ?? ? ? ? ??? ????? .
10. Always remember the compliments that you received. Forget about the rude remarks. ??? ?? ??? ?? ???? , ?? ???? ??? ???? .
11. Always remember¡when life hands you a lemon ¨C always ask for sugar! ??? ??? ??? ??¡ ?? ???? ??? ??? ?? ??? , ???? ?? ????? ????? .
12. Good friends are like stars, you don¡¯t always see them ¨C but you know they are there. ?? ??? ??? ?? ??? , ?? ? ?? ??? --- ??? ? ?? ?? ?? ??? .
13. I would rather have one rose and a kind word from a Friend while I am here ¨C than a whole truckload when I am gone. ??? ?? ?? ?? ????? ? ?? ??? ??? ? ???? ?? ?? ??? , ?? ?? ? ???? ?? ???¡
14. Happiness keeps you sweet, Trials keep you strong. Sorrows keep you Human, Life keeps you humble. ??? ??? ???? ?? , ??? ??? ??? ???? . ??? ??? ???? ??? , ?? ??? ???? ???? .
15. Success keeps you glowing, But, only Friends keep you going. ??? ??? ??? ???? , ?? ???? ??? ??? ???? ?? ???? .
16. Forward this to your friends, and don¡¯t tell me that you are too busy!! ??? ?? ?? , ? ?? ????? ???? ???? . Don¡¯t you know the phrase ¨C ¡®stop and smell the flowers¡¯? ¡° ??? ?? ?? ?? ??? ???? ???¡±?? ?? ???? ???? .
17. Sapphire Productions To my friends ¨C I was not too busy to make it and send it to you. ?? ? ?? ???? ???? ??? ? ???? .