Water softening and hardness removalkrishna MurariThis document discusses various methods for removing hardness from water. It describes temporary hardness as caused by magnesium bicarbonate and magnesium carbonate, which can be removed by boiling water or adding lime. Permanent hardness is caused by calcium and magnesium salts and can be removed using the lime soda process, ion exchange process, or demineralization process. The lime soda process involves adding lime and soda ash to precipitate calcium carbonate and magnesium hydroxide. Demineralization uses cation exchange resins to exchange hydrogen for sodium ions, fully removing minerals from water.
CoagulationGloablLearningSchoolThe document discusses coagulation and flocculation processes used in water treatment. It begins by explaining that coagulation uses chemicals like aluminum and iron salts to neutralize the negative charges on small particles and colloids in water. This destabilizes the particles so they can agglomerate during flocculation. Flocculation is the process where the destabilized particles collide and form larger flocs that are easier to remove by sedimentation. Jar tests are used to determine the optimal pH and coagulant dose. Different types of flocculators including mechanical mixers and hydraulic designs that utilize baffles or differential settling are also described.
Hardness of water_newTathagata SharmaThe document describes an experiment to determine the total hardness of drinking water samples from three locations in Punjab, India. Water samples were collected from Ludhiana, Kharar, and Samrala and titrated against EDTA using an indicator. The total hardness was calculated and found to be 82 mg/L, 84 mg/L, and 80 mg/L, respectively, indicating moderately hard water. The difference in hardness between the three samples was not significant.
Coagulation and FlocculationAnup GhimireThis document discusses coagulation and flocculation processes used in water treatment. Coagulation involves adding coagulants to water containing colloidal particles to neutralize their electrical charges and allow them to stick together to form micro flocs. Flocculation is a slower, gentler mixing process that agglomerates the destabilized particles from coagulation into larger visible flocs that can be more easily filtered out through sedimentation. Together, coagulation and flocculation are used to remove particulate matter, microorganisms, metals, and other contaminants from drinking water.
Hardness of waterJOMSON MATHACHANGenerally hardness of water is defined as the measure of capacity of water to precipitate soap i.e., the capacity of the water to form lather with soap.
Hard water contains dissolved minerals such as Ca2+, Mg2+, Fe3+, SO4 2- ,etc.,
The degree of hardness is measured in Parts Per Million(ppm) or Grams per Gallon(GPG).
Hard water is better for drinking because it contains minerals.
Soft water is better for cleaning because it doesn’t form scum with soap.
Hardness of water is a measure of the total concentration of the calcium and magnesium ions expressed as calcium carbonate.
There are two types of hardness
1. Temporary hardness
Temporary Hardness is due to the presence of bicarbonates of calcium and magnesium. It can be easily removed by boiling.
Ca (HCO3 ) CaCO3 +CO2 +H2O
2. Permanent hardness
Permanent Hardness is due to the presence of chlorides and sulphates of calcium and magnesium. This type of hardness cannot be removed by boiling.
Hard water and soft water full lessonJawad Aliin this you will be able to revise for hard water and soft water. chemistry C3 topic hope u get good grades!
Water Analysis.pdfDr.Timy JoseThis document provides information about water treatment for boiler feed applications. It discusses the key components of ion exchange water treatment systems used for boiler feed, including cation exchange, anion exchange, and mixed bed demineralization. It also covers parameters to monitor in blowdown water from boilers like pH, total hardness, alkalinity, chlorides, and conductivity. Common water treatment chemicals like trisodium phosphate that are used in boiler feed to control pH and minimize scaling and corrosion are also mentioned. Overall, the document outlines best practices for water treatment to ensure efficient and reliable boiler operation.
Water softening methodsMattSmith321834This document discusses various methods for water softening, including zeolite (permutit) process, ion exchange, mixed bed ion exchange, and reverse osmosis. The zeolite process uses hydrated sodium aluminium silicate to exchange sodium ions for calcium and magnesium ions in hard water. Ion exchange uses resins to exchange ions, with cation exchange resins exchanging hydrogen ions for calcium/magnesium ions and anion exchange resins exchanging hydroxide ions. Mixed bed deionizers contain both cation and anion resins. Reverse osmosis uses pressure to force water through a semi-permeable membrane, leaving dissolved solids behind. Each method has advantages such as reducing hardness or
23291582 dm-plantyashlionThe document discusses raw water impurities and demineralization systems. It begins by describing common impurities found in raw water such as calcium, magnesium, bicarbonates, sulfates and chlorides. It then discusses methods for expressing dissolved impurities and difficulties caused by various impurities. The document outlines pretreatment processes including coagulation, settling and filtration to remove suspended solids. It also describes demineralization systems using ion exchange materials like cation and anion exchange resins. Different demineralization configurations are listed that can be used depending on raw water quality and purity requirements.
Cooling water problemsKimia StoreThis document discusses cooling water problems such as corrosion, scale, fouling, and microbiological contamination. It explains the causes and factors that influence these problems, as well as methods to control and prevent each problem. Key topics covered include the corrosion process, scale formation mechanisms, types of fouling, factors influencing microbial growth, and chemical treatment options for control and prevention.
water and its treatmentPamil GurungThis document summarizes different sources of water and types of water hardness. It discusses four main sources of water: surface water, underground water, rain water, and sea water. It then explains the two types of water hardness: temporary hardness caused by bicarbonates of calcium and magnesium that can be removed by boiling, and permanent hardness caused by chlorides and sulfates that cannot be removed by boiling. It briefly introduces two water softening processes: the lime-soda process that uses chemicals to precipitate hardness ions, and the zeolite process.
Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering PresentationEduard Hernàndez I PMP®The document discusses research conducted at the USDA to develop more sustainable and efficient processes for leather making. It aims to reduce the environmental impact of conventional leather production. The research includes developing new techniques for hide preparation, drying, and finishing, as well as nondestructive testing to improve leather quality and durability. Additional funding was obtained to investigate more efficient short-term hide preservation methods like brine curing.
DM PLANT LECTURE.pptNeerajKumar420811This document provides information about water treatment processes and ion exchange resins used in water purification. It discusses the sources and types of water impurities and how treatment methods like coagulation with polyaluminum chloride, filtration through activated carbon filters, and ion exchange with resins like strong acid cation and weak acid cation can remove various contaminants. It also provides specifications for the ion exchange resins and details their chemical properties and manufacturing processes.
Reveres Osmosis system umar farooqThe document provides information about a training course on reverse osmosis systems. It contains two parts: (1) water chemistry, sea water impurities, RO system anatomy and principles; and (2) chemical handling, corrosion, fouling and scaling. The training aims to help participants understand water quality control, troubleshoot plant chemistry systems, and maintain high operational performance and safety standards. Key topics include sea water properties, RO membrane structure, the spiral wound element design, and boron removal through high pH RO operation.
Removal of iron &; ManganeseGAURAV. H .TANDONThe document discusses iron and manganese in drinking water. It states that iron and manganese occur naturally in groundwater and can cause aesthetic issues like staining but do not pose health risks at typical concentrations. It discusses common treatment methods for iron and manganese like oxidation and filtration. Testing is needed to determine appropriate treatment methods based on the concentrations and forms of iron and manganese present.
Water treatment IILALIT SHARMAThe document discusses various water treatment processes for domestic use including screening, sedimentation, coagulation, filtration, and disinfection. Screening removes large floating materials. Sedimentation allows insoluble impurities to settle. Coagulation uses chemicals like alum to facilitate settling of fine particles. Filtration passes water through sand layers to remove remaining insoluble materials. Disinfection through chlorination or bleaching powder kills pathogens. The document also discusses water softening methods like ion exchange and permutit processes as well as desalination techniques such as reverse osmosis and electrodialysis.
RO & NF chemical cleaningMohamed ElshoraThis document provides an overview of cleaning reverse osmosis and nanofiltration membrane elements. It discusses common types of fouling and scaling like carbonate, sulfate, organic and biological, and recommends appropriate cleaning methods. Cleaning solutions may include acids, bases, chelating agents and detergents. The document outlines the cleaning process, safety procedures, and recommends feed flow rates during cleaning based on element size and pressure. The goal of cleaning is to remove buildup and restore membrane performance by reducing pressure and increasing permeate flow.
Estimation of Cu(II) in copper sulphate, idometricallyMithil Fal DesaiThis document provides instructions for determining the concentration of copper (II) ions through titration. It involves standardizing a sodium thiosulfate solution against potassium dichromate to determine its exact normality. Then, copper (II) ions are reacted with excess iodide ions to liberate iodine, which is then titrated with the standardized sodium thiosulfate solution. By comparing the volumes of thiosulfate used in the two titrations, the amount of copper in the sample can be calculated. The procedure is described in two steps - first the standardization of sodium thiosulfate, then the titration of a copper (II) sample against the standardized thiosulfate to determine the
Short Presentation on "Adsorption"Ana DebbarmaAdsorption is the process by which atoms or molecules from a gas, liquid or dissolved solid adhere to a surface. There are two main types - physical adsorption (physisorption) which involves weak van der Waals forces, and chemical adsorption (chemisorption) which involves stronger chemical bonds. Adsorption is affected by factors like temperature, pressure, surface area and characteristics of the adsorbent and adsorbate. Common commercial adsorbents include activated carbon, silica gel and zeolites. Adsorption isotherms like the Langmuir and Freundlich models describe the distribution of solute between phases at equilibrium. Adsorption has many applications including
Iron and Manganese RemovalPrateek GuptaThis document discusses various methods for removing iron and manganese from water. It describes how ferrous iron and manganous manganese are soluble but oxidize to insoluble ferric iron and manganic manganese when exposed to air. Common removal methods include aeration, sedimentation, filtration, chemical oxidation using chlorine or potassium permanganate, and manganese zeolite processes. Other options mentioned are water softening, biological treatment using iron- and manganese-oxidizing bacteria, and sequestering with chemicals like silicates and phosphates.
Unit-1 Water Technology.pptx1115kunalGuptaThis document summarizes information about water technology and engineering chemistry. It discusses the importance of water, sources of water including surface and underground water, reasons for depletion of underground water, types of water including hard and soft water, units used to measure water hardness, and problems related to hard water in domestic and industrial uses. It also covers impurities in water, disadvantages of hard water, and issues that can occur in boilers like scale formation, sludge formation, priming, foaming, and corrosion.
Alternatives of chlorine, chlorine di-oxide(ClO2) for water treatmentRaghab GorainChlorine is a very good disinfectant but it is very hazardous. So we need to find some alternatives of hazardous chlorine gas for water treatment. Here I present about the alternatives of chlorine. One of the best alternative is chlorine di-oxide(ClO2). What are the advantages of ClO2, how to generate everything discussed here.
WaterPage MakerHard water contains dissolved calcium and magnesium ions that can cause scale buildup and reduce soap efficiency. In boilers, scale forms when calcium and magnesium carbonates and sulfates precipitate out of solution as water is heated. This scale buildup reduces heat transfer efficiency and can damage boiler components over time. Several methods can be used to prevent or remove scale, including frequent blowdowns, adding antiscalants like phosphates, and chemical or mechanical scale removal treatments. Proper treatment of hard water is important for industrial processes and equipment that use water like boilers, cooling systems, and pipes.
Beneficiation and Mineral Processing of Calcium Carbonate and Calcium Sulphate Geology Department, Faculty of Science, Tanta UniversityLimestone;Industrial Uses of Limestone ; Lime; Lime Cycle; Production of Lime; Classification of Hydrated Lime IS 712-1973; Purposes for the Utilize of Lime; Soda Ash;Solvay process for the manufacture of Soda Ash; Purposes for the Utilize of Soda Ash; Gypsum; Calcination of Gypsum; Hardening of Plaster; Magnesium; Production Of Magnesium from seawater and dolomite; Process for production Magnesium hydroxide and Calcium chloride from Dolomite ; Process for production Magnesium and Calcium chloride
Lab5 determination of hardness of waterAnas Maghayreh1. The document describes an experiment to determine the hardness of water samples through titration with EDTA using indicators. Total hardness, calcium hardness, and magnesium hardness were calculated based on the titration volumes.
2. Hardness is caused by calcium and magnesium ions in water and is a measure of its ability to form precipitates with soap. It can be temporary, from bicarbonates, or permanent, from chlorides and sulfates.
3. The results found a total hardness of 400 mg/L as CaCO3, calcium hardness of 140 mg/L as CaCO3, and magnesium hardness of 260 mg/L as CaCO3 for the water sample tested.
Alkali metals Grade 11 ChemistryLearn InfiniteThe document discusses the properties and extraction of sodium and its compounds. It describes that sodium is extracted through electrolysis of molten sodium chloride using the Downs process. Sodium reacts violently with water and acids, forming sodium hydroxide and hydrogen gas. Sodium hydroxide and sodium carbonate are important industrial compounds used to make paper, soap and glass.
Module iiiDr. shrikant jahagirdarThis document discusses industrial wastewater treatment and management. It provides an overview of equalization, which is a method used to retain wastewater in basins so that the effluent discharged is uniform in characteristics like pH, turbidity, BOD, etc. This helps improve sedimentation efficiency, increase biological process efficiency by minimizing shock loads, and allows for automated control of treatment operations. Equalization basins are sometimes aerated to provide better mixing, chemical oxidation, some biological oxidation, and prevent solids settling. The capacity and detention period of equalization tanks needs to be sufficient to homogenize the wastewater flows.
23291582 dm-plantyashlionThe document discusses raw water impurities and demineralization systems. It begins by describing common impurities found in raw water such as calcium, magnesium, bicarbonates, sulfates and chlorides. It then discusses methods for expressing dissolved impurities and difficulties caused by various impurities. The document outlines pretreatment processes including coagulation, settling and filtration to remove suspended solids. It also describes demineralization systems using ion exchange materials like cation and anion exchange resins. Different demineralization configurations are listed that can be used depending on raw water quality and purity requirements.
Cooling water problemsKimia StoreThis document discusses cooling water problems such as corrosion, scale, fouling, and microbiological contamination. It explains the causes and factors that influence these problems, as well as methods to control and prevent each problem. Key topics covered include the corrosion process, scale formation mechanisms, types of fouling, factors influencing microbial growth, and chemical treatment options for control and prevention.
water and its treatmentPamil GurungThis document summarizes different sources of water and types of water hardness. It discusses four main sources of water: surface water, underground water, rain water, and sea water. It then explains the two types of water hardness: temporary hardness caused by bicarbonates of calcium and magnesium that can be removed by boiling, and permanent hardness caused by chlorides and sulfates that cannot be removed by boiling. It briefly introduces two water softening processes: the lime-soda process that uses chemicals to precipitate hardness ions, and the zeolite process.
Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering PresentationEduard Hernàndez I PMP®The document discusses research conducted at the USDA to develop more sustainable and efficient processes for leather making. It aims to reduce the environmental impact of conventional leather production. The research includes developing new techniques for hide preparation, drying, and finishing, as well as nondestructive testing to improve leather quality and durability. Additional funding was obtained to investigate more efficient short-term hide preservation methods like brine curing.
DM PLANT LECTURE.pptNeerajKumar420811This document provides information about water treatment processes and ion exchange resins used in water purification. It discusses the sources and types of water impurities and how treatment methods like coagulation with polyaluminum chloride, filtration through activated carbon filters, and ion exchange with resins like strong acid cation and weak acid cation can remove various contaminants. It also provides specifications for the ion exchange resins and details their chemical properties and manufacturing processes.
Reveres Osmosis system umar farooqThe document provides information about a training course on reverse osmosis systems. It contains two parts: (1) water chemistry, sea water impurities, RO system anatomy and principles; and (2) chemical handling, corrosion, fouling and scaling. The training aims to help participants understand water quality control, troubleshoot plant chemistry systems, and maintain high operational performance and safety standards. Key topics include sea water properties, RO membrane structure, the spiral wound element design, and boron removal through high pH RO operation.
Removal of iron &; ManganeseGAURAV. H .TANDONThe document discusses iron and manganese in drinking water. It states that iron and manganese occur naturally in groundwater and can cause aesthetic issues like staining but do not pose health risks at typical concentrations. It discusses common treatment methods for iron and manganese like oxidation and filtration. Testing is needed to determine appropriate treatment methods based on the concentrations and forms of iron and manganese present.
Water treatment IILALIT SHARMAThe document discusses various water treatment processes for domestic use including screening, sedimentation, coagulation, filtration, and disinfection. Screening removes large floating materials. Sedimentation allows insoluble impurities to settle. Coagulation uses chemicals like alum to facilitate settling of fine particles. Filtration passes water through sand layers to remove remaining insoluble materials. Disinfection through chlorination or bleaching powder kills pathogens. The document also discusses water softening methods like ion exchange and permutit processes as well as desalination techniques such as reverse osmosis and electrodialysis.
RO & NF chemical cleaningMohamed ElshoraThis document provides an overview of cleaning reverse osmosis and nanofiltration membrane elements. It discusses common types of fouling and scaling like carbonate, sulfate, organic and biological, and recommends appropriate cleaning methods. Cleaning solutions may include acids, bases, chelating agents and detergents. The document outlines the cleaning process, safety procedures, and recommends feed flow rates during cleaning based on element size and pressure. The goal of cleaning is to remove buildup and restore membrane performance by reducing pressure and increasing permeate flow.
Estimation of Cu(II) in copper sulphate, idometricallyMithil Fal DesaiThis document provides instructions for determining the concentration of copper (II) ions through titration. It involves standardizing a sodium thiosulfate solution against potassium dichromate to determine its exact normality. Then, copper (II) ions are reacted with excess iodide ions to liberate iodine, which is then titrated with the standardized sodium thiosulfate solution. By comparing the volumes of thiosulfate used in the two titrations, the amount of copper in the sample can be calculated. The procedure is described in two steps - first the standardization of sodium thiosulfate, then the titration of a copper (II) sample against the standardized thiosulfate to determine the
Short Presentation on "Adsorption"Ana DebbarmaAdsorption is the process by which atoms or molecules from a gas, liquid or dissolved solid adhere to a surface. There are two main types - physical adsorption (physisorption) which involves weak van der Waals forces, and chemical adsorption (chemisorption) which involves stronger chemical bonds. Adsorption is affected by factors like temperature, pressure, surface area and characteristics of the adsorbent and adsorbate. Common commercial adsorbents include activated carbon, silica gel and zeolites. Adsorption isotherms like the Langmuir and Freundlich models describe the distribution of solute between phases at equilibrium. Adsorption has many applications including
Iron and Manganese RemovalPrateek GuptaThis document discusses various methods for removing iron and manganese from water. It describes how ferrous iron and manganous manganese are soluble but oxidize to insoluble ferric iron and manganic manganese when exposed to air. Common removal methods include aeration, sedimentation, filtration, chemical oxidation using chlorine or potassium permanganate, and manganese zeolite processes. Other options mentioned are water softening, biological treatment using iron- and manganese-oxidizing bacteria, and sequestering with chemicals like silicates and phosphates.
Unit-1 Water Technology.pptx1115kunalGuptaThis document summarizes information about water technology and engineering chemistry. It discusses the importance of water, sources of water including surface and underground water, reasons for depletion of underground water, types of water including hard and soft water, units used to measure water hardness, and problems related to hard water in domestic and industrial uses. It also covers impurities in water, disadvantages of hard water, and issues that can occur in boilers like scale formation, sludge formation, priming, foaming, and corrosion.
Alternatives of chlorine, chlorine di-oxide(ClO2) for water treatmentRaghab GorainChlorine is a very good disinfectant but it is very hazardous. So we need to find some alternatives of hazardous chlorine gas for water treatment. Here I present about the alternatives of chlorine. One of the best alternative is chlorine di-oxide(ClO2). What are the advantages of ClO2, how to generate everything discussed here.
WaterPage MakerHard water contains dissolved calcium and magnesium ions that can cause scale buildup and reduce soap efficiency. In boilers, scale forms when calcium and magnesium carbonates and sulfates precipitate out of solution as water is heated. This scale buildup reduces heat transfer efficiency and can damage boiler components over time. Several methods can be used to prevent or remove scale, including frequent blowdowns, adding antiscalants like phosphates, and chemical or mechanical scale removal treatments. Proper treatment of hard water is important for industrial processes and equipment that use water like boilers, cooling systems, and pipes.
Beneficiation and Mineral Processing of Calcium Carbonate and Calcium Sulphate Geology Department, Faculty of Science, Tanta UniversityLimestone;Industrial Uses of Limestone ; Lime; Lime Cycle; Production of Lime; Classification of Hydrated Lime IS 712-1973; Purposes for the Utilize of Lime; Soda Ash;Solvay process for the manufacture of Soda Ash; Purposes for the Utilize of Soda Ash; Gypsum; Calcination of Gypsum; Hardening of Plaster; Magnesium; Production Of Magnesium from seawater and dolomite; Process for production Magnesium hydroxide and Calcium chloride from Dolomite ; Process for production Magnesium and Calcium chloride
Lab5 determination of hardness of waterAnas Maghayreh1. The document describes an experiment to determine the hardness of water samples through titration with EDTA using indicators. Total hardness, calcium hardness, and magnesium hardness were calculated based on the titration volumes.
2. Hardness is caused by calcium and magnesium ions in water and is a measure of its ability to form precipitates with soap. It can be temporary, from bicarbonates, or permanent, from chlorides and sulfates.
3. The results found a total hardness of 400 mg/L as CaCO3, calcium hardness of 140 mg/L as CaCO3, and magnesium hardness of 260 mg/L as CaCO3 for the water sample tested.
Alkali metals Grade 11 ChemistryLearn InfiniteThe document discusses the properties and extraction of sodium and its compounds. It describes that sodium is extracted through electrolysis of molten sodium chloride using the Downs process. Sodium reacts violently with water and acids, forming sodium hydroxide and hydrogen gas. Sodium hydroxide and sodium carbonate are important industrial compounds used to make paper, soap and glass.
Module iiiDr. shrikant jahagirdarThis document discusses industrial wastewater treatment and management. It provides an overview of equalization, which is a method used to retain wastewater in basins so that the effluent discharged is uniform in characteristics like pH, turbidity, BOD, etc. This helps improve sedimentation efficiency, increase biological process efficiency by minimizing shock loads, and allows for automated control of treatment operations. Equalization basins are sometimes aerated to provide better mixing, chemical oxidation, some biological oxidation, and prevent solids settling. The capacity and detention period of equalization tanks needs to be sufficient to homogenize the wastewater flows.
ريادة الاعمال الباب الرابع.أ.د. هاني عاطفHany Atefدراسة الجدوى للمشروعات الصغيرة
دراسة الجدوى هي العملية التي تهدف إلى تقييم ما إذا كان المشروع سيحقق النجاح المالي والتشغيلي المتوقع أم لا. تعتبر دراسة الجدوى خطوة أساسية في عملية تأسيس المشروعات الصغيرة، حيث تساهم في تحديد مدى قابلية المشروع للتنفيذ وتساعد في اتخاذ قرارات مستنيرة بشأن الاستثمار والموارد.
أهمية دراسة الجدوى للمشروعات الصغيرة
تحديد قابلية الفكرة:تساهم دراسة الجدوى في التأكد من أن فكرة المشروع قابلة للتنفيذ وتلبي حاجة في السوق.
تقييم المخاطر:تساعد في تحديد المخاطر المحتملة التي قد تواجه المشروع، مما يتيح لرائد الأعمال التعامل معها بشكل مسبق.
تحديد الاحتياجات المالية:من خلال دراسة الجدوى يمكن تحديد التمويل اللازم لبدء المشروع وتنفيذه بشكل فعال.
تحديد الجدوى المالية:تساهم الدراسة في تقدير الأرباح والعوائد المحتملة للمشروع، مما يساعد في تحديد إذا ما كان المشروع سيكون مربحًا أم لا.
زيادة فرص النجاح:من خلال التحليل الدقيق للعوامل المختلفة، تساعد دراسة الجدوى في تحسين فرصة نجاح المشروع وزيادة فعاليته.
الإبداع والابتكار ريادة الاعمال الباب الثالث الاستاذ الدكتور هاني عاطفHany Atefتعريف الإبداع وأهميته في ريادة الأعمال
تعريف الإبداع
الإبداع هو القدرة على إنتاج أفكار جديدة ومبتكرة، أو إيجاد حلول غير تقليدية لمشاكل قائمة. يتضمن التفكير خارج المألوف والتفكير النقدي لتحويل الأفكار إلى أفعال أو منتجات يمكن أن تضيف قيمة للمجتمع أو السوق. في سياق ريادة الأعمال، الإبداع لا يقتصر فقط على ابتكار منتجات جديدة، بل يشمل أيضًا طرقًا جديدة لإدارة الأعمال، تطوير العمليات، وتحقيق التميز في تقديم الخدمات.
أهمية الإبداع في ريادة الأعمال
التمييز في السوق
في بيئة الأعمال التنافسية، يصبح الإبداع أحد العوامل الرئيسية التي تميز الشركات الناشئة عن منافسيها. ابتكار منتجات جديدة أو تقديم خدمات بطريقة مختلفة يعزز من قدرة المشروع على جذب انتباه العملاء وخلق قيمة مضافة.
حل المشكلات
ريادة الأعمال تتطلب القدرة على حل المشكلات بشكل مبتكر، سواء كانت تتعلق بتلبية احتياجات السوق أو تحسين العمليات الداخلية. الإبداع يساعد رواد الأعمال على إيجاد حلول فعالة للتحديات التي قد تواجههم، مما يعزز استدامة أعمالهم.
تحقيق النمو والابتكار
الأعمال التي تعتمد على الإبداع تكون أكثر قدرة على التكيف مع التغيرات في السوق. الابتكار المستمر لا يؤدي فقط إلى تحسين المنتجات والخدمات، بل يفتح أيضًا آفاقًا جديدة للنمو والتوسع في أسواق جديدة.
جذب المستثمرين
الأفكار الإبداعية تجذب اهتمام المستثمرين، الذين يبحثون عن مشاريع تتمتع بإمكانات نمو عالية وأفكار مبتكرة تميزها عن المنافسين. الاستثمار في الأفكار الجديدة قد يوفر رأس المال اللازم لتطوير الأعمال.
تحقيق التفوق التنافسي
الشركات التي تعتمد على الإبداع تتمكن من تقديم حلول متميزة أو منتجات مبتكرة تمنحها ميزة تنافسية كبيرة. هذا التفوق يساعد في الحفاظ على حصتها السوقية وتوسيع نطاق تأثيرها.
استراتيجيات الابتكار وتطوير الأفكار في ريادة الأعمال
الابتكار هو عنصر أساسي لضمان نجاح المشاريع الريادية والنمو المستدام. يمكن للابتكار أن يكون العامل المميز بين الشركات التي تنجح وتلك التي تفشل. من خلال تبني استراتيجيات مبتكرة لتطوير الأفكار، يمكن لرواد الأعمال التميز في السوق، وحل المشكلات، وتحقيق النمو. فيما يلي استراتيجيات فعالة لتطوير الأفكار والابتكار في ريادة الأعمال:
التفكير التصميمي (Design Thinking)
الشرح:التفكير التصميمي هو منهجية تركز على المستخدم وتساعد على الابتكار عبر خمس مراحل: التعاطف مع المستخدمين، تحديد المشكلة، توليد الأفكار، إنشاء النماذج الأولية، والاختبار.
الفائدة:هذه الاستراتيجية تركز على إيجاد حلول عملية وملموسة للمشاكل من خلال فهم عميق لاحتياجات العملاء، مما يعزز من فعالية الأفكار والمنتجات المطروحة.
كلمات و رسائل المشاركین حول المؤتمر الدولي العاشر حول القضايا الراهنة للغات،...The Annual International Conference on Languages, Linguistics, Translation and Literatureكلمات و رسائل المشاركین
المؤتمر الدولي العاشر حول القضايا الراهنة للغات، علم اللغة، الترجمة و الأدب
2-1 فبرایر 2025 ، الأهواز
تم استلام البحوث من بلدان مختلفة (و ذلک من الجزائر، العراق، سلطنة عمان، تونس، روسيا، كندا، قطر، اليابان، الولايات المتحدة، فرنسا، إسبانيا). و قد تم تحكيم هذه البحوث عبر اللجنة الأخصائية الدولية للمؤتمر و من ثَمّ طبعها و نشرها. كان تقديم البحوث في المؤتمر بإحدی اللغات التالیة: العربیة، الإنجلیزیة و الفارسیة.
لا تتردد فی مراسلتنا للاجابة عن ای استفسارات.
اللجنة المنظمة للمؤتمر،
الأهواز / الصندوق البريدی 61335-4619:
الهاتف :32931199-61 (98+)
النقال و رقم للتواصل علی الواتس اب : 9165088772(98+)
البريد اﻹﻟﮑﺘﺮوﻧﻲ: info@tlll.ir
تنظيم المشاعر والانفعالات .pdfااااااااااtasafinaest
درس عسر الماء
1. عسر الماء
الصف العاشر
باستراتيجية: التعلم الخماسي +
اعداد المعلمة : نعيمة عبد العزيز بني
بنات طمون الثانوية
3. ليلى تطلب المساعدة ..
عندما اصنع الشاي يكون دائما عكرا (ليس صافيا)
اخبرتني امي ان السبب يكمن في استعمالي لماء الحنفية
ترى ما المشكلة في ماء الحنفي ة..
ارجوكم ساعدوني
4. لتتعرفي على السبب هيا ننفذ
النشاط التالي :
الدوات :
كاؤوس عدد 2 , صابون , ماء حنفية , ماء مقطر , ملعقة للتحريك
خطوات العمل :
1 - املئي الكاسين بالماء الى المنتصف بالماء احدهما بماء
الحنفية والثاني بماء مقطر
-2 اضيفي لكل منهما قليل من الصابون ثم حركي بالملعقة
ماذا تلحظي ؟
كيف تفسري ذلك ؟
ما علقة ذلك بمشكلة ليلى ؟
اقترحي حل ؟
هل تتوقعي اثر لهذه الظاهرة على حياتنا اليومية ؟ كيف ؟
6. التفسير ..
(Ca+ وجود الملح المعدنية وخاصة أيوني الكالسيوم ( 2
( Mg+ والماغنسيوم ( 2
وعندها يصبح الماء ..
ماءً عسرا
تتفاعل هذه الملح مع الصوديوم في الصابون مكونة صابونا
معدنيا ل يذوب في الماء.
وهذا هو سبب عدم تكون الرغوة المطلوبة في المياه العسرة.
9. عسر الماء:
هو يصف حالة الماء الذي ترتفع فيه نسبة المللح المعدنية
( Mg+ والماغنسيوم ( 2 (Ca+ وخاصة وجود أيوني الكالسيوم ( 2
10. لكن ...
الصل في ملاء المطر انه نقي وخالي ملن المللح ..فمن
اين تأتيه هذه المللح ؟؟
وتأتي هذه المللح نتيجة سريان الماء في الصخور والتربة
وإذابة هذه المللح والسريان بها
حيث تتفاعل ايونات الكالسيوم ملع غاز ثاني اكسيد الكربون المذاب
بالماء ملكونةً :
غير ذائبة ) ) CaCO كربونات الكالسيوم 3
ذائبة ) ) Ca(HCO3 ) وكربونات الكالسيوم الهيدرجينية 2
وكلما زادت نسبة أمللح الكالسيوم والماغنسيوم في الماء زاد عسر
11. ويقسم الماء ملن ناحية عسره إلى نوعين:
-1 العسر المؤقت
2 - العسر الدائم
12. ويقسم الماء ملن ناحية عسره إلى نوعين:
- العسر المؤقت: ويرجع إلى احتواء الماء على :
Ca(HCO3) - كربونات الكالسيوم الهيدرجينية 2
Mg(HCO3 ) - وكربونات المغنسيوم الهيدرجينية 2
13. - ويمكن إزالة هذا العسر المؤقت
- بغلي الماء أو تسخينه
- فينطلق غاز ثاني أكسيد الكربون
- وتترسب كربونات الكالسيوم مكونة
طبيقة بيضاء على سطح غلية الماء...
CaHCO3 ----> CaCO3 + CO2 +H2O
14. :العسر الدائم
CaSO ينتج بسبب وجود كبريتات الكالسيوم 4
في الماء MaSO أو كبريتات المغنيسيوم 4
و هذا العسر ل يمكن إزالته بالتسخين .
لماذا سمي عُسرا دائما ؟؟؟
وسمي عسرا دائما لن أملح هذه اليونات ل تترسب بعملية
التسخين البسيطة، وإنما تحتاج إلى معالجات كميائية.
15. كيف نزيل العسر الدائم ؟
و يمكن ازالة العسر الدائم باستبدال (الكالسيوم والماغنسيوم)
( بالصوديوم )مما يؤدي إلى إزالة أو تقليل عسر الماء. ...
وذلك باضافة كربونات الصوديوم :
CaSO 4 + Na2CO3 → ↓CaCO3 + Na2SO4
MgSO 4 + Na2CO3 → ↓MgCO3 + Na2SO4
16. والماء العسر ليس ضارا بالصحة ولكنه
مزعج في استخدامه ومن هذه المثل
يؤثر على كمية الكالسيوم والماغنسيوم في الطعام. :
تكون بقع على الطباق والكواب بعد جفافها : وذلك لترسيب ما به
من أملح على مختلف الدوات
يؤثر على الشعر وعلى طبيعته وحيويته.
ترسيب الملح الموجودة في الماء العسر داخل أنابيب المياه يؤدي -
إلى عدم انسياب المياه بالكمية المطلوبة : وبالتالي يصعب
استخدامها في الحياة العادية والعملية.
الستحمام بالمياه العسرة يؤدي إلى وجود طبقة من الصابون -
اللزج على الجلد:
مما يساعد على ترسيب الوساخ والغبار والبكتيريا الضارة على الجلد
ومن الصعب إزالتها، وتؤدي هذه الطبقة إلى فقد حيوية الجلد
ولمعانه وتؤدي إلى تهيج الجلد والتهابه.
17. والماء العسر ليس ضارا بالصحة ولكنه
مزعج في استخدامه ومن هذه المثل
ل يساعد في تكوين رغوة مع الصابون أو المنظفات :
مما يؤدي إلى زيادة استخدامها في عملية التنظيف
واستخدامه في الغسيل يؤدي إلى عدم نظافة الغسيل وخاصة
البيض منه وتحوله إلى اللون الرمادي مع فقد بياضه ونظافته :
لعدم إزالة الوساخ جيدا كما يؤدي إلى اتلف الملبس وعدم تحملها
عمليات الغسيل فيما بعد وبالتالي فهي غير صالحة في عمليات
الغسيل أو النظافة العامة أو الستحمام كما انها تؤثر على نوعية
وسلمة الملبس.
18. اثراء ..
عسر الماء يسبب مشاكل
اقتصادية هامة حيث يقلل من
كفاءة سخانات الماء و
أنظمة التسخين..
باستخدام في شبكة
النترنت او مراجع علمية
من المكتبة .. ابحثي في
هذه المشكلة
19. التقويم ...
ما المقصود بظاهرة عسر الماء؟
أحد الكأسين التاليين يحتوي ماءً عسرا، والخرر ماء مقطر،
اقترحي طريقة للتميز بينهما ؟
20. ميزي بين عسر الماء المؤقت وعسر الماء الدائم من حيث :
-1 أسبابه.
-2 طريقة التخلص منه.